Report - *POSSIBLE* Plans For The Men's Singles Championships


In the WrestleMania section, there's a thread discussing the latest rumors surrounding the main event. The rumor is that there's strong indication that Brock Lesnar will be, has signed or will sign a new deal with WWE. Regarding this, there are also rumors of Triple H pushing for Lesnar to retain at WrestleMania against Roman Reigns due to Reigns not receiving the sort of fan interest & reaction officials were hoping for. Rumors abound during WrestleMania season and this one MIGHT have a bit more weight to it as these rumors were broken earlier today by Reddit user MetsFan4Ever, who happens to be a former backstage worker in WWE with sources still working for the company and he's broken several stories that turned out to be accurate in the past.

IF this is legit, IF Lesnar re-signs with WWE and IF[/B Lesnar retains, the plan is to keep his appearances as champion along the same lines as we've seen. Simultaneously, the report indicates that the plans for the Intercontinental and United States Championships is to elevate the standing of both by putting them on Daniel Bryan and John Cena respectively and use them as the headliners for house shows.

As far as Lesnar is concerned, it's anybody's guess at this point how much validity there is to this. If he does intend to re-sign, is about to or already has, then it's being kept very, very quiet and is probably only known to a very small handful of top people within the company. It's also possible that this might be a strategically leaked rumor in the hopes of a hostile crowd not crapping all over the match at WrestleMania.

As far as the IC & US titles go, such a plan is certainly foreseeable. A year ago, suggesting that John Cena challenge for a mid-card championship seemed like something that, while interesting, was pretty laughable yet here we are 11 days from WrestleMania and that's exactly what's happening. If Rusev retains, then his stock only goes up and he's successfully defended the title twice against the man that's been the genuine king of the mountain in WWE for a decade. If Cena wins, then it's as close to a guarantee as it gets that he'll be booked as a very strong and relevant champion. Either way, it's win-win for the United States Championship.

As far as Daniel Bryan winning the Intercontinental Championship, he's got the best chance of anyone involved in the ladder match to be booked as a strong champion. Ambrose has a shot of being booked as a good champion as well, but Bryan has the best chance at this point as he's still the most over babyface on the roster. As he's been in WWE for longer than Ambrose and as a singles competitor, he has a much stronger history of delivering whenever an opportunity is presented to him. Aside from those two, anyone else winning just seems like a waste: Truth is irrelevant, Ziggler's gone as far and done as much as he can with his 4 runs, Stardust doesn't have any real momentum right now and BNB's arguably gotten less out of being Intercontinental Champion than anyone else of the past 20 years.
This does make sense, and it might be the best course of action as the WWE have messed up Roman Reigns from the time he returned from injury and making things too obvious with him despite his limitations.

I'd say keeping Brock as Champion and playing up Roman's Promo assertion during the 'snowed-out RAW' that "If I lose, I'll take a piece of you with me." would be a good out and allow Reigns to go back to the drawing board as a Babyface and get built back up in a more logical storyline manner.

Brock Lesnar, John Cena and Daniel Bryan as the Singles Champions in WWE? I'll take it! :thumbsup:
This is going to be epic ... Honestly I'm just thinking of all the Matches and storylines that could come out of this IF this does play out the way he says it will ... Just think about it , Neville should be debuting on the Main roster soon ... I can see him instantly making a impact in the IC title scene .. Bryan Vs Neville Vs Ziggler anybody ? If your a fan of nxt you'll know Neville delivers in multi-man matches .. Also , if this happens , I see Cena and Bryan being dominant as champions , retaining till summer slam , where I could see them trying to unify the titles .. Or maybe even a tournament of sorts , Just throwing around some scenarios here
I love the idea. Regular defenses for the IC and US titles, and let Brock shred through a someone every few months.

Also, a year ago, Cena was embroiled in a midcard feud with a guy that's FAR below the talent of the US or IC champion. So, it wasn't that far out.
Sounds great to me but there is one problem in my opinion. Where does Rollins go? Does he cash in and lose the match? Does he hold on to the MITB briefcase until just before the contract is no longer in place? Does the Authority (assuming they still exist) make the contract relevant eve AFTER the time to cash in has passed?
As long as Brock is around and healthy he is the guy who should wear the strap. He puts all other BMF's in their place and reigns supreme. I believe in his credibility and he has put on decent matches every appearance for the last year, and when he is absent he has the best talker since Heenan to advocate for him. I do take some issue with the title not being at 75% of Monday Night Raws, but I have to say, Brock should be champ.

Roman will not get over even with a huge triumphant victory at WM. The fans will feel like he's being forced on them and will refuse to cheer for him, I think.

As far as the IC title is concerned, the only thing I think is that BNB is gonna lose the title. It seems he is being buried too. That is unfortunate because I am a fan, he's a good mic man, a good worker, and is entertaining during his matches.
Yep, I'm with everyone else in this thread in backing this idea. However, I don't like the idea of the WWE Championship being treated as the third tier Championship in the WWE. The United States Championship and the Intercontinental Championship are going to get a lot more air time and it's very likely that you run the risk of no one giving a shit about the alleged top Championship in the company. Don't get me wrong, it's been okay having the matches few and far between but I don't know if I can stomach it again for another year or so. I don't mind Lesnar holding the Championship but he has to be more available than what he has been.

And talking about Lesnar, he has to sign a full time contract. I just don't see the point of Lesnar holding the Championship, holding it for months at a time without a defence, and then destroying every challenger that manages to step up. If they are going to make the mid card Championships a lot more relevant, then how do you find the time to showcase the WWE Championship? I don't think it's going to be without its headaches but I'm willing to give it a go if it means seeing the two best superstars in the WWE as mid card champs.
....the report indicates that the plans for the Intercontinental and United States Championships is to elevate the standing of both by putting them on Daniel Bryan and John Cena respectively and use them as the headliners for house shows.

Well, whether or not one cares for the wisdom of doing this, it seems certain that if the company wants to elevate the prestige of the mid-card belts, putting the belt around the waist of a major star is the way to do it.

....there are also rumors of Triple H pushing for Lesnar to retain at WrestleMania.

Of course, this would pretty much ensure that the only way the title will change hands in the foreseeable future is by MITB cash-in. If Cena and Bryan are busy with other things and WWE has already decided it isn't Reigns time yet, I suppose Brock's first post-WM challenge will be the winner of the Rollins-Orton feud.

Maybe Randy can beat Brock. Otherwise, Seth ought to cash in his briefcase before his year is up.

As you say, all this is only if that guy's information pans out.
In the WrestleMania section, there's a thread discussing the latest rumors surrounding the main event. The rumor is that there's strong indication that Brock Lesnar will be, has signed or will sign a new deal with WWE. Regarding this, there are also rumors of Triple H pushing for Lesnar to retain at WrestleMania against Roman Reigns due to Reigns not receiving the sort of fan interest & reaction officials were hoping for. Rumors abound during WrestleMania season and this one MIGHT have a bit more weight to it as these rumors were broken earlier today by Reddit user MetsFan4Ever, who happens to be a former backstage worker in WWE with sources still working for the company and he's broken several stories that turned out to be accurate in the past.

IF this is legit, IF Lesnar re-signs with WWE and IF[/B Lesnar retains, the plan is to keep his appearances as champion along the same lines as we've seen. Simultaneously, the report indicates that the plans for the Intercontinental and United States Championships is to elevate the standing of both by putting them on Daniel Bryan and John Cena respectively and use them as the headliners for house shows.

As far as Lesnar is concerned, it's anybody's guess at this point how much validity there is to this. If he does intend to re-sign, is about to or already has, then it's being kept very, very quiet and is probably only known to a very small handful of top people within the company. It's also possible that this might be a strategically leaked rumor in the hopes of a hostile crowd not crapping all over the match at WrestleMania.

As far as the IC & US titles go, such a plan is certainly foreseeable. A year ago, suggesting that John Cena challenge for a mid-card championship seemed like something that, while interesting, was pretty laughable yet here we are 11 days from WrestleMania and that's exactly what's happening. If Rusev retains, then his stock only goes up and he's successfully defended the title twice against the man that's been the genuine king of the mountain in WWE for a decade. If Cena wins, then it's as close to a guarantee as it gets that he'll be booked as a very strong and relevant champion. Either way, it's win-win for the United States Championship.

As far as Daniel Bryan winning the Intercontinental Championship, he's got the best chance of anyone involved in the ladder match to be booked as a strong champion. Ambrose has a shot of being booked as a good champion as well, but Bryan has the best chance at this point as he's still the most over babyface on the roster. As he's been in WWE for longer than Ambrose and as a singles competitor, he has a much stronger history of delivering whenever an opportunity is presented to him. Aside from those two, anyone else winning just seems like a waste: Truth is irrelevant, Ziggler's gone as far and done as much as he can with his 4 runs, Stardust doesn't have any real momentum right now and BNB's arguably gotten less out of being Intercontinental Champion than anyone else of the past 20 years.

I like the idea. They should have did this last fall. They could have had Ziggler as IC Champion, main event PPVs, him, Rollins, Ambrose and Bray could have been fighting over the IC title. Meanwhile for the US, they could have had Cena feuding with Rusev through the Fall while Ziggler takes the Cena's role in Team Cena instead.
Well I don't like the idea one bit. I agree that elevating the IC and US titles should be a priority, but having Lesnar show up like he's done for the last 7 months, which is hardly ever, then a huge no fucking way. I'm so over this new way of dealing with the WWE title it's not funny. The 7 months he's held it have been almost a total waste of time in my opinion.

Lesnar has to lose the strap. At this point I don't care who he loses it too, Reigns, Rollins or the guy who cleans the toilets at Levi Stadium, but he has to lose it.

What this report is suggesting is that everyone is taking a step down the ladder. Cena and Bryan essentially become upper mid card, and everyone else is a step below them. The WWE has taken their main eventers and demoted them.

And what becomes of Seth Rollins and that damm MITB case he's been carrying around, does he never have the chance to cash in because Lesnar is sitting at home in Montana. Might has well throw that PPV out the window, right behind the Elimination Chamber. Don't need that one anymore.

And big freaking deal someone beats Cena for the US title, then what, with Lesnar holding the other one hostage, that's it. That's now the highest you can go, because no one can beat King Lesnar. I feel sorry for guys like Ambrose and Ziggler and the rest if things stay the same. Vince has basically said, there is only one man who is capable of holding the WWE title and it isn't all of you. Oh he can just stuff it.

EDIT: Sorry went off on a bit of a rant there.
Fuck Brock Lesnar. this "experiment" isn't going well and only creating more problems.

If it's my broke don't fix it. WWE trying to reinvent the wheel taking the title off TV.
It is amazing how much talk this main event has been getting. And this my friends is exactly what the WWE wants. The storyline now is whether or not Lesnar resigns with the WWE. This makes the main event more intriguing.

My take on it is Lesnar will probably resign with the WWE. If he does my gut tells me he beats Roman Reigns, but Reigns gives him the fight of his life and earns the respect of the fans in the process. If Lesnar does not resign I still think he retains the title by beating Reigns and again Reigns gives him the fight of his life. However, I think Orton cashes in with the MITB briefcase and wins the title. I say Orton because I believe there should be a stipulation to the Orton - Rollins match at WrestleMania where Rollins' MITB briefcase is on the line. I think adding that stipulation would add more intrigue to the match. I think Orton should win and then cash it in on Lesnar after the match with Reigns is over.

Then Heyman can come out and play up the fact that the only way to beat Brock Lesnar was for him to be taken to his limit by Reigns and then an opportunistic and fresh Randy Orton cashing in. Or something to this effect.
I like this idea. I don't mind how Lesnar has been used or that he's a champ that doesn't defend as often. It's like that in other sports and was like that in the old days.

I just wished they had done this with the IC and US titles before.

They didn't "ruin" Roman Reigns, whoever said that. Reigns just didn't get over. He's not very good. Bryan vs Brock was the most obvious, best story they could have told and they messed up. Bryan vs Brock at Mania 32 please.
Well I don't like the idea one bit. I agree that elevating the IC and US titles should be a priority, but having Lesnar show up like he's done for the last 7 months, which is hardly ever, then a huge no fucking way. I'm so over this new way of dealing with the WWE title it's not funny. The 7 months he's held it have been almost a total waste of time in my opinion.

Lesnar has to lose the strap. At this point I don't care who he loses it too, Reigns, Rollins or the guy who cleans the toilets at Levi Stadium, but he has to lose it.

What this report is suggesting is that everyone is taking a step down the ladder. Cena and Bryan essentially become upper mid card, and everyone else is a step below them. The WWE has taken their main eventers and demoted them.

And what becomes of Seth Rollins and that damm MITB case he's been carrying around, does he never have the chance to cash in because Lesnar is sitting at home in Montana. Might has well throw that PPV out the window, right behind the Elimination Chamber. Don't need that one anymore.

And big freaking deal someone beats Cena for the US title, then what, with Lesnar holding the other one hostage, that's it. That's now the highest you can go, because no one can beat King Lesnar. I feel sorry for guys like Ambrose and Ziggler and the rest if things stay the same. Vince has basically said, there is only one man who is capable of holding the WWE title and it isn't all of you. Oh he can just stuff it.

EDIT: Sorry went off on a bit of a rant there.

I am a huge Lesnar mark and think him being this unbeatable beast is great, but the every few months is bullshit. Find a way to make someone say it's really easy to keep taking a beating and retain when you get to heal for 3-4 months, it's been touched upon that "and I show up everyday!" but damn, being able to do whatever you want and get your workout in whenever from comfort of home while raking in millions lets you heal a lot more than your body in those months.

I dunno what point of this was or who'd do it, it's just frustrating.

Frankly I don't see Cena/Dbry getting the respective titles as "elevating them" I see it as "well shit, we can't beat THAT guy so lets go stomp some mid carders that'll stop us from feeling sawft" Big fish little pond. Now if Orton and uh...fuck do they even have any main event upper card guys besides cena/dbry/orton anymore? Anyways, if other main event calibur guys are making these "mid card" guys look like champs and trading wins/going for belt yeah it'll elevate it.

I'll stop here, it's too damn late, been a long day of work and I need to collect my thoughts before I ramble more.
It is amazing how much talk this main event has been getting. And this my friends is exactly what the WWE wants. The storyline now is whether or not Lesnar resigns with the WWE. This makes the main event more intriguing.

I'm sorry for the double post but...

No... Just NO.

The fact that "rumors abound" about Lesnars contract are more entertaining than the story they PAY people to create about the wrestlemania is not a good thing. "any publicity is good publicity". Nope, I've stopped watching Raw, so has my friend and we don't even DVR it anymore. We text while watching NXT weekly and the PPV shows (out of state) but it's only because NXT is worth the 9.99, the PPV watching isn't even about us watching wrestling it's just time we get to shoot the shit together anymore (guess we're like Cole/JBL/King in that regard, we don't care about the show either!).
I liked this idea for elevating the midcard belts. But, this idea will succeed if Cena winning the US strap and Bryan winning the IC strap is not eventual. They need to hang there in the midcard scene with midcard guys. Another great thing coming from this idea is that the WWE World Heavyweight Championship will surely look like a pure gold. The WWEWHC belt will get that relevancy yet again which it had in the Old School Era. I don't find any problem with main eventers in the midcard scene. As everyone stated, the belts should look like gold again which they used to look two decades ago. The midcard guys, as of current roster, don't have much popularity and they need some big guys to get themselves in the spotlight. Back in that era, the midcard guys had big fan following which made the Belts look worthy. The involvement of main eventers in the midcard scene for 6 months or so will bring fans for the midcard guys. Current crop of midcarders include the guys who enjoy less exposure and have less fan following. I'm all with this idea for the midcard belts scene. But yes, Brock Lesnar also needs to lose the belt if he is going to work the schedule he is working right now. Brock's championship reign is on one hand, is awesome and on the other hand, mediocre. The belt has not been a hot potato since Lesnar won it and bad because Lesnar hasn't defended it oftenly. With all the appearances, he makes just for standing he should abandon them and transition them into brawls. Even if the midcard belts are going to be put on Cena and Bryan, Lesnar should lose the belt ASAP!
If Lesnar would show up to Raw/Smackdown and compete and not just bounce around like a muscled headed Lineman, I wouldn't mind him retaining the title. My problem with Lesnar is he's carrying himself as if he were in the UFC and not the WWE. Now I'm not saying defend the WWEWHC every week, but at least show up to compete. He's very disrespectful to the business itself and the people that work extremely hard only to get nowhere.

Now is Reigns a better option? I don't know for sure, but if he's not, then just have Rollins cash in the MITB on him once Lesnar destroys Reigns. Rollins is a typical heel and he actually has developed himself into a big time main event player. Oh and on top of that, he shows up every week for both shows.
This "report" was probably leaked by WWE themselves. There is absolutely no way VKM changes course on this. Ready or not, the trigger is going to be pulled on Reigns at Wrestlemania. There is no way WWE is going to have Lesnar go over someone they have been trying so hard to build.

This report could come to fruition, but it won't. WWE is trying to create buzz for an outcome of a main event that is absurdly obvious. WWE has too many moving parts, and will not continue to have a part-time champ after Mania.

Reigns may not be ready, but Rollins is red hot. If Reigns flops the WWE has an easy out with Seth Rollins.

Bye-bye Brock come April 1. Don't let your hopes override common sense here, folks.
Brock can not walk out of WM the champ. At first Lesnar winning and defending the belt every so often was good but it has run its course. The belt needs to be on somebody who will be on Raw every week. Either Reigns or Rollins needs to walk out of WM the champ.

If they are not 100% sold on Reigns have Rollins cash in and Heyman turn on Lesnar and side with Rollins.
At this point, even if it's every other week that he competes in a match on Raw or SD, that would be better than his current schedule if he retains. But if he doesn't, then where do you go from there? Do you make Roman play on the fact that the crowd doesn't like him? Or do you put him aside to the broken wrestler pile until you come up with a solution? Or, if Brock can compete on an increased schedule- like the bi-weekly competitor I suggested- then do you get him on a schedule he can maintain and stay (reasonably) healthy and stay ever present, or do you just go as you've been going the past 7 months? All of this apparently hinges on whether or not he wants to continue.

I agree with the fact that the Intercontinental and US titles should be elevated, but not at the expense of the top title, and the rest of the midcard. If Rusev retains, then wouldn't that in itself elevate the US Championship? Cena is a 15x World Champion, and he (Rusev) has beaten him once. If you beat the best of the best again, then you've proven that you belong with the best. Alas, I can't say much more because, I haven't been watching (not for a lack of trying, mind you) either show, let alone any sports too much; but this boils down to common sense.

Furthermore, shouldn't there be some light heavyweight (not cruiserweight like before) championship? I'll save my opinions on that for another thread though.

That's just my two cents. But if elevating the mid card titles is a priority, then you need something just below that which will give less utilised and newer talents something within reach to achieve until they take the next step. I know there's NXT, but seriously, for the main roster a championship that holds slightly more weight than the NXT belt, but less than the IC/US belts would make sense if you elevate them, in my opinion.
I'm all for elevating the Intercontinental and US Championships so if WWE went that route then Daniel Bryan and John Cena holding those two belts would be very good for the prestige of said titles, but there is still one MASSIVE problem with this title tier plan. Where's the World Championship? You know, that thing Brock Lesnar has been holding hostage ever since Summerslam. I hope that we either get a Rollins cash-in at Wrestlemania or for Reigns to win. We need a full-time World Heavyweight Champion who defends the belt monthly at every PPV event or else this plan would not work. The missing piece of the puzzle here is by far the most important one. The World Heavyweight Championship, at the end of the day, is what everything should still center around. The guy holding the belt IS supposed to be the #1 guy in the federation within the storyline, after all.

It would not work for the same reason that I have been upset with Lesnar's reign this whole time. The whole point of being a wrestler is (kayfabe) to become a World Champion. If you cannot compete at the top level then you should not BE at the top. He has to defend at least once per month. A PPV card without a World Championship match is incomplete. The wrestlers are wasting their time and have lost their (kayfabe) purpose for even being there during the months that there is not a World Championship title defense. Keep in mind I have little to no issue with Lesnar being booked as a heel monster who is nearly unbeatable. Outside of him ending Undertaker's Streak and that disgrace of a "match" with Cena at Summerslam, I've enjoyed seeing Lesnar's dominance at the top of the card. WHEN HE SHOWS UP. I do have a huge problem with his lack of monthly defenses. So, I would take the plan suggested by the opening post but put Seth Rollins as the World Champion having just cash'ed in on Reigns at Wrestlemania, with them feuding and having monthly PPV matches for the top prize while Cena and Bryan make the midcard belts matter again. Best case scenario for the title structure as a whole.

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