Randy slowly becoming the face?

randy orton would be the worst face of the company ever his whole gimmick does not fit in with that. to be the face i feel you hav to be a super hero who can defy the odds and beat the bad guy. i dont think randy would be good at that. and yes i know stone cold wasnt a nice guy baby face when he was the face of the company but this is the pg era now unfortunately.
I think randy will be a good face but not like cena and i think he will be a face did you see how much he changed in a year from bad to good and the like cena thing would ruin the whole viper but i think Jeherico would be a good face
Randy will be a good face because the crowd cheer has forced WWE to turn him face.

I have accepted the lord of darkness as my saviour :)
I personally enjoyed seeing the punt teased on Raw. If they can keep that 'move' in Orton's locker then they can establish him as a constant tweener. It's not a face move by any stretch of the imagination and will invoke different reactions depending on who he hits it on. This is the best thing for him.

That said, I personally see him becoming more of a face before he gets to be heel again. The interviews and things like that, especially ones done in character, will aid him in becoming the good guy. I see that lasting over a year (from now) and then a heel turn will surely be inevitable.

Another thought that occurs to me is longevity. Sure, Orton is over now but it's been 5 months. He was a dominant and successful heel for 3-4 years. So he now has a feud with Sheamus... then what? Barrett. Jericho. Edge. Unlike Cena, Rey and The Undertaker. Orton is in the same boat as Triple H as someone who can easily play face or heel at any time without much need for explanation. For those times when he's fought the regular heels enough, why not give him a quick turn around and have him against the faces. It'd make perfect sense.
Randy being face just ruins me liking him as much as I do.
He's liked enough being a heel. Why not have a heel the face of a company?
Being bad is always more fun then being good.
We could see bad conquer good once and for all and have all the heels run the company and take out all those horrible faces one by one...
There could be a dark cloud looming over the WWE with all the faces knowing that there number is up.
I love corruption and all the evil that could be,
Disgusting wanna bee role models like Cena could finally be out of the picture
Disgusting wanna bee role models like Cena could finally be out of the picture

the only issue is those damn kids.

who are kids more likely to cheer for? Superman, or Lex Luthor?
Supermn of course because he "seems cooler" and isnt made to look like a total jackass all the time.
The parents should be teaching there children better then to root for the super man...
Those damn parents. My kid is never rooting for someone like Cena, from day one there gonna be going for the heels just like me and my husband.
Orton now is a tweener,
& That's how I want him to stay,
He' not a full heel,
His "feud" w/ Edge,
He's not a full Face,
"I'm certainy not, John Cena"
Orton's awesome right now,
Uber over w/ the crowd,
He's doesn't need a full fledged face turn

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