Randy Orton & AJ


Getting Noticed By Management
With the 1000th RAW being in Orton's home town, I find it hard to believe that he will not make an appearance. Yes, hes suspended, but then again John Cena was supposed to be injured at the 2008 Royal Rumble and he ended up winning the whole thing.

With that in mind, i feel Orton would be a good choice to play wedding crasher much like Jake the Snake did when he disrupted Macho Man and Elizabeth's big day back in the summer of 91. Perhaps a viper could even pop out of one of AJ's wedding gifts.

A feud between Bryan and Orton then culminates at Summerslam where it is revealed Orton and AJ have been together all along. It turns out the reason AJ has been acting so crazy is because she hears the same voices Randy does.

This effectively turns Orton back to the smug heel he's best suited at, and also turns Bryan into a sympathetic face. And it makes sense that Orton be revealed as AJ's puppeteer, as her rise to stardom coincided perfectly with Orton's absence these past few months.

I know Dean Ambrose is the popular choice among many, but the casual fan doesnt know who he is. He would receive no pop from the crowd, whereas Orton in his hometown would undoubtedly recieve a big reaction.

Either that or just have her mystery man turn out to be a woman. Lesbian kiss! YES! YES! YES!
I like your idea but there is one huge glaring problem about it... he is MARRIED and the WWE has utilized this in a few fueds of his so the crowd knows about it. It just wouldn't make sense.
Yeah it's been brought to the crowd's attention in 2 big feuds that he's married, even though they hired two different fake wives each time, so I wouldn't buy them as a couple either. But if you watched Raw last night AJ and Miz shared a "look" for a while, so if anyone would crash the wedding it would be him, since Punk seems to be out of it.
There's a difference between being suspended and injured. Sure Cena surprised us at the Rumble by returning from injury early, but you can't have an early return from a suspension. That would just ruin the entire point of being suspended in the first place.
Yeah it's been brought to the crowd's attention in 2 big feuds that he's married, even though they hired two different fake wives each time, so I wouldn't buy them as a couple either. But if you watched Raw last night AJ and Miz shared a "look" for a while, so if anyone would crash the wedding it would be him, since Punk seems to be out of it.

I've always been in favour of the Ambrose/AJ idea but I think you could be onto something. Miz needs a new angle now he's back fresh after a long losing streak, and Bryan will need a new feud now him and Punk are done. Plus I'd say the best matches Miz has had were with Bryan.

One things for sure the wedding wont go off smoothly and will no doubt springboard Bryan and AJ into their next angle, as I don't just see this panning out as Bryan setting AJ up just to hurt her as revenge for her not helping him win the WWE title.

There's a difference between being suspended and injured. Sure Cena surprised us at the Rumble by returning from injury early, but you can't have an early return from a suspension. That would just ruin the entire point of being suspended in the first place.

Exactly, WWE are doing their best to make their wellness policy legit, they can't just have a guy come back early, plus I don't see Orton wanting to be paired with AJ for multiple reasons.
I think it will be The Miz to ruin the wedding. The wedding will take place up on the top of the stage (where Miz has been seen before performing his Skull Crushing Finale).

You got to love the Miz for his storytelling from just his awesome facial expressions after he does the SCF on his victim. AJ has been put across as a bit crazy as of late and i think her image will fit perfectly with the Miz's crazy looks after he plants the skull of his opponent (Daniel Bryan in this case) into the steel stage. Watch some of AJ's facial expressions closely -- it's a female Miz!!

Can see Miz ruining D-Bry's day and AJ announcing she is managing/marrying Miz instead. Bryans huge Face like YES! pops he gets each week could be the start of a face turn if it panned out like this. Keep Miz heel in my opinion, he is one of the top heels in WWE.
Would prefer to use the Miz, but Orton could work. It's a shame he's suspended, because it could work, as Orton' suspension could be explained by this 'AJ takeover'.
If there is anyone that AJ would fit in with, its Kane and not Randy orton. It makes no sense (TV wives aside) to pair Orton and AJ. Orton works better as a lone wolf.
One thing is that Orton is married, that's an important factor. And then another thing is that his character is not suitable to crash a wedding. I mean, what is he gonna do when he crashes the wedding? Wedding crashers are characters like HHH, Edge, CM Punk, one reason is because they are good talkers. Look back to past on-screen marriages, Edge and Vickie Guerrero - HHH crashed the wedding with a tape of Edge's affair w/ Alicia Fox (and a sledgehammer). Dude, that was hilarious. I can tell you that Randy Orton cannot do something like that. He's just not that guy.
Although the idea of the storyline is acctually pretty good (I would love to see an Orton/Bryan feud), like everyone else has said the problems are...


2. ORTON IS MARRIED, and it has been brought up in previous storylines.

If the WWE brings him back before his suspension is up, I will (along with many others I'm sure) no longer respect WWE's wellness policy. While I enjoy Orton as an entertainer, if WWE is serious about their drug policy (honestly I doubt they are), they will be careful with how they use Orton.

**On a side note, I hated how they used the two fake wives... his real wife is better looking than both of the fake ones were.
I can't see this working with Orton, but i can with Wade Barrett - more the Jake/Savage type deal though, where he brutalizes Bryan and tells AJ to come with him if she wants a real man...

Barrett and AJ would be an interesting pairing, someone else suggested her as a Harley Quinn type, and Barrett would fit the "Joker" role, smart, vicious and dangerous.
Lettuce be honest for a minute, it doesn't matter at all to WWE storylines whether the wrestlers are married or not. It's not like they actually care about continuity. A couple years ago Orton had a one night stand with Kelly, after it was acknowledged on camera previously he was married. Earlier this year Cena got off with Eve and a little while later Rocky brought up his marriage in that sing-along.

The only problem here is Orton is suspended. He ain't gonna be around for the biggest Raw to ever take place in his hometown. Unless Orton did the show unpaid or something, there's no chance of a live appearance by him next monday. Whilst it's unlucky, it's his own fault and there's nothing that can be done about it. Your storyline idea is pretty decent tbf, but if anyone is gonna interrupt the wedding next week, my money is on Kane.
A suspension is not the same as an injury. He CAN'T show up.

Cena returned from injury early because he recovered quicker than expected. Orton is not returning before his suspension is up, and that's that.

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