Raw and Smackdown Swap GMs


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I hope I just missed the thread on this. Raw and Smackdown have swapped GMs, meaning Ace is running Smackdown and Long is running Raw. I'm not really sure what this changes but it'll likely set up Raw vs. Smackdown at Wrestlemania.

Thoughts on this? Remember this is a non spam section.

Edit: Apparently this is just for one week.
I couldn't care less. It seems that both guys have power no matter what show they're on, so what exactly is the selling point here? Now John Lauranitis can restart matches on Smackdown? Oh wait, he already did that.

Basically all this does is provide more fuel for Cole to constantly talk about the situation and be more annoying than ever.
Sounds like the Bragging Rights PPV has been scrapped and turned into a match at WM...

I find it odd that during the whole Anonymous Raw GM garbage heap storyline that Teddy Long wasn't utilized on Raw. He's been the GM on Smackdown for most of Smackdown's life. I'm not saying I enjoy him, but damn he would have been better than that fucking computer.

Putting Johnny Ace on Smackdown gives time to reshoot his promo's and backstage segments when he botches his lines.

Putting Teddy Long on Raw might expose his weakness which is his promo work.

Lose-Lose situation in my opinion
honestly, i wish this would stay this way (cause i think Long is more prepared than Ace is and Ace would do better at a taping), BUT it wont, this is a one week thing to set up the Long Team vs. Ace Team to see who is the GM on both shows (which i dont want).
This is so dumb! Long is soooo boring now and the John Laurinaitis GM is getting as lame as the anonymous GM on the computer. I wish they'd bring back Regal as the new GM, at least his short time as GM was entertaining.

Team Laurinaitis VS Team Long someone will get Miz in WM.
For all of those who are shitting on this idea, let me ask you a question: How else would you book a Laurinaitis/Long feud?

They obviously can't and won't wrestle each other. And just booking random matches with SD vs Raw wrestlers will take away from the exact type of match they're teeing up for Wrestlemania. Placing each GM on the opposing show is a very good, temporary shake up. Here's why...

Just look at the interaction between the two GM's that's transpired when each of their top dogs have been competing against each other. There has been interference, cheating, confrontations, false finishes... it's really kept us glued to the idea. Now, if these guys switch shows and deliberately try to fuck up each other's program, it could make for VERY interesting television as we're so close to Wrestlemania.

This idea is a thumbs up, in my book.
The announcement wasn't really a huge surprise to most people, I would think.

As for what it means?

Long term I think it's just furthering the angle leading to the seemingly inevitable Team Long vs. Team Ace match at WM.

Short term, perhaps we'll get some interesting matchups or twists next week as both GMs try to "impress the board".

Of course, I'm not sure how wild and crazy they can possibly get since: Number one, WM is just weeks away and a lot of feuds are already in place, and number two, Laurinaitis will most likely still be at Raw anyway, since it's a Supershow, so will it really be that different than the past weeks since they're both there anyway?

So realistically, not much will probably happen differently, but maybe they'll throw a few interesting things in there.
This fued is interesting to me. It seems like the crowd at the shows are really into it, granted smackdown is taped so that could be fake noise, but it seems each time TL and JL break down it gets riotous (is that a word? and spelled right?) in the arena. Its fun and slightly different, at least from stuff we've seen in a long while. I've been saying Teddy needs to go for a while. Not because I dislike him, hell I would like him to be a manager again, but because he's so vanilla as a GM. Its always the same thing, and he always backs the faces, in the rare times he backs anyone. I like him but he is the epitome of why to not have a face GM for elongated periods of time. So to oust him by having one of the best GM's we've had in a while take over both shows I think is pretty good. However it may lead to a lack of "fueds" for JL, but it would at least be damn interesting. Its gonna be one of those things though that I think the ends justify the means, it will be good once he's GM of both shows, but it may not be the most original/interesting road to get there for everyone.
I think it's a good move because there really is little else that can be done. I mean the only other option I can think of is Lauraniatis and Long both electing representatives each week on both Raw and Smackdown and having matches. But since, that is what they are eventually going to do at WrestleMania, it makes that kind of a build up moot.

I think that both guys will try to prove how much better of a job they can do than the other. It would be interesting to see if they bring ratings into the picture as well and use that to determine how the feud progresses. By ratings, what I would be interested in seeing would be them using the rise in the ratings more than the actual values itself because it is apparent that Raw would get more ratings than Smackdown.

I guess that this could have been a pretty big deal had they booked this feud for one of the lesser PPV's. But this feud pales in comparison to Cena/ Rock, Punk/ Jericho and HHH/ Undertaker. I hope they either continue this feud after Mania or restart it sometime later in the year so that it can get more of a reaction. It could be a good story if done well especially if the characters of both Lauraniatis and Long are developed a bit more. The feud is really more about Lauraniatis and Long and what kind of people they both are than about Raw vs Smackdown which is what makes it interesting to me.
I like it but don't love it. The feud is interesting and even though I tolerate Teddy better than most he hasn't been this interesting in a while. That said there isn't really much else you can do to further the feud without bringing down the quality of the likely team match at Mania. Its a logical step that isn't super flashy but it gets the job done to further the story line and not rush it. There is potential in this move for it to be great and not much room for failure. So like I said, I like it but I don't love it
Just look at the interaction between the two GM's that's transpired when each of their top dogs have been competing against each other. There has been interference, cheating, confrontations, false finishes... it's really kept us glued to the idea. Now, if these guys switch shows and deliberately try to fuck up each other's program, it could make for VERY interesting television as we're so close to Wrestlemania.


No doubt Johnny Ace will be punishing Smackdown's faces with handicap matches, or something daft like Hornswoggle vs. Mark Henry, whilst Teddy Long will probably force Swagger to defend the U.S. title (has he even done this yet?) in some 50 man, tag-team, lumberjack, over the top rope, battle royal.
It will definitely be interesting to watch. I expect a couple of "surprises" from each, but the change of scenery for each might not be that bad of an idea short term. Guess we'll have to wait and see if they drop the ball or not.
First, I think the only one GM idea is not a good idea, and I can't imagine that the infamous "board of directors", if this were a real scenario (yeah yeah I know) just from a business perspective, would think it would be a good idea to put so much on one individual's plate. It also doesn't make sense that they would be willing to even entertain the idea of Laurinitis running two shows when from a storyline perspective, he just barely avoided getting fired from one show very recently.

I also doubt that they would think it would make the most business sense to have the ultimate GM be decided in some sort of 10 man survivor series style tag match, or however this is going to be decided.

But anyway, all that aside, this trading GM thing...my guess is that this is being done because it makes a lot more sense to have Long support Punk and Laurinitis support Bryan. Whenever we have seen punk vs. bryan, it is kind of a weird dynamic, because shouldn't the GMs be pushing the champions from their own programs, regardless of whether or not they "like" the individual? What does either GM gain from having their respective champions lose?

So this switch is probably so the heel and face champions can be paired with the appropriate heel and face GM. Probably will be a launching point in getting the respective GM to recruit that particular person to serve them in the upcoming team Laurinitis vs team long match.
I think this whole feud would be a great idea to bring back War Games at Wrestlemania. Can you imagine? 4 on 4 in the Cell (that will already be there)....I think it would an awesome (and nostalgic) way to end this feud and hopefully merge the brands together again.
This idea is good i like it!! Only if they purposely as D Man said fuck each others shows up. Could be interesting television only if they go that route! IF not then its stupid and annoying. They cannot wrestle each other and this is going to lead to most likely a 5 on 5 match at WM winning GM take all!! of course this is my OPINION
Honestly the focus of the show should be on the wrestling and the superstars and not about who the GM's are. I'm praying that the GMs will not wrestle at Mania because it will just me more time that the boys in the back will have taken away from them.

Anyway, having Teddy on Raw again will make the overall feel of Raw be a bit more positive while Laryngitis will be just as boring.
I think it all depends upon what they decide to have Big Johnny & Teddy do. For instance, JL's presence on SD! could lead to an increase in heat for the Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus feud & WM match. The GM feud could be fine for what it is, again depending on where they decide to go with this, but they need to start putting more emphasis on the WHC feud and JL's presence could initiate a beginning of that as he's been supporting Daniel Bryan these past few weeks.

As for Teddy Long, it's been a while since Raw had a face GM and I'm thinking that they may decide, after next week, to keep them switched for the time being. There's talk of having some sort of tag match in which each team is captained by one of the GMs at WM. If so, then having Big Johnny be in charge of SD! at this time and having his team win would be a nice way of showing off the SD! brand. Raw is generally thought of as the superior show in the eyes of fans simply because it was the first and it's live. It's usually the show that's traditionally had the most star power as well, so having a team of SD! heels go over a team of Raw faces, which leads to JL becoming GM of both brands, could be interesting.

Personally, I kind of wish they'd put this on the backburner and save it until the Bragging Rights ppv. It just seems like a perfect fit for that ppv concept, plus I'd just prefer to see MITB at WM.
All i know is i'm happy for this feud to hopefully get johnny ace in full control of the shows because heel GM's always create for better stories unless your name is mike adamle, and after wrestlemania i think we will see the whole punk vs laurinaitis slowly building to a match maybe at summer slam or even bring it back up later in the year for a possible feud heading into another big ppv or even wrestlemania
So does that mean we get to see Teddy Long make a tag team match and grope Aksana on Raw this week? How about on Smackdown Otunga spills hot coffee on one of his ugly ass jumpers, or maybe he ODs on caffeine and ends up with a twitch all night and we find out Hornswaggle is just his coma induced hallucination?

Joking aside its a good way to further the storyline and build tension between locker rooms, it should give us an idea of who is going to be in the match...
The sooner Teddy Long leaves WWE programming, the better. If this is the catalyst for doing so, so be it.

I think this is a good idea, it gives a lot of Raw viewers a chance to see Teddy Long and vice versa. It makes sense to me. I just hope it doesn't drag on though...
so i think this is dumb to swap guys i mean to me i would rather just have things the same and just have some match between long and ace then the winner gets control of both shows i think this is a better idea then to just swap guys oh well i guess we will see how things go but im wondering if they did have a match would it be at mania ? and if so would this replace money in the bank match if so for my money i would rather have the money in the bank match
It's an original and interesting concept, and as always, it depends on what Creative is going to do with it. Presumably, both men are going to be more interested in screwing with the others authority within his own brand than in keeping order. Decisions made by the man in charge are supposed to be binding, and who knows what kind of mess one will leave the other with?

When Laurinaitis came to Smackdown last week and started making decisions that affected the brand over which he had no authority (continuing the Punk-Bryan match, which he had no right to do), you could see the GM war developing. While the ultimate result is not going to be a physical confrontation between the two (although it would be fun to watch little Teddy knock out Johnny Ace) it's still impossible to guess where the company is going with this "swap."

Hopefully, we won't be disappointed in the outcome......and hopefully, it will all lead to a program that ends the stupid brand-split forever. As it is, Raw has as many Smackdown wrestlers appearing on a weekly basis as Raw superstars. Maybe this Teddy-John program is designed to make it official.

Personally, I hope Teddy stays around....and they don't give him another heart attack during a marriage ceremony.
I think it's cool that the GM's have traded places for next week. Teddy will randomly come out to make a tag team main event on RAW as opposed to Smackdown. JL will come out and do a boring promo then start texting on SMACKDOWN rather than Raw. Otunga will likely follow him. Or will the assistants be on the same brands still? Otunga trying to legally trap Long in some type of loophole where he'd lose his GM authority would be interesting to see. Santino's antics driving JL insane would be funny. I'm very excited to see where they go with this because even something as small as the GM's trading jobs for a week is still something somewhat new.

I think it's just another way to add more interest to the GM VS GM angle. I wouldn't mind having them remain swapped until Wrestlemania, although it is probably just for one week. We will get to see what it would be like to have JL running Smackdown with full GM authority like he will have if and when his representative(s) get(s) the win at Wrestlemania. Long on Raw will be a novelty if anything. A face GM over there could be a good route if it wasn't Long. Most of us have had enough of him. Trips should just come back as COO. JL running both shows seems to be where they are going, at least it will mean a Smackdown GM who does more than run out and make a tag team main event.

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