R.A.W.'s Main Event at Wrestlemania could very well be...

After R.A.W. tonight, I could see Shawn Michaels headlining Wrestlemania 25 against John Bradshaw Layfield. Of course, it would be for the World Heavyweight Championship. Now, I know most of you have your hearts set on Shawn Michaels facing the Undertaker or Triple H. I also know most of you think I'm a bit strange in the head at the moment. Hear me out.

Shawn Michaels will be in Layfield's corner at the Royal Rumble. I can see the refferee being knocked unconcious and Shawn Michael's superkicking Cena, allowing J.B.L. to get the pin when the ref wakes up again. That'd draw incredible heel heat for Michaels and Layfield and put Cena over HUGE.

I think that if Randy Orton doesn't win the the Royal Rumble, Triple H will. That would open up an elimination chamber match for R.A.W. John Layfield would be pushing hard for Shawn Michaels to win that match. I could see him going as far as interfering and winning the match for Shawn. It should be interesting, since I'll be there.

In the build up to Wrestlemania, they could keep Shawn as J.B.L.'s lackey. Bradshaw could act all high and mighty as he just expects Michael's to lay down. In the match, Bradshaw would tell Shawn to lay down for him just as he told him that he would have to do for the past few weeks. Shawn would battle against it, knowing that if he didn't, the deal was off.

Shawn would lay down. He would. J.B.L. would laugh for a long time, then cover him with a foot, trying to further humiliate him. At this point, the fans would be going balistic. Shawn would have to kick out at two, though. After he got up, Bradshaw would yell at him some and remind him of their deal. He'd instruct Shawn to lay down for him, but Shawn would shake his head, turning him babyface again.

Then, they would have a match. I believe it could have the potential to be good. Two native Texans stepping up their already good game at the biggest Wrestlemania of all time. Shawn always shows up huge at Wrestlemania and I think this one would be a great one. It'd have a lot of crowd involvement and I think it could be THE main event. It will have a great story behind it and be a great end of a fourth or five month angle.

Of course, Shawn Michaels would have to win, once more realizing his boyhood dream of winning it all on the grandest stage of them all; he'd win it in front of 70,000+ home town fans. It would be magical. It'd start the end of Shawn Michael's last ride.
I think your right here. it does look like it is going in this direction, and to be honest it aint a bad idea. even if JBL doe's win the title in the end it would be an interesting end to a shit fued. but i think that HBK would have to turn on JBL a bit sooner to make it more interesting. but i really think that JBL might win at Royal Rumble and then "help HBK" win so it is those two in the ME at Wrestlemania so JBL has an easy win. I just wish that HBK would actually win.

This is a good plan becouse if HBK can't bring out the best in JBL then nobody can. so it should be an ok match, not a 5 star but Ok. and i can't remember JBL ever having an "ok" Wrestling match at Wrestlemania.
It may go that way or they may end up having a match at No Way Out to end the fued between HBK and JBL letting Shawn go on to face The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 25
I think everybody is jumping to conclusions. Do you really think WWE would try to sell what they want to be their biggest PPV in history with JBL v. Shawn Michaels as the main event? I like the story and want this story to continue to Wrestlemania where we get to see both Michaels v. Taker and Shawn finally flipping out and attacking his employer post match. This storyline has been boring since the beginning but can take some twists in the next couple months to pick it up. As of now though if this is the main event im not even going to watch. I normally check email when JBL gets onto the tv, so to spend however much money to see him go into wrestlemania as champ and defend against an over the hill Shawn I absolutely refuse to do. They will be a combined 85 at wrestlemania XXV and I just think this would be an atrocity
They will be a combined 85 at wrestlemania XXV and I just think this would be an atrocity

HBK got a better match out of a retiring Ric Flair than ANYONE has EVER gotten out of JBL. Their age is also pretty irrelevant. How old was Hogan when he wrestled the Rock? If i recall, everyone loved that match with a passion, PLUS HBK has won match of the year the last 3 or 4 years in a row. It may be down to both men at the end of the day, but to have the same guy win MOTY, regardless of whether it's a Strret Fight with McMahon, a Triple threat with HHH and Benoit, a Singles match with Cena or a retirement match with Flair, says a lot for HBK.

However, in saying that, i can easily state right now, that while i struggle to control my excitement on the plane to Houston about everything that i'm going to experience, if i think about a JBL/HBK match as the headline attraction, i'm sure that i'll lose my smile within seconds (see what i did there?).

There's no shadow of a doubt in my mind, that Randy Orton will Main Event WM this year.
Huh? Would the WWE really make this a WM mainevent match? While I like and respect HBK and believe if anyone can pull out all the stops to make JBL decent, I just don't think this match is WM calibre. If the WWE do decide to go in this direction they better hope they take the time to invest in the HBK/JBL storyline and get the fans really into it, in order to make it suceed.

JBL is a competent heel and is good on the mic so I don't think he will have any trouble making the fans hate him, it's just this match just doesn't seem to be that grand for the biggest PPV of the year. Maybe a undercard grudge match featuring these two, but I myself and most likely many fans hope this isn't the direction WWE will be taking but who know's. If they do make this RAW's mainevent I sure hope the undercard is amazing(Cena/Orton/Batista?)
What I meant by their combine age is 85 is that isn't time that WWE looks to headline their youngest stars on the biggest stage to establish an intense main event rivalry for years to come. The reason why no one ever complained about seeing Rock v. Austin 3 times on the same big stage was because they were the company and it was who the people wanted to see. HBK and JBL are not the Rock and Austin, or Rock and Hogan, or HBK and Ric Flair, everyone of those matchups had a passion to them that allowed them to shine and have the fans wanting more. This feud is not a main event calliber feud. There is no way to possibly at least in my mind prove that it is. JBL to me has always been that Bradshaw guy who became a year long heavyweight champion out of where? He is not the past, present or future of the company and if he headlines what should be the biggest event ever will not nearly sell it to the amount that many other matches will.

I do not care much for Cena but he is someone that fans are passionate about. Randy Orton has proven his ability to get the fans involved in his matches through his in ring psychology. These two should be this generations Rock and Austin. They should be two heated rivals that want to consistently prove they are better then the other and pass the title back and forth just increasing their hatred for one another. If done correctly these two alone could easily bring ratings and buy rates back up, and just in general put on a much better product. That is why its the match I want to see headline WMXXV and not JBL v. HBK
No, no no no. JBL is terrible. He has had next to no good matches as JBL. The one remotely memorable match he had was against John Cena at Judgment Day in 2005, and that was an I Quit match gimmicked to all hell and back. JBL is the Million Dollar Man Lite of this decade. He isn't even the one of the two best heels on his own brand at the moment.

This storyline will go on, but then someone will dangle the big pay day of Mr. Wrestlemania vs. the Streak for Wrestlemania 25, mainly a McMahon probably, which will then result in HBK taking down JBL at No Way Out. The giant golden carrot of the Undertaker vs. HBK being a big pay day will be enough to end this storyline.
Cena Vs Orton Vs Mysterio
This would be my most favorite match ever. The way this would go down is Orton wins the rumble and then Mysterio wins the Raw Elimination Chamber, Or vise-versa with Mysterio winning the rumble and Orton winning the Chamber.
I think the match would be much better served as an undercard contest at WrestleMania, but with the possibility of 'Taker vs HBK looming, I would pick that match over JBL vs HBK any day. Much as I do love JBL, he certainly can't put on a match that equals anything that 'Taker and HBK could. HBK vs 'Taker would sell WrestleMania big time, and would just undeniably be a great match and potentially the best thing on the card as it looks to be shaping up now, outside of Cena vs Orton, maybe.

But if 'Taker/HBK isn't going to happen, which I'm fairly sure it will be by now, but in the event it does not, JBL vs Shawn would make a fine undercard match. I could see it being the last thing on the card before the world title matches. The match would be good, or at least I'd enjoy it, but then not everyone can understand the greatness of JBL. I doubt the match would be received that well, but oh well. It could make a strong undercard contest.

So essentially - main event? No chance. Not even I want to see that. Good undercard match? Yeah, but takes backseat to Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels.
There is a possibility that it could happen, but it is a very small possibility. I just can't see the WWE taking the title off of Cena at the rumble and not having him headline Wrestlemania. I think that Cena will beat JBL at the rumble and that will make JBL pissed at HBK, and their feud will end at No Way Out. That way their feud will be over so HBK can have his match with Taker at Wrestlemania. I see Orton winning the rumble and it will be Randy Orton vs John Cena headlining Wrestlemania.
I am with all the people that have said that HBK vs JBL will be an undercard match if it happens at WM. I am a fan of JBL no doubt, I also think when Shawn pulls out all the stops he can still go like the HBK of old. So for me this match should be a great watch.

I aint gonna sit here and make predictions on how the fueds going to go because although people say WWE is predictable I cant remember the last time I guessed anything accurately. What I will say is that if this fued keeps going the way it is then the payoff should be interesting to say the least.
i just got a feeling that the rumble will be irllevent to smackdown and raw. I could see them having a three match main event. I personally think a ecw star like swagger will win the rumble establishing ecw as a main title, which is important since they seem to say that both hardys are world champs, yet that title is yet to be established as really important. One of the main events for wrestlemania will be swagger vs matt with swagger winning setting up a ledgendary fued because lets face it is their anyone that enjoys ecw past miz and morison, and to think matt is on the show. This year at nno they will have an raw and smackdon elimination chamber with HBK and HHH winning. Why else are they pushing an angle like they did with undertaker with HHH. As for HBK, with him working for JBL, he is starting to get some major face heat, and at the rumble im sure HBK will further his heel status. Why else would they turn one of the biggest people in wwe history, well thats simple to face cena at wrestlemania, because out of all raw matchups it looks like thats what they will do. I think orton will have a match in wrestlemania against mamby rey. As for jericho I think he will participate in the mitb match, because it looks likt both him and morison and mvp will be the three heels in the match and kenedy, ricky ortiz, and kofi will be the three faces. This makes the most sence right now that way. And right now it looks like beth and her number 1 fan angle is going to end at wrestlemania and as for other matches i got a feeling that rhodes will be in a match likely facing a legacy cast off, seems like this might end earlier but if it lasts their will be a real enjoyable match like this at wrestlemania. So these are my opinions of what wrestlemania will turn out to be
this is a bad idea. Shawn is good, but he isn't good enough to headline a WM. WM is the biggest PPV of the year, and the WWE is going to put there biggest draws in the main event. JBL is a loudmouth heel who generates heat for coming off as a racist. JBL is a decent, just not great, and definitely not good enough to headline a wrestlemania.

This match is decent, but neither of these wrestlers are good enough to headline a WM. If anything this match is nothing more than a show opener.
I want JBL to lose at RR. JBL gets mad at HBK. They have a match at NWO. Micheals wins. Then the lights go out and undertaker is on the big screen saying that shawn would be a worthy adversary at WM.

Taker stalks HBK after NWO. HBK gets mad and attacks Taker the smackdown before WM.

Then they have a 1-1 match. It's a very good and close match that can go either way. JBL comes out and attacks HBK. Taker wins by DQ, but is upset with JBL. A feud between taker and JBL starts all through the GAB. With taker winning the feud.

HBK challenges taker at SS. JBL comes out, but attacks taker this time. 2 month feud between taker/HBK vs JBL/??? would happen. Taker and Shawn go their seperate ways until WM 26, and then they face each other again, to see who is the best. No interference this time. Have taker win.

That's what I would do with the feud.
I think your right here. it does look like it is going in this direction, and to be honest it aint a bad idea. even if JBL doe's win the title in the end it would be an interesting end to a shit fued. but i think that HBK would have to turn on JBL a bit sooner to make it more interesting. but i really think that JBL might win at Royal Rumble and then "help HBK" win so it is those two in the ME at Wrestlemania so JBL has an easy win. I just wish that HBK would actually win.

This is a good plan becouse if HBK can't bring out the best in JBL then nobody can. so it should be an ok match, not a 5 star but Ok. and i can't remember JBL ever having an "ok" Wrestling match at Wrestlemania.

I think I'm right too. If they do face off at WrestleMania in this match like I think they will, then I'm fairly confident that Shawn will walk out of Houston with the title.

I think it'd be a good match, actually. The crowd would be very involved, which always adds excitement to a match. And as I said earlier, Shawn always steps up his game at Wrestlemania. He got a decent match out of a senior citizen last year. Shawn Michaels could wrestle my dead grandpa to a three star match.

It may go that way or they may end up having a match at No Way Out to end the fued between HBK and JBL letting Shawn go on to face The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 25

I could easily seeing this end at No Way Out, but I'd prefer it didn't. I like the long feuds that have a good story behind them. We rarely ever get true gems like this one.

I'm not sure why everyone is so confident he'll be facing the Undertaker. I don't even know how he'd be able to start that feud. Only giving a months build up to it would be a disappointment, as well.

I think everybody is jumping to conclusions. Do you really think WWE would try to sell what they want to be their biggest PPV in history with JBL v. Shawn Michaels as the main event? I like the story and want this story to continue to Wrestlemania where we get to see both Michaels v. Taker and Shawn finally flipping out and attacking his employer post match. This storyline has been boring since the beginning but can take some twists in the next couple months to pick it up. As of now though if this is the main event im not even going to watch. I normally check email when JBL gets onto the tv, so to spend however much money to see him go into wrestlemania as champ and defend against an over the hill Shawn I absolutely refuse to do. They will be a combined 85 at wrestlemania XXV and I just think this would be an atrocity

Wrestlemania sells itself. While this wouldn't be the highest grossing main event in the world, Wrestlemania would still get just as many buy rates as normal. Remember, there are two title match main events and a stacked undercard. It sells no matter what. Again, you bring up Michaels against Taker. Why? I don't really get that. You want Shawn to flip out on J.B.L. afterwards? First, if Shawn is still working for J.B.L., then why is he facing Undertaker. That doesn't fit together. And you really think that Shawn would be in any condition to beat up Bradshaw after just losing to the Undertaker? I don't.

About you refusing to buy Wrestlemania because of this match, hypothetically. That's bull. You'll buy it REGARDLESS of the R.A.W. main event.

They'll be 85 combined.. So would the Undertaker and Shawn Michaels, or near it. Triple H and he would be the same. Need I remind you he had the match of the year with a 60 year old Ric Flair? If I do my math correctly, that would have been over a hundred years between them.

Shawn Michaels and J.B.L. are younger than Sting and Finlay, yet those two still put on excellent matches when they wrestle. They're near the same age as everyone's home boy, Kurt Angle, as HHH, and as the Undertaker. Age is irrellevent

HBK got a better match out of a retiring Ric Flair than ANYONE has EVER gotten out of JBL. Their age is also pretty irrelevant. How old was Hogan when he wrestled the Rock? If i recall, everyone loved that match with a passion, PLUS HBK has won match of the year the last 3 or 4 years in a row. It may be down to both men at the end of the day, but to have the same guy win MOTY, regardless of whether it's a Strret Fight with McMahon, a Triple threat with HHH and Benoit, a Singles match with Cena or a retirement match with Flair, says a lot for HBK.

However, in saying that, i can easily state right now, that while i struggle to control my excitement on the plane to Houston about everything that i'm going to experience, if i think about a JBL/HBK match as the headline attraction, i'm sure that i'll lose my smile within seconds (see what i did there?).

There's no shadow of a doubt in my mind, that Randy Orton will Main Event WM this year.

Every J.B.L. match in the past five years has been better than every Ric Flair match in the past five years. Therefore, J.B.L. > Ric Flair. That's right now, of course. I'm not saying that Ric didn't used to be better. If Bradshaw is better than Flair, then wouldn't Shawn be able to get a better match out of Bradshaw? If the Flair vs Michaels was MOTY, then according to my thinking, Shawn Michaels and J.B.L. would put on a better match than last year's match of the year.

You'll lose your smile? You might on the way there, but I'm sure you'd mark out and smile quite a lot when Shawn Michaels wins the championship.

Orton could headline it against Cena, but I'd rather see this.

Huh? Would the WWE really make this a WM mainevent match? While I like and respect HBK and believe if anyone can pull out all the stops to make JBL decent, I just don't think this match is WM calibre. If the WWE do decide to go in this direction they better hope they take the time to invest in the HBK/JBL storyline and get the fans really into it, in order to make it suceed.

JBL is a competent heel and is good on the mic so I don't think he will have any trouble making the fans hate him, it's just this match just doesn't seem to be that grand for the biggest PPV of the year. Maybe a undercard grudge match featuring these two, but I myself and most likely many fans hope this isn't the direction WWE will be taking but who know's. If they do make this RAW's mainevent I sure hope the undercard is amazing(Cena/Orton/Batista?)

Shawn pulls out all the stops regardless. He ignores pain and injury and steps up his game at Wrestlemania no matter what. The match could be quite good, actually. Shawn would just have to take the bumps. Why isn't it Wrestlemania caliber? It is the freshest storyline in the company right now. It plays off tough economic times and gives a sense of realism to the fans. That is the kind of thing we can sympathize with and get behind. About WWE investing enough time in it? They've already been doing that! It's been featured two to three times on every single episode of R.A.W.

Fans already hate J.B.L. By the time of this match, Shawn could have major heat as well, as long as he superkicks Cena at the Rumble. Fans honestly wouldn't care about this match if it were an undercard grudge match. Shawn wouldn't have turned on Cena, thus giving him no heat. J.B.L. would continue to be irrellivent and further prove he cannot win a big match. This means nothing if it isn't for the title.

What I meant by their combine age is 85 is that isn't time that WWE looks to headline their youngest stars on the biggest stage to establish an intense main event rivalry for years to come. The reason why no one ever complained about seeing Rock v. Austin 3 times on the same big stage was because they were the company and it was who the people wanted to see. HBK and JBL are not the Rock and Austin, or Rock and Hogan, or HBK and Ric Flair, everyone of those matchups had a passion to them that allowed them to shine and have the fans wanting more. This feud is not a main event calliber feud. There is no way to possibly at least in my mind prove that it is. JBL to me has always been that Bradshaw guy who became a year long heavyweight champion out of where? He is not the past, present or future of the company and if he headlines what should be the biggest event ever will not nearly sell it to the amount that many other matches will.

I do not care much for Cena but he is someone that fans are passionate about. Randy Orton has proven his ability to get the fans involved in his matches through his in ring psychology. These two should be this generations Rock and Austin. They should be two heated rivals that want to consistently prove they are better then the other and pass the title back and forth just increasing their hatred for one another. If done correctly these two alone could easily bring ratings and buy rates back up, and just in general put on a much better product. That is why its the match I want to see headline WMXXV and not JBL v. HBK

The young stars NEVER headline Wrestlemania! It's been Cena and Batista and HHH and The Undertaker and Michaels forever now. Besides Cena, none of those guys can be considered young or 'the future'. Shawn Michaels may be the biggest fan favorite there is, so you can't say he isn't who people want to see. If anyone can make people care about J.B.L. it's Shawn.

If W.W.E. handles this carefully, there could be intense passion in this match and feud and the fans couldn't help but care. It's already looking that way! Shawn is beginning to get boo'd and J.B.L. is drawing more heat than normal. It's good for both guys. It is a main event caliber feud. It's been the main focus of R.A.W. for the past few weeks.

That Bradshaw guy who became champion? If John Bradshaw Layfield is still the beer drinking outlaw to you, you need to get your head out of the clouds. The attitude era was 10 years ago, buddy!

Even if it wouldn't be as popular as Cena and Orton, Wrestlemania is still going to sell. I say again, Wrestlemania sells itself. The main event could be Festus against Paul Birchill and have the same undercard as normal and it would sell. You're acting as if no one cares about Shawn or J.B.L. Trust me, they do. It would sell.

You mentioned again buy rates. I tell you, again, the buy rates would not be affected negatively by this match.

Cena and Orton could start a feud and wreslte for number one contendership, eh? It'd still be good and it would still mean something. Shawn Michaels and J.B.L. have a great thing going and I think that it could be great.

Besides, in the next ten years, we'll probably see Cena vs Orton main event Wrestlemania a good three or four times.

No, no no no. JBL is terrible. He has had next to no good matches as JBL. The one remotely memorable match he had was against John Cena at Judgment Day in 2005, and that was an I Quit match gimmicked to all hell and back. JBL is the Million Dollar Man Lite of this decade. He isn't even the one of the two best heels on his own brand at the moment.

This storyline will go on, but then someone will dangle the big pay day of Mr. Wrestlemania vs. the Streak for Wrestlemania 25, mainly a McMahon probably, which will then result in HBK taking down JBL at No Way Out. The giant golden carrot of the Undertaker vs. HBK being a big pay day will be enough to end this storyline.

I think J.B.L. is currently better than Chris Jericho. You're right. He hasn't had any incredible matches. But, who better to get one than Shawn Michaels? He is the showstopper for a reason.. He is the headliner for a reason.. He is the main event for a reason. He is Mr. Wrestlemania for a reason.

You're the first person to come up with a way for Shawn to feud with the Undertaker. That could work and I woudn't be disappointed if it did.

Cena Vs Orton Vs Mysterio
This would be my most favorite match ever. The way this would go down is Orton wins the rumble and then Mysterio wins the Raw Elimination Chamber, Or vise-versa with Mysterio winning the rumble and Orton winning the Chamber.

Not gonna happen, sorry. The only thing notable that Rey Mysterio will do in the Royal Rumble is be eliminated by Mike Knox. He will be in the chamber after beating Knox clean to qualify, but won't have a chance to win.

I think the match would be much better served as an undercard contest at WrestleMania, but with the possibility of 'Taker vs HBK looming, I would pick that match over JBL vs HBK any day. Much as I do love JBL, he certainly can't put on a match that equals anything that 'Taker and HBK could. HBK vs 'Taker would sell WrestleMania big time, and would just undeniably be a great match and potentially the best thing on the card as it looks to be shaping up now, outside of Cena vs Orton, maybe.

But if 'Taker/HBK isn't going to happen, which I'm fairly sure it will be by now, but in the event it does not, JBL vs Shawn would make a fine undercard match. I could see it being the last thing on the card before the world title matches. The match would be good, or at least I'd enjoy it, but then not everyone can understand the greatness of JBL. I doubt the match would be received that well, but oh well. It could make a strong undercard contest.

So essentially - main event? No chance. Not even I want to see that. Good undercard match? Yeah, but takes backseat to Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels.

Since when does The Undertaker put on matches that are anything special? Please show me one. He's in the same boat as J.B.L. He's a big, heavy guy that punches a lot. The only difference is that Undertaker falls off things better.

Again? Seriously? One match will not sell Wrestlemania! It will sell regardless.

It'd be a fine undercard match, but not a soul would actually care. Shawn would have no heat. The story would be lame and predictable. It'd be all around 'meh.'

There is a possibility that it could happen, but it is a very small possibility. I just can't see the WWE taking the title off of Cena at the rumble and not having him headline Wrestlemania. I think that Cena will beat JBL at the rumble and that will make JBL pissed at HBK, and their feud will end at No Way Out. That way their feud will be over so HBK can have his match with Taker at Wrestlemania. I see Orton winning the rumble and it will be Randy Orton vs John Cena headlining Wrestlemania.

The first part of that is quite possible. I could see something along the lines of Shawn refusing to turn on Cena, thus being fired. Then they blow the grudge match at No Way Out. It could work. But why, oh why, do you think he'll be facing The Undertaker at Wrestlemania? I think it'd be rather disappointing. They'd have to rush what could be a great feud and throw it all together in a month. That'd be kind of sad, I think.

I am with all the people that have said that HBK vs JBL will be an undercard match if it happens at WM. I am a fan of JBL no doubt, I also think when Shawn pulls out all the stops he can still go like the HBK of old. So for me this match should be a great watch.

I aint gonna sit here and make predictions on how the fueds going to go because although people say WWE is predictable I cant remember the last time I guessed anything accurately. What I will say is that if this fued keeps going the way it is then the payoff should be interesting to say the least.

I'd say the same to you as what I've already said above, but I don't really want to.

i just got a feeling that the rumble will be irllevent to smackdown and raw. I could see them having a three match main event. I personally think a ecw star like swagger will win the rumble establishing ecw as a main title, which is important since they seem to say that both hardys are world champs, yet that title is yet to be established as really important. One of the main events for wrestlemania will be swagger vs matt with swagger winning setting up a ledgendary fued because lets face it is their anyone that enjoys ecw past miz and morison, and to think matt is on the show. This year at nno they will have an raw and smackdon elimination chamber with HBK and HHH winning. Why else are they pushing an angle like they did with undertaker with HHH. As for HBK, with him working for JBL, he is starting to get some major face heat, and at the rumble im sure HBK will further his heel status. Why else would they turn one of the biggest people in wwe history, well thats simple to face cena at wrestlemania, because out of all raw matchups it looks like thats what they will do. I think orton will have a match in wrestlemania against mamby rey. As for jericho I think he will participate in the mitb match, because it looks likt both him and morison and mvp will be the three heels in the match and kenedy, ricky ortiz, and kofi will be the three faces. This makes the most sence right now that way. And right now it looks like beth and her number 1 fan angle is going to end at wrestlemania and as for other matches i got a feeling that rhodes will be in a match likely facing a legacy cast off, seems like this might end earlier but if it lasts their will be a real enjoyable match like this at wrestlemania. So these are my opinions of what wrestlemania will turn out to be

:lmao: Swagger? Really?

this is a bad idea. Shawn is good, but he isn't good enough to headline a WM. WM is the biggest PPV of the year, and the WWE is going to put there biggest draws in the main event. JBL is a loudmouth heel who generates heat for coming off as a racist. JBL is a decent, just not great, and definitely not good enough to headline a wrestlemania.

This match is decent, but neither of these wrestlers are good enough to headline a WM. If anything this match is nothing more than a show opener.

Did you really just say that Shawn Michaels isn't good enough to headline Wrestlemania? Of course he isn't. He's only one of the fan's very favorites and one of the best guys you can put in the ring.. But oh no, he can't headline Wrestlemania.. :lmao:

I want JBL to lose at RR. JBL gets mad at HBK. They have a match at NWO. Micheals wins. Then the lights go out and undertaker is on the big screen saying that shawn would be a worthy adversary at WM.

Taker stalks HBK after NWO. HBK gets mad and attacks Taker the smackdown before WM.

Then they have a 1-1 match. It's a very good and close match that can go either way. JBL comes out and attacks HBK. Taker wins by DQ, but is upset with JBL. A feud between taker and JBL starts all through the GAB. With taker winning the feud.

HBK challenges taker at SS. JBL comes out, but attacks taker this time. 2 month feud between taker/HBK vs JBL/??? would happen. Taker and Shawn go their seperate ways until WM 26, and then they face each other again, to see who is the best. No interference this time. Have taker win.

That's what I would do with the feud.

This won't happen. WWE doesn't stretch out feuds over a year anymore. I think it could be fun, but that's a little unrealistic and kind of a little pointless.
Did you really just say that Shawn Michaels isn't good enough to headline Wrestlemania? Of course he isn't. He's only one of the fan's very favorites and one of the best guys you can put in the ring.. But oh no, he can't headline Wrestlemania.. :lmao:

come on dude, Michaels is 40+ years old and years removed from his prime. Shawn was never a huge draw. Yes Shawn has headlined Wm , but so has Mr T and Bigelow.
WM XII was Shawn vs Bret, two of the best workers, and at the time were the only huge stars in the E.
WM XIV involved Austin, who at the time was the biggest star in the business.
WM XXIII involved John Cena, who at the time was the biggest star in the business. Well, he still is the biggest star in the business.

Every mania Shawn has ever headlined involved someone who was a better draw, or was equal when it came to drawing ability. JBL can't draw a lick, so more than likely this Main Event wouldn't either. so having one has been, and one never was headline a WM would be a bad idea.

Tell me why this match would work when neither of these wrestlers are proven draws?
Apparently, that's all that matters is how well someone draws, eh? But, I've said it atleast five times not.. Wrestlemania doesn't need an epic main event to sell. It sells no matter what and no matter who is in the main event.

I'm just saying, I think this storyline could turn into something beautiful and end up being really, really good.
But why, oh why, do you think he'll be facing The Undertaker at Wrestlemania? I think it'd be rather disappointing. They'd have to rush what could be a great feud and throw it all together in a month.

I know they would only have a month, but they are on different brands so it's not like this was going to be some long feud anyways. Besides that, it's a milestone Wrestlemania being number 25 and it is in the home state of both Taker and HBK, and if Taker doesn't face Michaels then he really isn't going to have anyone of importance to face (Unless they have him fight for the title again). Right now it looks like Triple H, Jeff Hardy, and Edge will all be involved in other matches so Taker would be left with a match against Koslov or Umaga. No offense to those two guys but I think Taker against a monster heel at Wrestlemania has been overdone i.e. Giant Gonzalez, King Kong Bundy, Psycho Sid, Kane twice, Big Show and Albert, Mark Henry. HBK and Taker hasn't been done since late 97' early 98' so it would be fresh and they could really steal the show in their home state.
I know they would only have a month, but they are on different brands so it's not like this was going to be some long feud anyways. Besides that, it's a milestone Wrestlemania being number 25 and it is in the home state of both Taker and HBK, and if Taker doesn't face Michaels then he really isn't going to have anyone of importance to face (Unless they have him fight for the title again). Right now it looks like Triple H, Jeff Hardy, and Edge will all be involved in other matches so Taker would be left with a match against Koslov or Umaga. No offense to those two guys but I think Taker against a monster heel at Wrestlemania has been overdone i.e. Giant Gonzalez, King Kong Bundy, Psycho Sid, Kane twice, Big Show and Albert, Mark Henry. HBK and Taker hasn't been done since late 97' early 98' so it would be fresh and they could really steal the show in their home state.

You do bring up a good point. The only way I see it happening, though, is if Shawn says that his last match will be at Wrestlemania. Then, he can say he wants to steal the show just one more time. He'll call out the Undertaker saying, "Who better for Mr. Wrestlemania to face than the man who is undefeated at Wrestlemania?" or something like that. I'm not a huge fan of Taker, though, so I would be a bit disappointed. I also just don't want this angle with J.B.L. to end, so..
I really cannot see this match as being a main event at Wrestlemania, let alone being at Wrestlemania. I can actually see them staying with this storyline past Wrestlemania, having Shawn and JBL build up a massive feud afterwords. Shawn is hopefully going to wrestle Undertaker at the big Texan Pay Per View, with the muffin topped Texan in Shawn's corner. Really, I could see JBL forcing Michaels to take on Undertaker at Wrestlemania and demand he break the streak. The match itself wouldn't be the main event, just starting off the main card, followed by the title matches and the Woman's match. When Shawn loses, JBL could flip out on Shawn, and lay the boots on him, only to be chased away by Taker. afterwords, Taker would help Shawn to his feet and shakes his hand as the crowd applauds.
But what in the world would J.B.L. want Shawn to end the streak for? He wants Shawn humiliated and beaten, not glorified. That'd be counter productive, were Shawn to beat Taker.

I just see this feud leading up to a match at Wrestlemania. I'd prefer it be for the title, but it could be good without that. We'll know more once the Rumble is done.
Obviosly he doesn't want Shawn to beat the streak, he wants Shawn to get destroyed, but his reasoning for the match is for him to try and beat the streak. Also he can throw in the tensions with Taker he has. You could even rewrite to have an altercation with JBL running into the Undertaker, pissing JBL off, resulting in JBL sending Michaels to attack him.

Wither way, I don't think this will happen at Wrestlemania, not at WM 25, Vince usually gives the fans something good at Manias, especially this one.
This Shawn Michaels/JBL feud has actually been very interesting as of late. The only problem I have with it is that the whole show is basically being booked around this very feud. But I'm all for a Shawn Michaels vs JBL match at Wrestlemania 25. I think that match would be perfect in the mid-card of the biggest stage of them all. However, I do not think that match should be contested for the World Heavyweight Championship.

For starters, a HBK vs JBL match as the main event for Wrestlemania 25 for the World Title just wouldn't draw. I mean seriously, is this the best possible main event match that Raw can provide? I don't think so. A grudge match would be great though. I really don't understand why people want to see a HBK vs Undertaker match so badly. We all know who'd win that match, so why would I give a fuck about a match in which I already know the outcome of? At least an Undertaker vs Kozlov match would be better suited as both are "undefeated" in their own separate ways.

The more people mention John Cena vs Randy Orton at Wrestlemania 25 for the World Championship, the more I seem to like it. It's basically the two top superstars at their current prime in a singles match for the WWE's richest prize at the biggest stage of the year. It's perfect. Batista is injured, Jericho could face Rey Mysterio in a singles match on that same night, Kane and CM Punk could fit in the Money in the Bank ladder match. It all works out perfectly.

HBK and JBL are past their prime, and shouldn't be involved in a World Title match at Wrestlemania. Their feud should come to a head at the Royal Rumble where HBK should surprisingly enter the 30 man match but could be eliminated by an interfering JBL. Then at No Way Out both men could be in either an elimination chamber match or a tag team match of some sort. Then at Wrestlemania, JBL claims that since HBK is a lame employee, he will beat him cleanly so that he is completely broke, but if HBK wins, then he doesn't have to work with JBL anymore and will be "financially stable". My idea works out well for everyone.
Yeah I just can't see the reason to make this match for the world title at WM. Now for the world title at No Way Out......maybe. It's headlined by the Chamber matches anyway, so why not? The next night have Cena/Orton get the title back and then let the two of them go all out at WM in a weapons match, now that could work. There's a million ways to get HBK money that can alo get him out of the JBL angle so that's not an issue. At the end of the day, HBK and JBL simply don't belong in the main event at Mania. At a minor show would work, but just not in the Raw main event. Not with Orton and Cena on the brand in good health.

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