Where's The Beef Between Kane and Randy Orton?

The story here is simple enough, but it just does not warrant a Wrestlemania match imo. We are getting yet another singles match because creative has nothing for either guy. I'm sure the match will be decent enough and notch another WM win for Randy, but it's just a little lackluster for what could have been.

I think some much better options would be to insert Orton into the Bryan vs Sheamus match somehow. Some may say it doesn't make sense storyline wise, but it's WWE and things can be made up easily. Orton has some history with both now, it'd boost the star power of one of the world title matches, and give us something other than a singles match that the rest of the card is laced with.

In addition, how the hell is Zack Ryder not on the card? I assume he'll be a member of Team Long, but there was already a great storyline and moment in place for him. After weeks of getting assaulted by Kane and with the betrayal of Eve, Ryder could have returned and set up something with them. Kane teams with Eve as she has "embraced the hate" and Ryder goes out to find his own partner which he does for a mixed tag match. It'd be different and quick, but get Ryder some credibility. Because it's WM I would try to get Trish in as his partner to increase star power or even Lita as she has history with Kane.

That's just a couple options of what could have gone down, but after the year Orton had, he deserves a little more than a throwaway feud for his WM match.
just have them brawl, the cena kane story line sucked and made no sense just have them continually attack each other till mania
Well it should be noted that Kane's last match before taking time off was a pretty good match against Orton on Smackdown. I know WWE isn't always known for its continuity but if they could make a Wrestlemania match between Orton and Punk over an incident that took place in 2008, it's not far fetched for them to make a match over this. It's probably not going to be a complicated storyline but probably just a straight up match to see who's better. These guys are two big names that you can't leave off the Wrestlemania card. A part of me thinks that they'll both take part in the Long/Ace tag team match but at the same time, with Santino being named captain for Team Long, do we really see Orton playing second fiddle to him? I guess we'll see soon.
They still have two more Smackdown so they still have plenty of time. Plus two more Raw's to forward the feud.

But yeah Kane has to explain why he chokeslammed Orton in the first place. Orton was in the Kane resurrected promo so I'm hoping that have a good idea. I'm figuring the next two smackdown will be heavy with Kane/Orton.
Maybe Kane is so beefy with Orton because bacc in the days of Evolution, Orton is the one that interfered in the HHH/Kane match that resulted in Kane losing his mask...Just a thought
I agree 100% with TempestH. Creative has nothing for them and they are too big of names to be left off the Wrestlemania card. This match reminds me of Angle/Kane at Wrestlemania 17 because the same reason stated above, not because anything in common with Orton and Angle. It should be a good 10-15 minute match in what I think is the best Wrestlemania card in a while.
Whatever the beef there is between them Kane really needs to win this, after coming back resurrected as a monster Kane will look weak if he loses 2 feuds in a row.
The promo on SD was solid, it served its purpose and both did a good job. That said, I'm not completely satisfied with this feud for two reasons:

1) - This feud would've made more sense had Kane feuded with him right away. If Kane really wanted to seek revenge for what happened 6 months ago, he should've went after Orton for humanizing him, making him shake his hand but instead they brought him back for a filler feud with Cena to kill time until The Rock came back. That's fine since they clearly didn't want Cena in the title picture and wanted to make him look strong heading into WM and a resurrected Kane seemed like a good choice to help him gain momentum. After Kane loses the feud, all of a sudden he just sets his sights on Orton? Don't quite like it. It seems as if it was thrown together at the last second just to get these two a match at WM since they had nothing for them.

2) I'm not digging the reasoning, just a hand shake isn't a good enough justification which makes the build up a bit questionable. I would've liked a reference to 2003 perhaps to make it seem like Orton's interference was the reason Kane lost his mask in the first place. That would give Kane another reason to go after him because quite frankly, Kane from 2004-2011 was a shell of his former self and had lost his true essence. After re-gaining it, it makes more sense to go after the man who cost him the mask in the first place.

I don't know. The build up is questionable and the match isn't quite going to be that good either unless they add a stipulation to it. That street fight they had last July was a pretty solid match so they could duplicate that.
The funny thing is that this has almost ALWAYS been Kane's motivation for his various heel turns throughout the years

In about 6 months to a year, Kane will turn face again, job to every up and coming midcard heel, get frustrated over "becoming human" and have ANOTHER mega heel turn where he destroys everyone.
Basically Kane is upset that he was acting more "human" by shaking Orton's hand. He wont feel complete as a "monster" until he destroys Orton.

Its better than the Cena has to embrace the hate to beat the Rock at WM angle. That felt a little too out there... even for Kane.

If this was a world title angle than it would be a little disappointing. But I think it worked and will be fine just as a grudge match between the two. Hopefully they make it no dq.
There really isn't any. Its just a quick generic storyline to keep Kane fresh after his feud with Cena and to give Orton something to do at Mania. Nothing more, nothing less
Last night, it was revealing that Randy was interviewed from the stage at the top of the ramp, rather than in the ring. How many promos are actually done from there? Yet, Randy's interview skills aren't sufficient to command a performance from ring center. I'm told his voice tone is less than inspiring and I can see for myself how mechanically he delivers his words. That he needs an interviewer in the first place rather than holding the mic himself makes me think he'd love to keep all his actions in the ring and avoid having to talk.

Then there's Kane. Since his involvement with Zack Ryder and John Cena, we've hardly heard him speak at all; yet, the couple of times he has, it's been terrific. Whether the scene requires fighting or talking, Kane can do it all....and it's ironic that the interactions involving speech can better be handled by the monster than the hero. Yet, have we heard Kane talk about Randy yet? Not that I can recall.

Perhaps this is what turns some people off to Randy; he's terrific in the ring, yet hardly a complete performer. Well, at least he's learned to time his "My name.....is Randy Orton" signature a little better. It's an effective line for a wrestler who is the ultimate "loner".....the guy who walks through WWE by himself and needs no one to help him.

Keep working, Randy.....you'll get there.
The reason is simple. Creative has nothing for either of them, but both Kane and Orton are too high up the totem pole to leave off of the WM card.
Exactly the point There is no beef between Kane and Orton but thair star power is too great to leave them off the wrestlemana card and they borth need somthing to do hence the match we have here let's face it Orton always in main events and Kane has been a masive focus since returning with his new persona. yes it will just be filler but they need to be on the card.
I dont really know, but the reason they are going with, I think they are grasping for straws. They could of went with something way better. Like Kane thinks Orton isnt as dangerous as he is or wants to make Orton turn like he tried Cena. This whole thing cause of a handshack is just dumb.
Whatever the beef there is between them Kane really needs to win this, after coming back resurrected as a monster Kane will look weak if he loses 2 feuds in a row.
He already lost so it won't matter. People don't count wins and losses. Whether kane wins or loses, the fact is he lost a more high profile match when he was at his "GRRRR" peak and if he beats Orton, awesome. Doesn't mean anything though because it's a midcard match most people don't really give much of a shit about.

Think about this. When you watch a slam dunk contest, the guy jumps from the free throw line, puts the ball between his legs, spins 360 degrees, all of this over a pit of sharks, blind folded, on a 12 foot rim and.......it clangs off the front of the rim. He still has 25 seconds to attempt the dunk, and on the second time he hits it. However, the anticipation is gone, no one cares.

Kane's character, as I said in another post, just isn't complex enough to have any sustained level of being in the top spot or really a main event spot. That's why his whole career he's been a fringe guy.

The match is about Kane wanting to be a monster and Orton enjoying a good fight. It's simple. It doesn't need to be anything special. EVERYONE knows what Kane's character is about, EVERYONE knows what Orton's character is about. You already have 3 huge main events, a WHC match, and Team Ace vs Team Teddy. There just isn't the TV time.

Personally I'd rather seen Orton and Kane in the title match. Makes the title match mean more since there will likely be a large portion of the audience coming back to wrestling and seeing Kane and Orton in the same match as Sheamus and DB make Sheamus and DB seem like a bigger deal by association than as a minor league title match which is what they'll see it as. Sheamus will likely win, so book DB and Sheamus strong in a fatal fourway and have Sheamus win. the match means more and so does Sheamus' win. It also makes DB seem like a bigger deal.
If anyone needs to embrace the hate, it's certainly not Randy Orton. I understand everyone and their mothers want Orton to return to his original persona/gimmick, but Orton doesn't get much hate from the live audience. Even if he did, Orton punts his opponents out of action and promises agony to each and every superstar he faces. A little while ago, Orton cut a promo and said something along the lines of admiring Wade Barrett for having the balls to throw him down the stairs. If Orton was placed in that situation, Orton would've done the same thing – there aren’t many faces that will do that. Orton is already as aggressive as they come. How exactly does his current character need to embrace the hate?

when i say orton needs to "embrace the hate" i mean revert to his old ways when he was the viper, the legend killer, just an overall psychopathic monster of sorts

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