Rapture is this Saturday

So it's supposed to be at 6 P.M. tomorrow exactly?

Pretty specific if you ask me.
So it's supposed to be at 6 P.M. tomorrow exactly?

Pretty specific if you ask me.

Uh, not if you factor in time zones. :lmao: Is it 6pm, everywhere - for everyone?

So, in other words - The East Coast will go an hour before Central, and the West Coast will have to wait a couple hours before fullfilling their destiny.

I wonder how many reports we will have of jumpers trying to save themselves.... Willing to bet atleast one jacksass is going to die trying to 'outrun' the rapture by attempting to speed thru timezones in his pickup truck.
I wonder how many reports we will have of jumpers trying to save themselves.... Willing to bet atleast one jacksass is going to die trying to 'outrun' the rapture by attempting to speed thru timezones in his pickup truck.

I don't think those who believe the rapture is upon us will want to "save" themselves. They want this to happen, going with God and all that jazz.
Thev way I understand it, it's 6 P.M. in all time zones. Ausisies, can you tell us when it's 6 P.M. down under?
Dont underestimate the uneducated, crazy people who inhabit the carboard lined streets of the greater Los Angeles area Nick.
Basically, when it's 6 P.M. in Auckland, they're gone. When it's 6 P.M. in Samoa, they're gone. 6 in L.A., they're gone. And etc...

By the way, here is one of the man's reasons for his prediction.

The number 5 equals “atonement”, the number 10 equals “completeness”, and the number 17 equals “heaven”.

Christ hung on the cross on April 1, 33 AD. The time between April 1, 33 AD and April 1, 2011 is 1,978 years.

If 1,978 is multiplied by 365.2422 days (the number of days in a solar year), the result is 722,449.

The time between April 1 and May 21 is 51 days.

51 + 722,449 = 722,500.

(5 × 10 × 17)2 or (atonement × completeness × heaven)2 also equals 722,500.

Thus, Camping concludes that 5 × 10 × 17 is telling us a “story from the time Christ made payment for our sins until we’re completely saved.”
Based on my math, the first place will be hit at midnight EST which is a place in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Sydney Australia would be 4am EST so Sparky or whoever lives in Sydney, BE OUR REPORTER!
The first place to be raptured where people actually live that would be reported on the news is Chatham Island or Auckland's time zone. You have to factor in the International Date Line.
The first place to be raptured where people actually live that would be reported on the news is Chatham Island or Auckland's time zone. You have to factor in the International Date Line.

I did. It's 1248 pm on Christmas Island, which is the one I meant earlier. That'st he first I can find as far as the 6pm hitting it.
I've heard of it. I think it more or less exists because it's right next to the international date line. Not sure if it's heavily populated or not. Auckland would get it at about 2am EST.
The wave?

At least if this is true I get 5 hours in heaven without America.

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