Randy slowly becoming the face?


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im watching george lopez tonight and randy orton is making an appearance. could this be the start of the face of the wwe run? with now he might start showing up on talk shows? he did when bad guy of the year award sometime at the kids choice awards and did a video. does this mean that he is becoming the face very slowely?

Nah, I don't think so. There were some other guys who appeared on there as well, Dolph Ziggler was on yesterday and I don't think he will be the face of the company anytime soon

He might become the face some day though. Who knows, he may end up taking Cena's number one spot eventually. But if he does ever get to that point, I doubt that this particular event is any forshadowing of it since lesser known names are making the same appearance on the show.
indo666 - i get where your going out and no doubt zig wont be the face, 100% of people will agree. but hes starting to slowly show hes a face rather then a tweener, because he did say he was always the villian, i believe this is the start to making more public appearance since he never really used to, but theres no doubt in my mind the miz is the future face, but before the E gives it to him give randy a run at the position for atleast 2 years but keep miz in the main event and he will no doubtedly be the face. with stuff like this i see john cena also turning heel cause im sure hed of been on the show instead of orton.
agreed 110% 27AMHardy, but i think if he able to pull off this viper gimmick for atleast 2 more years i think it could play really well as the face. just as long as he keep doing the enexpected to his opponents and he plays off his tantrums as part of his character and he throw some new thing in the mix.
agreed 110% 27AMHardy, but i think if he able to pull off this viper gimmick for atleast 2 more years i think it could play really well as the face. just as long as he keep doing the enexpected to his opponents and he plays off his tantrums as part of his character and he throw some new thing in the mix.

Yeah, that'll keep him fresh and exciting. Hitting the mat. Woo hoo. You know, not having great matches with whomever, not cutting awesome promos, not being a part of exciting storylines. Make him flop around the ring like a penis, screw the rest. Seriously, the majority of the WWE fans have the attention span of a five years old. Vince can dangle a key chain for two hours and you'd go "That's an interesting approach, I wonder if they'll turn it heel". Geez...

-- On topic : Is Randy going to be the face of the company? Probably. He's pretty much the best thing WWE's got going on right now ( yes better than Nexus, they're good together, when split they're all shit ).

The people like him, he's obviously talented, he can have good matches, it's all up to WWE to not make him a complete face and keep his heelish looks and behavior.
i agree with Zeven_Zion also, interesting replys i might say. there all possibilities. if they keep the edge on randy orton yes he can be a great character, his heelish actions is what people are entertained with as he'll rko whoever, but the fans will cheer none the less even if it is a face john cena :) which is the best part. but id like to see randy orton the face for maybe 2-3 years then hand it over to the well deserving MIZ.
I dont consider Orton a Heel or a Face. To me he is his own guy,which is a good throw back to Stone Cold. Orton is the Viper and Austin was the Rattle Snake. They dont back down from anyone and have great mic skills.

As for John Cena... I think Orton is Light Years Better and can,should ,and will be the face of the WWE for the next 8 to 10 years. The Imortal John Cena is really stale. A heel turn would be good i guess but not with the PG WWE. I just cant get into him.
The PG rating is killing WWE to me.
BUddrunk420 once again i agree, i made a reference to orton as the viper like austin to the rattlesnake, i see similarities, if they can find a way to add some sort of attitude to orton hed be great but in pg thats going to be very hard. i mean let them say a few provocative sayings but keep it limited cause its nothing kids dont already hear. yeah as long as randy dont get stale cause i think if theres that edge itll be fresh for years if he does something different each week unlike cena. i mean come on cena never loses cleanly in which if randy were to do that i think itd play for better storylines cause it makes it a high competetion between him and who hes fueding with dont let one man play the PG superman role ever again cause it got old even when it was hogan never a clean defeat until he passes which i think itll be to orton or miz here soon. i think the tweener role is better for a face of the comany cause it dont get stale like austin never did. but i see if the miz turns Completely face hell get stale in the 5 years cena did. should never be a superman ever "EVER" AGAIN!
I don't think Randy will turn face or be a full-time heel. He's a tweener. It's his character. He just wants what everybody else wants but he doesn't care who it is or what he's gotta do to get it. Now Randy is my favorite performer of all time, but there's no replacing Cena as the face of the company. That mans a huge walking bank deposit no matter who likes or dislikes him. And what does "PG" have anything to do with it? You do realize you're watching wrestling and NOT cartoons right? Cnt. on next post=)
These guys and gals can't come back from the dead. One vein cut for your entertainment isn't worth taking a life for. Seeing news reports over wrestlers over age 40 having passed out in a hotel or commiting murder/suicide because of brain damage caused by unprotected shots to the skull is never worth a match. You watch wrestling for wrestling NOT for a Saw sequel. So please cut the "fuck PG" bullshit as you obviously don't mind men killing themselves for your entertainment, and learn better morale.
Yes tell my why you want to see grown men bleeding like pigs and storylines culminating in bra-and-panties matches. The latter are GREAT entertainment. But i don't need that to excite me. ;)
see, you went off on that tirade, but the thing is, i agree with all that stuff right there, i was talking about a whole different thing actually. take a look at what the "Face of the company" was doing before

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now you tell me even ONE thing that has been done in the past 3 years that comes close to being that entertaining. that the crowd was THAT into? something that CENA has done i might add, since he is the "Face" of the PG era
it was the RAW episode where Stone Cold came out in the Beer truck, and hosed down Vince, Shane, and Rock. it was unherd of at the time, and the crowd reaction was way beyond anything that you hear from the crowd today for their "company face"
So the equivalent of that for todays face of the company, would be for Cena to come out with his throwbacks and emberass the hell outta the guy in the ring, right? Honestly i loved it, while it lasted. People change and times change. Guaranteed all that wouldn't be as hot today as it was 6-7 years ago. It would repel ALL children because how will their parents explain to them what "I'm like a penis with an STD" means? By being the opposite the mans doing well for the company AND himself. Cnt.next post
So what im getting at is who did the audience consist of then and who makes the audience now? Kids. As long as he brings them in and secures their viewership is all that really matters. After all, Stone Cold did the same, but his target was another and he did a damn good job of securing viewership. That's what i meant by times change. So in conclusion, Cena won't lose his spot as the face, not for a long time. Randy will always be featured with him though as a VERY close second.
but thats not Super Cena, thats Rapper Cena, two different gimmicks, as Rapper Cena was not part of PG era, what i ment by todays "Face of the Company" was the Cena we all know and only some Love, who comes out week after week. THAT Cena.

but at the same time, Orton couldnt do anything like this either, last thing i saw from Orton that really got my attention was kicking Vince, and DDT to steph. that was an AWESOME Heel move, what could he really do as Face to get him as much attention? nothing really.. because WWE writing doesnt allow it really, creative is on a tight leash for whats allowed, and there for the majority of the Entertainment has been talkin out of it. im not even talkin about the Blood and Sex, yes of course we enjoyed it while it lasted, but you can still be just as entertaining without it, but they seem to be keeping it really simple for the kids, and THAT my friend, is where "PG" comes into effect. and there were a lot of kids back then too, dont know why people dont remember that, but i went to the "Rock Bottom" PPV, and there was a kid or 2 there for every couple in attendance, the thing is they had balance then. the right Kid-Adult ratio. YES a lot of parents did not allow their kids to watch it then, but thats expected. some parents STILL dont allow their children to watch, even with PG, so it's really hard to say.. but no, Cena is replaceable. remember the Bret Hart/ Mcmahon/ Cena promo? where Bret says Vince treats his talent like Gum. throw you out soon as you lost your flavor. and john asked if vince would do that to him. well look, how many "Face of the Company" men have we seen in the past 20 years? quite a few. once Cena gets hurt, or leaves, or Fails a drug test, anything, there will be another one to step up and pander to the kids just as much. i just dont see it being Orton. seems really awkward playing the Face role. is a natural Heel
Yea creative was lacking in the writing department, but look at this sundays main event for example. When it started it was PG going strong. NOBODY saw it coming. It goes to show PG doesn't mean it cant be exciting. I don't think Cena's gimmick is really "Super-Cena" tbh. Honestly when does the good guy ever lose the war? Sunday won't be the end of the war it'll be a battle among them. Dude im 19 and the main reason im buyin SummerSlam is because Cena got me into it. Isn't that a job well done?
This is coming from a guy who HATES goody-two-shoes. I do remember that promo actually and it's not true from my point of view. I mean think about it. Who can ever replace Stone Cold, Bret Hart, HBK, The Rock, or even Hogan? Nobody cause they'd always be the draws for a show. Just like Cena is today. Cena can't be replaced, he won't always be the man, but he won't be physically replaced. Not even Randy could fill the gaps left behind. Think about it, people buy tickets to either chant 'Cena' or chant
I don't think Cena's gimmick is really "Super-Cena" tbh

how do you figure?

and no by all means, thats great that you are behind Cena. im glad you, and some others, are still excited by his weekly schtik. i just havent found any of his Promo's really THAT entertaining laitly, besides the one he did after his match with Jericho, where he admitted Jericho really is the best in the world. but that's why i dont think Orton could do the Face of the Company role.. because he is nothing like Cena. if theey did indeed make Cena heel (now now people, im not saying they will relax) but i dont see Orton as his big rival, they'd have to bring up someone like HHH, or Jericho to go against him i think. Orton does it so much better as the guy who takes out the Heels, as well as the Faces.
Think about it. Superman doesn't always win his battles, yet he wins the war. Even when Superman is getting his ass handed to him he makes a comeback with his recruited friends. You refer to Cena though not in that way, but as invincible, who is more like a secret weapon that WILL get the job done. See, if they turned Cena heel, i don't see ANYONE on the current roster who could be his long time rival. And if they did go through with it, there's no way in hell he'd start losing. And i don't wanna see him

Cena can talk and back it up and that's why im a fan, but even a fan has some things they dislike about their choice performers. Such as Cena's kiddy lines or even my favorite wrestler, Randy Orton, being forced to limit his moveset to match his gimmick.
jabroni-beatin_pie-eatin I would have to admit,your right
I can't see Randy being a complete "Face" because his character and his persona was created to be "Heel".For example,(Joining Evolution,Becoming World Champion and WWE Champion,Rated RKO,and starting a rivalry with McMahon family) that was done when Randy was "Heel" and made him who he is today.It would just be weird of him to have a title reign as a "Face" cause it would be pathetic of him trying to kiss up to 10 year olds,while in "The Viper" gimmick.:wtf:IT WOULD JUST SUCK.
Think about it. Superman doesn't always win his battles, yet he wins the war. Even when Superman is getting his ass handed to him he makes a comeback with his recruited friends.

uhh.. you pretty much just described whats been going on with nexus.. haha dont know if you realized that at all.
Yea. I uhh just noticed that lol. Bad for me on that one. Still though I don't see the reason for the nickname. It'd be like calling Randy "Bat-Orton." =(
funny enough there is a thread on if the WWE stars were super heroes who would they be, and Orton WAS my pic for batman haha. he's the hero.. but at the same time not really. will do good things, but cares only about himself.. if you know what i mean.

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