Report: Possible Plans For Two Stars


On the main page and others, there are reports stating that WWE intends to turn Sheamus heel in the near future. WWE has a European tour coming up and the report says that plans involve turning Sheamus during the tour or right after it. Allegedly, WWE has waited to turn Sheamus as they didn't want him as a heel before the upcoming tour due to concern he'd lose momentum by getting cheered early in his heel run.

The same report also mentions that WWE officials are considering forming a tag team made up of Tyson Kidd and Evan Bourne. No details on when or if it'll happen, just that it's being talked about. This isn't the first report I've read where Kidd & Bourne forming a team was mentioned, I think I read a report saying something similar about this time last year, but nothing ever came of it.

As for a Sheamus heel turn, I'm all for it. Personally, I think he's better as a heel and between Cena, Bryan & The Shield, WWE's pretty well set for top babyfaces. As for Kidd & Bourne, it could work. WWE doesn't really have a team of smaller, high flying guys; the closest they've got are Los Matadores and they're not exactly taken seriously.
That's good news, I love Sheamus as a Face and Heel but he's been due for a change and it sounds like they have the right idea of when to do it. I'd love to see him feud with Bryan for the title, seeing them come full circle with the roles reversed would be great.

As for Kidd and Bourne teaming up that actually excites me, they seem like they'd be a very exciting fast moving team. I'm not a fan of Los Matadores and I don't think they'll last, they're a joke and not too many people get into em. This is a team however I could see people getting pumped for, I'm picturing them against the Usos and it'd be a hell of a match. Hell I'm just happy they're come up with something for the two of them, they've been wasting away for months.
Sheamus has always looked better as a heel. I get a more intense vibe off him being heel rather than being a face. If he turns heel then It would make sense seeing him in the WWE World Title Picture feuding with Daniel Bryan. Considering the way he defeated Daniel Bryan in WM28 in like 15 seconds. That was the shortest WM match in WM history. More importantly, it was a World Title Match. That's a very huge upset to be honest. I can see this possibly happening while Batista is away promoting his Hollywood movie. Can't say much about Tyson Kidd & Evan Bourne as a Tag Team. I don't think it's a bad idea at all. Let's just see what happens.
I'd love to see him feud with Bryan for the title, seeing them come full circle with the roles reversed would be great

I guess you forgot their original feud in early 2011, eh? Anyway, I wouldn't mind Sheamus turning heel again. As for Bourne/Kidd, what would their tag team name be? Air Canada? As much as I wouldn't mind seeing them actually doing something, I'm not getting my hopes up and it's probably going to be just another team WWE isn't going to really know what to do with.
It is about time they pull the trigger and turn Sheamus back into a heel. I was a big fan of his original heel run but he was very green at the time so it will be nice to see what he can do as a seasoned veteran. There seems to be a split opinion around the IWC when it comes to supporting Sheamus but the guy can absolutely go for a big man.
I guess they've totally given up on Justin Gabriel, which is sad since I've always liked him better than Bourne. Even sadder considering that he's been injury and drug free during his entire WWE career, unlike somebody......

I would preferred if they just brought back the International Airstrike team, seems pretty dumb to make a new version of something that already worked. Just seems smarter to pair up 2 guys that are already used to working with each other than bringing a new guy where they have to learn to work together from scratch. But I guess if this gets Kidd finally back on TV beggars can't be choosers.

As for Sheamus it's been a long time coming, looking forward to his future title match against DB.
It would be nice to see something significant happen with Sheamus for once. All of HHH's prospects are eating a shit sandwich right now.

Sheamus has been playing a doughy dork-ass ever since he turned face, and correct me if I'm wrong but he hasn't accomplished anything of even mild significance since they made him a face. Sure, they probably want to save him for a better time. The clock is ticking and every wasted minute means another spot goes away; we already have the Rotunda kids, Barrett, Adam Rose and some Bulgarian guy getting called up for big programs.

It's hard to imagine where Sheamus is going to fit into the mix if he doesn't wander into a reign or two as WWE World Heavyweight Champion through a feud with Bryan. With Big Show pretty much gone, I can't think of anyone else who'd be willing to make any kind of Sheamus program worth anything for Sheamus except Daniel Bryan.

Evan Bourne and Tyson Kidd in a tag-team? Gnarly. Their characters' don't really go very much farther than their Jimmy Carter smiles and possibly a few bit parts on Total Divas. I hope they're willing to risk some career ending bumps.
If true turning Sheamus heel is best for business. About freakin time for this,if it happens. Sheamus if you read his latest interview basically said,when he was champion he didnt care if people liked him or not.. He wasnt there to make friends,he was there to make money. That is not something a babyface would say,that is heelish tactics.

I would absolutely love Sheamus as a heel,he is way better as a heel than a face. With Cena,Brya,the Shiled the WWE is set for faces. Sheamus is a brute,an irish brute who destroys everything in his path. I have never enjoyed this irish Oh Shucks,golly ol irish fellow.

As far as Tyson Kidd and Evan Bourne goes,i would give it a chance.. Why not? Its a shame that Tyson Kidd isnt already on the roster. I know he is recovering from a destroyed patella tendon,but i think he is healthy enough he is not? The wwe doesn't have a high flying tag team division,this would be a nice change of pace.. As far as Evan goes,you figure this is his last chance. No doubt about that one with two wellness violations he is one minor slip away from being fired. He is damn lucky he is still with the WWE,i get him being injured is not his fault but with Wellness Violations and being injury prone,the WWE is gambling big time on this guy.

The sheamus supposed heel turn will work out,the duo of Kidd and Bourne i have my doubts. Not on Tyson Kidd,but on Bourne i am just not convinced that he can stay out of trouble or not get injured
I like a heel Sheamus. I think his best work is as a heel and he could feud with the big names again if he did that. However, before he turned I'd hope that he'd be the guy to get Rusev over. For example have Rusev beat Sheamus on PPV, have him fed up and become a "bully" according to John Morrison again.

The tag team division needs more teams and depth. Get two guys who can work on TV and allow them to work in a way either to get others over, or make them something. I'd like to see it happen.
Tyson & Evan would be great. i'm more thinking dolph ziggler & tyson kidd would be a better fit. cause evan bourne needs a epic feud with badnews barrett could you imagine a shooting star into a bull hammer that would be Insane!

No Matter who tyson is put with i hope natayla is his manager.

As Far as Sheamus turning heel it has to be done to keep sheamus a top star just like randy orton turning heel last year was a must happen.

And Cody Rhodes turning heel again is a must happen just to keep him mid card, but i think he will get another top spot once again if he can gain momentum from his feud with goldust.
Great news for Sheamus! I always believed his persona way better as a heel. As far as the tag team goes, I love TK, but Bourne does nothing for me. The way WWE builds tag teams today, it would end up leading to a stupid Bourne/Kidd feud.
I'm a bit iffy on the Sheamus heel turn. to me he's better as a Jovial guy that likes to fight no matter if his opponent is heel or face. The Tyson Kidd/Evan Bourne team sounds exciting, but there were reports that Miz and Ziggler were gonna be a tag team too, then a stable with zack Ryder being added and them being frustrated for not being used on TV. so I won't get my hopes up.
Sheamus is not right as a heel, but he's not right in his current role either.

He's like WWE's version of the Marvel character Hercules for me, jovial but loves to fight and is a true warrior... and can have a nasty side. He clowns a little bit too much at the moment but it's better than being another generic monster heel, which his heel character basically is.

Now, if he say replaces Batista in Evolution, which is a possibility if Dave is headed off soon, then that works... Suited and Booted alongside Hunter and Orton is not your "typical" monster heel... Problem is I can only see them doing this heel turn so he can be "fed to" Reigns, which is a mistake.

Bourne I am sure has had to change his entire style, it's the only reason they would keep him off-screen for so long. His injury was pretty much the same as Brian Pillman's so I can't imagine him high flying anymore, even with the 15 years advancement in medical science and 2 years off... If he's had to relearn as a more technical wrestler, then putting him with Kidd is a great move and logical. Tyson can carry the more high flying aspects and give Bourne on the fly "coaching" once he is working the new style in the ring. At this stage, it seems to me that if Bourne is back at all, he's radically different - they haven't sat on him for a calendar year nearly if he could do what he used to, it wouldn't make sense.
Great news as I always preferred Sheamus as a heel. He was more serious and had some badass matches as a heel. As a babyface he has been kind of bland and made to look quite weak. He has almost become irrelevant and forgettable so turning him heel and re-establishing his dominance as a top heel would be a welcome change on WWE TV.

As for Evan Bourne and Tyson Kidd becoming a tag team, I like to see what they could do as a team. Honestly though, WWE has kind of been taking the easy way out with Tyson Kidd. He's a great in-ring worker who should be having a decent singles run at least with a mid-card belt until he can build a better character. With literally no contenders for the IC or US titles, why not push Kidd for either one? WWE are missing their opportunity because I think a heel, cocky Tyson Kidd for reinvigorate and refresh the stale mid-card divisions.
Both if these plans are good. Bourne and Tyson would make a great high flying team to get the fans excited whether it be at the start of a show or to help revive a tired/bored crowd later on in the night. The tag team division needs more people and they both need something to do so, why not? As for Sheamus turning heel, this is fine too. It is what would be needed in order for him to get a title shot against Daniel Bryan. They have some history, a certain infamous "match" at Wrestlemania 28 comes to mind. He would be a good challenger for Bryan this summer and he wouldn't be able to get a title shot anytime soon if he remained a face. I hope both of these plans will remain in place.

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