Regarding Hardy's Heel Turn

The EY/OJ vs Ink Inc match was kinda pointless, even if it did give me a few chuckles
Tazz's gay jokes were shit. Making gay jokes is one thing, but they weren't any good.

Stay away from his crotch? What, being gay means your penis attacks people without warning?
I have a lot of problems with what went down after the main event last night, but in regards to Jeff Hardy's heel turn, it's very hard for me to see this working out. He's shit on the mic, always has been. He has an unusual, up-tempo style that makes it almost impossible for fans to boo him (it could be time for some piped-in-boo'ing). So what does that leave? Jeff having to justify this heel turn..on the mic. Can he do it? I'm not getting my hopes up.
As I said before, people thought the same of AJ and they're loving his heel persona
As I said before, people thought the same of AJ and they're loving his heel persona

Some are, some are not. I like it, but I think that has as much to do with Ric Flair as AJ. Who is going to mentor Jeff "I'm Headed to the Can" Hardy when it comes to being a great heel? Hogan? Bischoff? Good luck with that, Jeff.
Hogan and Bischoff are pretty good mic workers and were very good as heels so they should be able to help Jeff get over as a heel.
Hogan and Bischoff are pretty good mic workers and were very good as heels so they should be able to help Jeff get over as a heel.

Bischoff is a good mic worker, but I don't see how he and Hardy have enough in common, as men, for Easy-E to help him all that much.

Hogan knows how to work a crowd better than anyone I have ever seen, but I wouldn't call him a great mic worker.
But having the combination of the two could do wonders for Hardy, Hogan can help him work a crowd while Bischoff helps him with his mic skills.
I just don't see it. I'm not a Jeff-hater at all, I've actually always kind of liked the guy. I just don't see as much character-potential with him as I did with AJ. And this is going to need an Oscar-caliber promo to explain what happened out there last night.
Just a thought...

So now it's Angle/Pope/Joe/Nash/Sting/RVD/Anderson vs Hogan/Bischoff/Jarrett/Hardy/Abyss.

Um, which group is supposed to take over TNA again?
Looks like "they" are all, well, fat to be honest, Matt should fit right in at least

Coco's sig being somewhat proof
If this angle culminates into a Joe vs Hogan match, with Joe whippin' the shit outta Hollywood...

It's shit like this that makes me question TNA. Why the fuck should Tommy Dreamer go over AJ at the biggest TNA PPV of the year?

Because the two big matches at a WM-type PPV shouldn't both be won by heels

Also, to answer KB, it was clear it was a heel turn when RVD came out to ask questions and Jeff just clocked him with the belt
Nope. But Morgan will squash Suicide who will pin AJ... Then AJ will face Hardy for the strap. Oh yeah, Angle, Anderson, Abyss, and RVD will all go to the X-Division.

Because the two big matches at a WM-type PPV shouldn't both be won by heels

Also, to answer KB, it was clear it was a heel turn when RVD came out to ask questions and Jeff just clocked him with the belt

Charlie, read this back to yourself out loud. Tommy Dreamer pinned AJ Styles at Bound for Glory. Anyone with a normal brain can see how stupid that is. Like KB said, could have been Morgan getting pinned, just not the face of your product at your biggest PPV.
Yeah, AJ getting pinned was pretty bullshit, I was also peeved at how AJ comes out wearing his belt and they don't mention it ONCE, not even in the enterance. Just said "...and AJ Styles"

If anything, Kaz should have taken the pin, as he has less potential/of a future compared to the other 4 -- but y'know, he had to take that overbooked top spot with BK. I guess they were going with some "Dreamer gets retribution for getting forked in the eye" crap.
When I told a friend that Tommy fucking Dreamer pinned A.J. Styles at the biggest TNA PPV of the year in 2010, I almost vomited.

I can forgive a lot of things, but I won't forgive this.

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