Reigns vs Lesnar II speculation

Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar clashed at the main event of Wrestlemania 31 in one of the most physical matches I've ever seen on WWE programming, proving to the world that both men can deliver in a big match situation. However, their bout was cut just before the end, after Seth Rollins' intereference and cash-in, thus making the match a Triple Threat contest. Seth went on to win the WWE Championship and both men were stolen of their opportunity to make history.

I can't lie here. All the way to Wrestlemania, I thought that Roman wasn't ready, that he can't go in the ring, that he can't talk and his push didn't come naturally. I had doubts about this match and I thought it was going to suck. However, Reigns (and Lesnar to some degree), proved me wrong, as this match exceeded all expectations. Not only that, but the result, left me wanting more. These two men have open bussiness they need to finish. A rematch is inevitable and I would welcome it with open hands. I'm sure that with a proper build-up (not like the one they gave us for WM31), this rematch could go down as one of the biggest rematches of all time.

The question here is: Do you want to see that rematch? And if so, when?

I have a feeling that WWE would like the rematch to take place at Wrestlemania 32, with Reigns winning the Rumble second time in a row and Lesnar once again being the defending champion. It would be a great moment seeing Reigns finally beating the beast and winning the championship at Wrestlemania, but I don't think him winning the Rumble a 2nd time will do him any favours, regarding fans.

I was hoping for the match to happen at Summerslam. Having Lesnar beat Rollins at Battleground and Reigns vs Lesnar for the belt at Summerslam along with Rollins vs Triple H as the two main events. I believe Reigns is ready for a title run and I definately don't want to see Sheamus as the champ, not yet. But what I don't know is what this Bray Wyatt feud is about. Is it one-PPV feud in order to give them something to do? If so, then the Summerslam match is possible. Or will it be a long running, 3-PPV feud? I guess only time can tell.

So to sum up, I want to see Reigns finally beating Lesnar for the belt at Summerslam. A couple of months after that, Sheamus can cash in, maybe with Ambrose's help and betrayal to his brother.

What about you? Do you want to see the rematch and when do you think/want is it going to happen?
First of all if Lesner is going to be a non existent champion then I am done with wwe. Last year peopler were fighting for nothing or number one conterder for wwe belt, bray Wyatt and Ambrose was Maineventing the PPV. The whole scenario sucked big time.
Now coming to your idea, it is good and I have no problem with rematch but Lesner should win the championship at the Royal rumble.
So to sum up, I want to see Reigns finally beating Lesnar for the belt at Summerslam.

I believe we'll see Reigns win the title from Brock; it may likely have been WWE's long-term goal since WM31......but I think Summerslam is too soon. Instead of rushing Roman's push as they did last year, the company has slowed it down, removing the urgency of vaulting him to the top in a hurry. This lessens the pressure on Roman and gives the writers more time to formulate storylines leading up to the title change.

I would think WM32 is when the company will be set to pass the mantle to Reigns.....if he isn't ready by then, I don't see that he ever will be.
First of all if Lesner is going to be a non existent champion then I am done with wwe. Last year peopler were fighting for nothing or number one conterder for wwe belt, bray Wyatt and Ambrose was Maineventing the PPV. The whole scenario sucked big time.
Now coming to your idea, it is good and I have no problem with rematch but Lesner should win the championship at the Royal rumble.

I agree with the idea that if Lesnar is going to win the belt again he needs to drop it as quickly as possible, or maybe have one title defence, but no more. Him carrying the belt for 8 months only to defend it 3 times, for a second time, is too much.
It's not gonna happen at SummerSlam, it's much too soon and Roman Reigns isn't anywhere near the title picture at this time. What's ultimately being done with Roman Reigns is, in my opinion, what should've been done in the first place with him and that's building up his credibility and reputation as a singles wrestler. In just a handful of months after the break up of The Shield, not including the few months he was out injured due to suffering a hernia, WWE was already pushing him to the main event and he wasn't ready. He's come quite a long way in the post WrestleMania season and his gutsy performance with Lesnar most certainly raised his credibility, but it's too soon for Reigns to be champion. To be fair though, WWE pushed Reigns into the top spot rather than Daniel Bryan and, in hindsight, they were correct in not going with Bryan due to concerns as to how Bryan's neck would hold up, but they still chose the wrong guy to go with.

Reigns is gaining credibility, he's no longer being booed out of the building and fans have realized that Daniel Bryan's in-ring career may possibly be over. As a result, even if Bryan is back in time for WrestleMania next year, it's quite possible that fans won't boo the crap out of whomever main events WrestleMania XXXII. As a result, I think there'd be a bigger selling point for Lesnar vs. Reigns II happening at WrestleMania rather than SummerSlam; their match at WrestleMania was great and I'm sure most people would love to see another physical clash between them, but the anniversary of the event where Roman Reigns started down the journey to being genuinely ready to be a main event level player against the guy he began that journey against has a bigger feel to it.

If it does go down that way, the sequel needs to have a much better build up as Lesnar vs. Reigns I had one of the weakest build ups of any main event in WrestleMania history.
I'd be pumped for the rematch. WWE did a great job of building my anticipation for a future clash with the inconclusive ending at WM31.

Honestly, I believe that the three Shield members are destined for a WWE Championship triple threat at WM32 so I'd assume that any rematch is either imminent (i.e. Summerslam) or it will wait until Reigns is an established WWE Champion (Summerslam 2016).

With that said, I really like the idea of Reigns winning the championship in Texas and then meeting Lesnar at Summerslam next year and then you have a more compelling story of how Roman has redeemed himself and grown since their last meeting.
If the match HAS TO happen at Summerslam, Sheamus better cash in! Personally, If Reigns wins the WWE Championship, John Cena should be the man he wins it from. They could always have Sheamus cash in and win the title from whoever wins at Battleground or Summerslam. Have Sheamus carry the belt to Wrestlemania and face Reigns, as their matches the last two weeks were entertaining, however that might not sell well for a Wrestlemania main event.
Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar clashed at the main event of Wrestlemania 31 in one of the most physical matches I've ever seen on WWE programming, proving to the world that both men can deliver in a big match situation. However, their bout was cut just before the end, after Seth Rollins' intereference and cash-in, thus making the match a Triple Threat contest. Seth went on to win the WWE Championship and both men were stolen of their opportunity to make history.

I can't lie here. All the way to Wrestlemania, I thought that Roman wasn't ready, that he can't go in the ring, that he can't talk and his push didn't come naturally. I had doubts about this match and I thought it was going to suck. However, Reigns (and Lesnar to some degree), proved me wrong, as this match exceeded all expectations. Not only that, but the result, left me wanting more. These two men have open bussiness they need to finish. A rematch is inevitable and I would welcome it with open hands. I'm sure that with a proper build-up (not like the one they gave us for WM31), this rematch could go down as one of the biggest rematches of all time.

The question here is: Do you want to see that rematch? And if so, when?

I have a feeling that WWE would like the rematch to take place at Wrestlemania 32, with Reigns winning the Rumble second time in a row and Lesnar once again being the defending champion. It would be a great moment seeing Reigns finally beating the beast and winning the championship at Wrestlemania, but I don't think him winning the Rumble a 2nd time will do him any favours, regarding fans.

I was hoping for the match to happen at Summerslam. Having Lesnar beat Rollins at Battleground and Reigns vs Lesnar for the belt at Summerslam along with Rollins vs Triple H as the two main events. I believe Reigns is ready for a title run and I definately don't want to see Sheamus as the champ, not yet. But what I don't know is what this Bray Wyatt feud is about. Is it one-PPV feud in order to give them something to do? If so, then the Summerslam match is possible. Or will it be a long running, 3-PPV feud? I guess only time can tell.

So to sum up, I want to see Reigns finally beating Lesnar for the belt at Summerslam. A couple of months after that, Sheamus can cash in, maybe with Ambrose's help and betrayal to his brother.

What about you? Do you want to see the rematch and when do you think/want is it going to happen?

Interesting topic.

I don't want to see the rematch, maybe in the future when Reigns is a heel.

It wouldn't make sense to have the rematch anytime soon since Brock is a face now and it wouldn't have the same feeling like the original match up.

In the original match up, Reigns was painted as a underdog and Brock pretty much didn't take him seriously.

A Brock vs. Reigns vs. Rollins match at Summerslam would make a lot of sense. Reigns has been feuding with The Authority. He can be one and done with Bray like Ryback.

HHH vs. Rollins would feel rushed. That match needs to take place at WM 32 if Rock vs. HHH doesn't take place. Although I understand from the business perspective on why they would rather get Rollins vs. HHH done soon rather than WM. I would just hate for the title to be passed around like a hot potato. Brock would only be champ for a month, then Reigns, I guess the feud of the fall would be Rollins vs. Reigns while Brock goes on his annual fall break.
I would love to see another Reigns vs. Lesnar match!
They were beating the crap out of each other,
Both pulling off their finishers and the other guy kept coming back!!
I loved when Reigns started smiling!!
Lesnar was actually digging it!
Rollins cash-in ruined was a great match!
I'd rather see a triple threat with Sheamus vs Reigns vs Lesner. Talk about a smash mouth match that would be. I wouldn't care about who was face/heel whatever, just smash each other up. I was also surprised at the Reigns / Lesnar match at Mania as I wasn't expecting much but both guys got some brutal shots in on each other and I was digging it. I'm not sure when the WWE is going to let Reigns actually run with the ball for awhile, but I'd like to see this triple threat happen. Getting a little tired of shield vs shield all the time.
Why would we want to see a rematch? We saw it once at the biggest stage of them all and it was nothing special, it wasn't bad but it's not worth seeing another match. Lesnar can have so many matches with so many guys but you people want him to keep having rematches.. Lesnar/Reigns will probably never happen again and it shouldn't.
I'd love to see Lesnar vs Reigns at some point again, mainly because I was expecting to despise it yet I loved it. Would I like it to be for the title? No.

Let the title disappear away from them, maybe Reigns costs Lesnar the match, leading to the 2nd showdown between them. It could be pretty brutal & also allows the match to go either way.
I don't want to see Reigns vs. Lesnar again. If so, Reigns would have to be heel because people aren't ready to boo Lesnar. The problem is that Reigns shouldn't turn heel because he is getting over. There's no reason to accelerate or halt that.
The WWE World Championship is gonna be second to the US Title soon. Especially if Brock doesn't win it. I mean think about, it's practically like a Shield belt.
I absolutely want to see Reigns Lesnar II but not anytime soon. I want Roman to continue to come into his own and I'd like for Roman to be the unbeatable monster heel coming into the match. I'd love to see him coming off a dominant beatdown much like the one Lesnar gave Cena at Summer Slam.

Reigns should retire either Kane or the Big Show possibly even both, and he should be the champ heading into Wrestlemania. He should take the title off whoever is the champ in similar fashion to how Lesnar won it.

I can't pin down a date for all this though, but I feel Wrestlemania 32 would be too early.

On the other hand I think I'd be fine seeing a repeat of last years Wrestlemania main event, it was that good of a match and for me it's still my Match of the Year.

I still have so many dream matches for Lesnar but Lesnar Reigns is the only one I know for sure can headline Wrestlemania.
Always thought Reigns/Lesnar was horribly booked because they didnt build Reigns as threat before Rumble win and they booked him wrong on Rumble. And if they fucked up with feud they should off run original plan and let Reigns win and on next PPV Rollins to cash in after rematch. Like this seems only person who benefited from feud was Rollins and he wasnt even in the feud.

But what I don't know is what this Bray Wyatt feud is about. Is it one-PPV feud in order to give them something to do?
Unfortunatly for us, think its more then one PPV. So dont think there is too much chances to run Lesnar/Reigns 2 so soon at Summerslam. Maybe later or in next few years while they had Lesnar on roster.

Was really looking forward to see Lesnar/Orton because I think it would be fantastic match but as Lesnar/Reigns, no way it could happen in near future.
I don't EVER want to see that rematch. Lesnar vs. Reigns was one of the worst matches in WrestleMania history and the worst match to close out a WrestleMania since 1995. Lesnar proved he's not half the athlete he was in his first WWE run, and Reigns proved he's nowhere NEAR ready to be at the top of the card. Sitting through that match once was painful enough, especially after such an otherwise amazing WrestleMania. It was like having a delicious meal, with a perfectly cooked steak, spiced roasted potatoes, scrumptious appetizers, and your favorite refreshing beverage... and then for dessert, a pie that looks like chocolate but is actually crap. It ruined the whole meal.
I don't EVER want to see that rematch. Lesnar vs. Reigns was one of the worst matches in WrestleMania history and the worst match to close out a WrestleMania since 1995. Lesnar proved he's not half the athlete he was in his first WWE run, and Reigns proved he's nowhere NEAR ready to be at the top of the card. Sitting through that match once was painful enough, especially after such an otherwise amazing WrestleMania. It was like having a delicious meal, with a perfectly cooked steak, spiced roasted potatoes, scrumptious appetizers, and your favorite refreshing beverage... and then for dessert, a pie that looks like chocolate but is actually crap. It ruined the whole meal.

I'm somewhere in the middle. I don't think it was a pile of crap, but I think it's being WAY oversold SIMPLY BECAUSE the match didn't suck as much as everyone thought it was going to.

I personally thought it was going to be an absolute flop, but it wasn't. I was entertained. The ending with Seth was the perfect ending to that match. But I was only pleased because I expected to hate it.

I don't get all the talk about it being one of the best Mania main events ever. It might be the main event that most exceeding the collective expectation, but at the end of the day, it was average. And I enjoyed it.

And I don't mind a rematch, with a good story and a reason to have it. Let Roman mature some more, which he has. Brock will draw. I'd watch it. But at the end of WrestleMania, I don't know.
I'm all in for a Lesnar/Reigns rematch.

They had a great, physical hard-hitting match at Wrestlemania 31, but Reigns VS Lesnar II shouldn't happen anytime soon.

The fans are finally stating to rally around Reigns again, and things are much different with Lesnar now. He's clearly a face, and I don't like the idea of putting Reigns in a feud with Brock Lesnar as a face.

Face Lesnar VS Roman Reigns has disaster written all over it for Roman. You have to believe the fans will embrace Lesnar over Reigns, and WWE is running a serious risk of killing his momentum again, if they decide to put Reigns in another awkward position, where the fans have to choose, who they'll root for, because the fan support for Reigns is not strong enough to rival Brock Lesnar's fandom.

WWE should keep Reigns and Lesnar far away from each other for the time being. I could picture a brief backstage scenario, with a staredown between Lesnar VS Reigns, where they acknowledge their feud, the match at Wrestlemania, and a future rematch, but that's about it.
I would like to see Brock/Roman II but it will not happen anytime soon since both guys are faces. The fans like Brock now and Roman has won over the fans, maybe they can fight in a triple threat match with a major heel. You do not want a repeat of what happened at Royal Rumble when Roman won and everybody was disappointed that it was not Daniel. Roman is almost ready for a Title run and Brock would always be a great Champion but not if he is part time and that is to bad. I will say next year at Summerslam Sheamus vs. Brock for the Title and enter the Money in the bank winner Roman Reigns. If not that than a heel Roman vs. Brock at WM32.

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