Randy Orton vs Kane

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Dark Match Winner
The main event was announced for Smackdown and its Randy Orton vs Kane in a street fight.

My question is this? Whats the point of having these two guys in a street fight when they havent been in a feud in a while? A street fight should be saved for a feud when it heats up. Its gimmick booking that I hate. Does anyone else have an issue with it?
I think the Smackdown main event in Summerslam will be a fatal 4 way

Kane Vs Randy Orton Vs Christian Vs Sheamus

So I think this is part of the booking for that match, just a thought
Did you watch SD! last week? The ME last week was Kane vs. Orton Orton Snapped and Beat Kane with a Chair. So this Week Kane wants Revenge for what Orton did to him last week. The Promo they showed said a Vengeful Kane he wants revenge for getting beat like a Bitch last week
I'm sure there's probably gonna be more to this than I predict, but I think this is just a vehicle to further emphasize Randy Orton's current psychotic state of mind. What better way to do that than have him not only win a street fight against a monster like Kane, but more than likely he'll absolutely destroy him? There's potential for some kind of Christian interference, but I don't see why. Christian has the belt and should do what he can to stay away from Orton. I wouldn't be surprised to see Sheamus get involved, but he'll more likely come out during Christian's promo. The true wild card in this really, as is always on Smackdown, is Teddy Long. What kind of logic will he manufacture? Will he take Orton's rematch away due to the beating he gave Christian further enraging Orton? I doubt that since they'll probably want Orton as one of the headliners on SummerSlam.

Either way, I predict we see Kane completely laid out by the end of this match.
I'm sure there's probably gonna be more to this than I predict, but I think this is just a vehicle to further emphasize Randy Orton's current psychotic state of mind.

Agreed. When Undertaker suffered that serious injury at the hands (feet?) of Rey Mysterio, WWE rolled with the punch and put the title belt on Kane, which is something that surely wouldn't have happened had 'Taker not been injured. But Kane had a surprisingly effective run as champion.....and it allowed him to keep his relevancy even after he lost it.

Except for that title reign, Kane has been the guy who wins against mid-level opponents but gets beaten by the top guys, especially those who need a big win over a credible foe to establish (or maintain) their momentum.

Now, Randy Orton needs a vehicle to display his rage, yet WWE wants to let Christian bask in his recently won championship (and perhaps allow it to extend beyond 5 days!).

Enter Kane. Having Randy beat the hell out of him in a street fight serves warning to Christian not to relax too much. It's a logical match-up.

Yes, Christian might interfere, but even if he does, we'll get the effect of Orton meeting up with a top guy......even as we already know who's going to win.
I'm sure there's probably gonna be more to this than I predict, but I think this is just a vehicle to further emphasize Randy Orton's current psychotic state of mind. What better way to do that than have him not only win a street fight against a monster like Kane, but more than likely he'll absolutely destroy him?


I like Kane, but I'm 99% sure he's about to get that ass whooped this Friday. I wouldn't get anywhere near that match if I was Christian.

As for the booking of a street fight, you just can't nitpick. I understand what the OP saying, but I don't think it'll bother the vast majority of fans. Anything that can add interest to SmackDown's main event on any given week is a good thing, in my opinion.
Their going to have Orton start going nuts and be really vengeful, forceful, and focused like he was before winning the WWE championship last year. Christian will keep finding ways to win cheaply and then Orton will work his way back up to the title by like tlc or something. So, this match will allow Orton to basically just snap like a maniac.
Anything to stop orton from becoming another cena. with the soon to be psychotic beating of kane it will make him into an anti hero even more.
This really isn't that complicated. They had a random match last week, and they're (sort of) sticking with it. Putting Orton against another random opponent wouldn't make as much sense, or have the impact of him facing Kane again.

This time it's a Street Fight, which will conclude this mini-feud. Very, very mini, by the way. Unfortunately for Kane, he's about to be destroyed, or so I hope. I think Orton is going to be on a rampage heading into Summerslam, with Christian pulling the strings. I don't know if they will end up in another one-on-one match (what I'm hoping for), or if others will be added. Regardless, Kane is about to take a serious beating.
This match will be Christian influenced for sure. Make sense with Orton attacking Kane with the chair after their last match. Like others said, chances are Kane will do the job for Orton this Friday. It looks like WWE will give Kane another run as a scary monster heel (again). Unfortunately he will have to put Orton over in a big way, hence why the match is a Street Fight.

If you look at past Orton vs Kane matches, they tend to put on a pretty good match. Kane has a way of making his opponents look real good which is part of the reason he has a job with the E for life. Orton has to get a big win coming off the title loss to Christian at MITB. I'm sure VKM will play on Orton's anger issues and find some way to work that into the show.
I don't know about anybody else, but I felt like I was watching Kane's retirement match right there. He gets to cut a promo, He's in there with Randy Orton and has by all accounts a great effort against Orton in a street fight that lasted over 25 minutes. In and of itself, that's impressive, but also getting to kick out of an RKO? A handshake and show of respect afterwards? Having the ring to himself for a few seconds before doing what he's always willing to do in putting over other talent, in this case Mark Henry. Kane's not the type of guy who's going to get a big send off. The character just really doesn't allow it unless the Undertaker's involved. I don't know why I felt this way, unless it's the start of another big push for Kane which I guess it could be, but who knows.

One thing is certain, I guess they accomplished what they set out to do, as a wrestling fan, I "hate" Mark Henry ha ha.
I don't know if Kane is getting ready to call it quits, despite what we saw last night. The guy has been toggling back and forth between heel and face for a long time, depending on where he's needed most. It could be they're preparing something for him against Mark Henry.....and it would hardly do for both of them to be heels. But even as we wonder how a "monster" could display a show of sportsmanship like that, we have to remember his earlier promo about being concerned that his humanity was breaking through. He's probably the first guy who was ever haunted by his "light side.":p

NOTE: Does anyone realize how close Randy came to an uber-serious leg fracture last night? It was so out of the ordinary, he even broke kayfabe for a moment to sell the fact he was okay.

But man, that was close.
It was a very good match to watch, I was concerned when it started because of how long it appeared to be but with these 2 I should have known it was going to be a great one

I was confused about how Kane ended the match but then as someone had already mentioned his promo beforehand summed up how he is having his own battle of good and evil

and Randy, wow that was too too close to a nasty injury as one person can get, he played it off well but I know I felt that pain of his when he fell thru the table
Well the purpose of the match was to show how angry was Orton after losing his World title at MITB, and to show how Kane wanted to return to his demonic side and to show why he is devil's favourite daemon.So basically it was a win win situation
I missed SmackDown last night and caught up with my DVR today.... WOW! Great match from Randy and Kane. Kane was at his best last night - proving he's still got some left. I was actually a little worried too by his recent segments on SmackDown. I thought maybe a Kane retirement announcement was coming soon. With his "injury" at the hands of Mark Henry, it looks like he'll just be taking a well earned break. Who knows, maybe Kane and Show plan to hit up some deserted beaches together (let the sight sink in).

Meanwhile, things are business as usual for Orton. I'm sure we'll see his rematch vs. Christian announced for SummerSlam next week.
3 months off, at least, maybe a bit longer. That would put Kane around the Survivor Series for a return. Disappointed, but he does deserve a break. Great match though, proves he can still deliver and that was one of the better matches this year. Definitely good enough for a PPV main event.
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