EOY Award Nominations

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FalKon is the most improved RPer.

Not a joke. It's the same thing as Steph Curry winning back to back MVPs and having a solid argument that he should win Most Improved along with the second MVP. FalKon has crushed everyone in the entire fed this year. He didn't even look as strong when he was World Champion a few years back. He's been unstoppable, he's pinned the last two World Champions while they've been holding the title and kept the Elite Openweight Championship just for the extra boost.

FalKon is so much better now than he was as World Champion. Over the last year he's reached the elite level and that's why he should be the most improved. Other people have won a couple matches or gone from decent to good but FalKon has been a storm that has taken out anybody in his path and has gone from great to elite over the past year. I rate that much higher than decent to good.
FalKon is the most improved RPer.

Not a joke. It's the same thing as Steph Curry winning back to back MVPs and having a solid argument that he should win Most Improved along with the second MVP. FalKon has crushed everyone in the entire fed this year. He didn't even look as strong when he was World Champion a few years back. He's been unstoppable, he's pinned the last two World Champions while they've been holding the title and kept the Elite Openweight Championship just for the extra boost.

FalKon is so much better now than he was as World Champion. Over the last year he's reached the elite level and that's why he should be the most improved. Other people have won a couple matches or gone from decent to good but FalKon has been a storm that has taken out anybody in his path and has gone from great to elite over the past year. I rate that much higher than decent to good.

As I read this, my brain was saying -Wait for it, wait for iiiiit- but the sling didn't come. A genuine compliment to his arch rival. All class Prophet.
I agree with prophet. Falkon has improved tremendously and should be recognized for doing so. I've always been a fan of his but this go with Reynolds , he has taken it to a new level.

Most improved-falkon.
FalKon is one of the best no doubt but (and this is all my opinion) is going from Fantastic to Amazing as noticeable as someone going from complete shit to very good and getting better every week?

I don't think so and with everything else he's nominated for and has a good chance to win I don't think it's fair to have him on this list.

To me the most improved RPer category is for people who have gone from complete shit to good and better not for people who have been fantastic for a long time and gotten better.

That's just me though.
I wouldn't use the extremity that Milenko did, but I agree with him. Most Improved shouldn't include going from Great to Amazing. It should be from Bad to Good or Mediocre to Good, perhaps even from Mediocre or Good to Great. FalK should be getting nominated for "RP'er Of The Year", not "Most Improved". While he did take Eve from a great level to being seemingly unstoppable, it just doesn't seem like a Most Improved scenario. Just my two cents anyway.
I wouldn't use the extremity that Milenko did, but I agree with him. Most Improved shouldn't include going from Great to Amazing. It should be from Bad to Good or Mediocre to Good, perhaps even from Mediocre or Good to Great. FalK should be getting nominated for "RP'er Of The Year", not "Most Improved". While he did take Eve from a great level to being seemingly unstoppable, it just doesn't seem like a Most Improved scenario. Just my two cents anyway.

So going from holding a middle of the card title to being the best RPer in the fed and having one of the most dominant runs in years isn't Most Improved? He's improved more than anyone listed. None of them have beaten the quality of opponents or had the success for the amount of time as FalKon has over the past year. You shouldn't get an award for being good. Good is fine but elite is a much bigger deal. Not everyone gets a trophy. We have a lot of good RPers. We have very few who are elite. FalKon joined that club over the last twelve months. He has taken bigger steps forward than anyone else in the entire fed. Nobody has improved/stepped up or whatever else you want to call it as much as him.

These awards are for the last twelve months, not the last five minutes. Look at where FalKon was last year and look at him now. He's reached Hall of Fame level stuff and he probably would've been there with Kurtesy but now he has a legitimate claim to being the guy with two characters in the WZCW Hall of Fame. That's brilliant and to say that someone who goes from bad to good (a group consisting of the majority of the fed) deserves to win this award over a guy who went from great to elite (a group consisting of Ty sitting by himself while Showtime joins during clutch time) is wrong.

It's good to see guys improving but none of them have improved as much or held that level of improvement for as long as FalKon did over the last twelve months.
I normally stay out of debates because I am a timid and meek individual, but Prophet's point about the awards being for the last twelve months and not the last five minutes is a strong one. I'm not just saying this because I'm hitched to the Eve Taylor wagon. Eve has gone from good to elite. Its easy to improve when you are dog shit, it is hard to improve when you are already good. FalK has done that.
Thank you for the pitch; however, if there is some worry over this, then you could slightly change the name of the award, such as "best rising RPer", which is a mix between a rookie character/person, and creating excellent RP's, or some name/description to that effect.

As I read this, my brain was saying -Wait for it, wait for iiiiit- but the sling didn't come. A genuine compliment to his arch rival. All class Prophet.

I'm not too sure what you mean here. Prophet is one hell of a person; he's been a consistent player in the fed for a while, and even when he wasn't here for the long stint, he managed to provide some great material. Now that he's matured more as a person, and been given the opportunity to excel on the creative team, I have no doubt he'll become an excellent community leader for our online federation... so as for a 'sling' or being 'an arch rival' of mine, I do not understand. He's been nothing but respectful to me.
Thank you for the pitch; however, if there is some worry over this, then you could slightly change the name of the award, such as "best rising RPer", which is a mix between a rookie character/person, and creating excellent RP's, or some name/description to that effect.
I like this idea but instead of getting rid of the category how about we just add it in and have both?

Most Improved RPer can be from bad to good/above and best rising RPer can be from good/great to fantastic.

There aren't many categories for people lower on the card to win and i would hate to see this one go
Thank you for the pitch; however, if there is some worry over this, then you could slightly change the name of the award, such as "best rising RPer", which is a mix between a rookie character/person, and creating excellent RP's, or some name/description to that effect.

I'm not too sure what you mean here. Prophet is one hell of a person; he's been a consistent player in the fed for a while, and even when he wasn't here for the long stint, he managed to provide some great material. Now that he's matured more as a person, and been given the opportunity to excel on the creative team, I have no doubt he'll become an excellent community leader for our online federation... so as for a 'sling' or being 'an arch rival' of mine, I do not understand. He's been nothing but respectful to me.

Hmm. I'm getting you mixed up with somebody else then. Who is the other Aussie that Da Prophet has smart alec comments with back and forth? Now I'm confused.
Honestly if you don't vote Bruce Irwin to Titus Avison as most improved RPer you're wrong.
I like this idea but instead of getting rid of the category how about we just add it in and have both?

Most Improved RPer can be from bad to good/above and best rising RPer can be from good/great to fantastic.

There aren't many categories for people lower on the card to win and i would hate to see this one go

If we were to add another category it still doesn't help lower card guys because I can a case that I'm the most deserving person of Most Improved after FalKon even by using the new guidelines you want on this award.

My first RP back was horrible. It had no story, no character development and was just a bunch of jokes thrown at the wall. Since then over the last twelve months I've been part of a team which cleaned out the tag team division, beat PoC who everyone thought would hold the titles for ages and became tag champions. I went from a nothing match on Meltdown at the start of the yearly cycle and a few months later I was working against the top RPers and haven't looked back since. I've constantly faced the best in the fed and held my own against them. Nobody nominated has shown improvement for as long as I have. You mentioned you went from jobber to the main event of Meltdown, that happened only a couple of weeks ago. I did the same thing months ago and have held my spot for the entire year so far.

Changing the award guidelines may take out FalKon but it doesn't work on getting rid of me. To your point about the very few categories for lower card guys to win, well yeah. In the end this is an award. Not everyone gets one. If you have to change the rules of an award to win maybe, just maybe and I say this in the nicest possible way, you don't deserve to win the award.
What Lee said ^^

Also the guy that went from lame duck Austin Reynolds to terrible Grand Mystique back to quite-good Austin Reynolds.

That's a real success story.
Prophet, Numbers & Lee are 3 other ones I would put in with Falkon in the new category.

You're all good and have been for years with this year becoming elite.

I would have the new one be for veterans like all you who have gotten even better the past 12 months.

Most improved I would leave for the lower card like FWR & Kapu (and me I suppose) so they have a chance because let's be honest if even 1 of you guys gets put into this category the lower card guys are screwed and would be lucky to get any votes.
If you have to change the rules of an award to win maybe, just maybe and I say this in the nicest possible way, you don't deserve to win the award.
I hope you don't actually think that's why I'm fighting for this.

To solve that issue please take me out of the category (No I'm not joking) because that's not why I'm doing this at all.

I know I improved and am getting better and that's enough for me.

Without me nominated I will still fight for this.

You all deserve recognition for your massive improvements but so do the guys on the other end of the card and to take this one category away from them I think is completely unfair to the guys who have worked just as hard to improve their character but are still on the lower end of the card.
In all seriousness Titus has been a legend but for a 3 year period people wondered why the fuck that was the case. The heel turn (and actually face turn before hand) showed why.
I don't think there needs to be a change. Nominate whoever you like for the award with whatever criteria you want. People can vote if they agree.
Then you may as well make it between FalKon, Lee, Numbers & Prophet because no one else stands a chance.
I'm just being a dick, you've improved but have steps to go. :)
Then you may as well make it between FalKon, Lee, Numbers & Prophet because no one else stands a chance.

Uh, the award is for the person who is the most improved. That means anyone is eligible. If people think that others have improved more than you or any other Rookie, then that's just tough, quite frankly.
Best WZCW Moment

Noah Ryder cashes in the KFAD in the middle of the LLVIII match proper.

Batti Otaku and Action Saxton play Patty Cake during LLVIII.

Drake Callahan returns in the LLVIII.
Ya, Lethal Lottery changes alot of votes for me too. Lethal Lottery match is definitely match of the year. It has a host of moment of the year categories in the match itself, let alone the whole PPV. Cooper now has won the tag titles twice and the Lethal Lottery match. He cannot be ignored for wrestler of the year either.
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