Rebooking the current wwe landscape


Pre-Show Stalwart
Beware: you are about to enter a world where booking makes sense and stars are treated as stars.

So this world diverges from our own during the royal rumble match. The final 10 participants are: ryback, ziggler, kane, big show, bryan, wyatt, Ambrose, reigns, rusev and Barrett.

Kane and big show double team and eliminate ryback, who are then both super kicked over the top rope by Ziggler. Ziggler gloats but they start to beat up ryback on the outside distracting ziggler who is eliminated by wyatt from behind. Ambrose clotheslines himself and Barrett out of the match. The final four are reigns, bryan, wyatt and rusev. Reigns eliminates rusev who then climbs back in and eliminates reigns, Bryan and wyatt go at it in a similar way to the end of the hbk-taker rumble of 2007 and bryan wins.

This creates several divergences with the current 31 card. Reigns feuds with rusev instead of cena, bryan vs lesnar is the main event. The major differences for fast lane are reigns vs rusev, bryan vs rollins, and cena is in an 8 man tag with ryback ziggler and Rowan vs kane big show and j and j security. Reigns feud with rusev is identical to Cena's except there's a reason for it and the match except for signature moves is identical down to the cheating finish. The 8 man tag match is won by the faces when ziggler saves cena from being hit with a chair by big show and then cena hits the aa on kane to pick up the pin. Rowan and ryback throw cena up on their shoulders to celebrate. Ziggler looks pissed and after ryback and Rowan leave ziggler lays a beat down on cena. Rollins feud with bryan is about rollins saying he damaged lesnar at the rumble and he came the closest to beating lesnar anyone can but bryan starts showing a far more aggressive side of himself, he's angry, he won't be doubted and he's not afraid of any man or beast. He beats rollins clean and then Orton and rollins brawl after the match. Everything else is the same for fast lane as far as other stars and builds are concerned.

The next night ziggler explains he never got the credit he deserved for being sole survivor of team cena. All people talked about was sting and cena when he was the real hero. He overcame three other guys and defeated the authority and unlike sting he shows up every week to steal the show. He's sick of cena stealing the spot light, last night he saved cena and had that not happened cena would never have won. Cena says he respects ziggler and that it's not him who steals the spot light it's the authority. Their feud is very reminiscent of hbk hogan except ziggler is a rightous heel who makes valid points.

Reigns rusev's fued remains identical to Cena's except instead of submitting him he just keeps beating him down til he gets his rematch. Also this feud could actually get baby face sympathy for reigns because of the pro usa stuff.

Bryan and rollins have a rematch inside of a steel cage to prevent Orton from interfering. Bryan wins clean again by pin and heyman and lesnar come out to confront bryan after the match with the cage still down. Rollins gets on the mic and says again that he put the damage on lesnar and that's the only reason bryan has a chance. Lesnar gets out to confront rollins and bryan locks the cage with him and heyman trapped inside. Lesnar is forced to watch as bryan lays a huge beat down on heyman. Then bryan climbs the cage and does a splash on lesnar.

Rollins transitions into a feud with Orton from there. With enough interaction with lesnar and bryan to hint at a cash in.

Bryan is no longer baby face underdog he's the American dragon except in wwe language.he faces other men with similar builds to lesnar like Henry, show, and kane and beats them all clean. Heyman shows up and talks about lesnar's accomplishments and says much like he was trapped with bryan in the cage at 31 bryan will be trapped with lesnar. Bryan says "I'm not trapped there with him, he's trapped there with me!" Bryan uses quickness, technical prowess and aggression in brawls with lesnar where he gets the upper hand and in brawls where lesnar gets the upper hand bryan is basically like " is that all you got?"

Instead of a 7 man ladder match it's either Ambrose vs Barrett in a ladder match and add r truth and Harper to the battle royal.

Gold dust and star dust face each other.

Final 31 card

Lesnar vs bryan Wwe whc
Wyatt vs taker
Sting vs hhh
Reigns vs rusev Us title
Ziggler vs cena
Orton vs rollins
Gold dust vs star dust
Divas tag
Battle royal
Barrett vs Ambrose ladder match for ic title
tag title match except add ptp and the ascension and remove Los matedores and new day. (Pre show)

Cesaro and Kidd retain.
Ambrose wins ic title
Ryback wins battle royal.
Team Bella wins because Charlotte debuts next night.
Star dust wins goldust retires
Reigns wins U.S. title clean
Orton wins
Ziggler wins clean but then cena and him shake hands
Sting wins clean
Wyatt wins clean in a straight forward brutal match wyatt steals takers powers. After the match I think this match should go on last but even in this fantasy idk if it would. after the match all members of the streak who have good relationships with the E and are still alive line the ramp to shake takers hand as he walks out and retires.
Bryan vs lesnar gets a full half hour. Bryan gets beat down first half of the match very summer slam like. Bryan makes his come back but lesnar kicks out of two running knees and reverse the yes lock into an f 5. Bryan kicks out of two f 5s. The ending sequence is bryan goes for a final knee gets caught in mid air put in a kimura bryan tries to kick his way or of it but can't break free, he doesn't tap or pass out but instead his arm "snaps" and the ref calls the match out of safety concerns. Bryan is pissed and says he's better with one arm than lesnar with two. Lesnar looks exhausted as he celebrates and Paul gloats in Bryan's face as he holds one limp arm. Bryan hits one final running knee and lands on his "broken arm" and rolls out of the ring. Rollins runs down hits a couple brief case shots and curb stomps and wins the title.
Post mania:
The next night on raw bryan confirms his arm is broken and he needs time to heal.
Star dust is cody again and feuds with Orton who he blames for stunting his career.
Rollins costs reigns the U.S. Title in rusev's rematch. Reigns wins a triple threat between him cena and ziggler pinning cena to face rollins for title at extreme rules.
Ambrose feuds with Barrett for the ic title at extreme rules
Wyatt gets his revenge on cena for last year in a feud heading into extreme rules
Sting and triple h rematch for control of the wwe hhh wins.
Rusev feuds with ziggler.
Ryback and rowen feud with Kidd and cesaro.
Miz and mizdow finally split
Rollins wins his feud with reigns but always by interference . Ambrose turns on reigns in the feuds finale when he was supposed to be in reigns corner to prevent interference.
Bryan comes back for summerslam but rollins says "bryan you and I did what even cena and I couldn't do together, beat lesnar. You are an a plus player and the authority and I realize that now, we're offering you a spot."
Instead bryan forms a tag team called (r)evolution with cena as the past, bryan the present, reigns the future, to feud with hhh rollins and Ambrose. The faces win. Bryan reclaims the title at NOC and holds it til 32 to drop it to the rumble winner wyatt who eventually drops it to a now ready reigns,
So basically this is one big ********** over the Garden Gnome and turning him into Cena 2.0? :shrug:

I booked the most over star as he should also built other stars and booked reigns as the first person to best rusev. But yeah only focus on the guy you don't like because you go against the grain.
I booked the most over star as he should also built other stars and booked reigns as the first person to best rusev. But yeah only focus on the guy you don't like because you go against the grain.

Cena is the "most over" star with the casuals (you know, the fans that actually count). Just because the IWC gets massive woodies over the Gnome doesn't count for squat. The WWE doesn't book to please the IWC since that isn't where the money is.
Cena is the "most over" star with the casuals (you know, the fans that actually count). Just because the IWC gets massive woodies over the Gnome doesn't count for squat. The WWE doesn't book to please the IWC since that isn't where the money is.

Oh yea I forgot how providence, New Orleans, Los Angeles and every where he goes are massive iwc hubs. And how it's only the iwc purchasing his merch especially the children's sized beards putting him in second place in merch sales or it's only the iwc giving him a million more twitter followers than reigns, or that his chase got 10% better ratings than reigns or how his pops far exceed reigns. Cena is the #1 obviously but they're booking him like an old veteran now, like sammartino during the backlund era.
Oh yea I forgot how providence, New Orleans, Los Angeles and every where he goes are massive iwc hubs. And how it's only the iwc purchasing his merch especially the children's sized beards putting him in second place in merch sales or it's only the iwc giving him a million more twitter followers than reigns, or that his chase got 10% better ratings than reigns or how his pops far exceed reigns. Cena is the #1 obviously but they're booking him like an old veteran now, like sammartino during the backlund era.

At least you're capable of acknowledging the truth, even when it contradicts your earlier claim.

Indeed they ARE booking him like a veteran.....and his replacement is going to be someone of the same pattern whether the IWC likes it or not. Indy fab spot-monkeys don't have the long-term credibility with the casuals and they never will. Regardless of how much the IWC moans and kvetches for them.
At least you're capable of acknowledging the truth, even when it contradicts your earlier claim.

Indeed they ARE booking him like a veteran.....and his replacement is going to be someone of the same pattern whether the IWC likes it or not. Indy fab spot-monkeys don't have the long-term credibility with the casuals and they never will. Regardless of how much the IWC moans and kvetches for them.

you acknowledged nothing else of my point. Bryan is the crowd's chosen just like Bret was when they pushed luger and diesel. You are part of the iwc and just because you're double the average age here doesn't mean you're wiser. I know back in the day big muscles were the only factor but it's different now.

I didn't start this thread to deal with your trolling. Just fantasy booking that pushes a lot more guys and treats more people with more respect.
you acknowledged nothing else of my point. Bryan is the crowd's chosen just like Bret was when they pushed luger and diesel. You are part of the iwc and just because you're double the average age here doesn't mean you're wiser. I know back in the day big muscles were the only factor but it's different now.

I didn't start this thread to deal with your trolling. Just fantasy booking that pushes a lot more guys and treats more people with more respect.

You had no other point: The live crowd is meaningless as it's invariably over-represented by IWC marks who like to make asses of themselves on TV. 10% of the audience making 90% of the moronic noise. This isn't the '80s: The WWE isn't a gate driven business anymore so the IWC can buy all the front-row seats they want and the casuals will still be driving the WWE's profit through broadcast revenue and merchandise sales. Deal with it: The IWC will always be a tiny minority 180 degrees out of step with the casuals.

And you know exactly who the IWC is and know quite well who's being talked about here and it isn't "any wrestling fan with a computer and an ISP".

Btw, nice try with Bret Hart.....but no sale. Hart has more in common with Lou Thesz than he does with the Garden Gnome, who in turn has more in common with Dolph Ziggler than he does Bret Hart. But keep dreaming anyway.
You had no other point: The live crowd is meaningless as it's invariably over-represented by IWC marks who like to make asses of themselves on TV. 10% of the audience making 90% of the moronic noise. This isn't the '80s: The WWE isn't a gate driven business anymore so the IWC can buy all the front-row seats they want and the casuals will still be driving the WWE's profit through broadcast revenue and merchandise sales. Deal with it: The IWC will always be a tiny minority 180 degrees out of step with the casuals.

And you know exactly who the IWC is and know quite well who's being talked about here and it isn't "any wrestling fan with a computer and an ISP".

Btw, nice try with Bret Hart.....but no sale. Hart has more in common with Lou Thesz than he does with the Garden Gnome, who in turn has more in common with Dolph Ziggler than he does Bret Hart. But keep dreaming anyway.
I also spoke of ratings and merch sales which apparently in your old age you missed.
You're on wrestle zone forums with an avatar and everything. You're iwc. You're just the iwc's iwc and think you're so different. Bryan and Bret are smaller master technicians. Just because he has a beard doesn't mean much.
I also spoke of ratings and merch sales which apparently in your old age you missed.
You're on wrestle zone forums with an avatar and everything. You're iwc. You're just the iwc's iwc and think you're so different. Bryan and Bret are smaller master technicians. Just because he has a beard doesn't mean much.

Bret was a master technician. Bryan is a spot monkey who happens to have a submission finisher. The vast majority of his offense is made up of ineffectual kicks, running knees, and leaps off the top. That's not technical. It speaks volumes that people can't tell the difference these days.
Bret was a master technician. Bryan is a spot monkey who happens to have a submission finisher. The vast majority of his offense is made up of ineffectual kicks, running knees, and leaps off the top. That's not technical. It speaks volumes that people can't tell the difference these days.

Apparently you haven't seen any of his pre wwe work or any of his work they limited him. Sorry you have a nostalgia problem and you ignored everything else again. Unless you wanna have a legitimate critique why don't you leave this thread because you clearly didn't read what I wrote which was a lot more than just bryan.
You've already lost the benefit of the doubt with your prior idiotic posts. There is no way I'm investing the time it would take to read that drivel.
Apparently you haven't seen any of his pre wwe work or any of his work they limited him. Sorry you have a nostalgia problem and you ignored everything else again. Unless you wanna have a legitimate critique why don't you leave this thread because you clearly didn't read what I wrote which was a lot more than just bryan.

What he did or didn't do in front of 200 people in a high school gym is irrelevant.....though I suspect, since it WAS in front of 200 people in a high gym, it was more spot monkey shit and as far from Bret Hart technical as it could possibly be.

If I have a "nostalgia problem" than apparently the casuals have the same problem because guys like Cena and Orton have more credibility with them then wrestlers like Bryan and Punk do. You'll just have to deal that reality because it isn't going to change.

And btw, I took your salient point to respond to. You've already admitted that the hated Cena is still the big merchandise mover so there's no point in responding to something you've already conceded and are now trying to backtrack on.
What he did or didn't do in front of 200 people in a high school gym is irrelevant.....though I suspect, since it WAS in front of 200 people in a high gym, it was more spot monkey shit and as far from Bret Hart technical as it could possibly be.

If I have a "nostalgia problem" than apparently the casuals have the same problem because guys like Cena and Orton have more credibility with them then wrestlers like Bryan and Punk do. You'll just have to deal that reality because it isn't going to change.

And btw, I took your salient point to respond to. You've already admitted that the hated Cena is still the big merchandise mover so there's no point in responding to something you've already conceded and are now trying to backtrack on.
I never talked poorly of Cena. I don't mind him one bit but my stuff was based on building for the future. Punk outsold Orton in merch and had better ratings just like bryan does now.
I never talked poorly of Cena. I don't mind him one bit but my stuff was based on building for the future. Punk outsold Orton in merch and had better ratings just like bryan does now.

Did Punk do better ratings than Cena? No? Then you have no point. Even when Punk held the belt for a year he trailed Cena in merch and ratings.

Nice to see your reading comprehension skills haven't improved in the past few posts since the key phrase was guys like Cena and Orton. It's a type of wrestler being held out as an example, and since that TYPE of wrestler hasn't been ousted out of the top spot since before you started watching then the point stands.
Well yeah but I'd rather be insecure than stupid.

Well having a different opinion doesn't by default make me stupid. I thought I had some pretty good ideas. I'm just pissed at the current direction of the product and have no problem whining more than I would to people who actually know me.
Daniel Bryan should be the one facing Rusev, not Cena and not Reigns. Reigns isn't a ran-rah USA guy, he's Samoan.

They setup Rusev vs Daniel Bryan at Salute to the Troops. They setup Rusev vs Daniel Bryan at Salute to the Troops BEFORE Cena-Rusev and BEFORE the Royal Rumble and BEFORE Daniel Bryan announced his return.

So if we're talking logic and booking, it should be Reigns-Lesnar, Rusev-Bryan. Cena-Ziggler makes sense so I'll give you credit for that.

Rusev-Bryan could have been really great. Hell you even mention AMERICAN Dragon. The feud writes itself. SMH, Daniel Bryan fans don't even get their own guy's character.
Did Punk do better ratings than Cena? No? Then you have no point. Even when Punk held the belt for a year he trailed Cena in merch and ratings.

Nice to see your reading comprehension skills haven't improved in the past few posts since the key phrase was guys like Cena and Orton. It's a type of wrestler being held out as an example, and since that TYPE of wrestler hasn't been ousted out of the top spot since before you started watching then the point stands.

So what exactly? Cena has a ten year tenure in the top spot of course he's going to outsell the rest of the pack. Even when backlund was on top sammartino was top draw. Bryan outsells Reigns and Orton guys who are like cena. If cena were to fall to a mysterious illness tomorrow then bryan is de facto top guy. So if they set up bryan as champ with cena as veteran things would only be better than if the unproven reigns was in the spot.
Daniel Bryan should be the one facing Rusev, not Cena and not Reigns. Reigns isn't a ran-rah USA guy, he's Samoan.

They setup Rusev vs Daniel Bryan at Salute to the Troops. They setup Rusev vs Daniel Bryan at Salute to the Troops BEFORE Cena-Rusev and BEFORE the Royal Rumble and BEFORE Daniel Bryan announced his return.

So if we're talking logic and booking, it should be Reigns-Lesnar, Rusev-Bryan. Cena-Ziggler makes sense so I'll give you credit for that.

Rusev-Bryan could have been really great. Hell you even mention AMERICAN Dragon. The feud writes itself. SMH, Daniel Bryan fans don't even get their own guy's character.

I thought I booked reigns fairly with a more organic build but I would prefer rusev bryan to the current card.
Bryan vs Rusev makes a hell of a lot more sense than Reigns vs Rusev, you gottta admit that. Everything down to their music just goes right together.

Reigns defending USA's honor just seems like a detour from the badass image they're trying to give him.

You wanna bring in the American Dragon gimmick you do Bryan vs Rusev. And Rusev is every bit the beast Lesnar is and he's never been pinned or submitted.

You get the David vs Goliath theme, USA vs Russia, the American Dragon vs the Super Athlete and it would have been a great match. Geez, now I'm mad.

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