Raw seems to be worse off post-superstar shakeup.

Either you're intentionally being obtuse or your reading comprehension has gone to shit because you didn't understanding my point at all.

You complain about Raw being 3 hours yet you claimed to love Raw last year even though those Raws were also three hours. You're allowed to change your opinion on things that have changed, you're allowed to change your opinion but there is no changing the facts.

You are bitching about Raw being three hours now but they were able to do three hour shows last year to your pleasure.

So three hour Raws can go from being tolerable to being absolute trash right?

And as a fan I can bitch about the extra third hour to be dropped, considering that the show as a whole sucks so they may as well drop the third hour and try to put a coherent, entertaining program, because 3hrs of Raw with half the roster and a bunch of cruiserweights and not many legit stars was never a great idea to begin with?

I've acknowledged everything and been clear and steadfast. If you do not understand it, may be it's your comprehension that's gone to shit after all, or you're just looking for a reason to bitch and argue, much in vain.

No, I have young kids and porn is better for titillation.

That wasn't for you or your kids.

Since you were so eager to put forth your valiant approval of my presumed "lifestyle" in your previous post, I thought you may as well give me your approval for some other kind of "lifestyle", that involving hot women in Wrestling, for my titillation.

All you had to do was say YES, and you ruined even that.
What I get from this is that someone is mad Reigns hasn't been on tv and feels the need to bash things some in the IWC like. Do you want the women to get less time so Reigns can put us to sleep with whatever he's doing?
What I get from this is that someone is mad Reigns hasn't been on tv and feels the need to bash things some in the IWC like. Do you want the women to get less time so Reigns can put us to sleep with whatever he's doing?

Something I missed in my previous post. It's just two weeks since Superstar Shake-up. You should give them a couple of more chances to judge them and I think that those chances should come after Payback. Payback is more of a dual branded show this time and that's a integral part of many problems. After Payback, the picture will be much clearer and fairer as well.

As for the women segments, I don't get why you don't like women matches. Just see beyond the gender. If the match is good and entertaining then it is good and entertaining regardless of the gender. I did enjoy the segment between Alexa Bliss, Sasha Banks and Bayley at this week's Raw. It was nowhere near bad. Women's Wrestling has improved a lot in the past couple of years in WWE.
The one thing hurting RAW is not having an active worlds champion what's Lesner's excuse this time he's done with UFC it was a waste of time putting the belt on him to begin with Goldberg should've dropped it to Owens on a previous RAW.
The one thing hurting RAW is not having an active worlds champion what's Lesner's excuse this time he's done with UFC it was a waste of time putting the belt on him to begin with Goldberg should've dropped it to Owens on a previous RAW.

Yes this doesn't help the situation either, Lesnar hasn't defended the title since Mania and looks to miss both upcoming RAW PPV's. Kind of hard to build any momentum when your champion isn't around. If he doesn't care then why should the fans.

To make matters worse, on RAW this past week they built the show almost entirely around the Miz. That's not normally a bad thing, but considering he's not scheduled to compete on the Payback card, what was the point of featuring him so heavily on a go home show. Plus two of your biggest matches Wyatt/Orton and Owens/ Jericho, feature guys that are now on the Smackdown roster. Don't blame the women or the guys on the midcard, at least they show up and try to put on a show for the fans. Instead blame the people who book this trainwreck, creative and most importantly Vince McMahon.
Yes this doesn't help the situation either, Lesnar hasn't defended the title since Mania and looks to miss both upcoming RAW PPV's. Kind of hard to build any momentum when your champion isn't around. If he doesn't care then why should the fans.

To make matters worse, on RAW this past week they built the show almost entirely around the Miz. That's not normally a bad thing, but considering he's not scheduled to compete on the Payback card, what was the point of featuring him so heavily on a go home show. Plus two of your biggest matches Wyatt/Orton and Owens/ Jericho, feature guys that are now on the Smackdown roster. Don't blame the women or the guys on the midcard, at least they show up and try to put on a show for the fans. Instead blame the people who book this trainwreck, creative and most importantly Vince McMahon.
I mostly blame this on "Superstar Shake-up". WWE could've done it after Payback. It was well known that we'll see continuation of some feuds like Bray Wyatt Vs. Randy Orton, Kevin Owens Vs. Jericho etc. Luckily, we ain't getting Ambrose Vs. Corbin as well.

Due to "Superstar Shake-up", multiple feuds were ended on the regular programming itself. Like Ambrose Vs. Corbin, Charlotte Vs. Nia Jax etc. The timing of it just didn't make much sense.
Of course Raw is worse right now than it was before the superstar shakeup. That's not entirely the superstar shakeup's fault though. Raw does not have a World Champion right now. Lesnar is holding the Universal Championship hostage until he shows up again at Great Balls Of Fire (such mixed feelings on that name, but that's a whole other topic). They do not have a top champion so there's nothing for the guys who are above the Intercontinental Championship to fight for which is so incredibly stupid. You can have Lesnar VS Reigns without Lesnar holding the title hostage. Guys like Strowman (as much as I dislike the guy) could benefit from you know, having a title to chase!

Beyond the cluster mess at the main event level, Raw is doing fine. The superstar shakeup got the red brand several new names. Granted some of these moves were headscratchers like Bray or Miz, however it's going to be interesting to see how the rest of the structure of Raw falls into place moving forward. The midcard should be fine, the cruiserweights as well. The female division is where Raw is doing very well right now. The additions of Alexa and Mickie will be a big help to the Raw Women's Championship scene. There is still enough positives to keep me watching. I detest what they are doing at the main event level, although if that is ignored then there's plenty to watch on the rest of the card. Plus, we still have Smackdown too.
I think Raw will benefit from the line up over time, but given the ppv situation where the biggest feuds don't have both their guys on the show, it was asking for trouble. Raw's quality will absolutely go up once Payback is mercifully over. Lesnar taking the title and mounting it above his 3 mile gated driveway back on the farm doesn't help either. When he's there, Raw will feel bigger. But when he's not there, WWE only has one world champion. And that champion is sitting on Smackdown. So. It has nothing to do with the trades. Raw didn't end up with the worse set of guys after the shakeup. It ended up with worse booking going into a ppv that is going to fall flatter than crepe. Smackdown had the brilliant booking decision of putting their champ into a feud with a new number 1 contender immediately, and a brand new one at that. Who is suddenly believable. Who would have thought 3MB would come so far?

Wyatt had no one comparable to feud with (Brock is somewhere polishing the belt in a rocking chair, staring at a mountain he plans on eating), so he just beat up 3 guys that were in a glorified house show comedy match. And it just wasn't the good. Bless them for trying. Bless the Miz and Maryse.

It's fair to note that Raw's tag division is miles ahead of Smackdown's right now. Despite the Fashion Police finally getting a shot at the belts, you've got to hand it to Sheamus/Cesaro and the Hardyz. That feels like 4 upper-midcard guys going at it over a real prize and that makes the tag belts feel very important. Wrestlemania did a lot for that.
Smackdown is now the better show with AJ, KO, Nakamura and active champion in Randy Orton. SD also has two active part timers in Cena and Jericho and solid mid-carders like Sami Zahn, Rusev and Baron Corbin.

Raw is the home of super heavyweights with Reigns, Strowman, Joe, with Lesnar with some smaller guys like Ambrose, Rollins, Balor.

Talent wise the rosters are even but having an inactive champion and weak Intercontinental champion hurts RAW and it must be said Vince being so actively involved in RAW is a factor.

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