Rapping as a Hobby


Championship Contender
Now I know some of you may ask, who raps as a hobby but most of the all time Hip-Hop greats started out doing that, I myself have a composition notebook where I fill with rhymes and hopefully when I grow up I can be a part-time rapper (My real job will be a normal job that you have to go to school for). So far my own personal 3 Pillers of Rap that inspired me have been

Tupac: Helps me on subject matter, and represents the gimmick of my raps
Eminem: Teaches me to put emotion into my rap & storytelling
Nas: Teaches me to have some nice lyrics in my rap

So do any of u rap as a hobby and like as a serious hobby, not just someone who jokes around, makes a rap one day then quits the next.
I rap. I have a note book filled with rhymes, I freestyle, and I have recorded a few things over instrumental beats. Not much recording lately because I've been swamped with school but I have a few different half finished things I hope to finish up soon. At first I was just rapping in high school to mess around a little, make fun of people with freestyles, shit like that. Then I started getting pretty good and I found that writing stuff down helped me get my emotions out and relieve stress, and I started to understand more of the elements of actually putting verses and songs together. Rapping is something I love doing and I doubt I'll ever stop regardless of where my life takes me.
I freestyle quite a bit.On FB all my friends ask for a freestyle and I post a rap on their wall. I'm 3rd best in my school(we had a competition)but it was stupid because we werent allowed to swear or diss until the grand final and thats why i lost in the semi finals.I still rap most of the time though.
Tons of people rap as a hobby. Back before digital downloading existed and the MP3 boom just started coming into fruition, I used to freestyle every day during my high school days. I used to write and compile full verses and keep them in a binder. I still have them. I also made beats using my keyboard, samples and Fruity Loops. Then once I started actually recording vocals of my own over my own beats, I sold demo tapes and CDs. This was back when accomplishing this much was actually impressive. Nowadays, everyone's a musician once they make some cheap beat and rap over it. Anyway, I then transitioned into making official LP's and did some gigs here and there. I did it for six years. Unfortunately, what was initially my plan to pursue a full career in Hip Hop kind of lost its footing when I was in college. A lot of personal issues arose and I eventually lost my passion. Unless one is consistently doing shows and getting on mixtapes, it's very difficult to live financially-secured as an indie rapper. It's always wise to have something else to fall back on while you're pursuing rap.
Im happy im not the only person who raps or is a up and coming rapper actualy im starting it I have a friend who's interessted in producing and have all the gear and things to make beats and we formed a group and we go over to his house to make music and rap we haven't released anything but we have a youtube.

The rappers who inspirate me is
Nas- he basicly came up the same way I'm starting his lyrics mean something and all of his songs have you thinking after you listen to it.
Eminem- I've been following him since his infinite days and mixed tapes in detroit he inspired me to read the dictionary and look for new words to use and read and search stuff to come up with good punchlines
Lil wayne- he's not like the other two I mentioned but I dig his flow and creative punchlines

Go on youtube and search "ignorant sh*t part 1" its just me and my group being dumb we not releasing til june subscribe please
Thanks for the support
I rap on a very regular basis. For a while, I wrote about two verses a day. Now, it's about one a day. Some of it sucks, but it's just to keep me sharp. When I put true effort into songs, I think that I can get some pretty good shit down.

I love it. I need to pick it up sooner or later and get back up to two verses though. As of now, I'd say that I have about 10 to 20 songs that I'd consider AT LEAST good. Others are trash but helped me with techniques or concepts.
I don't rap on a regular basis, but I would like to. It's fun to mess around with. As a matter of fact, me and some friends are currently working on a rap song together. Haha. I'll make sure to post the music video that goes along with it when we're done. xD
Yeah I regularly compose raps, I think it helps get emotions out when you just cant talk about it with someone else. I have a friend whos really serious about this stuff and is taking the first baby steps towards becoming part of the rap industry. With rap music becoming an important part of mainstream media, you'd be surprised how many people take up rapping as a hobby. You dont need to be the next Lil Wayne or Eminem to have fun with it. Music is therapeutic, and can trigger emotions inside you that arent ofter triggered. So whether its something meaningful and emotional or just a hobby, keep it up and dont feel afraid to ask other about rapping. My friend has given me some great tips that have greatly improved my rapping skills. I might not be as serious about this as he is but knowing how to rap just makes the whole experience ten times better.
Yeah I regularly compose raps, I think it helps get emotions out when you just cant talk about it with someone else. I have a friend whos really serious about this stuff and is taking the first baby steps towards becoming part of the rap industry. With rap music becoming an important part of mainstream media, you'd be surprised how many people take up rapping as a hobby. You dont need to be the next Lil Wayne or Eminem to have fun with it. Music is therapeutic, and can trigger emotions inside you that arent ofter triggered. So whether its something meaningful and emotional or just a hobby, keep it up and dont feel afraid to ask other about rapping. My friend has given me some great tips that have greatly improved my rapping skills. I might not be as serious about this as he is but knowing how to rap just makes the whole experience ten times better.

Same, Rap and Hip-Hop in itself lets out your emotions and helps you connect with the world in a way u can't do with other things.
I always write my lyrics down as I always say the pen and pad is my one true love. As far as a hobby it is quite relaxing and I love it with a passion always trying to out do myself I dont always show my friends but I have fun with it... In fact I was writing a couple bars after taking a long hiatus last month :

Let's face it this beat the gasoline I am the lighter
All the hater listening got 2 black eyes from my punchline, but still refuse to call me a fighter?
Well I guess its time for me to cause a riot a fucking fire
This is the new kid who is bout to make you old washed up rappers retire
Lyrically slaughtering emcees fast like lethal injection slow like mike myers
Any one who says I am not the hottest rapper is damn liar

All of Hip-Hop good or bad is my inspiration... Good makes you wanna work hard to be the best Bad makes you try to do bettter and not be like them.
*Bro Hug* Well here's a rap of my own that I call Systemized

Sittin on the corner lookin into the sunset
Just heard on the news O.J Simpson had to confess
Another black man lost in the white man's world,
forced to be their underling, we shouldn't take this no more.
Blond hair, blue eyes, America the country full of hatred
think ya so good wit ya fancy education
Back in the day ya said "damn kill those ******s"
Couldn't get the job, rolled down to our street corners, and gave us a truckload of triggers.
Gave us the guns so blood can hug the concrete
Bet none of ya met someone smart as Kweli
Call me Huey Freeman, Call me Malcolm X, I'm the one thats blessed
I'm the one bein honest, not my fault I got a conscience full of knowlege
Because all the gangs in the world can celebrate their victory
Sad they got to get locked in penetentiaries.
Penetentiaries full of Blacks, Latinos and Italians
Some of them went to jail just for stealin a medallion
All the jails full of lifeless criminals
Record of good deeds is next to subliminal,
It's time we step up and fight the good fight, make a list full of rights
Otherwise we should've been lynched in the night.
Some of you guys sound alright but try not to just rhyme the last word in everyline, mix it up and also talk about something interesting and not just bitches and guns. Perhaps expand your knowledge by not just listening to the Monsters of rap. Although Em and Nas are incredible lyricists, do not forget BIG who is the greatest, Canibus, Pharoahe Monch and Ras Kass also great lyricists and newer guys like J. Cole.

I myself do not rap but I do produce beats for all genres and have had a few people record raps on some of my tracks. You can hear a few instrumentals @



I barely talk about girls in my raps, and If I do it's not the way Mainstream music does, same goes with guns, I just talk about the struggle, and people who are less fortunate then I, I want my music to speak to people like J.Cole's.
Earlier in the thread I mentioned me and my friends working on a rap video. Well ,here it is!


i still do it as a hobby and have been doin it as a hobby for about ten years now....but when i say "hobby" i dont mean the dumb shit lilio is doin i make serious tracks for the most part. i got a vid up on youtube check it out n leave a comment, the video sucks shitty ass camera but the song is as real as it gets when someone is losin their job....


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