RAW: The New Era of WWE

you guys need to calm down, its not that bad having punk as champ, and you guys would complain if jbl, cena, or batista was champ right now, whats gonna please you guys? honestly? cm punk could be a transitional champ but i mean, at least last nite wasnt predictible like other nights, and i for one like being suprise and caught off guard. i dont mine seeing punk as champ for now or even longer, and will you guys stop saying that cena should be out of the main event status, you guys are nuts? you guys talking about pushing cade, td jr, and kofi up already, thats nuts, raws main event status is fine and is gonna shock alot of you guys, nothing wrong to me with it, cena, punk, batista, orton(when he comes back), jbl, even jericho and hbk, and mysterio eventually. give it time to mesh and gel before you bash, cuz we all really dont know how things are going to play out yet.

Well said, fiasco, I agree with you. I know the title changing hands is pretty big, especially when it's the first time for the person who wins the title. Still, this is ridiculous! People just kinda need to take a breath so they can actually breath in the FRESH direction Raw is going for. People shouldn't be bashing before we see this really actually start moving. It's been less than a week since Punk one the World Heavyweight Championship. So how 'bout we just sit back and see where this goes for Punk, his contenders, and the brand of Raw as a whole.
Look at this...

World Heavyweight Champion: CM Punk

Intercontinental Champion: Kofi Kingston

Tag Team Champions: Ted and Cody


Raw is going to be the new smackdown. You are going to be able to make stars on Raw because HHH is not there. I feel like anything can happen now, and I can't wait till next week.. (I have not said that in a looong time)


Keep the Title away from Batista and Cena for a while and u will make me a happy man.

Thats good and bad at the sametime. Its good cause raw will be like the old smackdown and have good matches and also storylines/feuds. But its bad cause smackdown will become what raw has been the last couple of years and that is have bad matches and storylines/feuds but i doubt it cause of the roster they have.

And its good wwe going young they did this before in the mid 90s and what happened wwe turned around and had great years after that.
The new era on Raw is looking very good indeed.
Finally WWE are beginning to push the younger guys into the top spots and they have got rid of the boring has-been Triple H from the Raw brand.

The only problem I have with the new era is Kofi Kingston. Sure he is an entertaining performer but the guy and his gimmick just look silly and not to the level of Intercontinental Championship.
I believe Kofi should lose his title to Lance Cade in the next few months. Cade will make a better champion.

There seems to be a lack of top heels on Raw at the moment. JBL and Jericho are the only heels who at present would be accepted into the main event spot.
There are tons of top faces however who would be accepted into this spot, for instance CM Punk, John Cena, Shawn Micheals (a.k.a. worst actor ever), Batista, Rey Mysterio and the returning Undertaker.
It's going to be interesting to see who eventually takes the title from CM Punk.
I really like what they are doing on raw. I have never been a huge CM Punk fan, but I like how they have used him. It's something fresh and new. I enjoyed Kofi on ECW and I am excited about the new tag champs. I just hope that WWE continues keeping things fresh like they are now. I will probably lose interest again if they put the title back on Cena in the next month or so. Lets see some new challengers for the WHC and the IC titles eg. WHC - Jericho, and maybe even Regal when he returns and IC - Cade, Marella, Burchill. Please WWE dont mess this up.
HBK not the worst actor ever i can name alot of guys worst them him. And Kingston has a decent gimmick and is a decent wrestler he will be a decent ic champ. And Undertaker is not going to raw so....I think Batista is going to turn heel soon and i think Cena should too but doubt it. Yeah the new era of raw looks great! They are the new smackdown. And we know how great smackdown was from 99-05. So hopefully raw can be smackdown from 99-05 with good wrestling matches each and everyweek and also good storylines/feuds on the side.

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