Releases Starting?

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Enjoying Wrestling
I have seen that they released Michael Tarver and Jacob Novak. Kind of mad about Tarver as when he was showing up a few months ago i was expecting him to do something that never happened. I mean I guess he wasn't real talented but was okay on the mic and might have made an impact if given the chance. I guess we won't know anytime soon.
I just hope Drew McIntyre doesn't get released.
Well a lot of them will be released, especially NXT and FCW guys.

WWE lost Edge out of their payrolls, so it means more wrestlers in the main rosters.
They also lost Michelle and The Undertaker, at least I hope they don't have a full-time wage, since they are sat at home, fucking to have a baby.
Guys like MVP also went off (yes, he was very well paid in real life)

I'm expecting maybe the release of DH Smith, JTG and Yoshi Tatsu from the main rosters.
Well lets be honest, could any of you guys picture Novak or Tarver holding a world championship? I certainley couldn't. For me they just didn't have it, they were bland, they had no charisma and charisma is key to become a top player in this industry.

Now most likely guys like Hawkins, Primo, DH Smith, Reks, Tatsu, Kidd, Barretta are all possible candidates to be released. it could also be a big name like it was in '09. in '09 Benjamin and Mickie James were released and maybe now McIntyre could be released? He's now jobbing and irrelevant and his salary may be fairly high. Hopefully Drew won't but I can see a good few superstars and divas being released.
"WWE lost Edge out of their payrolls, so it means more wrestlers in the main rosters."

Actually, he's probably still being paid on a guaranteed contract. Also, are you 11?

No pal, i'm portuguese!!
I know, I suck at English, but i'm trying fuck!!

I don't believe that WWE is still paying him his total salary, he must be now under a legend contract, like Bret Hart, HBK etc...
I don't see them getting rid of Ryder or hawkins. For some reason I see them doing something with them soon. Many of the Superstars wrestlers will stay so that they can keep that show going on there network when it comes out. If anyone goes I may see DH Smith since he's wanting to go to MMA now. Possibly JTG but was hoping they'd throw him in with R-Truth as his backup or something. Maybe Tyler Reks, primo, and Baretta could be released.

don't see Ryder, Hawkins, Tyson, Masters, Koslov, Usos or Yoshi going anywhere right now.
Hope the WWE releases some Superstars? This board must be getting overun by ******s. The WWE has a thin roster, hidden by the fact that the TV product is moe about in ring promos and backstage skits. They don't have a strong women's division, tag team division, or strong a strong IC belt division, which right now is the weakest singles title in the company.

Jacob Novak could have been a decent career mid carder, a guy who like Val Venis, could have been given a good push his first few years, and then used to develop under card talent, sort of like where Zach Ryder and Curt hawkins are now. You need those guys on the roster.
Hope the WWE releases some Superstars? This board must be getting overun by ******s. The WWE has a thin roster, hidden by the fact that the TV product is moe about in ring promos and backstage skits. They don't have a strong women's division, tag team division, or strong a strong IC belt division, which right now is the weakest singles title in the company.

Jacob Novak could have been a decent career mid carder, a guy who like Val Venis, could have been given a good push his first few years, and then used to develop under card talent, sort of like where Zach Ryder and Curt hawkins are now. You need those guys on the roster.

Yes such a thin roster, with like twenty guys in Florida waiting to be called up. It's called "cutting the dead weight." WWE don't want decent midcarders, they want the future and the money drawers. The only thing Novak can draw is snores. Therefore he is now unemployed. Same with Tarver.

WWE "need" lower card wrestlers? Well then when the talent from FCW like Tyler Black and Richie Steamboat get called up, those who are mildly talented on the WWE roster can push back into the spots held by some of the lower card wrestlers who will be released.

That's how the cycle works, worked and will alway work.
I'd have to agree with The Dragon Saga here. Why keep around lower and mid carders that really won't amount to anything? What is the purpose of hanging onto guys like JTG, Curt Hawkins, Primo, and others that just sit around taking up dead space? At least Zack Ryder is taking the gimmick given to him and actually trying his damnedest to get over through his YouTube videos.

Not every wrestler that steps through the curtain can be a main-eventer. And if you're not going to appear on TV or be used, there really is no point in keeping you around, especially if you're just going through the motions. Whether it's a bad gimmick, bad booking, or the wrestler unable to put forth the effort needed, sometimes releases are needed. I know it's a shitty thing and a bad part of the business. No one wants to be that guy that gets fired, or even be the guy that fires people. But the show will go on. is reporting that WWE has released Buck Dixon, Ethan Levine and Buddy Stecher, who were all FCW developmental talents.

nobody from the main roster so far hopefully that doesnt change
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