Rename "The HBK-aholic Centre for Applied Ethics"

The Name of "The HBK-aholic Centre for Applied Ethics?"

  • "The Cigar Lounge"

  • "The Think Tank"

  • "Serious Business"

  • "General Discussion"

  • "The Roundtable"

  • "The Soapbox"

  • "The Forum"

  • "The Podium"

  • "The HBK-aholic Centre for Applied Ethics"

  • Other

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Seriously? It's winning fair and square... Resetting the poll would undermine every member who has voted for the name change, thus making us feel like our vote doesn't count... I mean, if John McCain petitioned to hold a reelection, and won, would that make it fair? Now I know why most people refuse to vote... Seems to me that the people wanting to reset the vote are just jealous that their idea isn't winning. Sounds like a cop out, no? /end sarcasm.
Seriously? It's winning fair and square... Resetting the poll would undermine every member who has voted for the name change, thus making us feel like our vote doesn't count... I mean, if John McCain petitioned to hold a reelection, and won, would that make it fair? Now I know why most people refuse to vote... Seems to me that the people wanting to reset the vote are just jealous that their idea isn't winning. Sounds like a cop out, no?

*Edits slightly*

I completely agree :lmao:.

I think it's stupid all the people viting for a new poll, could just vote in this one, and make HBK-aholic Centre not be winning anymore.
I think it's stupid all the people viting for a new poll, could just vote in this one, and make HBK-aholic Centre not be winning anymore.

I hate disagreeing with you, Your Sexyness, but the poll's closed. So you know, we can't make it not win.
Wow... Some people are really being assholes about this... It's kinda starting to irk me, because it was put into the damn poll... I understand that it was probably done as a joke, but Jebus Christ... You guys make it sound like the worst possible thing that the thread could possible be named....ever. Instead of bitching about getting another poll, I say just name it whatever came in 2nd, and be done with it. Stop slamming the name and get over it...
Either do what Gunnz said (name it whatever came in second), hold another poll, or rename it Chit Chat. What was wrong with Chit Chat? Everyone liked it. No offense to Becca, but it's just not fair to have a section named after one member.
Seriously, we are debating for a name for a forum?

Next week we will be debating on who has the healthier breakfast.
Seriously, we are debating for a name for a forum?

Next week we will be debating on who has the healthier breakfast.

2 eggs w/ 4 egg whites (often scrambled with a mix of spinach, tomato, turkey bacon, and fat free american or feta cheese), 2 slices of double fiber whole wheat toast (one with a tablespoon of flaxseed oil and the other with a shmear of peanut butter and fruit preserves), a whey protein shake (with organic skim milk, cherries, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries), and a cup of coffee.

THAT is my breakfast. Bitches.
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fat free yogurt and a glass of skim milk.

Not much, but I like it.

Some times I eat poached eggs. Robyn hates when I do.
Standard toast.

Oh and as for making a "a big deal" out of the forum name, I have because its shit like that that drives away new members. This forum has too much of a clique-like atmosphere as it is, naming a forum after a mod doesn't help matters.
Oh and as for making a "a big deal" out of the forum name, I have because its shit like that that drives away new members. This forum has too much of a clique-like atmosphere as it is, naming a forum after a mod doesn't help matters.
Oh BOOOOOO! Clique's are what keep things going around here! I mean, if it wasn't for cliques, as you say, I wouldn't have a solid group of people to converse with or make me laugh until soda blows outta my ears... If this place was like most other forums, it'd be one giant clusterfuck of stupid shit being spewed by a bunch of slightly ******ed smarks with nothing to do but try to make you feel inferior to them while they try and hide their lack of girlfriend and/or semi creepy relationship with their mothers... (Sorry if I offended anybody in here):lmao:

All it really boils down to, is just change the name to whatever came in second, and lets forget about this crap already. Becca, you won fair and square by popular vote, but apparently the collective people who voted otherwise just won't stand for it. In all honesty, it was stupid to make it an option if nobody wanted it to begin with. If it was some covert attempt to see which mod was more popular, you failed... Because we all know that SlyFox could kill you all with only a rubberband and a Q-Tip. :lmao:
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