Report: Big Push Planned For Daniel Bryan


According to an article on, sourced from the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, WWE is scheduling some big plans for Daniel Bryan this summer. Right now, though plans can certainly change, Bryan is scheduled to take on John Cena for the WWE Championship at the Money in the Bank ppv that take place on 7.14.13.

MITB is going to be held in Philadelphia, which is a really hot WWE city, and the plan is for Bryan to remain face with he & Cena having a face vs. face match. One reason why WWE wants to book it as a face vs. face is because not only of the massive babyface response Bryan has been getting as of late, but officials also suspect that he'll be massively cheered in Philadelphia due, in part, to Bryan's history with ROH. They MIGHT turn him heel at a later time, but it's not expected right now.

It looks to me, if the report is accurate, that WWE MIGHT be trying to kind of recreate the magic Punk & Cena had at MITB 2011 with Bryan & Cena. Various reports I've read this week suggest that Bryan's stock is extremely high right now. Along with Punk & Jericho, he's considered to be the best on the roster when putting together a match.

I'm assuming, again if this is accurate, that they'll keep the "weak link" angle going with Bryan's feud against Cena with Bryan trying to prove he can win "the big one". If the momentum & reaction Bryan has gotten the past several weeks keeps up, I think there'd be a solid chance that Bryan will take the title off Cena at some point during their program. Bryan & Cena are rumored to be pretty good friends backstage, and Bryan's definitely got he ability. I think the chances improve all the more IF, and I do mean IF, WWE plans to have Taker vs. Cena at WM XXX.
This is very interesting and good for Daniel Bryan!! Philadelphia is “Home Field Advantage” for D-Bry.

Okay, if in fact this was to happen, and I would hope it would, what are the chances that we’ll get to see a Bella in each corner!? Maybe we can have a Mix-Tag Team match on the Raw prior to Money In The Bank.

If Daniel Bryan wins the WWE Championship, I’d love to see “Yes! Yes! Yes!” on the left side plate and “No! No! No!” on the right side plate.
I like what they're using DB right now. I don't like the idea of babyface vs babyface. I'd like to see DB lose the plot, beat Kane and then fight Cena for the belt. An unstable heel DB would be really awesome and would lead nicely into a feud with a babyface Punk. IMO.
I really hope not. The summer is a great time to try something new. Let's give Ryback the belt and go with Bryan/Ryback. Monday was a great test to show what they can do, let's let them run with it.

Unfortunately "Total Divas" tells me they are totally doing Bryan/Cena with a Bella each.
If Daniel Bryan wins the WWE Championship, I’d love to see “Yes! Yes! Yes!” on the left side plate and “No! No! No!” on the right side plate.

I would say it is rather likely this is what will happen should he win the WWE Championship.

With that being said.... I would LOVE to see this rumor come true. The Cena VS Punk feud was so good and putting Daniel Bryan in a spot similar to CM Punk's during the Pipebomb and build for Money In The Bank that we saw in 2011 would provide us with an excellent summer angle. Cena will probably retain against Ryback and he is going to need a new opponent after that. Bryan will also need something to do after his inevitable split with Kane. It gives us a candidate for feud of the year and we will surely get some great matches out of it. We're talking match of the year potentials here. Bryan doesn't fail to deliver, especially in title matches, while Cena promotes big matches like no other in his promos building up to them.

I don't expect Bryan to win at first, although those predictions are subject to change depending on what direction WWE seems to be going in once it comes time for Money In The Bank. The feud would need to extend into Summerslam and even Night of Champions if it goes well the first two months. If it's anything like Cena VS Punk then we are in for a treat as far as the matches are concerned. Punk is better at promos, but I'd say that Bryan is the better of the two in the ring. If anyone on the current roster can get match of the year candidates out of Cena, it's Bryan. The feud would elevate him into permanent main event status if he is booked strongly. He will win the WWE Championship by the end of the feud, and probably will be using side plates similar to what King Patrick mentioned.
I'd prefer to see a face Daniel Bryan run, even if it's a short one. This sounds like a great move, though I honestly think that they could have Bryan do this program with Ziggler instead of Cena. I kind of feel like they're putting their eggs all in one basket with Cena and Bryan.
I'd prefer to see a face Daniel Bryan run, even if it's a short one. This sounds like a great move, though I honestly think that they could have Bryan do this program with Ziggler instead of Cena. I kind of feel like they're putting their eggs all in one basket with Cena and Bryan.

No, Daniel Bryan VS John Cena is definitely the better move. Ziggler would get better quality matches if he feuded with Bryan, but feuding with Cena is better for Bryan. Cena is the face of the federation and the biggest name in pro wrestling in the world right now. To feud with him is exactly what Bryan needs.... Look at what it did for Punk. Had he done his pipebomb promo 2 years ago (Wow, has it been that long already? Goodness....) on Randy Orton or Christian for the World Heavyweight Championship it would not have seemed like as big of a deal.

As much as I'd like to see a Bryan VS Dolph feud for the World Heavyweight Championship, this is a more lucrative idea. As I said in my previous post, Bryan puts on amazing matches in the ring and no one hypes them up better than Cena. More fans are likely to purchase Cena VS Bryan on PPV and while the match quality might not live up to what Bryan VS Dolph could provide, it will surely live up to its hype and I anticipate seeing what happens this summer if these plans remain intact. WWE has a history of ruining things like this with complicated or lazy booking, it has massive potential though.
-I like to state I have always been a Bryan supporter
-How much of this push has to do with Bryan being pals with Cena based off of who they both date
-Whether WWE loyalists agree with me or not but if at Mania XXX Cena ends the streak I guarantee the ratings for Raw after Mania will be around 2.5
-There is absolutely no reason for Cena to end the streak
-That would be the biggest slap in the face to the fans VKM has ever done
-Who actually would believe Cena is much better than Flair,HHH (3),HBK (2), and Punk
If Daniel Bryan gets this push and it goes really well, then we may see a new golden era in WWE. Not because Daniel Bryan will be WWE champion, which would be awesome, but because it'll mean WWE will be in an era of indie stars.

What are the hottest things in the company right now? The Shield, Daniel Bryan and the buzz surrounding Punk's return. Those indie kids are on top of the biggest wrestling company in the world. Look at NXT, you've got El Generico putting on a couple of really good matches, and Sami Callihan ready to come through. And who knows who else WWE is looking at? Michael Elgin, Eddie Edwards, Cedric Alexander, all those really talented guys in ROH.

So if Daniel Bryan gets this push and actually manages to take the title off Cena, then I will be all over that like flies on crap. If Bryan can get a decent run while Cena is getting ready with Undertaker or Lesnar or someone, there will be so many fresh possibilities for the title scene. I would love to see a Daniel Bryan Vs Randy Orton title feud, I feel like it would be similar to Orton's feud with Christian. And we all know how good those matches are. And then there's Bryan vs Ziggler and Ambrose and a couple more match with Punk. I think it would be awesome for WWE and their fans.
Bryan is on fire right now and I hope that this report is accurate. Also if this report is in fact accurate I honestly think Bryan should be put over in this match and he should get a clean victory and win the title. This isn't a Bryan's awesome and Cena sucks thing (well Bryan is awesome but that's besides the point) I just think with all the momentum Bryan has right now and the response he's been getting (not just recently but since his initial heel turn) he's proven himself enough that he could go a very long way if given the ball.

It doesn't mean that you forget about Cena but in all honesty a clean win for Bryan would do so much for Bryan and wouldn't hurt Cena none and it could give Cena and the fans a bit of a breather which is always nice. Worst case scenario Bryan doesn't pan out and Cena becomes champ again, most likely scenario is Bryan becomes a made man in WWE and everyone benefits.
-How much of this push has to do with Bryan being pals with Cena based off of who they both date

Considering that there have been wrestlers over the years who have been popular yet not gotten certain degrees of pushes, I do think that Cena possibly had some influence such as maybe having the alleged match be next month as opposed to maybe some other time. However, the influence of big name wrestlers tends to only go so far after awhile, if the wrestler’s themselves don’t help get themselves over. CM Punk has more influence than he did two years ago so he also could have his word to the higher ups about the fact that Bryan should get an even bigger push.

We witnessed Cena bring up Bryan the day after WM last year which could have been a partial boost towards what Bryan eventually turned into (character and push wise) but from that point we have witnessed Bryan do a lot to help put him in a position. Cena doesn't magically enter Bryan’s body each time he has a match and help him put on good matches in WWE . Cena doesn't cast a spell on crowds to react a certain way to Bryan week after week. Cena didn't participate in the anger management skits that fans liked to enough to help make what may have been a short term involvement with Kane, to be longer term, which then lead to Bryan displaying various personality quirks within WWE. Cena doesn't force people to consider Bryan to be a likable person.

Not that you suggested that Cena did absolutely any of those things, but but the point is that even though being pals probably is a factor, there are many other factors.
Good, if unsurprising, news. Bryan has been consistently getting some of the best crowd reactions for over a year now, and he's one of the most talented in-ring competitors in all of professional wrestling. Heel or face, I kind of figured a push was coming. My only hope for him now is that he defeats John Cena for the WWE Championship.

Wait, I have another hope, and that's that no dipshits start with the "Bryan's too small" bull. The CM Punk is too small thread was laughable, and although Bryan is even smaller, it still doesn't mean jack. I'm not holding my breath on that, though, as some people have to find something to nitpick.
I get the idea of putting DB in a prominent position for MiTB but where does it lead? Not to be a Negative Nancy but do we really believe they will give DB the strap heading in to SummerSlam? Will WWE really let Cena put DB over clean? Cena will make him look strong, he has in the past but how far will WWE let this go?

I guess if you give DB the strap and let him feud with Punk in to SummerSlam and also throw Cena/Lesnar on the card it is big but I'm not sure WWE will have the balls to just give DB the biggest prize currently in WWE and let him run with it while damaging the cash cow.

I'd guess I'd like DB's next push to take a little longer (or maybe not having cable right now makes me wish I could see it).

And please no Bellas in the corner. It damages each character.
No, Daniel Bryan VS John Cena is definitely the better move. Ziggler would get better quality matches if he feuded with Bryan, but feuding with Cena is better for Bryan. Cena is the face of the federation and the biggest name in pro wrestling in the world right now. To feud with him is exactly what Bryan needs.... Look at what it did for Punk. Had he done his pipebomb promo 2 years ago (Wow, has it been that long already? Goodness....) on Randy Orton or Christian for the World Heavyweight Championship it would not have seemed like as big of a deal.

As much as I'd like to see a Bryan VS Dolph feud for the World Heavyweight Championship, this is a more lucrative idea. As I said in my previous post, Bryan puts on amazing matches in the ring and no one hypes them up better than Cena. More fans are likely to purchase Cena VS Bryan on PPV and while the match quality might not live up to what Bryan VS Dolph could provide, it will surely live up to its hype and I anticipate seeing what happens this summer if these plans remain intact. WWE has a history of ruining things like this with complicated or lazy booking, it has massive potential though.

It's the better move for Bryan, and it may be more lucrative in the short term, but I think that Bryan-Ziggler has the benefit of putting Bryan back in the WHC hunt, and it gives Ziggler someone to work with to help get him back on track...he's going to need that help, and I don't think a program with Del Rio is going to get the job done.

Cena can certainly help make Bryan, but I think Cena should be used to get Ryback over as the monster heel, preferably by dropping the title to him. Ryback is much like Ziggler, both were hitting on all cylinders until they got derailed; Ziggler by injury and a weak build to his title win, and Ryback by consistent losses in PPV's including WrestleMania. Ryback winning the strap at Payback would help establish him as a threat again.

Cena-Bryan is a put all your eggs in one basket match looking for a big payout. I advocate spreading the wealth to raise the profile of not just Bryan, but Ziggler and hopefully, Ryback as well.
I really hope not. The summer is a great time to try something new. Let's give Ryback the belt and go with Bryan/Ryback. Monday was a great test to show what they can do, let's let them run with it.

Unfortunately "Total Divas" tells me they are totally doing Bryan/Cena with a Bella each.

I like this idea here let Ryback get the title off of Cena, then have DB get his revenge against Ryback at MiTB. Daniel can carry Ryback so it doesn't matter.

Have Cena do something else, I don't know what but just put him to the sideline for a while because he's gotten stale again.
I think Daniel Bryan becoming the next WWE Champion would do wonders for him. A lot of people wanna see that happen. John Cena has already defeated Daniel Bryan multiple times, so I think it'd be way more beneficial to have Daniel Bryan come out on top this time. He needs that one big victory. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you haven't done it all in the WWE until you've defeated John Cena and Randy Orton. Those two guys have defeated countless big names, and by defeating them it means that you are the man. I hope they really go through with this. He's at the pinnacle of his popularity right now and as predictable as it is for the WWE to screw up shit like this, I want to believe otherwise. If Daniel Bryan can become WWE Champion, that'll make two former ROH World Champions also WWE Champions. How cool would that be? =)
Putting Cena against DB would be fantastic. Great promos, great matches and a huge boost for DB, not to mention the fact that interest in Bryan is sky high, and everything he does seems to be absolutely top drawer. It's a feud I would love to see, as its ambitious and seemingly logical, given Bryan's current popularity.

The only problem for me is that I really don't want to see Bryan turn heel. I know on this website people love seeing people turn heel, or even better turn into an almighty "tweener" :worship:, however WWE seems to have very few faces who people are super interested to see, cdasuals and hc fans alike. The reason for this appears to be because WWE turn heel anybody who starts to get any popularity (eg Punk or Ryback), with the aim of ultimately feeding them to Cena. This is something I do not want from Bryan as his current character is stillo greatly entertaining, mainly due to Bryan's willingness to let his character evolve.

If they were to do a face Bryan vs face Cena, it might be a bit awkward, as the fans might not know who to cheer for.
If they were to do a face Bryan vs face Cena, it might be a bit awkward, as the fans might not know who to cheer for.

I think most fans already picked who will they support.

As for Bryan getting a huge push I am all for it. Though I wouldn't mind seeing Daniel Bryan win it at next year's Wrestlemania instead. It's one thing when you win the WWE Title for the first time at any PPV, but it makes a huge statement if you win it for the first time at WM. It can make a great story about his road to WM. Maybe even take on Ryback for the title, I can totally see Ryback vs. Daniel Bryan be a good draw at WM, not as the sole attraction of course.
I think most fans already picked who will they support.

As for Bryan getting a huge push I am all for it. Though I wouldn't mind seeing Daniel Bryan win it at next year's Wrestlemania instead. It's one thing when you win the WWE Title for the first time at any PPV, but it makes a huge statement if you win it for the first time at WM. It can make a great story about his road to WM. Maybe even take on Ryback for the title, I can totally see Ryback vs. Daniel Bryan be a good draw at WM, not as the sole attraction of course.

I think that's been an issue the past few years. Guys like Punk, Bryan, Ziggler, and others have been getting their due at the smaller PPVs, but when it comes to the big stage...well, lately that's been reserved for only a handful of guys, most of whom only work about 3 or 4 dates a year.
Oh My Gawd! They are tearing that Bella Family apart!

Man I've loved DB, and seeing him in that fiery state was a good change. D Bry Vs Cena should be awesome and another good MiTB on the horizon, it seems.

Can't wait if true.
If they were to do a face Bryan vs face Cena, it might be a bit awkward, as the fans might not know who to cheer for.

I think it would work out fine in that respect. People have made the case before that Cena is really a face to a certain segment and a heel to others (ie, that's why there's no need to turn him heel). At the same time, Bryan is pretty much the opposite. All of Bryan's fans pretty much would match exactly the segment of the universe who boo Cena. What kind of a face are they both anyway? :) They are polar opposites. Cena is the boyscout who people hate because he's too "good" and Bryan is the whiny surly guy who would usually be a heel, but for some reason the fans love anyway.

Technically it's face vs face, but from one perspective it's really heel Cena vs face Bryan and from another it's face Cena vs heel Bryan.
I like this idea here let Ryback get the title off of Cena, then have DB get his revenge against Ryback at MiTB. Daniel can carry Ryback so it doesn't matter.

Have Cena do something else, I don't know what but just put him to the sideline for a while because he's gotten stale again.

How about let Cena go put over Ziggler? And above both feuds, you can do Punk vs. Lesnar. That's three sick summer programs.
I'm hoping that this leads to Punk vs Bryan headlining a ppv soon. Keep Punk heel for now, let him go after Bryan. Frees Cena up a bit, can finish with Ryback, build to a Lesnar match, maybe even a Cena-Orton feud if the heel turn ever happens.

I'd just like to see whether Punk vs Bryan could draw. It'd prove one way or another which direction the company should go in. An Iron man title match would be awesome at Night of Champions. Would really give those two a chance to put on a classic.
Perfect time to finally turn Cena heel. Bryan has HUGE pops everywhere as of late. No need to go back to the loose cannon heel he attempted. Turning Cena heel would liven up the main event scene and putting the title on Bryan would do wonders for an eventual program with any one of a number of heels or guys turning heel.

I also love the idea of YES YES YES and NO NO NO on the sides of the title
Bryan beating Cena clean would be the real over coming the odds story . The guy was fired twice , told he would never make it in wwe , put through that Dumb NXT season , was buried on commentary by Cole , Humiliated at wrestlemania with the whole 18 seconds farce and Hes still become one of the most over and entertaining guy's on the Roster .

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