Rating the Wrestler #1: Edge


Dark Match Winner
Often it is said who is best: Some say Flair, Savage or Hogan. Other would say Rock, Austin, Foley ect.....This is something different. This is an actual rating of the wrestler's ability into five categories (of course this will be my opinion) but I will do my best be un-bias. This will cover all wrestlers and past and present.

These five will be categories:

In Ring Ability: Of course this means how well you can wrestler, work and carry a match, and how well you perform your various moves.

Charisma: How well you connect with the fans and your in-ring presence.

Mic SKills: The gift of the spoken word, how well you get arcoss your point (promos ect...)

Durability: Your match work rate, and the ability to have good matches and stay healthy too.

Impact on the Business: How you are remember? From Legend to Jobber, It is that simple.

These categories will be judged from 1 being the worse and 10 being the best!

With that said, let's start this with the first Wrestler! The man known
as the Rated-R Superstar Edge!

INA: With Edge it is difficult to say he has a lot of great matches, but he hasn't had a lot of bad ones either. I will give him a 8! His matches with Foley were great and his ones with Cena proved he could carry a match to at least a good match. So, a solid 8 is the way to go!

Charisma: There is no question Edge had great charisma, as both a face and a heel. His best came as a heel and being the face of SD for about 4 + years. I am going with a 8.5 here, and yes I can give .5 here! It makes things better!

Mic Skills: Edge was very good at drawing heat as a heel. Almost equally as good as face getting cheered! He is not one of the top promo/talkers of the business in any way. His ability as a heel or face came down to either screwing someone over, righting a wrong or just being the "Ultimate Opportunist". I am going to give him 7.5 here! Good on the mic, but great not really.

Durability: Saying Edge was a work horse during the for SD would be correct. It was his show, all due respect to Taker. Howevery thoughout Edge's great career he was injuried quite a bit. He had neck and ACL injuries that were very serious and kept him out almost a year each. And a neck injury also ended his carrer. Because of this I can only give him a 6!

Impact on the Business: Edge's impact is he will go down as one of the most exicting wrestlers in this bussiness. He will go into the WWE HOF! You can see how badly he missed now on SD and the WWE! He gets a 9!


INA: 8
Charisma: 8.5
Mic Skills: 7.5
Durability: 6

39 out of 50!

Do u agree or disagree with these ratings? Thank your for reading this and please return for the next one!
cool thread...lets give this a go!

In Ring Ability:
Very talented wrestler in my opinion and has prooven he can adapt to many styles wether it be high flying, hardcore, technical, brawling or the power game. However his overall ability, all though good, never really jumped out as amazing or groundbreaking. Id give him a 8.

He didnt ooze charisma like many of the top stars of recent memory but never the less he did have a more natural charisma than the likes of the rock. He also had a great look that helped him stand out from the pack also. 7.

Mic Skills:
He had zero problem on the mic and always managed to get through a promo without any mistakes. He could be highly funny or drastically serious but again he never really stood out as such on the mic, Id say christian is better than him on the mic but edge is by no means bad. Id give him a 7.

The guy was a strong workhorse for the WWE and always gave 110% no matter what show he was on. He would work as hard at a house show as he would in the main event of Wrestlemania. The guy worked with so many injuries that i find it hard not to respect his durabillity so id give him a 9 for that one.

Impact on the buissness:
Overall i dont think edge had that big of a impact on the industry as such. He wasnt nearly innovative enough in the ring to influence the next generations style and was never really the main focal point of WWE to have even had the chance to make a serious impact. Although highly successful and liked by millions of fans world wide, do i think he changed wrestling? no. Id give him a 5.

36 out of 50!

As for your ratings i pretty much agree with all of them give or take a few points except the IOTB rating. Also charisma and mic skills go pretty much hand in hand. If you dont have charisma then you aint gonna be any good on the mic and vice versa so it was hard to rate him on those 2 because they are so similar in defenition. Id posssibly replace mic skills with something along the lines of accomplishments (I.E what they won during their career.) or maybe appearence and overall look.
Sorry, hope this isn't considered spam, but I wanted to say I like the idea too, however I have to DQ myself on Edge because he's one guy I really don't know all that well. But when you move to a different wrestler I'll be sure and chime in. Good thread!
Edge would have to be one of my favorite performers in the past decade, and he is the dude that got me back into the WWE.

In Ring Ability: Edge is very technically sound, and can adapt to any type of match that he is thrown into. Showed he can carry a match well as a face of a heel. 7.

Charisma: Edge's charisma is paramount, i daresay he is one of the most charismatic wrestlers i have ever seen in my lifetime. 8.

Mic SKills: This is where edge captured me, his promos were absolute dynamite. I could listen to that guy speak for hours. He was really able to connect to the audience, as a face or a heel. (evident in his switch between the most hated of the business to the most loved). 9.

Durability: He had a fair few injuries, but i think he worked through them pretty well. 6.

Impact on the Business: Edge had a pretty big impact, he revolutionized the WWE championship we see today, being the first money in the bank winner to cash in as he did. Also being in the first TLC match, and setting the tag division on fire. 8.

overall 38 of 50

I agree with both respective ratings (p.s. this was a fun new concept!)

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