Report: Batista Possibly Returning To WWE


According to a story on the main page, Triple H is currently in talks with Batista in regards to a possible return to WWE. The story indicates that they're in talks pertaining to a short term schedule along similar lines of Chris Jericho and Rob Van Dam. The story doesn't indicate how long the potential deal will be for, but they're saying it could be anywhere from 90 to 180 days in length.

I'm of two minds on this. First of all, I've never been a big fan of Batista. I get that a lot of people like him, he's always gotten strong responses and I can understand why he got pushed. The guy just never really did anything for me, so I can't say that I'm overly thrilled about the prospect of seeing him return.

On the other hand, Batista returning under a deal similar to Jericho or RVD gives me hope that they're simply not going to have Batista run through & demolish talent on the roster like shit through a goose with Diarrhea. Jericho has put over a lot of wrestlers under the terms of his current deal, though he's gotten a good amount of wins too. I'm expecting something similar will be done with RVD and I'm hoping, if this deal does go through, that it'll be like that with Batista.

I'm still a little worried that WWE might up and decide to give him similar treatment as The Rock. Batista isn't nearly as big of a star as The Rock, but he has a prominent role in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy movie. We know how much Vince loves to ****e the company out when it comes to garnering any real degree of mainstream media coverage, and Batista returning to the company even on a limited deal could give WWE that, especially if the film turns out to be a big success. Even though it doesn't come out for almost a full year, it wouldn't surprise me if WWE didn't wait until after WrestleMania sometime to debut Batista. His deal, if things work out mutually, could then mean having him on the roster during the promotion & debut of his film.

I dunno. It could be interesting or it could be kinda lame, so we'll just have to wait and see.
While Batista wasn't quite my favorite wrestler, I would not be against him returning. I'd rather see him put over some people although we all know a WWE or World Heavyweight Championship reign would be inevitable. He would do the World Heavyweight Championship some good, the belt needs a bigger name like him fighting over it. As for when he'd debut? Probably at one of the Big 4 or perhaps Night of Champions. If not at one of those shows then likely at the Raw following one of them. Someone like Batista would want to show up at a more important show rather than at some random Raw along the way, let alone on Smackdown.

There's plenty of names on the roster I'd want to see him feud with. Randy Orton, Sheamus, Brock Lesnar, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Damien Sandow, Christian, heck they could even revisit the John Cena feud as it has been 3 years. As long as they do not bring back TOO dominant. The newer guys need to be able to get their chance. He should be booked somewhere toward the middle, as a big name who is still a threat while putting over some of the future stars but not a returning legend who loses most of the time like Jericho. I'd support a return whether it be as a face or a heel. He did fine in both roles and got strong reactions from the crowd.
I feel the same way about this now as I did when the WON (and subsequently the main page) reported it back in April:

I could take or leave Batista now. There was a period when I was still high on his heel character and would have not only accepted, but really wanted him back. That time has passed, though. If he shows up, cool, if not, also cool. What's another part-timer?

It's commendable that the WrestleZone main page has gone green, recycling the same old reports about The Undertaker, Sting, and now Batista.

This time around, I'll give the report an ounce of credence because there's the impending Vince McMahon vs. Triple H for control of the company showdown on the horizon. In another thread regarding that angle, I speculated on possible representatives for Vince to handle the in-ring portion of that feud, rumored to happen at WrestleMania XXX. Batista makes more sense than most, as he is a fitting mercenary who has prior history with Triple H. I can't see many other roles for the guy, but I enjoyed his heel run which ended his WWE tenure. So, cool if he comes back, cool if he doesn't.
I sure hope Batista comes back. He really didn’t do anything for me character wise, but the fact that he’s Filipino is probably the only reason why I’m a fan of his. I think his best time was with the Evolution, as the powerhouse of the group / Ric Flair’s Championship Tag Team partner. After he went on his own, I just kept saying to myself, he is Filipino. I mean, seriously, how many times can we see a Filipino in Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment, 3 times in our whole lifetime??
Batista isn't nearly as big of a star as The Rock.....

It's always interesting to engage in speculation on this forum regarding how much of what we're seeing is real. In Hollywood, we know the actors are pro wrestling, we often have to guess because we don't really know. A lot of us have been wondering how much of CM Punk's ring persona is consistent with his real-life attitudes. Many of us try to surmise what John Cena is really like off-screen. Does he do all the Make-a-Wish stuff because he really wants to do good deeds in the community.....or is it strictly a way to build his on-screen character?

Dave Batista fits into this, too. Does he really think he's hot stuff? When we watch him playing a Bogart-like detective in a movie, wearing a trench coat and spewing tough-guy lines right out of the 1940's, is he really as impressed with himself as he comes off in interviews promoting the film? Does he really believe the world of pro wrestling is itching for his return because he thinks he's established a legacy worthy of Hulk Hogan or Bruno Sammartino? Does he?

I've been saying in respect to guys like Rob Van Dam and Brock Lesnar that the reason Vince McMahon is allowing them to negotiate "limited" deals is because there simply aren't enough top level attractions in pro wrestling anymore. In the old days, Vince never agreed to this type of thing, although it's good he's doing it now. If he didn't bend, we wouldn't have enough true stars to fill a Pay-Per-View.

So, maybe Batista is next, a beneficiary of this relatively new (for WWE) way of doing business. If a deal can be reached, it might (ironically) convince Batista that he's as important as he thinks he is. The good thing about it is we'll have back a performer who did generate some excitement. Hopefully, he'll agree to a deal that doesn't dictate he run roughshod over everyone in the company in the limited number of appearances he deigns to make.

Used correctly, Batista can bring some excitement to the proceedings. They'd better negotiate this one effectively right from square one.
I don't mind Batista coming back, I'm just not sure what the right program would be for him, at this stage of his career. Ideally, it'd be great if he would come in and put someone over (maybe Ryback?) but I can't see him coming back short term, just to job to an up and comer. Will he come back and finish the feud with Cena? Could he feud with Lesnar? Would there be any point in having that feud?

I just can't see where Batista fits in. That said, I will welcome him back. I never loved him but never hated him either.
People used to talk about TNA but all WWE is doing is pumping up their roster full of high profile guys and not getting any return on it. Batista isn't going to boost the ratings. They're still going to linger from a 2.8 to a 3.1. This is useless. WWE needs to better utilize the guys they have now instead of relying on all these guys from the past that made their name years ago. This is why they can barely make new stars.

Brock Lesnar, Rock, Jericho, RVD, HHH, Henry, and now this guy. When will it end?
I'm perfectly a-okay with Batista coming back on a limited use basis or short-term Jericho-like schedule. While having him come back to take on Triple H at Wrestlemania may make sense, I'd be much more interested in seeing Batista work a program with Orton. I'm pretty sure that he never really worked a solid program with Orton, which is surprising, given one of the biggest moments of Evolution, was Orton getting dropped off of Batista's shoulders after SummerSlam. They could always revisit that moment and have Orton want payback.

The other matchup I'd like to see is Batista and Sheamus. I like Sheamus a lot, but he's taken a big step back in his development since becoming the "Hey Fella" face that we see today. He was great as the intense, monster heel, and it's the intensity in particular that I miss. Batista would be a great foil to Sheamus in this regard, with a focus on giving Sheamus a monster to fight who can match him physically.
If Batista does return here is hoping Batista returns as the heel Batista he was in 2009-2010 when he was like the top heel of the company and if he returns as The Altered Beast he was back then, the feuds I would like to see him in would be a reignited feud with John Cena, a reignited feud with Orton and feuding with other superstars like CM Punk, Sheamus, Chris Jericho and or Ryback or even a feud with Daniel Bryan
While Batista wasn't quite my favorite wrestler, I would not be against him returning. I'd rather see him put over some people although we all know a WWE or World Heavyweight Championship reign would be inevitable. He would do the World Heavyweight Championship some good, the belt needs a bigger name like him fighting over it. As for when he'd debut? Probably at one of the Big 4 or perhaps Night of Champions. If not at one of those shows then likely at the Raw following one of them. Someone like Batista would want to show up at a more important show rather than at some random Raw along the way, let alone on Smackdown.

There's plenty of names on the roster I'd want to see him feud with. Randy Orton, Sheamus, Brock Lesnar, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Damien Sandow, Christian, heck they could even revisit the John Cena feud as it has been 3 years. As long as they do not bring back TOO dominant. The newer guys need to be able to get their chance. He should be booked somewhere toward the middle, as a big name who is still a threat while putting over some of the future stars but not a returning legend who loses most of the time like Jericho. I'd support a return whether it be as a face or a heel. He did fine in both roles and got strong reactions from the crowd.
I agree with you on how he is a guy who could Really HELP bring back the prestige of the World Heavyweight Champion. He also could help a feud. You need a rival who can wrestle against Triple H at Mania for control of wwe for Vince. What better way to help that feud. He also could be John Cenas next feud. You have alot of ways to utilize Him in a story line. Batista isn't the biggest name to return but a name that people will know. Can you imagine night after SummerSlam and Brock and Hey man ready to fight cmpunk but BAM Batista music hits? I always loved his theme and always will.
I've always been a fan of Batista, so I hope he does come back. If he does come back I'd prefer to see him do a Jericho type of a contract rather than a Lesnar type of contract. With the contract not being too long, I don't see him in too many storylines, but there's many feuds I'd like to see Batista in. Bryan, Dolph, O'Neil, Kane, Punk and a return feud with Cena. But I see him being in the Triple H and Vince storyline, Evolution vs The Shield would be immense but I doubt it'll happen.

If he does return I don't know whether he'll be a face or a heel. He's got a few feuds as either and any character, so I look forward to seeing him return, if he does.
I only have one concern about a returning Batista. Batista as a heel during his last run was pretty enjoyable. That would be an awesome short term run, as long as he could put some younger faces over in the process. Batista as a face, though, I'm not really too much of a fan.

The problem is, returning guys are almost always faces, at least at first. The fans are so delighted to see them that they inevitably cheer them. So I would assume that he will return as a face, and that I can live without.

Unless he return as a face, bathes in the fan adulation for one show, then does something heelish like assault some younger face (Bryan, or even the turning Rhodes) shortly thereafter. That I could live with. But personally I have zero interest in a returning face Dave Batista.
I don't think Batista is gonna boost any ratings in the long run.

But I don't really care about ratings and I would like to see Batista back. I like him but I liked him better as a face. I appreciated the unintentional humor in face Batista promos and I appreciated that he was not really one of the kiss ass faces.

As I said in the last Batista Return thread, I don't really expect him back unless he wants to promote something. But if he comes back I hope he is a face. Otherwise I'm not really interested. Not enough to start watching RAW again anyway

I agree with you on how he is a guy who could Really HELP bring back the prestige of the World Heavyweight Champion. He also could help a feud. You need a rival who can wrestle against Triple H at Mania for control of wwe for Vince. What better way to help that feud. He also could be John Cenas next feud. You have alot of ways to utilize Him in a story line. Batista isn't the biggest name to return but a name that people will know. Can you imagine night after SummerSlam and Brock and Hey man ready to fight cmpunk but BAM Batista music hits? I always loved his theme and always will.

This too.
I only have one concern about a returning Batista. Batista as a heel during his last run was pretty enjoyable. That would be an awesome short term run, as long as he could put some younger faces over in the process. Batista as a face, though, I'm not really too much of a fan.

The problem is, returning guys are almost always faces, at least at first. The fans are so delighted to see them that they inevitably cheer them. So I would assume that he will return as a face, and that I can live without.

Unless he return as a face, bathes in the fan adulation for one show, then does something heelish like assault some younger face (Bryan, or even the turning Rhodes) shortly thereafter. That I could live with. But personally I have zero interest in a returning face Dave Batista.

You made a good point about most guys making returns, return as a face. However, in this case, I think they could bring him in as a heel if they align him with Vince as part of the McMahon Power Struggle storyline. Batista could be Vince's guy or enforcer.
If he does sign with WWE again his debut will probably be later in the year while in the meantime he gets back on the juice and starts powerlifting again.

This really is starting to stink. Guys like the Rock and Austin have kinda ruined this for us.

I get the Rock or Austin working part time schedules, or even HBK because they were definite big time draws for the company. Now however the company is NOT in as great a shape it was once when Austin got hurt, they had people like Rock and HHH to take over.

Now there just isnt as much star power as there was and they NEED as many "STARS" as they can get. RVD, a part time wrestler? REALLY? He deserves this? Lesnar? Walked out on all of us. Made it clear he basically didnt even LIKE wrestling, has a special contract. Now Batista? I mean he is a pretty big star but NOTHING like Austin or Rock.

This is getting out of hand. Before we know it Orton and Sheamus and Daniel Bryan etc etc are gonna have part time schedules. Hell Orton deserves it more than Batista does. This is a catch 22. I want to see Batista back but I want to see these guys BACK. Not Im gonna run a program and leave.

Y2J does it, but he ALWAYS COMES BACK.
Meh. Marginally excited for this, if it happens.

I was always hot and cold with Batista. Sometimes, I was into him, mainly during his final feud with Cena, feuds with Taker, his HIAC match with Triple H at Vengance 2005, and his heel turn on Mysterio at Bragging Rights was just great, one of the best turns I've ever seen. And I really enjoyed his feuds and matches with Edge. But his god-awful feuds and matches with Booker T were painful to watch, and I never got into in the stuff with Henry, same feelings for his feud with Rey Mysterio.

And as others have mentioned, Batista is not The Rock, not by a long shot. In terms of his wrestling career and movie career, Rock blows Batista out of the water, and it's not even close. Outside of Lesnar, Batista is just a case of "the best you can get" right now, as far as high profiled part-time guys go. Rock isn't jeopardizing a career, where he can make millions of dollars without tearing up his body, so you have to believe in the very realistic possibility of him being done in the ring for good.

Yeah, I'm sure Batista will receive the enormous "welcome back pop" on his first night, but what's going to happen after that? Let's be honest. Guys like Lesnar, Rock, and Batista aren't coming back out of the warm goodness of their hearts. They're coming back, because they know they can make shitloads of money, without dedicating themselves to a full-time schedule in WWE. Again, Batista isn't Lesnar or Rock. He doesn't have that level of megastar power, so with sporadic appearances, you have to consider the chances of his popularity with the fans fizzling out.

If this happens, I wouldn't be surprised to see WWE take a chance on Lesnar VS Batista for Wrestlemania 30, because if Lesnar VS Taker doesn't happen, that match could be worthy of the main event spot. Although, I'm really not sure how it could work out in real life. Lesnar already works a limited schedule, and Batista won't be around for every Raw or Smackdown. Is Heyman going to carry the feud by himself, while Batista pops up every now and then on the road to Mania? I can't see it.
I didn't hate Batista but I really think this return is unnecessary. He was good as the World champ but I'm not sure what his worth is now.

Is his role to come in for a few high profile matches and make money for the WWE? Well, there aren't any Batista matches that I'm desperate to see and I don't think he is a massive draw. He is not in the same league as Lesnar or The Rock but I don't see him playing the role of Y2J and helping stars get over.

Is he there to put younger stars over? Possibly could work but I have my doubts. Someone, like Ryback or Wade Barrett could really benefit from facing Batista and having that big win. That should work but there is doubts that Batista would be willing to come in and have this type of role.
Not the least bit excited. Batista was great in his day but I would rather see the WWE put more stock in somebody like Cody Rhodes or Bray Wyatt than focus on a Batista run that probably wouldnt be that great and wouldnt last that long anyway.
I was a fan of Batista during his run, but I don't think he adds all that much. As a full time guy it makes no sense, he would be taking a spot away from a young guy who needs it. As a part time I have a few interesting scenarios.

Batista vs. Lesnar: What becomes of Lesnar after Punk? He has already feuded with Triple H, Cena and now Punk. Unless the long rumored Undertaker angle comes to fruition I can't see anything for him as a part time guy. Batista would be an interesting storyline for him. Lesnar forced his mentor Triple H into "retirement", they both have MMA histories although Batista's was more of a joke, the story arch is still there, and Batista kind of took over where Brock left off when he left the company in 04. You could have him cost Brock the match with Punk at Summer Slam or you could have them feud as part of the power struggle angle. Batista is a Triple H guy and Lesnar could be a hired gun of Vince. This also gets Paul Heyman involved and his issues with Stephanie. If Triple H is in fact "retired" Batista could serve as the perfect surrogate for him as would Lesnar for Vince.

Batista vs. Ryback: It all but seems Vince has gotten off the Ryback bandwagon and moved to greener pastures. If he were to give him one more chance, who better than Batista to get him over? Batista is seen as a monster among WWE fans. A win over him would do nothing but propel Ryback right back into the main event picture. Ryback could start calling himself The Animal with his "Feed Me More" chant thus queuing the original Animal to come out and start a feud. They could meet at Survivor Series or Mania being that it's a little to late to start another major Summer Slam feud.

Batista vs. Triple H: I know it has been done numerous times, but Vince bringing Batista in as his surrogate to fight Triple H in their power struggle would make a lot of sense. The history is there, you could make up a storyline (Batista could say Stephanie came between their friendship, Triple H had him fired, whatever), and a lot of newer WWE fans probably don't remember their hellacious feud after Evolution split. Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton, Ric Flair and even Billy Gunn and Road Dogg could be used as pawns in this feud as well. Triple H has to choose Evolution or DX, the possibilities are endless and way too many to type up here.

Personally, I would go with the latter. However the power struggle storyline plays out, supposedly at Mania, bringing Batista into it makes a ton of sense. DX (Triple H & Michaels) vs. Evolution (Orton & Batista) would bring down the house at any event. It would also pass the torch to Triple H to run the show, be a great swan song for DX, and put Orton back as a top star in the company as a heel. It's no lose honestly.Also, if Michaels sticks to his retirement, have Batista hurt him and have Triple H partner with a young guy on the roster to build him up, or pair him with an old rival like Punk or Jericho just to give it that feel of a main event billing.
This is much ado about nothing.

There's a picture on this forum of a Batista that's about 50 lbs lighter than he was in the WWE. He'd have to juice up and then stop juicing long enough to pass a drug test if he has to.

That being said, I've never really cared for Batista as he's the same generic big man the WWE's always fell back upon when there's no real talent in the WWE. In older eras, he would have been mid-card at best because he had a tough time moving in the ring and his promo was average at best.

Also he debunked the rumor on Twitter, and based on that, we won't be seeing Batista anytime soon.
Whether this current rumour is true or not, I would love to see Batista back in WWE, even on just a part-time deal like Jericho or RVD. I have recently watched his "I Walk Alone" DVD box-set and I was amazed at how good he actually was! Far better than I had remembered him being.

Batista has genuine star power, and would certainly create a buzz if he returned. Who out there has the name value that could equal a Batista return if they joined WWE. Austin, Sting, Angle and Jeff Hardy are the only 4 I can think of who would cause the crowd to pop as much as seeing Big Dave stroll out.

He would have to look dominant, and he would. There are plenty of ways he could be used- involved in the HHH v McMahon power struggle, challenging for either World Title- personally I would like him to go after "HIS" title, the World Heavyweight Title- have another run with it and then put over a rising star.

Used correctly, he could be a big asset to the WWE once again.
If Batista were to come back then he would be a part-timer at best considering Batista is now a movie star being in The Man with the Iron Fists and now in the newest Chronicles of Riddick movie that is set to come out soon and now he is set to star in Marvel's adaptation of Guardians of the Galaxy in 2014, Batista is about to break out in Hollywood so if that is the case he might come back in and out like The Rock does

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