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RAW MVP for June 27th, 2011


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
and the MVP is none other than.....


Mark Henry

Crowd Reaction: he got pretty good heat when he walked down in the ramp to interfere in Bog Show's cage match.

Promo/Mic time: He didn't have a Promo persay but he did a great job getting even more heat while he was arguing with the fans.

Quality of their match: Again he didn't have a match but he was awesome beating down Big Show

How they handle their character: This is where he shined. The past few weeks I was skeptical because we've seen it all before but after tonight I have to say I'm loving it and if done right I can see him as World Champion for at least a few weeks between PPVs.

2nd Place this weeks goes to A-Ry. I've always been a fan but this man is going places. He is awesome in the rinf gets good popd and puts on good matches. If he had a Promo or mic time in general this week he may have ended up the MVP
Dude, seriously? SERIOUSLY? Milenko?

CM Punk is your man. That promo to end RAW was one of the greatest promos of all time. Milenko, Mark Henry? Really? You must be trolling. lulz. Mark Henry barely made an impact tonight. He took out Big Show in what appears to be an mediocre feud. Punk, however, took out the WWE Champion and cut a phenomenal promo all at the same time. He's building up to his release and the WWE is so fucking stupid to let him just walk out like that. He's talented. Especially after that, how can you or anyone pick a superstar other than CM Punk. Come on Milenko...
Oh, it's CM Punk, and it isn't even a contest.

He drug a decent contest out of Kane, had one hell of a segment with HBK, and cut what might be the best promo since Rock's return. Punk absolutely owned everything in that building tonight -- Vince, the crowd, the wrestlers, etc. Anything you can think of. This was Punk's show, easily.

2nd Place - Mark Henry (God, it feels weird typing that).

How could the Raw MVP be ANYONE besides CM Punk? His promo at the end of Raw was easily the best promo in years, possibly since Austin 3:16. His promo took a slightly above Raw and made it into one of the best Raws of all time.

Henry was okay, but what Punk did tonight was legendary. How you picked anyone besides him is beyond me.
Seriously dude, what the fuck? Punk delivers one of the most groundbreaking promos ever, but you think Mark Henry had a bigger night? Who the FUCK even remembered that Mark Henry was on Raw tonight after that promo? How was Mark Henry even in your mind?

It's CM Punk, without question. That was one of the best endings to Raw in like, 5 years. Maybe one of the best of all time.

I just noticed that you have Alex Riley as your number 2. You have to be trolling dude, you just have to be.
CM Punk just put the wrestling world in awe, and you chose Mark Henry? Althought Mark Henry's new pissed off persona is working and he kicked some "big" ass tonight, what CM Punk did to end the show is untoppable, unmatchable, and unbelievable! Thank you Punk!
I'll agree with Big Nick Dudley.

CM Punk cut that amazing promo, which made RAW like 5x better. CM Punk was definitely the MVP for tonight.

Mark Henry actually showed to be a monster that has always had an okay reaction with the fans. With that cage falling apart and the chants of "HOLY SHIT!" by the crowd, it was awesome to see that.

I'd give third to A-Ri. It surprises me that he has a pretty good fan reaction.
Come on Milenko, it's CM Punk. No question about it.

He had a bad/average match tonight, sure. But it was against Kane. So I'm inclined to excuse him. But seriously, that promo blew my mind. It actually made me shiver. No promo has ever done that to me. I can't even describe how to feel because I don't think actual words can do it justice. What Punk did tonight will go down in the annals of wrestling history.

Mark Henry was good though. For the first time in my wrestling watching life, I was actually excited by Mark Henry. He's getting over as a legitimate badass not just with me but with the fans. On any other night he would have taken it, but not this one. Your second place goes to Alex Riley?! Seriously? Dude did fuck all. He wrestled a decent match. But he was with Mysterio, Swagger and Miz. You have to be rotten not to have a good match with them.
CM Punk.

Henry couldn't do half of what Punk did if we gave the fucker a year. Henry was impressive but Henry didn't cut what will be a promo which will be played over-and-over for years and decades to come. His ripping the cage door open has been done before, CM Punk just reignited something in professional wrestling which hasn't been around for a long time. And that's pure excitement.

CM Punk wins this hands down.
and the MVP is none other than.....


Mark Henry

Crowd Reaction: he got pretty good heat when he walked down in the ramp to interfere in Bog Show's cage match.

Promo/Mic time: He didn't have a Promo persay but he did a great job getting even more heat while he was arguing with the fans.

Quality of their match: Again he didn't have a match but he was awesome beating down Big Show

How they handle their character: This is where he shined. The past few weeks I was skeptical because we've seen it all before but after tonight I have to say I'm loving it and if done right I can see him as World Champion for at least a few weeks between PPVs.

2nd Place this weeks goes to A-Ry. I've always been a fan but this man is going places. He is awesome in the rinf gets good popd and puts on good matches. If he had a Promo or mic time in general this week he may have ended up the MVP

Anus, this is complete BULLSHIT. Has to go to Punk. Not only did he take this feud to a whole another level. He did something that not even Cena has not done in quite a while....

Suspend Disbelief.

Fact is, everyone. EVERYONE who watched Raw, smark or not, is either thinking:




Simple fact is, that by doing so little and doing so much. Punk's easily the MVP of raw today. Not only did the promo felt chillingly natural, it was BELIEVEABLE. In any way you look at it, Punk's reaction is that of a soon to be fired, disgruntled employee. Shoot or worked shoot, this most likely came from the heart. Punk's the MVP, no contest.

Losing your edge man.
and the MVP is none other than.....Mark Henry


CM Punk without question. Whether anyone bought it or not, he shook things up like they haven't been shook in a long while. He may have walked out on his match earlier, but that doesn't matter. No words have spoken in recent years with as much impact as CM Punks words were tonight. Legit or not, that promo will go down in history just because of how entertaining it was.
Mark Henry, really? Alex Riley second? Really? Really?

CM Punk

I'm not just on a band wagon, but CM Punk had cut one of the greatest promos to hit the wrestling world. He berated WWE LIVE!!! He berated the employees, the fans, the boss, everybody! CM Punk is now gone from WWE, but he went out with a fucking bang!!!
I hope you are either trolling or somehow came up with the MVP in the middle of the show. If not, then I want whatever weed your smokin because it must be some strong shit.

The MVP is obviously The Punkmeister. He delivered one of, if not, the greatest shoot/worked, whatever you want to call it, promos in wrestling history. That was fucking epic and it has turned the IWC and the wrestling world upside down.

Screw RAW, Punk should be the MVP of 2011.
I clicked on this page with the belief that there was no other person that could be the MVP this week, let alone this week's RAW, but CM Punk. Now I am scratching my head and I fear cranial damage.

Milenko, I dig your taste in music and you're one of the coolest posters I've come across. But I cry "bullshit" at Mark Henry, and an even bigger "BULLSHIT" at Alex Riley. Did they do well tonight? Hell yeah, but what they did isn't the talk of the town. They pale in comparison to Punk's promo before going off the air the way it did.

Mark Henry isn't being discussed. Alex Riley sure as hell isn't. CM Punk is. There lies your MVP brother.
There is no doubt that Mark Henry did well on Raw tonight. His new character is being built very well. I am liking this new Henry. However, what does Mark Henry have to do with tonight's MVP?! Mark Henry as the MVP of tonight's Raw? Are You Serious Bro? CM Punk is tonight's MVP!! CM Punk delivered one of the greatest promos that WWE has ever seen!! Dude, why don't you just get off of this website and never come back? Punk was the man of Raw tonight.

Come, now. That was one of the best promos I've seen, and it's not just some random Internet smark saying that. Go to Twitter, you'll see wrestlers, Hall of Famers among them, talking about how great this promo was. Lance Storm called it one of the best ever. He ended Raw with a closing we haven't seen since the debut of the Nexus. Tonight, CM Punk changed the game and set the wrestling world ablaze. He turned this feud red hot and has everyone waiting for his next move. Simply put he cut one of the best promos of the year by far.

Henry had a great night, to be sure, and any other night he might have deserved MVP. But tonight was all about CM Punk. He stole the spotlight and made this a Raw to remember.
CM Punk was definitely MVP tonight. The best promo I've heard in a while, but guys don't pile on Milenko, I see where he's coming from. CM Punk could really be the MVP every week. So the thread really turns into who's the MVP after Punk, and the last two weeks it has been Mark Henry especially after this week. Just Punk's promo had so much conviction and we really believed what he was saying; Mark looked like he would whoop anyone's a** who got in his way.Both were very believable in their own way tonight.
Punk is the only choice here... Yea it was cool seeing Big Show fly through the cage, but its been done before. Show himself threw Stone Cold through a cage. But Punk... No one has ever closed the night on raw getting there mic cut off... He did an amazing job...busting on Cena, Hogan, Vince, HHH, Stephanie, John Laurinaitis, The Rock, all in one promo... The man is a genius...
Milenko, I kind of want to punch you in the face.

How could anyone besides Punk be the MVP? He just potentially threw his deal that was on the table, his title match, and his future with the WWE out the window. He did such an emotional shoot on the WWE that I don't know how Vince could have approved. He mentioned the competition, in not only NJPW and ROH, but Impact, mentioning Hogan. He broke kayfabe times 20, and he was going to bitch about McMahon further until they pulled the mic. the only way he still has any of what I said he threw away is if this was somehow worked, which I again say, I don't know how Vince could have said yes.

CM Punk just made history with one of the biggest shoots I've ever seen. And he's 3rd or worse to Henry and Riley? Again, I kind of want to hit you.
I feel like Kanye West right now about to cut off Taylor Swift and say Sorry but CM Punk just gave one of the best promos of ALL TIME.... and he's not the raw MVP??? Sorry man u are out of your mind, not to mention that little delay on the cage breaking as well as how long it took to get the door off kind of killed that whole thing, it still wouldn't compare to a promo to close out raw that had ppl forget about everything else on the show including HBK's hosting, henry's cage ram, and whatever the hell else was going on.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I can't even...

Milenko, unless you didn't actually watch RAW, I have no idea how you came about this decision. Seriously, Punk goes out and delivers the best worked shoot in history... And you decide that Mark Henry, Mizark fuckin' Henry, is your MVP? Man, no offense, but you're completely wrong.

Forget ANY heat Henry got, CM Punk just shocked the wrestling world. Hell, CM Punk just made history. That moment will possibly be the defining moment of a generation. That being said, you're telling me that Mark Henry getting some decent heel heat is good enough to earn him the MVP award over CM Punk? Not at all. Will we remember what Mark Henry did, years from now? Not at all.

You were just handed one of the best promos of your lifetime, but a standard bit of heel work overshadows that? I have no idea what you're thinking, but it's bizarre. I can't begin to comprehend how Mark Henry had a better night than CM Punk. I just can't, do you know why? Because it's just wrong.

CM Punk is the REAL RAW MVP for June 27th, 2011.
Yeah this answer is clearly CM Punk. The guy was the reason I enjoyed Raw so much. His promo with HBK, his match with Kane was alright, but it was the promo that ended the show. That was some of the best stuff I've seen on WWE TV in ages. Punk brought it tonight and I really don't want to see him leave as he is the best thing going in the WWE and itll be a shame to see him leave. He was the MVP, no doubt about it. No one was even close.
Someone already said it, but I came into this Thread, only expecting to see none other than CM Punk, but you picked MARK HENRY?! Granted, Henry looked like one bad motherfucker, what with pulling off the Door of the Cage and beating down Big Show, but Punk, not only lost John Cena his match, but followed it up with the best Promo in, well, ever. It's definitely Punk as our MVP today, with Henry bringing up the rear.
WOW everyone in the wrestling community is talking about CM Punk and what he did and you pick Mark Henry, please tell me this is you just going against the grain of what everyone else is saying just to be different, I know Henry had a strong showing but come on Punk is the trending topic on the internet right now, there was over 3000 people on this site alone talking about him come on man fix this.

Riley is 2nd, did you even watch raw?

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