Redemption Feedback Thread

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the Frog
Rate the show and leave any spam feed back here. Feel free to use the Show Review thread if you want to give an in-depth review that will count as a post.

What was your favorite match? (Pick one other than your own)

What was your favorite spot?

Who had the best showing?

Who wrote the best match? (Pick one other than your own)
What was your favorite match? (Pick one other than your own)
Six-Pack Challenge (If I could pick my own, it would be the Casket Match)

What was your favorite spot?
The DDT/Neckbreaker combo.

Who had the best showing?
Drake Callahan. The man won two matches and captured the world title.

Who wrote the best match? (Pick one other than your own)
FalKon - SHIT/Celeste (If I could pick my own, it would definitely be Dave - Ty/Chris)
What was your favorite match? (Pick one other than your own)
World Title Match 6 pack challenge
What was your favorite spot?
Its a toss up between Ricky's two falls in the Stairway to Hardcore match
Who had the best showing?
Hard to go against Drake. He won two matches, captured the World Title and really worked over Tastic.
Who wrote the best match? (Pick one other than your own)
The 6 pack challenge edged Ricky/Bowen for me. I have to hand it to Ty, he turned what could have been a mess and made it into a damn fine match.

Everyone did a good job writing their matches. On most shows the worst match is still average overall and I think its a big testament to creative that even at their worst they put out passable efforts.
After busting out that review and having a chance to really think about things, we are left with a lot of questions to end the show.

Here are a few, and my thoughts on them.


What did the Kurtesy and Celeste promo mean?

The promo could go both ways. Either Kurtesy acting like a douche or Celeste letting the loss get to her. I know that Celeste has been on the fence recently. This definitely makes things a little more interesting.

Is Steamboat Ricky going on the shelf?
Steamboat Ricky got killed in the final spot of the Stairway to Hardcore match. Will he sell his injuries for the next round or is this a possible send-off for the Mayhem legend?

Who attacked Ricky Runn?
Ricky just won the biggest match of his career, hands down. Now, he is suffering from a beat down given to him by an unknown person. In my wildest dreams, it would be Ale or King Shabba, but you probably don't even know who those two people are. :) It will be interesting to see this unfold.

Are we still getting a new EurAsian title?
Rush promised it, but he now has the old EurAsian title. Will he still introduce a new belt? Could this possibly see the EurAsian title split into two for a small point of time, or maybe even an accidental emergence of a new title?

Who competes against Drake?
As I said in my review, I think it should be Showtime. Showtime beat Kurtesy and Ty Burna, back-to-back. The six-pack challenge is crazy match where anything can happen. We need to see these two go at it with a proper build into Apocalypse.

What the hell happened to Ty Burna?
Seriously, this may be the most overlooked point of the show. I have not heard any chatter about it. Ty Burna just got burnt to a crisp in a bizarre turn of events. This must mean that Ty won't be on the boards the next round, but what role, if any, will he play going forward.

Who will get ownership?
I don't know if these stipulations were ever covered? Does Chris take over the company, or does it go back in the hands of Vance Batemen and Chuck Myles. Maybe we could have an auction on the next upcoming round where we reveal a new, or returning, owner. Personally, I would like to see a brand new NPC owner, with Vance and Chuck working under him as GMs.
What was your favorite match? (Pick one other than your own)
Call me a sucker, but I just loved the Tag-Team Championship match. Love the hell out of both teams and as much as I love seeing Yazloz be all fat and sad, it was a bummer to see the team to take the titles lose them this quickly. I hope Glass and Doc hold the titles for a long time.

What was your favorite spot?
The DDT/Neckbreaker without a doubt.

Who had the best showing?
While the most popular answer has been Drake. I wanna go with Chris K.O for the fact he beat one of the largest names in this fed.

Who wrote the best match? (Pick one other than your own)
Falkon's match for Steamboat Ricky and Bowen was a great read all the way through. An absolute classic of a match.
Here are some comments of my own that are directed towards Barbosa's feedback.


Барбоса;4039267 said:
I feel that several of the storylines have been hotshotted.

I agree to an extent. With the federation being a bi-weekly structure, I feel as though that one cycle builds are enough in some cases. I think more could of been done in the Bowen and Steamboat feud, but I am more than pleased with the awesome match we got. I think that Ty leaving just shows that we never know what opportunities will be available for us two months down the road. I think it is good that we get these bigger matches now, instead of never getting them. I think you could see it either way. I don't think either one is wrong. I will say this, everyone keeps saying that they felt like the Apostle storyline should of went further, but I think even if Ty was not planning on leaving, it was fine that it ended here. Ty and I literally worked that angle for nearly a year. That was the only thing we did. Wouldn't you start to feel a little drag after a year long angle? As far as Ty only being in power for a single cycle, he had been pretty much been in power since he took over one-half of the company. Vance couldn't contain what Ty did. He inserted himself into the Lethal Lottery and got the main-event spot at Kingdom Come. Gaining full control at KC was nothing really new to the chaos he had been spreading.

Congrats, Harth. His efforts in rejuvenating the Drake character have been admirable but I cannot help but think that the WZCW title has been unnecessarily hot-potato-ed. Whilst Drake had won the vote behind the scenes, it could have been easily decided that he should take a storyline loss and his title win held off for another few weeks

I don't agree with this. The hot-potato scenario does not bother me as much as it does other people. I like that the title can change hands at a drop of a dime. I think that is what makes the federation so appealing to me. People can gain chances and beat the top dogs with one solid performance. Usually, we will see the strong champions overcome the hot-potato situation. I do think that Showtime should of waited for his title match until Redemption. Maybe they could of inserted a heel and made it a triple threat.

it should be almost predetermined that Reynolds wins the next confrontation should there be one).

I just can't seem to buy into the idea of pre-booking things like this. A lot of people in the fed truly want to win their matches, only the small minority RP for fun in hopes of character development. I just don't like the idea of pre-determined matches. I am fine if matches end in DQ or interference, but I don't like the idea of disregarding RP quality and choosing results based off of story line purposes.

When Ty took control, I was expecting an Evolution type run with the Forgotten Powers taking the tag titles, Bowen reclaiming his Mayhem title and SHIT capturing the EurAsian or Elite X title.

If only. This would be perfect in a dream scenario, but would probably be impossible without fixed booking. The FP broke up, Bowen has elevated past the Mayhem title and no one was touching Black Dragon's title. No one in the Apostles ever won a single title in the stable's year long existence. Also, we fluctuated members frequently. Ty and I were the only ones who stayed from the beginning to the end. There are just too many variables to push things this way and it actually works.

On top of that, despite his face turn, I have found Chris KO and the majority of his actions to be innately villainous, self-centred and at times insufferable. He has betrayed the man who took him under his wing and raised him from curtain jerker to main eventer, stole his lady and then appointed himself as the 'White Knight of WZCW.' Now, of course, wrestling faces do this kind of thing all the time but for me, this kind of Crusading character is far more appropriate as a heel. It just did not work for me.

I will admit that it is kind of brash for Chris to call himself the "White Knight" of WZCW, especially with his unclean past and unconventional methods of gaining crowd favor. However, Ty cost Chris a whole lot. Including precious time with his disconnected father who died around Lethal Lottery. Chris did not care about his methods, he only wanted to destroy everything that Ty was. Because of that, because of who Ty is, the crowd ate him up. They all hated Ty and what he did to the company. He shooed away mainstays like Everest and fired Big Dave. Chris was able to do such anti-hero tactics and still be cheered simply because of who Ty was. Because the crowd wanted to see Ty suffer. If it makes you feel any better, I plan on exploring Chris post-feud guilt in later RPs.

Another problem is what I see as the top-loading of the card, something that could only get worse with the likes of Chris KO, Ty Burna, Holmes and Constantine to re-enter it.

I agree. I think it is time that we pull together another tournament for #1 contender ship with the upper-cards and main-event level talents. The final match should conclude at Apocalypse. You could have an 8-man tournament. Have the first four matches the first round, the semi-finals on round two, and then build the match the go-home round. Throw all of the lowers in with other people in a dark match battle royal with a title shot of some kind on the line.

I would also encourage everyone else to talk to Creative about their ideas. They are more than willing to listen and act on good ideas that will benefit not only the individual but also the story-telling of the fed itself, which in the end, despite the bonus of winning matches and titles, is really what the fed is all about.

I agree.

The new owners/GMs could be a perfect opportunity...

I am sold on the idea that the new ownership could really help set some awesome things up. Your tag team division idea is great, and I think they could even introduce something even newer. I would love to see a new structure to Aftershock, maybe even with a former WZCW superstar as GM. Everyone is knocking the idea of an NXT style show on Aftershock, but I think it could really work and give several upper-cards and lower-cards some direction for a cycle or two.

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