Raw Tag Champs

Rated-RKO or Cena and Michaels?

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This is an incredibly confusing situation as Batista defeated Kennedy and a Batista vs. Undertaker at WM 23 has been hyped up for the past 3-4 weeks on Smackdown!, and now HBK, the main contender for the WWE title, is a Tag champ, with the WWE champ, the WWE seems to be living up tp it's rep of an ever changing company. How it will play out, I don't know, but Smackdown come Friday will tell all. IMO, Taker will face Batista, unless Henry makes an unlikely return before Mania, but god I hope he doesn't, because Batista vs. Henry as main-event, I mean 1. We know who's going to win, unless another change occurs and 2 It would be a terrible wrestling match, without some stipulation. It shoulld end up Taker vs. Batista and HBK vs. Cena. On the RKO situation, the effective end of DX marks the end of them. Two heels, two main-eventers can't tag team. The two will drop the titles through a mix up, like Edge spearing someone but missing and hitting Randy, and then the two will feud and the Tag belts will drop back to mid-carders, Cryme Tyme, TWGTT and the Highlanders.
Lets just say that WWE is doing a good job at keeping us guessing whats gonna happen, which is what SHOULD happen....all these rumors and such, lets just say im excited about wrestlemania this year, way way more then last years
All I will say is that Taker better win. I do NOT want him to ever lose at Manis much less to that slouch Cena. But now they need to send someone over to SD!...Maybe Orton or Edge...Hopefully Umaga.
i think wrestling 247 was on the money i think taker will go to ECW n Smackdown n do this to all the major champs i would like to see batista turn heel and face taker at WM and i would like to see cena vs HBK vs Orton and for the ECW championship Lashley Vs RVD and RVD wipes the floor with Lashley
This is an incredibly confusing situation as Batista defeated Kennedy and a Batista vs. Undertaker at WM 23 has been hyped up for the past 3-4 weeks on Smackdown!, and now HBK, the main contender for the WWE title, is a Tag champ, with the WWE champ, the WWE seems to be living up tp it's rep of an ever changing company. How it will play out, I don't know, but Smackdown come Friday will tell all. IMO, Taker will face Batista, unless Henry makes an unlikely return before Mania, but god I hope he doesn't, because Batista vs. Henry as main-event, I mean 1. We know who's going to win, unless another change occurs and 2 It would be a terrible wrestling match, without some stipulation. It shoulld end up Taker vs. Batista and HBK vs. Cena. On the RKO situation, the effective end of DX marks the end of them. Two heels, two main-eventers can't tag team. The two will drop the titles through a mix up, like Edge spearing someone but missing and hitting Randy, and then the two will feud and the Tag belts will drop back to mid-carders, Cryme Tyme, TWGTT and the Highlanders.

They lost the belts right before the Undertaker turned up, did you watch Raw?
i just want it to be John Cena vs. HBK beause i would like to see HBK turn heel and then i would also like to see Undertaker on RAW. I cant remember the last time i saw him on RAW. i dunno.. tere is so many things happeing i cant decided which one to go with. looks like we will have to wait and see.
i think that taker will stay on sd. i mean how many big star main eventers do they have. batista, booker and taker. u cant just take taker and put him on raw when it seems as though two faces are already set to fued for the title. idk you never know what will happen but i think taker will just end up going after batista
taker probably will stay on smackdown. i think they are going to make the top titles jump again because undertaker wants wwe title for the 5th time, i mean edge and cena already have been in the title chases over the year, and taker might take it to smackdown because i remember reading that batista wants to go to RAW. i know they arent going to make taker jump brands because of the whole brothers of destruction thing and him being one of the few main eventers on smackdown, seriously....like raw needs another main eventer. they have more faces than heels and its rather pathetic.
yea but it would be a good thing if the undertaker came to RAW for once because when was the last time he was on RAW. I think WWE should have him jump to RAW and face Cena at wrestlemania and win and take the WWE Title back to SmackDown! and have the World Heavyweight Championship come back to RAW and have HBK face that person.
yea but it would be a good thing if the undertaker came to RAW for once because when was the last time he was on RAW. I think WWE should have him jump to RAW and face Cena at wrestlemania and win and take the WWE Title back to SmackDown! and have the World Heavyweight Championship come back to RAW and have HBK face that person.

isnt that kind of what i just said? besides, Raw is just a joke anyways. i can see why calloway wants to be on smackdown. i dont think raw needs another face anyways.
yea i was agreeing with u

oh, its like 9 in the morning. my mistake. like 1st hour, i couldnt understand a thing in economics. im reading everything wrong today. so its not just that.
oo well its 1038 here...im in school right now in the gudiance office just sitting here wasting time....bored in school cant wait to graduate...but yea i think they should do that...it would be great
Hopefully taker stays on smackdown, its the Number one brand and he's probably in most peoples views WWEs number one wrestler. it works out.
Taker is going to choose batista... He only showed up on raw to make it seem that he's going after cena's title.. Now he'll do the same thing at the end of ec-dub tonite..then smackdown
If you lose in a 3-way, doesn't that mean you were defeated, even if you weren't pinned. I think its stupid to think otherwise.

Undertaker on RAW is $$$...i'm tired of him being on Smackdown. Move HBK to Smackdown.
If you lose in a 3-way, doesn't that mean you were defeated, even if you weren't pinned. I think its stupid to think otherwise.

Undertaker on RAW is $$$...i'm tired of him being on Smackdown. Move HBK to Smackdown.

they already have their money maker...JOHN CENA! he pushes merch more than any talent on either brands. which is why he is still the champ and still a face. and moving hbk to smackdown would be interesting but rather pointless. unless DX finally breaks and he becomes a singles competitor, til then, he will remain on raw. and the losing in a 3 way, if you arent pinned you dont win or lose, if you are pinned, you lose.
Taker is going to choose batista... He only showed up on raw to make it seem that he's going after cena's title.. Now he'll do the same thing at the end of ec-dub tonite..then smackdown

yeah, that sounds right. but im also leaning towards them bringing the wwe title to smackdown because i think thats when smackdown was at its best and they need to do some serious trading. like, kennedy to raw for cena to be on smackdown. besides, batista is pushing for himself to be on raw anyways so they should just take the world title back to raw because i believe raw was at its best then. and if it doesnt work out for raw, which it would, then its the world title. its a curse.
this is a report from someone at the the show

credit: Pwmania.com

Post Show - Taker stood there for a few more seconds, then hooked ass to the back when the fire died down, Cena stared at the Title & The Wrestlemania 23 Sign, Shawn & Cena had some more words, then Shawn grabbed both tag belts, handed 1 to Cena & They shook hands & raised each others hands.

So it seems that shawn and hbk will be fine as tag champs.
Im sure that this is just taker mind games, nothing is set in stone yet
I think its gonna be interesting what's The Game thinking about this Cena- HBK tag champs, maybe he could be in some kindda recorded message in the next RAW, saying that DX is over and stuff, then Cena - HBK are the new TT sensation and Cena can loose 1 belt (WWE cahmp) to Undertaker in WM23.
DAMN!! :shit:
I think HBK would just superkick Cena ala HBK did in 1992 15 yrs. ago.
Taker is going to choose batista... He only showed up on raw to make it seem that he's going after cena's title.. Now he'll do the same thing at the end of ec-dub tonite..then smackdown

I think UT will make some sort of appearance tonight on ecw because tonight is WSX's debut and Vince doesn't want anymore competition.Vince is already confirmed to be on ECW tonight and i think he's gonna do some wild unexpected stuff tonight with ecw to try and boost the ratings.
im not sure about the main events but is everyone forgetting that stone cold is coming back for a while maby he will be in the title picture.
Everyone is jumping the gun on this. Taker is still going to face Batista. The best way for WWE to get out of its creative funk is to use the big gun, the Undertaker. Taker will show up on ECw and Smackdown. The man equals ratings, so expect the mind games for the next month leading into a decision at No Way Out. Taker vs. Batista is set. This will be Takers last dance and he'll win the Title, and likely either lose it to Batista at the Bash, or maybe a Mr. Kennedy at Summerslam.

WM23 is looking pretty good. Taker, vs. Batista. I kinda like the Booker T HBK match being tossed around.

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