Redemption: Grudge Match: Joseph Rios vs. Big Will


I Am The One Who Knocks
Joseph Rios vs. Big Will


Two friends turned bitter enemies. Both were members of Dynasty. Then Big Will got a chance at Rios's World Title. Where Will won the title from Rios. Things have turned sour between the two and now they are ready to fight it out. Will Big Will really prove he is the one now that he doesnt have the title? Or will Rios prove he is still The Main Event? Find out at REDEMPTION!

Role Plays are to be in on Monday Nov. 24th at 11:59 p.m.
The camera opens on Leon Kensworth in a hospital room with a beautiful Woman in tears, sitting in a chair next to a hospital bed where Big Will lays, motionless and lifeless. A Doctor suddenly walks in, as Leon goes to approach him, he quickly bypasses Leon and goes to the Woman.

(Doctor)- "Mrs. Barnes, my name is Dr. Andrews and I'm a specialist that's been moved to your Husband's case. I came to meet with you and explain briefly on what's happening with your Husband and how we're moving forward with the situation." The Beautiful Woman, now being confirmed as Will's Wife wipes away the tears from her eyes and nods her head, listening to the Doctor.

(Doctor)- "Mrs. Barnes, when your Husband arrived he was in serious to critical condition, to our knowledge he'd received a severe beating at the hands of multiple individuals, to the point of suffering severe brain trama." The Doctor holds up an x-ray of a skull. He begins pointing at different areas on the x-ray of the insides of the brain.

"What I'm showing you here is very blunt internal damaging to your Husband's cranium. During the attack he suffered, he seemingly must have received several head impacted injuries, resulting in a loss of consciousness. As a result, we've been unsuccessful in bringing your Husband to a conscious state. He is in what we would categorize as a mild coma." Mrs. Barnes sighs deeply, as tears begin filling her eyes. She starts sobbing, but finds a way to reply to the Doctor.

(Mrs. Barnes)- "Is he going to be okay? Will he ever come out of this? His entire life revolved around that career, and this is what he gets in return. Will my Husband ever be the same again?"

(Doctor)- "There is no sure way I could answer your questions. I'm unable to confirm whether or not William will ever find his way out of this coma. What I do know is it isn't serious; yet. It's mild which means it's basically his own mind keeping him within it."

(Mrs. Barnes)- "What exactly does that mean? His own mind is keeping him in a coma?!"

(Doctor)- "Essentially what that means is whatever came to happen to William, it was so bad that his own mind is fighting whether or not it's worth recovering from."

(Kensworth)- "Excuse me, Dr. Andrews, Leon Kensworth with W.Z.C.W. I'm here to check on whether or not Big Will can compete in his match against Joseph Rios at the up-coming Pay per view." The Doctor glares at Kensworth, almost as if he feels Leon doesn't understand exactly where he is.

(Doctor)- "Excuse me, Peon.."

(Kensworth)- "That's Leon."

(Doctor)- "Yes, I'm sure it is. Look, it doesn't really matter who you are. If you aren't Family, then you really don't have any permission to be in this room. This Patient is in critical condition, and in my professional opinion; short of a miracle I don't think this man will ever wrestle again, let alone be prepared for a match at a Pay per view that's up-coming. Right now we haven't gotten any response out of Will since he's arrived. Noone knows what's going on in his head except for him......"

Everything goes all fuzzy and cloudy, waves begin swaying back and forth as everything goes bright white. Suddenly, a sole figure is standing in the middle of nothing, pure white. It's Big Will.

(Big Will)- "Hello? Is anyone there? Where am I?"

(Voice)- "You're here, that's where you are. Here you are, is where you are."

(Will)- "Who's there? Where's here? Am I dead? Who are you? Show yourself!"

(Voice)- "You see what wants to be seen. I am you, but you do not want to see yourself. Scared is what you are. Ready to see, what you can accept. Can not accept is what you feel."

(Will)- "My head hurts, and this is getting us nowhere. Is anyone there? Help me!!" Suddenly, a glimmer appears before Will. Within the light walks out a dark figure, one Will knows. "Reaper? Is that you?"

(Reaper)- "I am not the Reaper you know, but merely a figure you've allowed yourself to see. You feel comfortable with this image, thus you have projected it upon me. I am your subconscious, here to be your guide. However only you can find the answers to the exit. Quickly you must, before time expires and you remain locked in your own subconscious forever."

(Will)- "How did I get here? Where IS here? Did you say my sub-conscious, as in my mind? I'm IN my mind? That's absurd and stupid. The last thing I remember was.. .. I.. I can't remember anything. Why can't I remember anything? What is this place? It's pure white, nothing is here?!"

(Reaper)- "Nothing is here because you do not wish to be anywhere. You wish to be nowhere, so nothing can be here. Until you allow yourself to go somewhere, nowhere you shall remain."

(Will)- "I want to remember, remember how I got here. Whereever here is. Take me to somewhere familiar." Suddenly the pure white light begins to fade, everything turns black and starts blurring out again. "Wait, what's happening?" After light begins coming back, a surrounding begins to form. It's a town, a city that seems so full of life all around it.

(Will)- "This place.. this town, I know this town. It's Toronto. Why am I here though? What's so special about my hometown?"

(Reaper)- "Answers are only revealed after the questions have been successfully asked. The end can not happen without a beginning to start it."

(Will)- "If you're me, why are you talking in riddles? I don't talk in riddles. And I don't understand how my hometown is the source of how I got h.. .." Big Will suddenly notices something that freezes his train of thought. Everything around him literally freezes. "This is the building where I first met Chuck Myles, the guy who signed me to a contract for W.Z.C... .. W.Z.C.W., why couldn't I remember that before?"

(Reaper)- "The starting point has been found, continuing down the path is a choice you must decide to make on your own. Remembering what you want, and remembering to forget what you can not accept are one in the same."

(Will)- "Remembering what I want to forget? Why would I want to forget the company I'm rewriting history with? W.Z.C.W. is where I first..." Suddenly another figure begins yelling, which causes Will to lose what he was saying as he turns his attention.

(Mysterious Figure)- "Hey you, what are you doing?" The figure seems to be talking to Will, as it gets closer and closer. Will seems confused, as he doesn't understand, nor does he know who the figure is.

(Will)- "Hello? Me? Can I help you?" The mysterious figure gets in Will's face, seemingly very angry and upset. Suddenly the figure punches Will, knocking him to the ground, as Will looks up, unsure what to do.

(Mysterious Figure)- "That's what you get for trying to break up a happy relationship! You think you're the greatest thing to come down the line in a long time, well I got another thing to tell you, pal. I'm the man around here, not you." Big Will's eyes suddenly expand, as he seemingly realizes who it is.

(Will)- "I know you, I know who you are. GUS! You're Gus! What are you talking about? I never tried breaking up a relationship. You and Heidi? It wasn't real, Gus, it was a storyline. Hell, you and Heidi weren't even a couple in real life. It was all a storyline to get you over as a believable fan favorite, and you failed. You failed! You couldn't get over, even when I willingly lost to you over and over. You lost your passion for the business and jumped ship." Will gets up, as the figure Will discribed as Gus begins to shrink.

(Gus)- "You took my spot. You aren't better than me. You'll never be better than me." The figure suddenly disappears, as Will still seems in disbelief.

(Will)- "Last thing I remember is he tried being me, in another federation. He couldn't even do that right. Wait, I'm confused? I'm stuck inside my mind, because a guy couldn't accept what was real and what was scripted? That practically reminds me of..." Suddenly, a taxi speeds up, as Will and Reaper are standing on a corner. The taxi stops next to them.

(Reaper)- "The next step has been completed, your mind is expanding, your memory is returning." Both men get in the taxi, as Will still seems a bit confused.

(Will)- "Okay, so from what I've gathered, apparently I'm stuck in my mind because of W.Z.C.W., but something tells me if W.Z.C.W. was the complete answer, I wouldn't be here any longer, so it's something.. or someone, within the company. Chuck Myles and Gus are both thoughts, but not the main answer. So they each have a connection??"

(Taxi Driver)- "Sounds to me like you're in a bit of a pickle." Will raises his head, as the voice he hears sounds familiar to him. Will can't see his face, and the driver isn't turning his head in any manner to reveal himself.

(Will)- "Do I know you?"

(Taxi Driver)- "It's a big town. 'This the first time you've taken a trip?" Will seems curious to see the driver's face, as the voice is one he feels is on the tip of his tongue.

(Will)- "Uh, well I've taken a lot of trips.. and I guess you could say I'm on my biggest one yet. You know, I didn't catch your name. Where were you from again?"

(Driver)- "I get that a lot. I somehow find myself mixed in with everyone going everywhere. I guess you could say, I'm the Legendary driver meant for all the stars." Will's attention suddenly sparks, as he reaches forward, grabbing the driver by the shoulder and jerking him, turning his head so Will could reveal that it's actually a form of Ben Legend!!

(Legend)- "Hey man, what the hell are you doing?!" The taxi suddenly swerves, slamming into a pole. "Oww, Owwww my leg, you son of a bitch, my leg, you caused me to injure my leg!" Will cluthces his head, as he seems accomplished. He begins pointing at Legend, then his leg.

(Will)- "Legend! It's you, Ben Legend! You're doing this because I injured your leg on my way to winning the Lethal Lottery aren't you?! It happened in Toronto, which explains why we're in Toronto. That was also the same night Gus and I wrestled for the last time, and you were his last opponent before he cracked. And Chuck Myles wanted to push me through the Lottery the easy way, but I didn't wanna do it in my hometown!" Will gets out of the taxi, as Reaper is somehow already on the curb. "How'd you!?! You know what, it doesn't matter.. I solved the riddles, Legend put me here because of injuring him."

(Reaper)- "Not every answer is always so easy. Your mind is still scared, memory still scarred. Your path is right, but verdict is wrong. The person you're searching for, still remains unsolved."

(BigWill)- "That's not fair! I solved the riddles. It makes perfect sense. Legend was upset about his injury, everyone in the lockerroom knew he was furious that he suffered that leg injury. It put him out of action. I put him out of action, but it was accidental. Everyone in Dynasty was hap.. wait.. Dynasty? I remember DYNASTY! YOU?! You were in Dynasty with me.. and Disasterpiece.. and..." Suddenly yet another voice distracts Will, as his attention turns.

(Voice)- "Find your Destiny here, get your fortune taken and discover your rightful path." Will looks at Reaper, as he then turns back toward the mysterious, dark voice. Will follows the voice to a figure cloaked by a robe.

(Will)- "Excuse me? My name is.." before Will could answer, the voice replies.

(Voice)- "Big Will, I know who you are. I know all. Come closer and discover your rightful path, your true destiny. Hold out your hand.." Will doesn't understand, but also doesn't waste a moment longer. He holds his hand out, as the mysterious figure reaches forward, grabbing Will's hand suddenly as a rush of emotions and memories flood back in his mind.

Will sees the highlights of Kingdom Come replaying in his mind. He sees Joseph Rios, and how he defeated him to win the World Heavyweight Championship. Suddenly his mind flashes to the Meltdown that followed, and the Main Event when he took on Ben Legend, where Rios blindsides him by hitting him with a chair. Everything from then on blackens out, as he returns to his mental surroundings and the mystic that's holding his hand.

(Will)- "It was you?! IT WAS YOU!" Suddenly, the mystic folds back his hood, revealing himself to be a form of Joseph Rios. The figure revealed to be a form of Rios, out of nowhere pulls out a steel chair from beneath his robe, as he raises the chair and swings full-force, connecting with Big Will's head, as everything bursts back to pure white.

Everything goes fuzzy and begins to sway back and forth, suddenly back in the hospital room where Leon is talking with Will's Wife, Will sits up in a cold sweat.


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