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R-Truth: A Huge Missed Opportunity?

I really enjoyed his work when he came over from TNA. This was shortly before I fell out of love with wrestling for a year or two, and he was one of the few guys I looked forward to seeing wrestle - even if the faux-rapper gimmick was a bit of a cringefest.
I came back to wrestling in the build up to Wrestlemania 28 and I couldn't believe that he hadn't progressed in the card. I missed the whole heel turn and Awesome Truth story, so perhaps his work has gone majorly downhill, but I always thought he'd be a SmackDown! main eventer, moving around the WHC picture and maybe some upper midcard feuds on Raw, not being used as a jobber.
I think R-Truth sucks. His crazy routine got old as soon as he came back from suspension as a face. As a heel, it was perfect. They should have brought him to the ring in a straightjacket a la Mankind or Abyss and unlocked him for his matches. That would have been a great gimmick.

Now he's just someone who needs to be future endeavored and sent back to TNA.
I really enjoy watching R-Truth, he is very good at what he does. He puts on a good mach, is good on the mic and plays the mental character very well.
As to whether WWE dropped the ball...
As good as I think he is, R-Truth is not right for the main events in WWE at the moment. There are no gimmicky Superstars at the top of the ranks anymore, and so having someone who could be a comic book super-villain up with them just wouldn't work, regardless of their skills.

Unfortunately, due to his age, it probably won't happen, but with the influx of more gimmicky Superstars, and rebranding of a lot of the original non gimmicky ones, he may well have fitted in with the main eventers in a few years time. Right now I don't think the ball was dropped.
idk if Truth would have ever won a world title but he could easily could have been a guy who was viewed as a viable threat. He was great as a heel, the whole conspiracy angle, also the smoking thing was an interesting part. Him needing breaks during matches was comical but very heel worthy. He would have fit over on SD very well. I was surprised how fast he moved up and i was loving it. It was fresh and different. But instead for some reason Miz had to attack him splitting them up and having a pathetic non existing feud that lead nowhere. They should have just pulled them apart by having HHH send Truth to SD to split them up and continue to keep him a heel.
I hate to say this, but the heel R-Truth got over too good. It forced him to react to what the fans wanted ("Don't 'WHAT' me!... OK you can 'WHAT' me.) He played up the fans antics and it turned him face again and now, he's back where he started before the John Morrison angle. He's dancin' and rapping and that shit got him nowhere! Sure he still has Little Jimmy, but it's not the same. I think his time came and went sadly enough... His career just got...GOT!
R Truth shouldnt have even been in a tag team with Miz that actually killed him, but getting suspended and turning face basically ended one of WWE's Best gold. R Truth shouldve remained as a heel and instead of teaming with Miz, remain on the WWE Title picture, at least give him a run. R Truth is kinda old for a wrestlers age, he deserves it. I mean they have killed R Truth but I can admit the first few weeks of being a face with the feud with Miz was not bad I mean he was hilarious, but now they sinked the boat. R Truth should go to smackdown and have a feud with Christian I mean That would build him up again, or someone like Sheamus Del Rio or Bryan. But as someone said above it was his fault for failing the drug test. Anyways WWE needs to do something about this.
Canadian Dragon. Did you honestly just say Tensai is young? Are you ******ed? He's like 40. Been around for like 15 years.
Now to the topic.
I completely agree here. I think that Truth could have been great in the WHC picture, I think he could've had a fantastic fued with Orton if Truth was the Heel.

No, if you read my post you will see I wrote, "young and returning" wrestlers waiting to enter (or stay in) the main event scene. That was a nod towards Brock and Tensai.
To add to my original post, a heel Truth wouldn't have gotten anywhere on Smackdown. There are too many heels there already. Heel R Truth belongs on Raw. Face R Truth could be a world heavyweight champion. He'd just be a transitional champion who'd put over a young guy.
It's funny and ironic how a few years back, this forum was filled with R-Truth haters and naysayers. Fast forward and now we have a bunch of fans. How things change when you give someone a chance. Truth had his run in the main event scene, but ever since he reverted to face, he hasn't been the same. He's still entertaining, but he's more comedy-based rather than crazy, serious and dangerous like he was before. Honestly, I wish he won the United States Championship again and had a lengthier reign than his first and only United States title win to this date. Either that or a Tag Team Championship. The guy hasn't accomplished much since returning to the WWE. He might as well at least win some mid-card titles like Kofi Kingston in order to compensate for his lack of presence in any angles or feuds as of late.
I don't think WWE missed an opportunity with Truth. His heel turn and the creation of his new character did make him far more interesting than his WHAT'S UP rapper persona, but he was never WWE Champion material. His feud with Cena and the title match at Capitol Punishment were never more than filler. The character is hilarious and far better than his old one in every category, but he cannot be taken seriously as a potential champion.

His suspension ended the Awesome Truth tag team early. They could have won the Tag Team Championship for a brief reign before they split up. We all knew that The Miz would defeat Truth and turn him face once they split up, it was just a matter of when. Miz would then move on while Truth got bumped back down to the midcard where he belongs. Here we are several months later. There was no missed opportunity. WWE got a silly new character, a filler title feud that they needed last summer, a cool tag team in the Awesome Truth, and then he turned face. Things could be worse, he could have been future endeavoured. Truth still being there now proves that no opportunities were missed out on.
I just can't see Truth as a world champ. For me, he is a solid mid-carder who fills in spaces for multi-man matches like an EC match. Although he was having a really good summer i think a face turn was inevitable as he is much better with a comical gimmick.
I think Wwe should slowly start building R-Truth up to the Main Event seen he has already had run with the Tag Team Championship now he should dump Kofi and go on his own and win either the United States or Intercontinental title Probably the I.C. Championship to Re-Ignite his feud with The Miz and then after a couple of Months of holding the Championship go into the Main Event Scene and have a decent run with the Wwe Championship, Im not saying he should hold the title for years but a nice 2-3 Month run will do it because he deserves it before he retires.

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