Report: Possible Nexus Return?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I didn't see a thread created yet, but I found this report interesting...

On the WZ main page THIS article could be found by a pretty valid source.

I found this very, very interesting. I remember hearing the Nexus chants, and acctually enjoying the idea of a Nexus return.

How would you prefer to see it, and should it be a slow obvious build to them rejoining, or would you want to see a sudden, shocking return?

Personally, since this report came out, I would likely not be suprised by any kind of return. I'd PREFER to be shocked by them recombing forces. I'd also like to see Wade Barrett, even though he is a heel, be less controlling of the faction and more of a leader than a controlling bully. This would not only put him over, but also put the other guys over as well.

I would also want to see guys like Slater and Gabriel be stronger and beat more legit opponents instead of getting squashed in order to create some legitimacy to the group.

The one thing WWE would probably want to avoid is have Ryback join them, because he is fine on his own for now. Maybe Mason Ryan joining as the "muscle" could work... but then again, Ryback was the original.

Maybe Otunga could have a more prominent role as the second-in-comand guy too, advising Barrett of the legal ramifications and what-not.

Round 2 could be more interesting overall, because the memebers all have more defined characters than before where they were just one group. This is all of course IF the WWE chose to rejoin them. I doubt we'll see it, but I personally think it could be fun.
Ok the Main Story on is would Wade Barrett bring back the Nexus?

Even on WZ the found out that WWE is honestly thinking about because of the Nexus chants this past Monday.

So the big question is would you bring them back and if so how.

I would say yes bring them back we need a good stable.

How would I do it is a little harder for me but I would have Barrett have multiple interactions with Daniel Bryan passing slick remarks about how he has fallen, and start watching matches that have former Nexus Members in them.

Have him start talking about having back up and one night have him bring back Michael McGillicutty & Husky Harris (preferably during a match that will give him either a title or a title match)

Have him help The Prime Time Players win the Tag Title in exchange for them rejoining, then have him save Heath Slater and Slater then starts following him again.

After a little have him come down to the ring (during a title rematch) getting Daniel Bryan to not only talk to him but walk out on Kane causing them to lose the match.

Have all of this go down with in 1 week if not one night.
noone mention Heath Slater. Jinda and Drew attacking Brodus and Wade Barrett infering he's going into the APA style business for himself.

that bit on smackdown was stupid, so Brodus is beating Slater then out comes the other 2 yet on the Superstars that same week Drew and Jinda were fighting and Drew was a face in the match and Jinda was trying to cripple his hand.

So who's who? anyway those 3 are irrelevant.

I'd be for Wade doing a APA v2 though, but his mic work is no Bradshaw or Faarooq.

don't see Nexus with the same people having any impact tho it would have to be people we've not seen on RAW or Smackdown that are strong elsewhere to have the same impact. Gabriel & Heath Slater are not ever gonna be legit regardless of what they do and Ryback/Skip Shefield is not gonna do a heel turn anytime soon
Personally I would like to see a Nexus return but with a few different faces. IMO Ryback and Daniel Bryan are to big name wise to be in Nexus there's no way I could see Vince's favorite new toy (Ryback) and one of the most over guys in the biz (Bryan) be regulated to being Wade Barrett goons. Likewise I don't think David Otunga fits into the group either due to him having so much more face time in the past few months he too would feel more powerful than Wade. If it was me I would go with Wade Barrett, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Mason Ryan, Antonio Cessaro, and Kassius Ohno. To me this is a perfect group. You have 1 if not 2 tag teams in the group because u can either go Cessaro/Ohno (who remembers KOW) or any combo of Rollins/Ryan/Ambrose. You have the leader in Barrett, the 2nd in command Rollins (and eventual successor), the loose cannon in Ambrose, and muscle in Ryan. Hell besides Mason Ryan as singles competitors either of these guys could be a top 10 superstar which makes the group more compelling. IMO Nexus failed in the past due to the fact that it was basically billed as Wade (and later CM Punk) and his croonies. We were never led to believe that any of those guys could be viable superstars. Daniel Bryan is the most former croonie but he only spent 1 day as a member. Currently Ryback is in the middle of a huge run but under a totally different character. At least in this version everyone is able to hold their own.
Nexus was entertaining the first time around and though it will be cool to see them "reunited," where would it all lead to? Sure, it will help Barrett and whoever else may be a part of the group get over with the crowd better (not that Barrett really needs it). However, what will be their goal? Nexus the first time around was supposed to have this super goal in mind besides beating up Cena, but really, that pretty much proved to be their goal. So, what will it be this time around? It would make no sense if the goal was the WWE Championship because Punk is obviously heel (unless Punk/Heyman were actually part of the group, which is a discussion better suited for a different thread). That eliminates that. Cena is always the trendy man to be in a story like this, but, injury aside, he is in a program with Punk that I can't see ending soon (especially because of the injury delaying it). I can't see Cena having enough time in his schedule with Rock & Mania season approaching to have a successful, let alone repetitive, angle with Nexus.

This leaves Sheamus. Anything smaller than the WWE champ, Cena, or the WHC would feel like a waste of an angle such as the return of Nexus. What are they going to do? Beat up Brodus? Going after Sheamus is the only way I see Nexus working. Barrett can ultimately get the title with the help of Nexus, whoever that may encompass. This would be uncharted territory for Nexus. How will his group react when Barrett has the "ultimate prize"? It will put over Barrett, and it will put over the inevitable Nexus soul that tries to take it from him. The way I envision this most ideally working is Evolution-esque. Randy got the title and Evolution turned. However, this would be opposite in that Barrett is heel and one face turns while the rest of the group remains heel (for the time being). As for who is in the group and who is the one that turns, I don't know, it isn't worth speculating. However, just a name to be thrown into the Nexus mix somewhere that hasn't been brought up is Damien Sandow. I could see him working well in a main-event faction. Anyway, if New New Nexus does materialize, that is how I would like to see it happen
I would love to see a nexus return, but only if it is done properly.

First of all, they need to have titles. I think they should have the tag titles, get those early on, the ic and united states, and the world heavyweight. I think it should be the world title because of the rock. With him competing for the wwe title at RR, it just wouldnt be believable enough for wade to be the one facing him. Raw has the whole cena punk heyman thing going on right now, so the nexus should return on Smackdown, therefore wade should go for the world title on sheamus.

Second, they need some new faces. I would bring back justin gabriel, and thats it. Mostly because he has the symbolic 450 splash to end all of their beatdowns. I would bring in seth rollins, antonio cesaro, mason ryan(muscle), and dean ambrose. Antonia cesaro because he is already in the us title picture. The champions should be cesaro with the us, seth rollins with the ic, ambrose and gabriel with the tag titles, and wade with the world heavyweight. Mason ryan doesnt need a title, because his role in the group is to be the muscle.

Lastly, they need to actually be powerful. They cant just be taking out people like zack ryder and brodus clay every night. This will get them heat, but it wouldnt be strong enough. I would rather see them take out multiple people at once, like if big show and kane were in the ring together, that would be perfect time for the nexus music to hit. Plus they cant only take out faces, they need to dominate heels and faces alike, even lowcard/tag team heels, such as the PTP, tensai, or i could even see them taking out ADR. If these things are done, then a nexus return would be good.
Why not an all new Nexus led my CM Punk, with Paul Heyman as manager, Wade Barrett as the promising young athlete, & Brock Lesnar as the muscle?!?!?!

It is basically a better Evolution!

Not to mention both CM Punk & Barrett have ALOT of history w/ the Nexus & both led the Nexus at one point!

With the WWE Champion, the Barrett Barrage, a mouth piece like Heyman, & a UFC icon that can make special apperences, just add a former Nexus member maybe for some rookie power if WWE feels its needed (Joe Hennig?) and *BAM*!!! You have got a killer stable that branches over both brands & could make some awesome TV running rough-shot over WWE.
I really don't see it working.

Aside from Berret, the guys most closely associated with Nexus are now jobbers (Gabriel, Slater, Otunga, McGillicutty). Teaming those guys up won't make anyone care about them.

Even if they get all new guys, I don't see it working. The Nexus brand has been too damaged.
Interesting idea but I don't know who to have with Barrett here. If they do it though he has to get the title. That's one thing I disagreed with last time. They had this powerful group and outside of the tagtitles with Slater and Gabriel & Otunga & McGillicutty noone else held any titles.
I think Slater and Gabriel have kind of went on there own and I definitely wouldn't add Daniel Bryan or Ryback. Here's who'd I'd have if it happens.

Wade Barrett ofcourse.
Michael McGillicutty but have him change to Joe Henning
Drew McIntyre
Johnny Curtis
Curt Hawkins
Mason Ryan
then bring up a few guys from Florida:
Seth Rollins
Bo Dallas
Dean Ambrose
and maybe Xavier Woods, or Kasius Ohno

Ofcourse not this many people but a variety of them. This time a few noticeable faces and a few newbies to get there start.

However with Wade I'm still not apposed to Wade, Regal and McIntyre doing something like in WWE12
It'll work out. As long as they don't align this Nexus with CM Punk.. we've seen how Punk led SES and Nexus and it's just uninteresting..

Wade should lead this Nexus. And I would love to see them return by attacking Punk and Cena like the first Nexus' debut.

Nexus was interesting cause they attacked both heels and faces, and I really hope they bring THIS Nexus back.
I think it hasn't been long enough since they disbanded. Let them keep doing their own thing, building their own characters for awhile. Do it when nobody expects it. Then it will mean more. I wouldn't want to see it at this point. I miss the old days when you actually got surprised by storylines instead of hearing it months in advance. Luger showing up on Nitro the night after he was on WWE programming, now that was surprising.
I'm not sure about this especially with running a story about it. Now it won't even come as a suprise if it does happen. However tonight on smackdown saw Slater Mcintyre and Mahal beat up Brodus clay. So i say have them and have Mcculigutty (sp) the ascension join them with wade as the leader.

The big problem is what will they really do there not going to get involved with cena again so what just stay on smackdown. i highly doubt this gets restarted cause how would it even pay off. Cena is to involved with rock and punk to much to get involved heavily with them. So what just fued with Sheamus.

If wwe brings them back they better have a real thought out plan with them and not just fued with cena and be done like last time.

Why? The majority of them are doing fine on their own and bringing back the Nexus would just drag those that are doing well for themselves back down.

Barrett doesn't need a stable, he can get over on his own and it defeats the purpose of his current gimmick if he needs a stable to back him. He's supposed to be a one man rebel, a tough street fighter. Plus it would be stupid for him to lead the group again since I remember him calling The Corre/Nexus his greatest regret a couple of times.

Ryback is getting a Goldberg push. Wouldn't make sense if he's heel and it would also defeat the purpose of his current gimmick.

D-Young & Titus are the future of the tag team division and if D-Young was back in the Nexus, he'd have to drop his over the top, millions of dollar dancing character for a serious character and his millions of dollar character gives him personality & charisma. In the Nexus, he was just straight up boring.

As for Gabriel, Slater & Otunga, well Gabriel might be going somewhere teaming with Tyson Kidd but if he doesn't, I wouldn't be suprised because apart from his in ring skills, he's about as charismatic as a cardboard. Slater & Otunga are lost causes and are just better suited as comedy characters & jobbers, nobody could them take seriously then & even now. But if the WWE want to do something with them, then just pair em up with some other guys to form new tag teams for the tag division.

I'm hoping the "Nexus" chants on RAW was just a one time thing only and other crowds from other cities don't want em back. Nexus needs to stay dead & buried because it will fail harder than last time if they come back. The only good thing about Nexus anyway was how they debuted, apart from that it was just all about Wade Barrett then CM Punk since they were the only talented members of the group, nobody else. It was such a useless group.
Nexus ran its course. The new nexus wasn't good. Why would anybody want to see Nexus part 3?? Also, the corre was awful which had 3 members of nexus. Some fans just like being a smart ass with some of the stuff they chant.. I wouldn't make too much into one "We want Nexus" chant.
Nexus reformation sounds like a horrible idea. Barrett, Daniel Bryan and Ryback are doing fine on their own. Otunga is doing fine as the annoying lawyer. The tag division is starting to heat up (possibly allowing Gabriel and Darren Young more screen time). Slater gets regular appearances on Raw.

The first season of NXT is doing fine on their own. The other members of nexus are either down in NXT reworking themselves or they have disappeared off the face of the earth.

Also the last thing Punk and/or Barrett need is another stable. What we need now is to let the tag division flourish like it is currently doing. Let Barrett make it on his own. Let Ryback continue his Golberg push. Let Daniel Bryan be one of the most over guys, he and Kane could do wonders for the tag division. Say No to Nexus
Would like it, but has to be way different to before. I think that they should have all the titles, just be the dominate force were every they go, like evolution was before. Also, I think that they should have new people, slater just looks like a fool now and just would be better with some new faces.
This is the current problem with WWE. They are very selective in what they choose to listen to their fans on. There have been numerous things they've needed to change for years and then they get one Nexus chant from one crowd[which makes it pretty isolated, event-wise] and all of sudden, they wanna bring it back? I like the idea of stables catching on again, because it makes for better storylines and feuds that actually make sense. I was never that big a Nexus fan until Punk became the leader at the tail-end of that run before[which was mostly because I've always hated Wade Barrett and think he's really overrated]. In all due credit to WWE, they took an obscure group from NXT and turned it into the Nexus. Which was unexpected and kind of unique the first time around. By the time you bring it back, you have to ask where it'll end? Will Nexus be the nWo of the new generation? Because by the 87th million nWo reformation, I was tired of it[as great as it once was]. Nexus was nowhere even close to groups like nWo or DX, so why bring them back? The answer is quite simple: Wade Barrett is nowhere even close to being over enough to most fans to warrant jumping into the main events. Putting him back into the Nexus may solve that problem temporarily, but does nothing to solve Barrett's weaknesses as a singles performer. I'd rather see WWE come up with something original that will shock people, not rehashing long dead groups for lack of a better idea, that's just lazy and certainly is not the answer.
I would want to see a return if they stick to it and see it all the way through this time. I think they could use the undertaker as a means for a comeback. Have UT attack the individuals separately as pay back for the buried alive match which was never addressed. He wouldn't even have to be present each week for the beat down of each member u can just cut scene to the back to see someone down in the back with a cold fog or purple light in the back. As the the weeks go on say that they are going to interview wade Barrett and as they cut to the locker room door u see another nexus member walk out head down hiding his face and walks off. And eventually during the return match of UT each member one by one runs down for the beat down and each performs there finishers all working as a unit without even thinking. Once taker is down they all look around at each other and smile as wade Barrett throws the fist in the air and one by one each member follows suit.
On this weeks Smackdown Slater, McIntyre and Jinder Mahal attacked Brodus Clay. I wondered if this was part of a potential Nexus return, or a new stable of some sort.
I would like to see nexus returns with some new members, maybe even with wade Barrett as world champion as the leader. Ryback, Otunga, some other people and reform it. Barrett being champion would add a new dynamic and this time provided WWE don't mess it up, then they could be very dominant. Build up to a team match at Survivor series vs a team WWE, John Cena, Sheamus, Orton and some other members
On this weeks Smackdown Slater, McIntyre and Jinder Mahal attacked Brodus Clay. I wondered if this was part of a potential Nexus return, or a new stable of some sort.

A new stable, maybe, but why the three of them would have anything to do with a Nexus reunion is beyond me. Slater and Mahal are involved in gimmicks that give them airtime but lead nowhere, while McIntyre has no gimmick at all. Letting the three of them wreak some havoc as a group could give them a "mini-Nexus" type program to run with. (NOTE: It was interesting to watch McIntyre and Mahal fight each other on WWE Superstars on Thursday ((with Drew actually winning a damn match)) and then seeing the two team up on Friday. That's WWE).

As for the old Nexus, bringing back old gimmicks is sometimes a good exercise in nostalgia, but guys like Barrett, Sheffield, Otunga and Young (sounds like a law firm) are too involved in other programs to subjugate their individual pushes and return to the anonymity of a group.
In my opinion, The group of Slater, Mahal, and Drew need a solid leader in order to be successful at all. I think having Barrett use these guys as henchman could work for him. Every tough guy fighter has a crew behind him.

As for Ryback, Everyone refers to his "Goldberg" push. While if WWE is truly trying to recreate Goldberg, wouldn't matches with Barrett and his Nexus be a way to recreate Goldberg vs. nWo?
It could possibly work if WWE learns from the mistakes made during the first go around. Barrrett was great but he's the only one who was. If it wasn't for Wade Barrett, there would've been no Nexus in the first place. If a plan to return Nexus to the table does come about and if Barrett is to lead it, then he needs a strong support team rather than just a handful of guys to basically ride his coat tails and help to beat people up.

Others have brought up what happened with Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal & Drew McIntyre attacking Brodus Clay last night. I could possibly, just possibly, see those three in a new Nexus faction only if something is actually done with them. I'm not sold at all on Jinder Mahal and Slater needs to be repackaged badly.

At this point in time, it'd be virtually impossible for the original Nexus to get back together. Otunga, in my eyes, should be future endavored. The guy just doesn't have it. Kidd & Gabriel are a babyface tag team right now and that's probably the best place for them. Skip Sheffield is now Ryback and is the new Goldberg. Heath Slater is probably the biggest WWE jobber of the decade.

If they do go forward with it, then either back Barrett up with guys that'll be more than just bodies to make up a faction. Don't have him carry around a thousand of mostly dead weight that'll only serve in holding him back.
If the WWE were to bring back Nexus, there would have to be some alterations from the original group.

(1) I would NOT want to see so many members. I think 4-5 would be the perfect amount. Otherwise, it gets out of control.
(2) The stable would have to have legitimate members who were an actual threat. I don't want to see no-names from NXT or other developmental territories. I want to actually know them.
(3) They have to be the right fit. Some former Nexus members just wouldn't make sense at this point. Also, bringing in random superstars with no rhyme or reason is a really flimsy excuse that would take away a certain amount of credibility.
(4) They have to have a goal. Reforming Nexus just to wreak havoc isn't enough for me. If Wade Barrett reforms Nexus so he can finally become the World Champion and dominate the WWE, I'm okay with that AS LONG AS the rest of the group thinks their careers will also benefit. I don't want to see Wade Barrett getting over while the rest of the group has no storylines or purposes of their own. We already saw similar circumstances with Legacy.

Let's take a look at the possible candidates.

(1) Wade Barrett - He would obviously be the one reforming the group and be the clear-cut leader.
(2) David Otunga - Despite the fact that they had their differences in the original Nexus, Otunga's gimmick has changed a bit. Although, he is still very cocky at times, he is no longer "The A-Lister". He would be a great fit with his current lawyer gimmick. He could handle the legal ramifications and essentially be the brains of the operation.
(3) Daniel Bryan - He was only in Nexus for a night, and he is completely over with his current gimmick. He serves no purpose for Nexus and is above Wade Barrett anyway. It wouldn't make sense for Bryan to take orders from Barrett, especially with his anger issues. Lol.
(4) Justin Gabriel - They certainly have had a long history together, and Gabriel even followed Barrett to The Corre. Unfortunately, Gabriel is rarely used on TV, and when he is, he jobs to his opponents. He is no threat. In addition, his moveset and personality scream face.
(5) Heath Slater - Like Gabriel, Slater was in Nexus and then followed Barrett and Gabriel to The Corre. Despite the fact that he looked in danger of being released, Slater has rejuvenated his career and is basically a "Santino Marella" character. He certainly doesn't win many matches, but he is seen on TV every week, and the crowd seems to enjoy him. He is fine in his role right now and doesn't need to drop the comedy act yet and become overly serious.
(6) Ezekiel Jackson - He wasn't in Nexus, but he was in The Corre as the muscle. His career never took off afterwards, and he is currently injured. In addition, he already feuded with Barrett after The Corre ended, which did not go well. I don't want to see Big Zeke in this group.
(7) Darren Young - He actually got kicked out of Nexus, and most people were certain he would be released. Surprisingly, he has new life and is part of the tag team, "Prime Time Players". I wouldn't call the Prime Time Players a great tag team, but they have had a few title shots. In addition, they are very annoying and get some reaction which is their goal. Overall, he is doing his job and is certainly a candidate.
(8) Titus O'Neil - He is the other half of the Prime Time Players. Although he had nothing to do with Nexus or The Corre, he is Darren Young's buddy, and it would make sense for him to follow. Together, he and Young could be the tag team within the actual group who work well together and take care of the 2 on 1 attacks. They could also handle any tag team action that is thrown Nexus' way.
(9) Ryback - Some people may forget that Ryback was part of the original Nexus for a short time before he got hurt. Obviously, his gimmick has changed, but he was inactive for so long that he missed Nexus' entire run and didn't come back until well after both it and The Corre were gone. Ryback is certainly over on his own, and many people may think that he doesn't need Nexus (which is true), but he could certainly be the enforcer of the group. God knows, he is intimidating. Plus, Barrett could easily manipulate Ryback into protecting the group in exchange for helping him "get fed" more competition and ultimately winning championships.

Overall, IF Nexus were to reform, my group would consist of:

Leader - Wade Barrett
Intellect - David Otunga
Muscle - Ryback
Tag Team - Darren Young and Titus O'Neil
EZMoney20's version of Nexus is my favorite discussed on here so far. I think Ryback could take a short detour as a heel associated with Nexus, and if he needed to go face all he would have to do is turn on Barrett, it's brilliant. This would also help iron over the PTP's loss of AW and keep them as a solid tag team unit. I'd be really happy to see that version make it onto WWE TV, but that's definitely not the only option...

If it were my task to come up with a plan to reintroduce Nexus, my focus would be on having the faction return to secure every available WWE Championship. Wade Barrett was a great leader originally, and I would center his reformation of the group around him wanting to secure a WWE Championship win. The other original Nexus members I would include would be Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel, who would attempt to capture the Tag Team titles. Prior to the Nexus re-debut, I'd have Barrett do a recruitment angle on NXT for a month or two and have him talk Slater and Gabriel into becoming a tag team again on Smackdown. This would tease the Nexus return without totally giving it away. After another shocking debut Barrett would state the goal of the faction to capture every title and over the next few months you would see Nexus cheat and use numbers strategy to gain and retain every WWE championship available. Here's my final Nexus stable along with which title each member would hold:

WWE Championship: Wade Barrett
World Championship: Ryback
Intercontinental: Seth Rollins
United States: Dean Ambrose
Tag Team: Slater and Gabriel

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