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Okay, so I'm creating a new thread to be devoted to feuds, & angles. Its not a thread to RP in, but instead, for all of us who read the entire show, to give your honest opinion. (Good & Bad, Positive & Negative)

I'd like you to recap all that you know, through reading the stories. Any feud you sense is happening, any feud you know is happening. I'd like your reaction on it thus far. If you like it, love it, or even hate it & think it doesn't belong. So.. to get the ball rolling, I'll start.

Sincade/Chuck Myles: I think this angle is at the top of the list when it comes to feuds right now. If I had to rate it, I'd instantly give it an 8 on just seeing it unfold on paper. But from reading the p.p.v. & the backstage segments. From reading how its unfolded thus far on Meltdown, its by far a 10 outta 10 rating from me.

I can't wait to see where it goes from here, & Sincade running the show for a solid 30 days is bound to cause chaos within the entire industry. Its a must watch feud, that through my point of view doesn't have any type of ending for at least another two monthes, tops.

Dynasty: This is the premier group in W.Z.C.W. right now. And while its started off kinda unsure with where its headed, its starting to steady itself with Joseph Rios & Big Will having the only two Championships in the business. (currently) I think storylines will start & end through all four members of this group. (Rios, Will, Disasterpiece & Reaper)

I can't see this collective group of talent breaking up anytime soon, but I do see a lot of heartache for the faces of the business, as it looks like this 4 man power trip is just starting to get rolling.

Mohammad Hasheem/El Guerrero: I realize this is about to end, but it seems any angle or feud Hasheem gets himself in, becomes instant gold. First the storyline with Hasheem & Titus, now Hasheem & El Guerrero. Whoever becomes the next victim in Hasheem's path doesn't have the best outlook, in my opinion. I can't wait to see this feud come to an end.. but more importantly, I can't wait to see where Hasheem goes from here.

Joe/Maxx: The beginning of this fued has already begun apparently, at Civil Revolution. I think this will mark a stepping stone for both new comers to make their impact.. at the expense of the other. I'll look on with an interested point of view, to see just exactly where this feud will go & what the outcome will be.

Gus/Big Will: Finally, to round out my list. I'm selfish to say it, but I personally think that Gus & Myself are imbarking on a lengthy feud that could be the next big thing in W.Z.C.W.

When I look at what we have on paper, I see this only bettering both of our Characters & careers in W.Z.C.W. Its my personal goal to help make Gus a bonafide Main Event star for as long as he remains in the E-Fed. To me, he has everything it takes, except for the storyline to push him upward. I hope, believe & seriously think this is it.

Final Thoughts: So, this is basically what I mean. I'd like everyone to attempt to chip in with their opinions. Like I said, good & bad, positive & negative. Thank you all, for anything you put forth to help push this thread.
Sincade/Chuck Myles: Huge Congrats to Sin on his win! I honestly am anxious to see what calls he makes now and how he will run the show for the next month. Already itching for the next Meltdown to find out!

Dynasty: I don't want to comment much on here as my character is involved and don't want to create a 'conflict of interest', but I will put my 2 cents in.

Honestly, this is shaping to be the most dominant faction in WZCW's history. I was around WZCW in the old days and there was a similar, nWo type stable that was on a winning streak, but they didn't have the talent and didnt pose such a serious powerhouse threat to the rest of the Superstars in WZCW. The Champ Rios is the leader, one of the most controversial and clever Champions to ever hold the belt. Big Will, a young, talented, charismatic player of the game. One of the premier Superstars we have for sure. And then two of the most brutal, vicious, violent, and intense men to ever step foot in the ring, Disasterpiece and Reaper. This group of guys can REALLY hurt people and should be greatly feared amongst the locker room.

Thorpe: Grats on your win and title shot buddy! You have a door open and a huge opportunity so take the ball and run with it. I am excited to see the heights this kid can accomplish!

Mohammad Hasheem/El Guerrero: It seems like everytime I read through your matches and RP's, It feels like I am actually watching the show on my TV. Your Gimmick Peanut is one of a kind and the way you bring it to life is truley masterful. Your feud with El Guerrero really highlights and showcases Hasheem as a serious presence in the ring and the locker room. Your dedication and committment to WZCW is paramount and it shows. Love reading the feud between you two! :)

Joe/Maxx: This is a HUGE way to debut. You guys just had your first official match and you two are both in a feud already. I am very interested to see where this feud will turn next and look forward to seeing two aspiring newcomers duke it out in the long haul!

Gus: This man is hands down a rising star in WZCW. Show excellent ring presence and awareness and speed when it matters most. Honestly, I don't see any other characters rising up as fast as Gus right now. You being screwed over by your (now ex-gf) Heidi in your match at the PPV should be a HUGE push for you on your way to becoming a pinnacle Face in WZCW. Your feud with Will should be one for the ages! :)

Will: One of the most talented guys on our roster. Why? the man gets the job done when it matters most. Quick, cunning, agile, and clever makes for a very entertaining character to read about. A SUPERB locker room leader Out of Character, and a cocky, selfish, inconsiderate heel that people love to hate. Will, I love reading your stuff!

Final Thoughts: Overall, when I first made my return back to WZCW last month i was a bit worried to be completely honest with you guys. Our roster is spread way to thin, the lack of the old titles we had, and not really knowing anybody were all factors for that being my attitude. Now that I have been here and have had the opportunity to get to know a great group of people, I have no doubts the the WZCW has a bright future. We have great management and staff members who show insurmountable effort and committment to putting these shows up, and just about everyone RP's with alot of heart. I am proud to be a member of WZCW again and forgot how much fun this all was.


Not a bad thread, William...not a bad thread lol.

Sincade/Chuck Myles: Easily one of the top feuds going around. I really like this feud, and I really hope this feud furthers, make this an Austin vs. McMahon type of thing, but better!!!! This is one of the reasons I love WZCW!!! This is a chance for WZCW to SKYROCKET even more!!!! Keep it up, creative team!!

Dynasty: To think the Sincade/Myles storyline and the other storylines u have, and more importantly, the fact that you have a sexy beast, Mohammad Hasheem, working for you guys wasn;t enough, you had to make an incredible stable!!! Reminds me of Evolution (in the heel sort of way) but more destructable...who knows what the world can expect from them...this coming episode of Meltdown.

Mohammad Hasheem/El Guerrero: I don't know why this is even here. Me and El G never had a feud. Me and his creator had a little heated battle...where we I demanded a match but never got one...but who knows...maybe one day i will...but he is banned...and prolly not gonna happen.

Joe/Maxx: These 2 beginners are already at each other's throats!!!! This is their oppurtinities to shine!!! Take what you have of this oppurtunity and show us how badly u guys want this!!! I was a no-body when I faced Titus at the last ppv (the one b4 C.R.) Me and him were one of the only ones who posted...and others did but we posted about 3 to 4 RP's each!!! And they were all amazing...this showed the creative team that we really want this...and i, aint the best of WZCW, but I am in a point where I feel i am dominant. And it is all thanks to those 4 or 5 promo's i did when i was a new-bee like u guys...so seriously...take advantage of this situation!!!! And RP your asses off!!! The both of you should want to win this feud extremely badly!!!

Gus/Big Will: This feud should be incredible!!! And this should be the break Gus has been looking for!!! I hope Gus can also take advantage of this!!! His gf left him and now he is seeking revenge...sort of like the edge and hardy feud...except will is married and yea lol. Anyways, the point is...this feud can benefit for 2 people and 1 special thing!! This is a major and great thing for Gus as he is in dire need of something to make him look like the huge star he truly is!!! For Will, who needs to be a dominant and strong heel and champion, not saying that he is gonna beat Gus or Gus is gonna beat him...but this isnt only improving Gus, it is improving Will as well. And the special thing it is helping is the Elite X Championship. Think about it...an amazing feud to start off the legacy of the Elite X Title...bc if Hasheem were to have win it...then it would be the same boring squash after squash lol...but it would be slightly interesting as Hasheem would be ur champ lol. But seriously...this feud gets a 2 thumbs up from me.

Final Thoughts: I think this whole thing is really cool. You have about 3 people who dont have a feud. Me, bc El G isn't anything (which is fine bc someway i will show my true superiority!!! Ricky and Nate Thorpe...as much as i like Nate Thorpe...i just dont see him beating Will...maybe he will win by DQ...from a run in by Gus...but i dont see him getting the title. But I feel that with the match Ricky put on...he and Nate Thorpe should get it on!!!

Sammy Orwell, is the one guy i forgot about.

DC: You needa come back dude!!!
Aaron Craig: lol
Japanese dude: You don't wanna get up in my face!!!

WZCW is the shit!!!
Sincade/Chuck Myles: Sincade really got the job done at the ppv. I am very interested to see what he does with his new found power.

Dynasty: Honestly it seems like DX invaded the WCZW only we aren't about goofin off and playin jokes. We're just here to dominate. Will and Rios hold the only two WCZW titles in existence right now, Disasterpiece and I will be the new WCZW tag champions when everything is said and done, and I think with our mix of experience and and youth we will be a pain in da ass for a long time to come.

Joe/The Maxx: You guys are part of the future of the WCZW. You guys were great at the ppv, but now you have to be consistant. You have to deliver the same performance week in and week out. If you can do this the fued you two have going now will be awesome.

The Man/The One: This fued really reminds me of the X-Pac&Torri/Kane fued back in the day. Will has the upper hand right now, but he needs to watch his back. There are two things that you don't mess with. A man's woman and a man's title...Will you did both. So when you and Gus have it out be ready cause he is going to be a man possesed.

Reaper/Everest: This is a fued that I think is coming. I really feel that two things could happen as a result of my interference in his match with Rios @ the ppv. 1) Everest blames me (rightfully) for costing him the WZCW Heavyweight Title and comes after me for revenge. 2) He gets even more determined to get the title off of Rios and goes after him again. I really hope that my 1st theory holds true as I think we would have a great fued, but if not I will just have to settle for tag team gold with Disasterpiece.
Reaper/Everest: This is a fued that I think is coming. I really feel that two things could happen as a result of my interference in his match with Rios @ the ppv. 1) Everest blames me (rightfully) for costing him the WZCW Heavyweight Title and comes after me for revenge. 2) He gets even more determined to get the title off of Rios and goes after him again. I really hope that my 1st theory holds true as I think we would have a great fued, but if not I will just have to settle for tag team gold with Disasterpiece.

If this feud happens, then who will Rios feud against? We need a top face remember...could be Ricky but i dont think he is quite ready yet...but only time will tell.
If this feud happens, then who will Rios feud against? We need a top face remember...could be Ricky but i dont think he is quite ready yet...but only time will tell.

While I can't say for sure. I think Joseph Rios & Everest haven't seen the last of each other. And just because Everest & Rios may or may not be done with one another, that doesn't mean along the way, Everest can't attempt gaining revenge against Reaper.

Also, I'm sure Ricky would greatly appreciate you believing he'd be next in line to be a top contender for the World Championship. I too think Ricky could be a top contender, but he may be headed in a slightly different direction, first.
I didn't mean that Everest can't get revenge on Reaper...it's just that the feud can't be over...their fued was ok/so-so....but it can't end like this. Even if they do feud again, still.

And I didn't mean that Ricky will NEVER be a major star...bc he is!! I like his gimmick a lot...and he ranked an impressive win at civil revolution...but for the time being, he isn't a Main Eventer...and this shouldnt be taken as an insult to him...hopefully one day he will be a main eventer...but that isn't until he had at least 1 or 2 long and good and memorable fueds...ut those are just my 2 cents.

I like the guy, spoke to him on MSN...have no beef or problem with him whatsoever...but I don't feel he is main event worthy just yet.
Sincade/Chuck Myles: This is great, it is like Austin/McMahon or Cornette/Cage
With Sincade running WZCW for a month, i can only predict that things are going to escalade from here,

Dynasty: You guys are definantly on top, for now, lol, j/k, but seriously, you guys are going to be on top, either for a long time or untill another high-caliber group comes along *cough* The Washoe Valley Crew *cough*

Mohammad Hasheem/El Guerrero: I think that this is over, because AE is banned, I cant wait to see what happens to Hasheem from here

Joe/Maxx: I think this one will be a slobber knocker, both of these guys are tough SOBs, and they will set out to prove which one is tougher

Gus/Big Will: This feud will bring a ton of prestige to The Elite X Title, and, in the end, whether Gus or Big Will end up winning, The Elite X Championship will have a ton of prestige, and Gus and Will will definately be main-eventers when its all said and done

Final Thoughts: I have seen a lot of E-Feds in my time, and this one is the most un-selfish one i have seen, i expect big things from WZCW,
OK being the new guy here i thought i would post my thoughts, i know max 123 didnt do enough of this but i plan to be here for the long haul

Sincade/Chuck Myles: This has money all over it, its one of those storylines that can last, and i mean last to turn sincade into the main eventer he needs to be.

Ive been in the office and laugh my ass off with the sincade promos i love this storyline and feel its something that the wwe and tna dont have a total package

Dynasty:a great faction i hope it will explode into something special for wzcw. i just hope there will be a team to counter them

Mohammad Hasheem/El Guerrero: I love hasheem he makes me laugh, im a muslim and cant get enough of the character and the match they had at civil revolution will culminate into a big big feud

Joe/Maxx: I would love to see these two go at it big time, kill eacg other in brutal and bloody feuds

Gus/Big Will: These two have a vendetta against each other and i see this turning into a bloody feud

Final Thoughts:wzcw for life, this company will be bigger then any e fed in the world

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