Rd. 1 Spin the Wheel - Eddie Guerrero (MEX) vs Rikishi (SAM)

Eddie Guerrero vs Rikishi, Tables Match

  • Eddie Guerrero

  • Rikishi

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Eddie Guerrero (MEX) vs Rikishi (SAM)

This match will be a Tables Match.

This is a first round Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal Match in the 2010 Wrestlezolympics. The only way to win is to put your opponent through a table. There are no disqualifications and no count outs, though outside interference is strictly prohibited.

The match will open for discussion on Tuesday, January 26th, and voting will begin on Wednesday, January 27th. This is a non-spam thread, so if you decide to post, you must provide reasons why you are backing a particular wrestler. You may vote without posting.
I love Eddie, he was great, but this is a terrible draw for him. Guerrero was strong for his size, but I really cannot see him putting Rikishi through a table. Rikishi is too big for Eddie to power him through a table and I can't see him being able to set Rikishi up on a table to set up for the Frog Splash. I would probably vote for Eddie against most other opponents with this stipulation or against Rikishi in a different gimmick match, but Eddie just got a bad draw here.
Boy did Rikishi luck out here. In almost any other match I would've selected Eddie but there is now way Eddie gets Rikishi from a table. The only way I can picture it is if Rikishi has Eddie on the table in the corner and misses the stinkface but I don't see that happening. Rikishi is bigger then Eddie, MUCH bigger and that will be Eddie's downfall.
I'm going to go with Eddie on this one. Rikishi is big, bad and experianced but Eddie is strong , fast and briliant in the ring. I think Eddie manages to steal this one with a last minute reversal to squeek by with the win
Yes Rikishi is much bigger than Eddie Guerrero, but Eddie Guerrero is much smarter and Faster. I see Eddie getting works over throughout the match, to the point where Rikishi, the billed favourite gets too cocky for his own good. He places Guerrero on a table on the outside of the ring, and does what Rikishi does best. He goes to the top of the rope to get big drop onto Eddie. Just as he hits the air, Guerrero moves as Rikishi smashes through the table.

Eddie finished the match with his hands held high and a smirk on his face.
Everytime I see Eddie in a match that involves foreign objects, I just see him finding a way to cheat and utilize the foreign objects to get a victory. Almost as if I can see him distracting the ref, breaking a table in half, tripping Rikishi, and pleading to the ref that Rikishi just fell through it LOL.

But then again, that's the only way Eddie would win here... by lying and cheating.

Rikishi is just a big ton of Samoan man. Eddie's only saving grace is to either outsmart Rikishi into making him climb a turnbuckle and fall through a table or to dodge a butt-avalanche in the corner, thus breaking a table in the process.

It's Rikishi's match to lose. Unless Eddie outsmarts him, it's too one-sided for the big man.
Oh come on how could you possibly go against Eddie here?

Now I've made no secret of the fact that I think he's the most overrated main event guy in history, although that's an oxymoron as he wasn't a main event guy. The thing is, he's going to be able to outsmart the fat ass. It's never said that the table can't be standing in a corner or something like that. This is Eddie all the way for me, based on speed and a lack of fattness.
Yes Rikishi is much bigger than Eddie Guerrero, but Eddie Guerrero is much smarter and Faster. I see Eddie getting works over throughout the match, to the point where Rikishi, the billed favourite gets too cocky for his own good. He places Guerrero on a table on the outside of the ring, and does what Rikishi does best. He goes to the top of the rope to get big drop onto Eddie. Just as he hits the air, Guerrero moves as Rikishi smashes through the table.

Eddie finished the match with his hands held high and a smirk on his face.

This is all well and good, but it won't win Eddie the match. You have to put your opponent through a table, which Eddie didn't due in that case. I can't see Eddie getting Rikishi onto to a table or up to power him through one. No one ever accused Rikishi of being a genius, but if he uses common sense and plays it safe, it is nearly impossible for Latino Heat to win here.
Yeah as much as i like Eddy more this was the one match type that screws him over. Rikishi is just plain bigger so Eddy's only shot is to out smart him. Rikishi isn't einstien but neither is he that ****** across the streat. Rikishi would most likely beat the hell out of Eddy to win.
Rikishi has never been anything to ride home about as a wrestler, with his power game being the only thing saving him in this match. However, Eddie has faced some big opponents in the past and has gotten over them because of his lying and cheating ways. Eddie can benefit from the accidental win as well, as he does like to fly from the top rope to hit the frog splash (a la Sheamus winning the WWE title). You can't outsmart a man who uses psychology to win matches in a type of environment he is more adapted to than his opponent.

Eddie to advance.
Eddie would win this. I'm inclined to agree with the people that have said he was overrated, but Rikishi almost never won significant matches. People are assuming that you need to slam Rikishi in order to win, he doesn't. If he sets up a table in the corner, he can dropkick Rikishi into it. I think at his best, Eddie was beating everyone, and at his best Rikishi was losing to main eventers. As a result, I can't see any result but a Guerrero win here.
I believe Eddie has a low chance of winning this match as Rikishi size would be a bit of an advantage. Rikishi may go through tables trying to put Eddie through one but that wouldn't result in a loss as Eddie has to put Rikishi trhough one. I can see Eddie trying to use a steel chair to incapacitate Rikishi so he can put him on the table but I don't think it will happen and I don't see Tastycles reasoning of Rikishi being dropkicked through the table. I would see it if it was somebody smaller or of similar build to Eddie but I don't see it in Rikishi. Rikishi advances.
I believe that Eddie would win this. No way in hell would he ever pick him up and slam him through it. I actually quite see a finish exactly how the Cena/Sheamus match went. Rikishi goes for a superplex (which I have seen him do before) then Eddie simply pushed him off. Eddie usually won in big time matches, Rikishi never did. Simple as that.
Im finding it hard to see past Rikishi here. Eddie was smart, but Rikishi was huge. I think Eddie would try every dirty tactic in the book but surley knowing that its his only real chance of winning Rikishi would have it scouted and not fall for it. I mean as a poster said above me somewhere hes not an idiot. Eddie battles hard but i just see more reason for Rikishi here then I do Eddie.
I think there are so many ways for eddie to win, first if he can roll rikishi onto a table, chances are it'd break anyway, secondly, what's to stop him cheating too, sure it'd take some time but eddie was the greatest cheat. There's no way he'd drop this match to a fat dancing samoan.
JicKie "FalKon" Mames;1752046 said:
Rikishi has never been anything to ride home about as a wrestler

Mate, I think the phrase is "Nothing to write home about".

I'll go with Eddie here. Say what you want about him being overrated or whatnot, I certainly thinking he's more than a match for Rikishi or the Sultan or Junior Fatu or whatever you want to call him. You could call to the fact that he was in ECW or that he's smarter than Rikishi or that he would lie, cheat and steal his way to victory. It doesn't really matter how you want to look at it. Guerrero would find a way to set up the table, be it in the corner or outside the ring in order to secure a victory.
As there are no DQs and no countouts, Eddie Guerrero has a real chance here I think. Rikishi has the size and strength advantage, but Eddie would be more than able to make up for that with a few whacks with a steel chair in the, the steps, ladders, whatever else he could use.

However, that being said, I think that Guerrero's options of putting Rikishi through a table are extremely limited. He won't be suplexing him through the table, won't be slamming him through it, won't be tackling him through it. He'd probably be limited to somehow hitting with something hard enough to daze him and push him backward in the hopes of allowing gravity to do much of the work for him. As long as he somehow helped push Rikishi over, it would count. The other option is to hit the frog splash and put Rikishi through the table. Both are possible but I think are unlikely. Guerrero has to physically put Rikishi through the table and I think this particular stipulation is just too specific. If it were just a plain no holds barred street fight kind of deal, I think Guerrero could really pull it out. Rikishi isn't exactly a master strategist, but he'd be smart enough to know that his ginormous ass is his greatest asset in the match. I'd like to see Guerrero move on, but I think I'm going to give this one to Rikishi.
Eddie Guerrerowould win here, pretty easily.

Rikishi was nothing more than a joke in that ring; a glorified jobber. All he focused on was putting his ass on someone's face. Could he do that to Eddie? Sure, but would it win him the match? Absolutely not.

A little while after Brock Lesnar debut with WWE, he had a match against Rikishi... and absolutely destroyed him in only a couple of minutes. Eddie and Brock had a match once too, and well.... we all know what happened there.

Eddie's a pretty ruthless motherfucker when the situation calls for it, whereas Rikishi has never shown himself to be such. Eddie actually has a will to win, and will do literally ANYTHING to make sure he does. That's ultimately why I think he would destroy Rikishi pretty easily here. Eddie would actually care about this tournament, and pull out all the stops to win it. Can't say the same for Rikishi, who just wasn't competitive in the least bit.
I liked both guys during their times with WWE, but in all honesty I believe Eddie would run circles around Rikishi. The only thing I could see as a problem would be getting Big Kish on the table but that is solved easily enough with some sort of chair shot.

Eddie was just all around better at everything. He was more technical, a better brawler, and can do high spots. He could take the match anywhere at any time and beat Rikishi. Plus his endurance and stamina would take him far in this match against the bigger man.

I think Eddie would just level Rikishi with a chair shot so that he fell on the table and then Eddie would do the frog splash for the win. Really no doubt in my mind about this outcome.
Eddie should win this match. He can find other ways to utilize the table, he could place it at the turnbuckles and throw him through it. Rikishi could be on the apron and Eddie kicks him through the table. I'm thinking everyone believe he needs to be laying on the table for someone to go through. Which is incorrect. Eddie is a much better worker and he will find a way to get Fatu through a table. Just look at the Cena and Sheamus match and see how Cena fell through the table. Something like that could happen to Rikishi.
The arguments may be leaning toward Eddie, but I'm inclined to agree that he was quite overrated. Really was never a big fan of the guy. I'm sure he'll try to be all tricky and whatnot, but since this is the Olympics, don't you think we'll have the best referees? They won't fall for any of his shenanigins.

Sometimes, it's just all about size. This is one of those times. I always really liked Rikishi, and I think it's very likely he'd come up with a win here, simply due to girth.
I accidentally voted Rikishi. My bad. Eddie would win here though. He's one of, if not the craftiest wrestlers of all-time. In a match where he can legally smash Rikishi's skull in with the ring bell, I don't see how he loses. Yes, he'd get pummeled for a good part of the match. But all Eddie needs is that opening. A low blow would do it. Roll Big 'Keesh onto the table, frog splash, victory.
I remember back when Eddie and Chavo were the tag champs on Smackdown years ago. I remember them having a match against the team of Mark Henry and Rikishi. Now me being the ignorant child that I was thought 'man, the Guerrero's are going to be destoryed' quite the opposite happened. Eddie and Chavo systemactically picked both men apart, with Eddie actually getting Henry to submit with the Lasso from El Paso.

Eddie could and would hold his own against Rikishi here. I know the poll shows that I voted for Rikishi, but I had limited access and voted quickly and illogically, looking only at size alone, and never considered a proper outcome. Eddie doesn't have to slam Rikishi through a table to win. There are several scenarios that could result in Guerrero winning.

Eddie could counter Rikishi's attempt to put him through a table and put the Samoan through with a DDT, or Eddie could set the table up in the corner and force him through it. Hell, Eddie could even sidestep Rikishi in the corner and the man would put himself through the table. Plenty of ways for Eddie to win here.
man tough draw for eddie here. One of the major reasons why i wanted to place eddie in the spin wheel portion of this was because i felt he was very well rounded as a wrestler, he could roll with anything and he had enough talent/instincts/cheating ideas lol to win in whatever match came about.

In this one if you were purely basing it on size eddie is at a great disadvantage. Luckily this isnt only about size. Sure rikishi's size is a factor but eddie with his ring smarts and cheating way will find a way to win. Maybe putting a table on of the corners and whipping rikishi into it, maybe try to get rikishi to superplex him from the top only to find eddie playing possum, and eddie just pushes rikishi and gets the win.

Theres a lot of crafty ways i can see eddie winning and hell he may even try to slam him through the table, with eddie the ways are endless. So i give this one to eddie.

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