Reigns and the Rumble(A Storyline)


R.I.P Mustang Sally :( :( :(
I mentioned this scenario in a post in another thread regarding Roman Reigns.

As we all know, it probly won't happen given the rumours of Reigns winning the Rumble on Sunday. However, I'd just like to get an opinion on this scenario with regards to Reigns and the Royal Rumble match.

We all know that last year, Roman Reigns broke the record for most Rumble Eliminations in a Single Rumble match, but he was last out against eventual winner Batista. I am more sure that in Philly, if it came down to Reigns in the last 2 or even 4, he'll probably get loads of undeserved boos due to the rumours that has been going on for so long.

My scenario is, simply, why not create a Storyline involving Reigns and the Rumble match?
Have him once again eliminate loads of people in the Rumble this year, maybe break the record once again, but get screwed out by someone in a dirty fashion and be eliminated once again close to the end.
And then continue it again the next couple of years, or as long as the fans could be interested in such an angle, with Roman Reigns becoming the Record Breaker in the Rumble match, but also being its 'nearly-man' in terms of always getting close but not close enough to winning the whole thing to go on to the Main Event of Mania.

I think it would be an interesting Long-Term story, and would also give him time to work on his weaknesses before being thrown into a Main Event at Mania. Also, it would allow him to build on his badass persona as well, whilst hopefully, doing enough to get an organic fanbase instead of being booked to the top to have a possible swift fall shortly after...

Not well-written, but I hope you get the storyline idea. Thoughts?
It's a decent enough idea- especially if you wanted to shift gears and give Reigns a slower and more natural build-up. There are two problems though;

1. How long can you run with the angle?

Since the Rumble winner gets into the WM Main Event- and this is both unlikely to change and needs to exist for Roman to have a proper payoff- how many times can you run this particular plot before you have to have Roman finally conquer the Rumble? I mean, it seems like you could only do it once, or maybe even twice, before you have no real choice but to progress Reigns to the Top Card scene.

2. Is there someone on the opposite end of this storyline?

Or rather, is this plot for Reigns purely about him, or do we have an actual villain to play against him? As much as it might be easier to just have Roman struggle to get over the hump, period, that does lose a fair amount of the drama behind the story. You'd really need someone in place to screw Reigns repeatedly in order to drive home the plot- someone who'd almost go out of their way to screw him in fact- so that in the end you cheer like a madman when Reigns finally escapes the latest screwing and wins the rumble as a result.
It's a decent enough idea- especially if you wanted to shift gears and give Reigns a slower and more natural build-up. There are two problems though;

1. How long can you run with the angle?

Since the Rumble winner gets into the WM Main Event- and this is both unlikely to change and needs to exist for Roman to have a proper payoff- how many times can you run this particular plot before you have to have Roman finally conquer the Rumble? I mean, it seems like you could only do it once, or maybe even twice, before you have no real choice but to progress Reigns to the Top Card scene.

2. Is there someone on the opposite end of this storyline?

Or rather, is this plot for Reigns purely about him, or do we have an actual villain to play against him? As much as it might be easier to just have Roman struggle to get over the hump, period, that does lose a fair amount of the drama behind the story. You'd really need someone in place to screw Reigns repeatedly in order to drive home the plot- someone who'd almost go out of their way to screw him in fact- so that in the end you cheer like a madman when Reigns finally escapes the latest screwing and wins the rumble as a result.

The length of the Angle is a possible problem, though it would be more of a way to keep Reigns out of the WrestleMania Main Event, rather than him not ever being in the Main Event scene at all.
I'd suppose he wins the WWE title at some point, but still the thought of him dominating, yet failing to win a Royal Rumble, could be an intriguing Mini-Story everytime the Royal Rumble comes around.

As for who screws him... it doesn't really have to be a story following a pattern as such with one person screwing him at all.

It just has to be an angle brought up around Rumble time, where Roman Reigns is a guy that dreams of the Mania Main Event like all other Superstars do, but, is totally dominant in every Rumble match he has been a part of, however, he just can't seem to win it for one reason or another.

It has a limited shelf-life for sure, but it isn't a storyline that needs to go on for too long, just enough to actually have fans anticipating Roman Reigns Royal Rumble Victory.

Essentially such an angle, would be solely, as you mentioned, an interesting 'mini-angle' to ensure Reigns is given a slow push towards being the Main Guy in the company, instead of getting the rocket-strapped to the back treatment that he isn't fully-ready for as yet.
The length of the Angle is a possible problem, though it would be more of a way to keep Reigns out of the WrestleMania Main Event, rather than him not ever being in the Main Event scene at all.
I'd suppose he wins the WWE title at some point, but still the thought of him dominating, yet failing to win a Royal Rumble, could be an intriguing Mini-Story everytime the Royal Rumble comes around.

As for who screws him... it doesn't really have to be a story following a pattern as such with one person screwing him at all.

It just has to be an angle brought up around Rumble time, where Roman Reigns is a guy that dreams of the Mania Main Event like all other Superstars do, but, is totally dominant in every Rumble match he has been a part of, however, he just can't seem to win it for one reason or another.

It has a limited shelf-life for sure, but it isn't a storyline that needs to go on for too long, just enough to actually have fans anticipating Roman Reigns Royal Rumble Victory.

Essentially such an angle, would be solely, as you mentioned, an interesting 'mini-angle' to ensure Reigns is given a slow push towards being the Main Guy in the company, instead of getting the rocket-strapped to the back treatment that he isn't fully-ready for as yet.

I'd have the disagree with the first bit. Making Reigns and his 'Almost Got It' sub-plot in the Rumble does kinda of require it to be his legit stepping tone to a title match. Because on it's own merits, what separates Reigns from all the others who go into Rumble after Rumble and fail to win, other than WWE ******ing over it ad nauseum? His 'kill' count? Kane was a similar terror and he was never discussed in those terms, neither was Kevin Nash back when he was still effective if not exactly THAT interesting. It would almost feel like another backlash, a means of keeping Roman 'looking strong' despite failing again. Hang the title in front of him, a light at the end of the tunnel, and the obstacle has some real merit to it.

Or heck, do what they did in '92 and just have the Royal Rumble be FOR the WWE Title. That bypasses the argument entirely and might provide a greater buy-in in terms of drama as a result.

As to the second point, once again, I do allude to the idea that having someone that Reigns can't quite conquer, someone who seems to always be there at the right time and place to end his hopes and dreams, that's a juicy hook to reel in the fans and add some momentum in the guy's favor. Speaking of, wouldn't it be intriguing if they somehow got Batista back to almost duplicate what happened last year- except for the part of Batista winning, just the part where Batista eliminates Reigns- and have him be the hump Roman can't get over? That at least allows you to use a precedent to lay out the foundations of the plot rather than having to scrounge for a suitable villain to play that part.
Speaking of, wouldn't it be intriguing if they somehow got Batista back to almost duplicate what happened last year- except for the part of Batista winning, just the part where Batista eliminates Reigns- and have him be the hump Roman can't get over? That at least allows you to use a precedent to lay out the foundations of the plot rather than having to scrounge for a suitable villain to play that part.

That's actually a pretty damn fascinating idea. For one, setting up a match between Reigns and Batista at Mania definitely works in his favor. You want people to cheer Reigns? Put him against Batista.

Then the following year, say that you have Reigns in some sort of feud with Triple H in the months leading up to the Rumble. You could have him in the final two with say, Bray Wyatt. All of a sudden, Batista's music hits and while Reigns is distracted, Wyatt eliminates him. It furthers the story of Reigns being unable to win the Rumble while giving him another mountain to climb in Triple H.

I don't really see how you can keep him hot this whole time, what with weekly television and a remedial booking team, but the idea is intriguing.
While the idea is interesting there are a number of issues associated with it.

First of all, how many years do you plan on seeing this run. The WWE's plan is to make him the new face of the company, and I think with the push that he's getting they want it to happen sooner rather than later. Do you really think they want to wait another 5 years before putting him in the main event?

Also take into consideration Kane's record, which stood for what 11 years. It was quite a feat for Reigns to break it, and it would make Kane look rather ordinary if Reigns kept not only breaking it but his own record each year.

The Royal Rumble only happens once a year and I don't see Roman Reigns sitting around waiting for the next Rumble to try and get a title shot. If he's not going for it full boar every day, might as well not even be in the ring.
First of all, how many years do you plan on seeing this run.

That's the rub, isn't it? Depending on which day of the week it is, we read that Roman Reigns is ready to take the world title now, and management is going to let nothing stop this from happening. Next day, he's not going to win the Rumble but if they can sharpen his skills between now and WM31, he might very well win the title, anyway. On still another day, we read the powers-that-be are concerned he just doesn't have what it takes to be a world class performer, and even while they're extremely disappointed, they won't let him headline main event matches until he is......if he ever is.

The OP's idea is an interesting one, to be sure. In a way, it gives validity to the "not ready yet" idea and keeps him away from title shots, even while keeping him in our minds. The guy is young; they've got the time to let this play out.

When you come down to it, whether Roman Reigns wins the Royal Rumble is going to speak volumes on answering questions about him, at least in the immediate future. Yes, they could have him win the Rumble, yet not take the world title at WM31, but it's hard to say whether that would make sense or not.
To be fair, Kane already seems to ordinary thanks to how he has been booked. I wouldn't mind Reigns beating his own record just because it gives him that big moment, without winning. Personally, I suspect he is going to get dragged over the top by the Big Show- whom he will have already eliminated.
I'd have the disagree with the first bit. Making Reigns and his 'Almost Got It' sub-plot in the Rumble does kinda of require it to be his legit stepping tone to a title match. Because on it's own merits, what separates Reigns from all the others who go into Rumble after Rumble and fail to win, other than WWE ******ing over it ad nauseum? His 'kill' count? Kane was a similar terror and he was never discussed in those terms, neither was Kevin Nash back when he was still effective if not exactly THAT interesting. It would almost feel like another backlash, a means of keeping Roman 'looking strong' despite failing again. Hang the title in front of him, a light at the end of the tunnel, and the obstacle has some real merit to it.

Or heck, do what they did in '92 and just have the Royal Rumble be FOR the WWE Title. That bypasses the argument entirely and might provide a greater buy-in in terms of drama as a result.

As to the second point, once again, I do allude to the idea that having someone that Reigns can't quite conquer, someone who seems to always be there at the right time and place to end his hopes and dreams, that's a juicy hook to reel in the fans and add some momentum in the guy's favor. Speaking of, wouldn't it be intriguing if they somehow got Batista back to almost duplicate what happened last year- except for the part of Batista winning, just the part where Batista eliminates Reigns- and have him be the hump Roman can't get over? That at least allows you to use a precedent to lay out the foundations of the plot rather than having to scrounge for a suitable villain to play that part.

Well, I had Reigns to probably break the record again and again, but ultimately come up short each time. Of course, getting to the Mania Main Event would be the end game, no doubt, but that doesn't mean he can't be a part of the title scene at other points during the year.
After all, a Golden Mania Moment is still very coveted as evidenced by CM Punk's butthurt at never getting one.

I do like the idea of someone established and hated like Batista, being a specific obstacle, but If he isn't available, who is good enough for such a role other than him? Big Show? Kane? Those guys aren't useful in such a role, lMO, as Roman's current feud has shown.
While the idea is interesting there are a number of issues associated with it.

First of all, how many years do you plan on seeing this run. The WWE's plan is to make him the new face of the company, and I think with the push that he's getting they want it to happen sooner rather than later. Do you really think they want to wait another 5 years before putting him in the main event?

Also take into consideration Kane's record, which stood for what 11 years. It was quite a feat for Reigns to break it, and it would make Kane look rather ordinary if Reigns kept not only breaking it but his own record each year.

The Royal Rumble only happens once a year and I don't see Roman Reigns sitting around waiting for the next Rumble to try and get a title shot. If he's not going for it full boar every day, might as well not even be in the ring.

It doesn't have to be very long, actually. Maybe a couple of years, max. Even let it run for this year, once again, given his promo at TLC... it would be an interesting swerve, where he breaks his record once again, but again, he fails at the last hurdle. If that doesn't help with his character development thereafter, I don't know what will. And such a swerve would still make him look strong given his record, but keep him away from being the centre of the WWE.

Kane is already ordinary and doesn't have the record anymore. Roman Reigns broke it. If the record breaker breaks his own record again, why would that affect Kane? It would only affect Kane if someone else broke it this year again...

I did say that Roman Reigns wouldn't be out of the title scene at other points during the year. This angle is solely regarding Roman Reigns and him Main Eventing WrestleMania.
As we saw with CM Punk, Main Eventing Mania is quite a big deal to the WWE Superstars, it is the ultimate dream, remember CM Punk is the longest reigning Champ of the Modern Era, and still he wanted to Main Event WrestleMania and basically walked out when he believed he wouldn't ever get it.
That's the rub, isn't it? Depending on which day of the week it is, we read that Roman Reigns is ready to take the world title now, and management is going to let nothing stop this from happening. Next day, he's not going to win the Rumble but if they can sharpen his skills between now and WM31, he might very well win the title, anyway. On still another day, we read the powers-that-be are concerned he just doesn't have what it takes to be a world class performer, and even while they're extremely disappointed, they won't let him headline main event matches until he is......if he ever is.

The OP's idea is an interesting one, to be sure. In a way, it gives validity to the "not ready yet" idea and keeps him away from title shots, even while keeping him in our minds. The guy is young; they've got the time to let this play out.

When you come down to it, whether Roman Reigns wins the Royal Rumble is going to speak volumes on answering questions about him, at least in the immediate future. Yes, they could have him win the Rumble, yet not take the world title at WM31, but it's hard to say whether that would make sense or not.

Exactly, also remember at TLC, Roman Reigns said he would dominate again this year. Why not have him dominate, as in breaking his own record once again, but fall short of winning again. That induces some sort of self doubt inside the Special Ops Superman who has been laying to waste everything put in front him. It could be interesting in terms of adding a layer of vulnerability to the Reigns Superman character, but still, keeping above most others in the company due to his dominance.

Do it for a couple of years, and I am sure by that time, he would have improved on his weaknesses and would be ready to take a top spot, but with much less backlash from all corners, as is the case now.

IF he wins the Rumble this year, then he has to win his title match at Mania... and I'd say, whilst a cash-in on him is appealing to me, I doubt it would be done on him, as Vince would want to portray him as Superman to the casual fanbase who are slowly warming to him as time goes on. He might probably turn away Seth's cash-in attempt on him to go with defeating the Beast Incarnate in the Main Event at Mania if it happens.
I mentioned this scenario in a post in another thread regarding Roman Reigns.

As we all know, it probly won't happen given the rumours of Reigns winning the Rumble on Sunday. However, I'd just like to get an opinion on this scenario with regards to Reigns and the Royal Rumble match.

We all know that last year, Roman Reigns broke the record for most Rumble Eliminations in a Single Rumble match, but he was last out against eventual winner Batista. I am more sure that in Philly, if it came down to Reigns in the last 2 or even 4, he'll probably get loads of undeserved boos due to the rumours that has been going on for so long.

My scenario is, simply, why not create a Storyline involving Reigns and the Rumble match?
Have him once again eliminate loads of people in the Rumble this year, maybe break the record once again, but get screwed out by someone in a dirty fashion and be eliminated once again close to the end.
And then continue it again the next couple of years, or as long as the fans could be interested in such an angle, with Roman Reigns becoming the Record Breaker in the Rumble match, but also being its 'nearly-man' in terms of always getting close but not close enough to winning the whole thing to go on to the Main Event of Mania.

I think it would be an interesting Long-Term story, and would also give him time to work on his weaknesses before being thrown into a Main Event at Mania. Also, it would allow him to build on his badass persona as well, whilst hopefully, doing enough to get an organic fanbase instead of being booked to the top to have a possible swift fall shortly after...

Not well-written, but I hope you get the storyline idea. Thoughts?

I like your idea. Unfortunately, that was the story of Kane's career in his prime.

WWE just need to have in the right angle. Feuding with Show doesn't help him. It isn't his fault. Big Show isn't relevant anymore. Cena couldn't get fans invested in their feud in 2012, Orton couldn't do it in 2013, and Brock couldn't do it last year.

Reigns just need the right opponent. Somebody I'd have in mind is Sheamus. Like Reigns, Sheamus is athletic but he doesn't have to be carried to have a good match.

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