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RAW MVP for June 13th, 2011


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
you all know how I do this so without further ado the RAW MVP for June 13th, 2011 is ...


Crowd Reaction: Out of all the heels tonight Punk got the biggest reaction. He gets the heel heat every week no matter what because he is that damn good. Also when he had Mason take out Rey the crowd booed the crap out of him. Apparently the acoustics in the Nassau Coliseum suck so when you can hear the crowd you know they're loud

Promo/Mic Time: His Promo backstage was great by both men. I give props to Austin but Punk saying What is what did it for me, I loved every second of it.

Quality of their match: Besides the ending this match was awesome x100. Cena was good as usual but Punk was the one to watch in this match. He is gold no matter who he steps in the ring with.

How they handle their character: He handled it perfectly. He had Ryan beat down Rey so he could save the energy for Sunday which fits his current character to a T and after he won his match he got out of their which is what he should have done with out Nexus at ringside.

People were saying Austin in the LD and I'm sure they will here as well but with my criteria Austin just wasn't good enough with Punk and Cena at the top of their game.
Totally disagree with you here Milenko. R-Truth out shined every RAW Superstar this week, and yes, even CM Punk. While CM Punk was very well recieved on RAW tonight, R-Truth was that much better. He did not keep his face off of television it seemed like the entire night. He certainly was not as over as CM Punk but definitely over in his own right. His new gimmick/persona is really something to look forward to on RAW and in my opinion really out done himself on RAW tonight. CM Punk is a solid choice for RAW's MVP, but R-Truth deserves that honor tonight.
Stone Cold Steve Austin.

I haven't seen Austin into his character that much in years. He seemed like he was actually with the show, and not just a visitor. He has amazing chemistry with the Miz, and CM Punk. Austin may not be as big of a deal as The Rock, seeing he didn't leave for seven years, but, he's just as entertaining, if not more so.

The action was weak tonight, but Austin tore that place up.

Second Place: The Miz
Crowd Reaction: Out of all the heels tonight Punk got the biggest reaction. He gets the heel heat every week no matter what because he is that damn good. Also when he had Mason take out Rey the crowd booed the crap out of him. Apparently the acoustics in the Nassau Coliseum suck so when you can hear the crowd you know they're loud

The most heel heat was easily drawn by R Truth. CM Punk was actually getting a ton of cheers in his match against Cena so for all the heat he received with the Mysterio thing it was mostly gone for the Cena match.

Promo/Mic Time: His Promo backstage was great by both men. I give props to Austin but Punk saying What is what did it for me, I loved every second of it.

R Truth spent far more time on the mic and accomplished far more in terms of keeping his character at a top level.

Quality of their match: Besides the ending this match was awesome x100. Cena was good as usual but Punk was the one to watch in this match. He is gold no matter who he steps in the ring with.

The Punk/Cena match was alright but nothing overly spectacular. Truth didn't have an official match but he accomplished far more with his "attacks" then he could have done in a single match.

How they handle their character: He handled it perfectly. He had Ryan beat down Rey so he could save the energy for Sunday which fits his current character to a T and after he won his match he got out of their which is what he should have done with out Nexus at ringside.

No character has been better on a weekly basis then R Truth and that was no different tonight. I like Punk as much as the next guy but he didn't make near the impact that Truth did.

People were saying Austin in the LD and I'm sure they will here as well but with my criteria Austin just wasn't good enough with Punk and Cena at the top of their game.

It's too bad R Truth was better then all of them.
I agree with Hamlertainment, Inc. on this one.

R-Truth delivered again through-out the whole night, and you could even hear some of the crowd laughing at how insane he really looks. I enjoy watching him every week.
I'm right there with Nick. Steve Austin was the absolute best thing on Raw tonight. He was awesome whenever he was on screen and was the absolute reason to watch the show. I felt the action was pretty lackluster minus the main event tonight which is why I'm giving the edge to Stone Cold. He was great on the mic, had great chemistry with those he interacted, looked to be having fun, and was the most entertaining he has been in a long time. It seems like whenever Raw seems to be lackluster Stone Cold comes out and saves it.

In terms of active wrestlers it was easily R-Truth. The guy was brilliant tonight. From his promos to his attack on Morrison to costing Cena in the main event and finally gaining the momentum heading into Capitol Punishment. Truth was absolutely fantastic tonight in all aspects of things.
Second Place: The Miz

For real? He did his job fairly well and all but he really didn't do anything special. I'd put Punk and Truth above Miz tonight.

But I do agree with you on Austin, he was the show tonight. Every time he was there it was a blast and he interacted pretty damn well with the guys. He and Punk had a sweet segment as did he and Miz.

I'd put Truth second though. He got a fairly mild reaction when he came out but throughout the rest of the night his heat grew a lot. The backstage shit with Morrison was just top shelf. SHAZAM!!

Punk just didn't do anything special in my eyes. Yes, he had a solid match, but that's an everyday thing with him for the most part. He's had good matches week in and week out on Raw for months now. He's probably been the most consistent guy lately, but he really didn't stand out in my eyes.
For real? He did his job fairly well and all but he really didn't do anything special. I'd put Punk and Truth above Miz tonight.

I dislike the Miz... a lot. So, this isn't easy for me.

He was in the two best segments on Raw this evening. He and Austin started the show with some of the best, most natural mic work I have seen in a long, long time. Equal to Rock and Cena. Not as important, so it won't be remembered.

His work with Riley and Piper also kicked ass. I think Piper was drunk, and Riley still doesn't know how to wear a suit. However, Miz is helping Riley to look like a Million bucks. I think Riley has a lot of talent, so it's probably not all that difficult.

Either way, he was involved with the two best segments this episode had to offer, so he's my #2.
I honestly don't see why R-Truth gets so much love here, his new character sucks. Sure it's better than his old one, and he's not so stale, but that by no means makes him great. His promos are like watching a small child get hit by a car, you want to stop it, but what can you really do?

Same with Miz, the guy nothing but a worn out "How I Met Your Mother" punchline.

Between his segment with Austin, the awesome match he put on, and the way he uses every single moment and gesture to keep on proving he truly is the best, CM Punk took that one hands down.
R-Truth was fucking MAGIC this week. Truth be told I wasn't sold on his character these past two weeks but he did a great job tonight delivering his promos, and bringing some solid work in his segments. Little Jimmy better be scared of what Truth brings to the table in the next few weeks.

I'm assuming him injuring Morrison again, was because Morrison needs more time to heal from his surgery. What that also did was gave Truth more momentum going into his match with Cena this weekend.

Imagine with the momentum of injuring Morrison twice going into his match with Cena this weekend, and with the nagging injuries Cena has, if Truth could storyline injure Cena and put him out for a month or two. Truth could easily take over the number 1 heel spot on RAW with those few simple actions.

Christian out shined some of Raws talents with his promo work, as well as kicking the snot out of Mysterio. He's the best part of the program with Orton on Smackdown. Hopefully Christian can pull it off on Sunday and take the title from Orton.

Miz was great as usual

CM Punk is the best thing the WWE has, period
I too am a member of the CM Punk for MVP bandwagon, followed closely behind his character foil Stone Cold Steve Austin. WWE proved Punk's tweet wrong and put these 2 in a segment together but I wish they could've opened up RAW in the 12 minute segment against Austin and Miz. Punk and Austin would've made it much funnier, entertaining, and memorable but I guess I'll accept the 3 minute segment because it's better than nothing.

Austin carried the entire show but it's hard to disagree with Punk's dominance tonight as he annoyed SCSA with his own gimmick and won the main event of the All-star show and even had the crowd pop for his victory. Yeah Truth is entertaining now and is definitely the hottest new heel (sorry Christian) but this was Punk's night.

As for the Miz bandwagon? what is that crew smoking? He got punked by Stone Cold Steve Austin in the opening segment that truly belittled him and showed how minor league he is compared to the greats and then the same thing happened with Roddy Piper in Piper's Pit. Everyone always praises his mic skills but all he is is a 09 Y2J wannabe (I can't believe they had the audacity to compare him to modern day Piper) and he didn't do much for either segment that he wasn't in - he was carried by both of the Hall of Famers
Having just gotten home from the show, I'll give you a live perspective for this thread.

In terms of heel heat, it was Miz and then everybody else. Truthfully, Cena got the second most heat behind Miz. Punk's reaction was mixed, wasn't too shabby, while Truth only got a reaction with his interruption in the main event. The rest of his stuf got average reactions at best. Miz was easily more over with the crowd as far as heels go.

He was great tonight and even during commercial breaks had the crowd eating out of the palm of his hands. No other heel remotely had that. They did their jobs but Miz got the most heat and it wasn't even close. He'd be my pick for tonight, though a lot of guys would be warranted. The show was about Austin so you could obviously go with him. As far as faces, best pops were Austin and Big Show believe it or not (obviously Cena's reaction is tremendous but it's mixed).

Of course, Ryder got a huge pop for his superstars match but it ain't Raw so it doesn't count.

Miz for MVP if you are going with heels, Austin if you are going with obviousness without having a match.
CM PUNK all the way. From crowd reaction to mic and in ring work Punk had it all covered. Also I'm not sure why but I was so happy to see "it's clobberin time!" come back.
It's a toss up between Truth and Austin for me, but I'm leaning towards Austin. Both did great things on the mic, but Truth might have sealed it for me with his backstage attack on John Morrison. The Truth character is actually a very unique heel in that he's not cowardly, but not a monster, not a cheater, and not really evil, he's just bat shit insane. He does bad things, but he's not trying to take down the entire WWE, just the few select people he thinks have wronged him, and that really showed tonight.

Austin did a great job too, but he just did a great job being himself. He didn't really help further any angles or develop any feuds (at least from what I watched, I missed the first hour), he just played Stone Cold Steve Austin, and he did it well. However, if you're looking at the big picture, it really didn't do much besides maybe bring in a few more fans and make them happy.
Im not sure how anyone who saw the show tonight could go with anyone other then R-Truth.

Truth went from looking like nothing but fodder for John Cena at Capitol Punishment to looking like a legitimate threat to his title. He looked vicious and unhinged in his attacks on Hornswoggle and Morrison, and cunning in causing John Cena the distraction that cost him the match against CM Punk. In messing with Cena's fans, he exposed a chink in Cena's armor that hasn't been touched on before, and that's in what his fans mean to him. It leads to an interesting dynamic as to how that will play out in a one on one match on Sunday, but isn't that the point?

Punk had a decent, surprisingly long Raw main event with Cena that likely positions him, provided he beats Rey Mysterio Sunday, as the next challenger for Cena's title should he retain by beating him non-title. He had a nice interaction with Austin backstage and his intriguing comment about "sweeping changes" was a nice hook, but it didn't top the combination of mic work, viciousness, and cunning displayed by Truth. He settles in nicely at #2 or 3, either behind or in front of Austin.

Austin had a strong opening to the show with Miz, and seemed completely real rather then the canned, forced promos we see from most today. He demonstrated the disparity between yesterday and today with the way he ran the show all night in terms of mic work, and was a prime example for why the Raw GM has run its course. His beer bash regarding his "victory" over the Raw GM was corny, but the crowd seemed to be into everything he did, and he was equally good both in the backstage segments and in making impromptu matches throughout the night.

But even though he didn't wrestle, the MVP of the show was Truth. This was the go-home show for Raw, and Truth is in the Raw main event on the card. He needed to come up big to sell the match somehow, which seemed an impossible task. Somehow, he managed to go a long way towards doing that, leaving me intrigued in his match with Cena on Sunday, which I had little interest in coming into the show. Excellent work by Truth both in looking criminally unhinged and conniving on the same show, which earns him Raw MVP of the night for me.
match wise: punk... overall: tie between truth and austin. the "old school" in me loved austin. i can tell he misses the business! but, truth had me interested and laughing all night.
Not that big of a cm punk fan... (joke)

He was money tonight, as he is every night. Austin segment was awesome, tho I didn't really understand what he said to andy. The match was good, tho it kinda seems to me that cena has stopped trying to be a good wrestler and just has the same match every night. I'm not a hater, and its not punks fault, its just what cena does.

Oh, did anyone catch cm punks macho man tribute this week? Double axe handle to cena off the top rope when cena was on the outside? Amazing stuff.
The MVP of Raw this week was R-Truth. He earned my vote because of his excellent heel promos and adding more interest to his match with Cena on sunday. Truth finally got me to care about this match. The backstage promo with Morrison was good and showed how insane Truth's character has gotten. Second place goes to Stone Cold for pouring beer on Cole's computer.
I agree, except R-Truth should tie with him. R-Truth did just as much as or even more then Punk. Truth made an impact, had a lot of tv time, cut some promos, and just did all kinds of stuff. Punk certainly did well in the main event and in his backstage segment with Austin. Punk and Truth were both Gold tonight. Both of them are the "MVP" of the night.

Hey, but personally I love Punk more than Truth so I would love to say that Punk was the MVP because he entertained the Hell out of me and got me jumping aroung like a fool. I just like to be fair and recognize what Truth did as well.
I think it says a lot that cm punk had almost as big an impact as r truth did, with about a quarter of the talk time truth had. R truth was great tonight though. Its really a toss up. I'm still saying punk for the austin segment and the macho man tribute alone.
I agree with CM Punk.. he was the reason the crowd was extra loud for his match with Cena. He did a good job of keeping them worked into it, while Cena basically played the rag doll routine he normally does.

Steve Austin was also huge tonight... he hasn't truly been Stone Cold in like 10 years... but lately he's been a lot more fired up.. a lot more like 1998/9 Austin. And I love it. I hope he stays as the GM because he could really push a lot of people into becoming better versions of themselves.
CM Punk only got that reaction because he was facing of against John Cena in front of New Yorkers, if it was Christian takeing on John Cena he would of got the same reaction, if it was Jack Swagger takeing on John Cena he would of got the same reaction, if it was Trent Barretta takeing on John Cena he would of got the same reaction you can see where i'm going with this

But for me the M.V.P by a country mile was R-Truth, his work on the mic was golden followed by The Miz he played the cowardly heel role brilliantly when he didn't attack Austin when his back was turned
Stone Cold Steve Austin was quite easily the MVP of Raw. He showed that he could be "Stone Cold" even in a PG environment which most people thought he could not pull off. The way he intimidated Miz at the start of the show was very entertaining and to his credit, Miz also played his part well. His interaction with Del Rio was short but good. The Punk/ Austin segment was the icing on the cake, though. It was a confrontation that we all had been waiting for and it also showed that Punk could hang in with one of the best talkers of all time. It was a bit too short though. I really had my hopes up when Austin said that he was going to make an announcement. I really thought that he would announce that he was going to wrestle Punk at WrestleMania. Oh well, maybe that's the fanboy in me speaking again.

Apart from Austin the guy who shone on the show was R-Truth. His facial expressions were top notch today. I liked how he first befriended Hornswoggle and then kicked him in the face. R-Truth looks batshit crazy sometimes. I also liked his attack on John Morrison and all his promos. The WWE have done a good job in making Truth look like a serious threat to Cena's title. I think that the thing that makes Truth so dangerous is the fact that he is unpredictable. On Sunday he can attack Cena before the match, he can attack Cena during his entrance or he can even sneak up on Cena from under the ring or in the bathroom while Cena is taking a piss. Cena has to be on guard at all times. At least that is what I have got from his character. It would be interesting to see if the WWE builds on this at the PPV.

I'd pencil in Punk as the second runner up. The match with Cena was good and so was his promo with Austin but he did not outshine Austin or Truth in any way.
The Miz deserves credit for his performance too on the stick. People were taking everything he said in. He opened the show big by calling out Stone Cold, yes, Austin showed him up to a degree but when it came to Piper's Pit, Miz did well again and his microphone work is improving immensly week-after-week. He did a fantastic job this week and hes added to the excitement of the Alex Riley vs. The Miz match at Capitol Punishment.

But, asides from giving people credit, to me the RAW MVP of The Week was Stone Cold Steve Austin. He started off the show doing what he does best, entertaining the fans. He did a great promo with The Miz, and JGlass seeing as you didn't see the opening hour, Austin put over Alex Riley as quote, "Alex Riley is going to be big, hell, he might even be a bigger Superstar than you someday," towards The Miz in the opening segment.

Austin did well throughout the night, popping up and making changes, all he did was entertain to be honest. Although, when he appeared during the Orton/Christian segment I really did want him to say CLB - Creepy Little Bastard. Austin did a great job even in the segment with CM Punk - and the pop when Punk walked in was awesome. And Austin offering Punk a beer was good too.

And then his closing segment, taking the computer and dismantling it, it to me, shows that whoever the GM is they've had a feud with Austin at some point, because they seem to show a degree of contempt towards him everytime he shows up. To me, Austin did what a General Manager should do, he ran the show and made it entertaining.

Overall though, asides from the few meaningless matches, RAW was solid once again and was entertaining.
Stone Cold is the MVP of the show. His exchange with the Miz was by far one of the best openings I've seen for a long time, not to mention that he did an outstanding job being the RAW's General Manager. The joke he played on Dolph was pretty funny. And the match he arranged for Christian came pretty timely.

The Miz is in second position. I don't usually like the Miz. He is one of those Superstars who are better on the mic that in the ring, not to say that he's any interesting to listen to... This week, he put up a superb performance. His banter was good, his "acting" was good. It looked "real", and he sound natural.

R-Truth is not that far behind. He finally delivered a good promo. See, a good promo doesn't always have to be loads of talking; sometimes, less is more. R-Truth did well this week, and it really build on his character.

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