Raw Elle Dee

Cant wait for next week - 2 nobodies hosting Raw... where is the Rock??? Austin??? Hell even Hogan has a tour to promote (although there may be a conflict of interests.
Miz all mic work? Miz doesn't even do half the mic work he used to during his hating on Cena days. Do you even watch Raw?

Ive watched "Im estimating" about 92% of Raw's that have ever aired. Tonight is the 1st night I wont watch it in quite a while. Ive seen quite a bit of Miz Matches/Mic Work, So yeah...
Oh good god, next week set for a fail.

@cmcoke, This is the chance for Cena to leave RAW so it doesn't matter lol. I don't think the WWE will really want to swap the belts AGAIN, there are definitely more faces then a top heel like Randy on RAW.
Ive watched "Im estimating" about 92% of Raw's that have ever aired. Tonight is the 1st night I wont watch it in quite a while. Ive seen quite a bit of Miz Matches/Mic Work, So yeah...

Ever since Miz came back as the Calgary Kid... he's done very very little mic work. Just a little spot here before his matches. He doesn't do nearly the promos he used to. He's coming along in the ring better every single week.
Idea for Vince and creative - instead of producing Raw to try and attract fans who want to see celebrities - why not produce a show for WRESTLING fans... just an idea...
So, if Cena vs Orton lasts for 1 HOUR, that means all of the other matches at Breaking Point will have to be cut short.
Big Ben, Miz is US Champ, Big Ben, Hornswaggle bitchslapping Santino (actually funny), and did I mention Big Ben? That was an amazing Raw.
Yes. I meant Justin... I was actually texting my friend Jeff... And I didn't know Jeff Hartwig was a pole vaulter...
I would have loved it if Big Ben would have turned heel as a guest host. If they were in Cleveland or somewhere the Stillers have division rivals... coulda been pulled off.

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