Regarding Hardy's Heel Turn

Nash I think is legit gone. Sting is interesting because he can say I TOLD YOU SO. Now the interesting question: does he go to war with Hogan or does he say "you wouldn't listen so now you're on your own"?
There are plenty of options alongside the questions. Sting and Pope should shoot right up to join the fight alongside Anderson. That should lead to some decent matches with Hardy.

I still can't believe EV2 went over. But Fortune would also be well placed to be direct opposition to "them".
The last part of this sums up my issue with it I think. A worked shoot is fine once in awhile. Russo has a tendency to get WAY too obsessed with them and if history tells us one thing about them, it's that they don't draw.

When people keep making the TNA/WCW comparisons, this is where I go back to. Behind Russo's writing and the issues people have with that is his long standing crusade to "evolve" kayfabe to a point where even IWC fans can't tell what's what. The clear problem with this is that:

A: If your viewers can't tell what the hell is going on, or what the hell you are talking about, how can you expect them to tune in each week, let along purchase PPV's?

B: The lengths they have to reach to accomplish these goals means screwing with the locker room boys. If anything sticks out to me as WCW-ish, it's the locker room morale of most of the boys not knowing what the hell is really going on.

Cornette once made a point about how we've gone from the marks being the ones who paid to see the show to marks being the boys in back. I think that's pretty relevant here.
DirtyJosé;2510251 said:
When people keep making the TNA/WCW comparisons, this is where I go back to. Behind Russo's writing and the issues people have with that is his long standing crusade to "evolve" kayfabe to a point where even IWC fans can't tell what's what. The clear problem with this is that:

A: If your viewers can't tell what the hell is going on, or what the hell you are talking about, how can you expect them to tune in each week, let along purchase PPV's?

B: The lengths they have to reach to accomplish these goals means screwing with the locker room boys. If anything sticks out to me as WCW-ish, it's the locker room morale of most of the boys not knowing what the hell is really going on.

Cornette once made a point about how we've gone from the marks being the ones who paid to see the show to marks being the boys in back. I think that's pretty relevant here.

Recently we've had a man limping out after surgery which may or may not have happened, a group of people talking for months about a conspiracy, an apparent tryst between Tessmacher, Pope and Nash, a struggle for power with an apparent coup from THEY, torture, kidnappings, possibly fraud if the papers Dixie signed were what we think they are, and betrayal.

All that being said, what does any of this have to do with professional wrestling?
It's TNA, it's all about the angle. Good wrestling seems to come secondary; it always has and always will. I love some of the talent but sometimes the powers-that-be allow the things that will be good for the company to go by in place of the swerve for shock value.
Which is where the comparisons to WCW come in.

As for WM 17, this is what JR said to end the show: "Steve Austin has sold his soul to the devil himself to win the WWF Title!" There. That’s it. That’s your explanation. There is no conspiracy, there is no hidden meaning, there is nothing but Austin saying he’s not good enough to beat Rock on his own and is taking the shortcut to get what he wants.

This is a huge conspiracy that is going to require a lot of explanation and in which something is going to get fouled up. I’ve said this many times: I don’t want to have to have a pencil and paper and a flow chart to understand an angle. TNA should not be more complicated than Lost.

Little preview from the review there for you.
I’ve said this many times: I don’t want to have to have a pencil and paper and a flow chart to understand an angle. [Pro wrestling] should not be more complicated than Lost.

I would totally sig this modified version if I didn't already use that space pimping out my crew. I am definitely going to use this line in the future.
So Jeff Hardy, a man of honor, suddenly using Hogan's crutches to harm his competitors and then laying out Rob Van Dam with his belt didn't strike you as heelish?

Crazy times we're living in, kids.
This right here is what scares me.

Also, is there any solid reason why Hogan turned other than Hogan wants to be a heel?
My only guess is that he's looking for something similar to the Rock/Corporation days where VInce was the tyrant boss had a corporate follower (Shane/Bischoff) an enforcer (Test/Bossman/Abyss/Jarrett) an of course the crown jewel (Jeff Hardy/The Rock). When you think about it Jeff and Hogan are very similar. Hugely popular an up until later points of their career they were uber-faces.

DirtyJosé;2510192 said:
It's the million dollar question indeed. Can TNA turn this into money? Or is it yet another kayfabe raping from the masters of the worked shoots and shoot works.
It has loads of potential to work. But like you said, the million dollar question is if they can pull it off.

All of this for a ratings spike that lasts for two or three weeks?
I'm hoping for it to be 4 or 5 months while TNA can develop a face to stop them. AJ, please AJ!

Non-subject. Mr. Anderson was the person Jeff pinned. I'm guessing that's Angle's loophole to stay and he'll probably kiss up to the fans saying that they need him more than ever now so he can't leave.
So Jeff Hardy, a man of honor, suddenly using Hogan's crutches to harm his competitors and then laying out Rob Van Dam with his belt didn't strike you as heelish?

Crazy times we're living in, kids.
That was the best part. RVD looks genuinely pissed and then Jeff just tells him "fuck you" and bashes him with the belt.
[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2510484]I'm hoping for it to be 4 or 5 months while TNA can develop a face to stop them. [/QUOTE]

My point would be that the faces are there. Before you even look at Fortune as potential opponents. RVD, Anderson, Angle, Pope & Sting should all be viable contenders. AJ is the obvious choice, and I have every confidence he can come back from being pinned by Dreamer.
My point would be that the faces are there. Before you even look at Fortune as potential opponents. RVD, Anderson, Angle, Pope & Sting should all be viable contenders. AJ is the obvious choice, and I have every confidence he can come back from being pinned by Dreamer.

It's shit like this that makes me question TNA. Why the fuck should Tommy Dreamer go over AJ at the biggest TNA PPV of the year?
I cannot excuse that or fathon the reason why that made sense to Russo. It couldn't get any worse for him though could it?
When Hogan turned in 1996, no one believed.. It was a shocker, Hogan would have been thinking that making a shocker will increase reating, buy rates and all that.. Hardy turned, Everyone thought that would be Anderson but TNA shocked us.. Well Hardy turning is a good thing but If they raped the aftermath of the storyline then TNA will die.
AJ? Could lose again in a one on one to Dreamer, or anyone lower on the card. But for the most part I think he should be fine.
The aftermath should be like this ..
originally posted by me..

Jeff Hardy defeating RVD, Angle and Anderson and be the longest reigning TNA champion ever.. That will make this stable REAL BIG.. The stable's focus must not be on any other championship than World Championship because if 'They' will be running after all Championships, it will make 'They' look like just another stable. This stable's objective must be different from other stables like NWO, Fortune, Evolution and MEM..

there must be no FACE stable to fight 'They'.. Angle, Joe, Pope, Sting, Anderson and RVD need to stay alone and try to destroy 'They' but Because of THE FACES I mentioned are not united that's why The FACES are not able to destroy 'They'.

Hardy turning is just Freakin' Awesome. The explanation of Hardy turning should not be like Hogan offered him money because that will be crappy. They must go on for a long time (atleast a year). But 'They' must not be like getting their ass kicked at iMPACT but dominating at every PPV.
When Hogan turned in 1996, no one believed.. It was a shocker, Hogan would have been thinking that making a shocker will increase reating, buy rates and all that.. Hardy turned, Everyone thought that would be Anderson but TNA shocked us.. Well Hardy turning is a good thing but If they raped the aftermath of the storyline then TNA will die.

But did everyone really expect the main event to be affected by them? Before the event I mean, before the Jarrett turn and no one being involved in the Abyss match?

I didn't.
Thing is they need to roll with this angle, the worst thing to happen is if they cock up the best thing they have going for them
It's shit like this that makes me question TNA. Why the fuck should Tommy Dreamer go over AJ at the biggest TNA PPV of the year?
JMy only defense for it is that he was distracted by Kendrick. To make the best of it, if the idea was for EV2 to win, maybe AJ was the best choice to take the fall. First off, he slaughtered Dreamer last month an secondly he's bounced back from worse things.

I still hated it though. The one blemish of the night for me.

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