PWA Showcase Wrestling

Theo Mays

Part Time Poster

“Now Generation” by the Black Eyed Peas blares throughout the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, PA. Pyro scatters and the crowd screams in anticipation of the first episode of Showcase Wrestling.

Justin Roberts-Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to you the owner and general manager of PWA Showcase Wrestling…Theooooooooo Maaaaaaysssssss!


Theo Mays-Wow! What a reaction. That means a lot to mean guys. You are the reason that I’ve also dreamt about becoming a promoter. I’ve taken many side jobs in the wrestling industry and now I finally have achieved my dream and I am the proud owner of the best brand in the PWA, Showcase Wrestling. I have assembled the best talent in the world and I promise you that they will not only entertain you on a weekly basis, but they’ll become part of your everyday life.


Mick Foley-Looks like business is going to pick up here Josh. Can’t think this is the way Mr. Mays wanted his debut to go.

Alberto Del Rio-My name! My name is Alberto Del Rio, but you already know that. Mr. Mays you are looking at the face of Showcase. It is my destiny to be the ultimate star here in the Pro Wrestling Alliance. Now you say that we will be part of these people’s lives? You must have been a standup comedian before hitting the wrestling scene. Why should I waste my time with these pathetic excuses for life?

Theo Mays-Well Alberto, that is your choice. I hold all of you superstars in high standards and I expect them to be lived up to. So Alberto if you don’t want to oblige by my rules than you are gonna have to start at the back of the line.

Alberto Del Rio-The back of the line? The back of the line? You are a funny, funny man. There is no back of the line for Alberto Del Rio. I am this brand, I am this organization, I am professional wrestling. I don’t think you understand Mr. Mays.

Theo Mays-Well Alberto, if you think you are the hot shot you claim to be then you won’t mind being in a match tonight. So tonight Alberto in our main event you will go one on one with…RANDY ORTON!

Josh Mathews-Unbelievable! Arguably the top two superstars here on Showcase Wrestling and they are going to go one on one for the first time ever Mick. Looks like Theo Mays is answering his doubters.

Mick Foley-You got that right Josh my boy. Looks like we are going to have a gay ‘ole time here on Showcase Wrestling, courtesy of Mr. Theo Mays!

---------*COMMERCIAL BREAK*---------


Justin Roberts-Introducing first from Brooklyn, New York…KAVAL!

Josh Mathews-Welcome back to Showcase Wrestling and we know what to expect coming up now, and that is some great X division action and it is going to be kick started by the World Warrior, Kaval!

Mick Foley-Kaval is a gamer Josh. Kaval possesses an unique style in the ring that goes hand in hand with the X Division. Kaval is a veteran of this business, hence the World Warrior nickname Josh. What a great pleasure it is going to be to call and watch Kaval here on Showcase Wrestling.


Justin Roberts-And his opponent from Brooklyn, New York…AMAZING RED!

Josh Mathews-Oh man Mick this is gonna be great. This will be a battle of two boys from Brooklyn and what a history these two have.

Mick Foley-Amazing Red just like Kaval has that unique in ring style perfect for the X Division. And we know these two Brooklyn boys can go. And we are the lucky ones Joshy boy, we get to call this action. Hopefully the old Mickster can keep up with these guys fast pace.

(Click the spoiler for the match)
Match Description:
Head official, Charles Robinson rings the bell as the first match in Showcase Wrestling history is officially underway. Kaval and Red feel each other out as they circle the ring. The two meet in the center in a classic lockup, Kaval gains the upper edge and gets Red in a headlock. Kaval flips Red over on the mat. Red counters by locking his legs around Kaval’s head. Kaval releases the headlock and flips over Red. Red still has his legs wrapped around the neck of Kaval, who is on his feet. Kaval breaks the neck scissor and slingshots Red into the corner. Red however lands on the second rope and launches himself at Kaval. Kaval sees it coming and lands a dropkick into Red’s sternum. Red crawls over and seats himself in the corner as Charles Robinson checks on his well being. Kaval takes advantage and charges the corner and goes for a dropkick. Red quickly pulls himself out of the ring and Kaval crashes into the corner. Kaval is now laying down in the corner and Red springboards into a leg drop onto Kaval. Red drags Kaval out of the corner and covers him.


Red slams the mat and waits for Kaval to sit up. Kaval sits up and Red runs across the ropes and goes for a running knee, but Kaval ducks out of the way. Kaval hops to his feet and greets Red in the gut with a sidekick, followed be a kick to the back of the head. Red falls to the mat. Kaval sits Red up and lays into Red with vicious kicks that have the crowd going “ooo” and “ahh”. Kaval goes for the cover.


Kaval lifts Red up and Irish whips him into the corner. Kaval does a cartwheel and crashes into Red with a back elbow. Kaval shoves Red back into the corner and continues to lay in with the kicks. Kaval then locks in the Bite of the Dragon in the ring ropes as Red screams in agony. Kaval breaks the hold as Charles Robinson reaches 4 on his count to 5. Kaval pushes Red into the ropes and nails Red with a scoop slam into a cover.


Kaval slams on the mat and admittedly locks Red into a Dragon Sleeper. Red has nowhere to go as Charles Robinson checks the submission. Kaval has it synched in as Red tries to writher out. Kaval drives his knee into the spine of Amazing Red. Kaval wrenches back as Red pulls his hand up, ready to tap out. But Red pulls keeps his hand still and manages to get his legs up and nails Kaval with a series of kicks to the head. Kaval breaks the hold and is a bit stunned. Red hops up and nails Kaval with a dropkick to the knee. Kaval falls to the mat onto his knees and Red nails Kaval with a Corkscrew Roundhouse kick. Kaval falls onto his back and Red bounces off the ropes and nails Kaval with a Red Star Press (running Shooting Star Press) right into the cover.


The crowd, like Red is in disbelief that Kaval kicked out. Red stands by the ropes awaiting Kaval to get to his feet. Kaval staggers up and Red charges to go for Code Red (Leg trap sunset flip Powerbomb). Red gets his legs trapped and goes for the powerbomb, but on the follow through Kaval lands on his feet and nails Red in the face. Kaval pulls himself to the top rope and nails Red with the Warrior’s Way (Diving Double Foot Stomp). Kaval quickly rolls Red into a cover.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…KAVAL!

Josh Mathews-What a match Mick! Both men brought their A game tonight and put on a spectacle for our great fans.

Mick Foley-You got that right Josh. Really thought Red had it there for a second but Kaval pulled it through in his warrior way. But both men should be proud of their performance here to tonight Joshua.

Scott Stanford-Ladies and gentlemen, joining me at this time is the Guru of Greatness, the Shaman of Sexy, better known as John Morrison! John tonight marks the first show here in Showcase Wrestling.

The Miz-Really? Really? REALLY?!? You want to waste your time interviewing him? Why interview the Jannetty when you can interview the Shawn Michaels. Do you know who I am Scott Stanford? Do you?

John Morrison-For crying out loud Miz, we know who you are. You are the Miz and you are AWESOME!!!! We get it Miz, you think highly of yourself.

The Miz-Oh John, sounds like someone is still bitter over our breakup. And I understand your reasons. I mean, you’ve gone onto live in mediocrity. While I’ve gone onto to become the most must see star in wrestling history. So John how about you step away and let the real star here conduct an interview.

John Morrison-Alright Miz, why don’t you put your money where your mouth is. If you are really the most must see star, why don’t you let the people see you? How about we settle the score once again? John Morrison vs. The Miz!

The Miz-What do I have to prove by beating you again John? The world knows that I am and will always be better than you. Everyone recalls our history John. You can’t beat me, so why bother embarrassing yourself.

Scott Stanford-Sorry to interrupt guys, but I’ve just been sent a message from our general manager and he says that Mr. Morrison will gets his wish, as he and The Miz will go one on one tonight!

The Miz-No! He can’t do this. I’m not prepared for action tonight, Theo obviously has it out against me. This is outrageous. How can you treat your stars like this?

John Morrison-I’ll see ya out there tonight buddy.

Josh Mathews-And Theo keeps impressing! Those who questioned his ability to run a wrestling company most certainly has to be eating their words Mick.

Mick Foley-Well I was definitely one of them. No offense Mr. Mays. He is definitely providing us with some exciting matchups Josh.

---------*COMMERCIAL BREAK*---------
Forgot to place this in the first post, but PLEASE DO NOT POST FEEDBACK UNTIL THE WHOLE SHOW AIRS! Also this is a NON-SPAM section, so post wisely.


Justin Roberts-Introducing first from Guyana, South America…EZEKIEL JACKSON!

Josh Mathews-Welcome back and are you ready for this Mick? Here comes the Prophet of Doom, the Guyanese Giant Ezekiel Jackson!

Mick Foley-My goodness this man is HUGE! Seeing Ezekiel Jackson up close is a spectacle. Throw in the power and intensity he brings into the ring and you have the making of a superstar Josh.


Justin Roberts-And his opponent from Queens, New York…CURT HAWKINS!

Josh Mathews-Curt Hawkins’ theme tells us we are in the middle of it now and Hawkins believes just that Mick. He believes that he is the future of wherever he goes and he certain…

Curt Hawkins-Could I have everyone’s attention please? You stupid Philadelphians listen up while I’m talking. You see that big oaf in the ring? He is going to end up just like your beloved football team, a loser! It is time the world learns of just who Curt Hawkins is and Ezekiel Jackson is just the start.

Match Description:

Referee Justin King rings the bell and we are underway. Hawkins walks up still talking smack to Big Zeke. Zeke shakes it off as Hawkins pokes his finger into Zeke’s chest. Hawkins shoves Zeke and Zeke’s smile quickly goes away. Hawkins dares Zeke to bring it on and Zeke charges and takes down Hawkins with a running shoulder block. Hawkins goes flying back into the ropes and he is in shock over what just happened. Hawkins gets up and shakes it off. He walks back over to Zeke and slaps him in the face. Zeke goes to hit Hawkins, but Hawkins ducks away and he starts to nail Zeke with lefts and rights. Hawkins has Zeke on the ropes and Hawkins goes for a dropkick, but Zeke blocks it by shoving Hawkins feet away. Hawkins gets up and Zeke nails him with a huge right hand, sending Hawkins into the corner. Zeke smiles at the fans and motions his arm for a clothesline. Hawkins comes to and Zeke drills him with a clothesline, sending Hawkins into a seated position. Hawkins staggers up and Zeke is ready for the Book of Ezekiel. Hawkins turns and Zeke catches him, lifts him up, and drops him to the mat.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…EZEKIEL JACKSON!

Mick Foley-Well that didn’t last long for New York’s own, Curt Hawkins. The lesson to be learned here Josh, never anger a man the size of Ezekiel Jackson.

Zeke poses for the crowd as the crowd is impressed with his huge physique. Zeke turns around and from out of nowhere Sheamus nails Big Zeke with a Brogue Kick, almost taking Zeke’s head off.

Josh Mathews-Where the hell did Sheamus come from!?! And why did he blindside Ezekiel Jackson like that.

Sheamus-You see this fella here? He is a nobody. You people scream and shout over his physique, well look at this physique. If anyone is going to make an impact around here it is me! I am the Celtic Warrior and I am still the King! Bow down to your King!!!! All hail King Sheamus!!!!

Mick Foley-Well it seems jealousy was on the mind of King Sheamus. And you know what is going to be on Ezekiel Jackson’s mind once he comes through? Payback, that’s what Josh.

Theo Mays-Well well well, look who it is. Vicki Guerrero, you come here to steal my job?

Vicki Guerrero-Excuse me?

Theo Mays-I think you heard me perfectly fine Vicki. And why am I being blessed with your presence?

Vicki Guerrero-Enough with the sarcasm Theo. I’m here to welcome you to the wrestling world and to introduce you to my boyfriend.

Dolph Ziggler-Hi, I’m Dolph Ziggler.

Theo Mays-I know who you are Mr. Ziggler and it’s a pleasure to officially meet you Dolph. You definitely have a future here.

Dolph Ziggler-Why thank you Theo, it’s about time someone realizes the talent I possess.

Vicki Guerrero-Dolph and I here to inquire you about a match for my handsome, toned, and beloved boyfriend.

Theo Mays-Well Vicki I know how much you love for your men to have gold, so that is why I have Dolph slotted to compete in an one night tournament to determine our first Intercontinental championship. As for who he will be facing, I’m not sure yet. But you are on the show next week. Now if you don’t mind I got some important things to do, so if you could please step out.

---------*COMMERCIAL BREAK*---------

Josh Mathews-Welcome back to Showcase Wrestling and it is time for our first of two main events Mick. Up next we have John Morrison against The Miz.

Mick Foley-And what a history these two men have Josh. These two started off as friends, partners, and now they are enemies. And if this is anything like their past encounters Josh, we know we are in store for a doozy.


Justin Roberts-Introducing first, from Los Angeles, California…JOHN MORRISON!

Josh Mathews-Here he comes Mick, the Shaman of Sexy, the Guru of Greatness, John Morrison! Morrison has been on the biggest role of his career and lets see if he can keep it going against The Miz.

Mick Foley-As my good friend and former broadcast partner use to say, Morrison has a young Shawn Michaels feel to him and he very well could be the most athletic superstar in professional wrestling.


Justin Roberts-And his opponent from Cleveland, Ohio…THE MIZ!

Josh Mathews-The self-proclaimed Awesome One. The Miz claims to be the hottest commodity in wrestling and the only must see superstar on the Showcase Wrestling roster.

Mick Foley-You can question Miz’s attitude, but you can’t deny the fact that he has dedicated himself to prove the doubters wrong and become something in this industry. Miz keeps improving and bettering himself into becoming a wrestling superstar.

(Click Spoiler for Match)
Match Description:

Referee Jack Doan rings the bell and we are underway. Miz holds onto the ropes as Morrison circles around the ring. Morrison stops in the middle of the ring and Miz slowly walks and meets Morrison in the ring. Miz starts mouthing off at Morrison and shoves him into the ropes. Morrison bounces off the ropes and nails Miz with a huge forearm, taking the Awesome One to the ground. The crowd pops as Miz hits the mat. Miz pops back up and Morrison takes him down with yet another forearm. Miz is up again and Morrison nails a dropkick, which sends Miz sailing to the outside. Morrison pumps up the crowd and Miz starts to pull himself up and Morrison grabs onto the top rope and nails Miz with a Corkscrew Plancha. Morrison gets up, holding his ribs and he rolls Miz back into the ring. Morrison slides in and makes a cover.


Morrison lifts Miz off the mat and sends him into the corner with an Irish Whip. Morrison charges but Miz nails him with a boot to the face. Miz climbs up to the middle rope and drops an Axe Handle across the back of Morrison. Morrison falls to his knees. Miz grabs Morrison by his hair and kicks him in the face. Miz bends over Morrison and starts shouting at him saying he will never be this good. Miz lays another series of kicks into the side of Morrison. Miz goes back to jawing at Morrison. Out of nowhere Morrison clocks Miz on the side of his head with a kick. Miz staggers and falls into the ropes. Morrison is barely up to his feet when Miz nails Morrison in the side of the head with a knee. Morrison falls back onto the mat and quickly covers Morrison.


Miz slams his hands on the mat and argues that it was a three count. Miz levels Morrison with a flurry of fists and makes another cover.


Miz throws up three fingers, but Doan tells him it was another two count. Miz gets up in Doan’s face and starts yelling at him and from behind Morrison rolls him up.


Both men are up and Miz goes for a clothesline, but Morrison ducks and jumps onto the middle rope and nails a turning Miz with the Flash Kick. Morrison starts to get the crowd going. Miz sits up and Morrison nails Miz in the face with a running knee smash. The crowd erupts as both men are down and Morrison crawls to make the cover.


Morrison is in disbelief and his facial expression says it all. Morrison pulls himself up and drags Miz into the corner to set him up for the Starship Pain. Morrison goes up, but Miz rolls out of the way and Morrison crashes onto the mat. Miz crawls over and lifts Morrison off the mat. Miz sets him up for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Morrison blocks it, wriggles out, and out of nowhere nails Miz with a superkick. Both men are down and out and Jack Doan begins his count.


Both men start to crawl to their ropes and are both up at the count of nine. Both superstars turn around and split a series of lefts and rights. After the third series, Morrison blocks a Miz right hand and nails off a fury of fists of his own. Miz bounces off the ropes and Morrison nails him with a boot to the midsection followed by the Moonlight Drive. Morrison quickly goes for the cover.


Again Miz manages to kick out. Morrison lifts Miz up and goes for a suplex, but Miz blocks it. Miz shoves Morrison off and into a corner. Miz quickly capitalizes and nails his trademark corner clothesline on John Morrison. Morrison falls to his knees and Miz drags him into the middle of the ring. Miz lifts him up and goes for another Skull Crushing Finale, but Morrison pushes Miz off and nails him with a superkick. Miz falls to the mat and lands in a perfect spot and Morrison goes over to the corner for Starship Pain. Morrison goes up and lands it, crashing down onto Miz’s ribs. Morrison makes the cover.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…JOHN MORRISON!

Josh Mathews-WHAT a fantastic match! John Morrison is a shining star and is only on the up and up.

Mick Foley-You gotta give it up to both these superstars. These two came out here Josh and they stole the show. Both these guys are winners, but you gotta feel thrilled for Morrison, like you said Josh is on the rise. Kudos to both these guys.
Scott Stanford-Welcome back to Showcase Wrestling and joining me now is the Viper, Randy Orton! Tonight Randy you will go one on one with Alberto Del Rio and you have to think the winner will be the early favorite to take home the Showcase Heavyweight Championship.

Randy Orton-It doesn’t matter who I face tonight Scott, because they are just a stepping stone until I reach the ultimate prize of the World Heavyweight Championship. I will stop at nothing to once again be world champion. I’m not afraid to drop you with a RKO or punt you into a nursing home. Randy Orton will once again be world champion and Del Rio is just the beginning.

Josh Mathews-Some threatening words from Randy Orton there Mick. And if anyone knows Randy Orton it is you.

Mick Foley-Randy and I of course have a very public history. Randy is a living machine Josh. When he sets his eyes on something, he stops at nothing to get it done. The rest of the roster was officially put on notice here tonight.


Josh Mathews-And here comes the man of the hour Mick. Theo has certainly shocked us with how great the show has been just far. Let’s see what our general manager has on his mind here.

Theo Mays-PHILADELPHIA!!!! You guys have been a great crowd tonight and I’m thrilled that we were able to have the first Showcase Wrestling here in my home state. Philadelphia has such a thick wrestling history and I think many over look this city for the likes of New York or Atlanta. You guys are just as important to wrestling as any city. That is why I’m out here to announce that our very first pay per view, Gold Rush will be taking place right here in the Wells Fargo Center on Sunday March 13th, and for those in attendance tonight you can go to the ticket booth after the show and receive a five percent discount on Gold Rush tickets! Now at Gold Rush we will see a one night tournament and the winner of the tournament will be crowned the first Showcase Wrestling Heavyweight Champion! Thank you Philadelphia, enjoy the rest of the show.

Josh Mathews-And it keeps getting better Mick. A World Championship tournament taking place right where it all started, what an announcement from Mr. Mays.

Mick Foley-Wonder if there is any chance the Mickster can lace up those old sneakers and get in on this haha. Mr. Theo Mays really knows how to put on a show and these Philly fans are a tough crowd to please and he has managed to do just that. This kid deserves a standing applause.


Ricardo Rodriguez- Señoras y señores, es para mí un gran honor presentar a ustedes. Él es un hombre de gran nobleza, con una inteligencia superior. Él es un dios entre los hombres. Él es la esencia de la Excelencia. Él es Alberto del RRRRRRRrrrriiiiiioOOOOoO!

Mick Foley-Umm who is that guy and what the heck did he just say?

Josh Mathews-Mick that would be Ricardo Rodriguez and he is Alberto Del Rio’s personal ring announcer. Though I’m sure he is more than just a personal ring announcer for Del Rio.

Mick Foley-Ahh friends with benefits, niiiice. Serious announce time Josh. I’m really looking forward to watching Del Rio. This is the first time I’m seeing this young man live and while his arrogance may rub you the wrong way, he has made a huge impact in just his short time here in the states.


Justin Roberts-And his opponent from St. Louis, Missouri….RANDY ORTON!

Josh Mathews-Listen to that ovation! It is obvious that Randy Orton is loved here in the city of brotherly love.

Mick Foley-What’s that Josh? I can’t hear you over how awesome these great people think Randy Orton is.

(Click Spoiler for Match)
Head official, Charles Robinson returns to the ring as the two men are in opposite corners. Robinson rings the bell and we are underway. Both superstars slowly walk toward the middle of the ring for a staredown. Del Rio mocks Orton’s trademark pose and follows it up with a wink. Orton doesn’t take too kindly to Del Rio’s notion and he clocks him with a right hand. Del Rio staggers back into the corner. Del Rio ducks under the middle rope as Orton is held back by Charles Robinson. Del Rio (behind the ref’s back) pokes Orton in the eye. Del Rio comes out of the corner and kicks Orton a few times in the thigh. Orton grabs at his thigh, in obvious pain. Del Rio grabs Orton from behind and nails a bridging German Suplex.


Del Rio is right up and continues to kick Orton while he is down. Del Rio lifts Orton up and keeps ahold of his arm as he nails Orton in the head with an elbow. Orton falls to one knee and Del Rio still has ahold of Orton’s right arm and he slams it down on to his knee. Orton writhers in pain, as it was the right shoulder that Orton has separated in the past. Del Rio continues to kick at Orton’s right shoulder. Orton rolls out of the ring to break Del Rio’s offense. Del Rio follows Orton to the outside and he grabs Orton and goes to throw him into the steel stairs. Orton blocks with his foot and elbows Del Rio in the midsection. Orton grabs Del Rio by the head and slams it across the stairs. Orton again grabs Del Rio’s head and slams it onto the stairs. Orton goes for another one, but is distracted by Ricardo Rodriguez. Orton drops Del Rio and slowly makes his way towards Rodriguez. Ricardo is on his knees begging Orton to not hurt him. Orton grabs him by his collar and pulls him up. Del Rio is now up and charges Orton. Randy ducks out of the way and Del Rio crashes into Rodriguez. Orton grabs Del Rio and throws him back into the ring. Orton follows suit. Orton lifts Del Rio off the mat and nails him with an European Uppercut. Del Rio falls onto the mat and Orton starts his trademark stomping on the limbs of Del Rio. Orton looks at Del Rio, who is now motionless on the mat. Orton spins around and dives, stomach first onto the mat and starts pounding away. Del Rio slowly pulls himself to his feet and Orton pounces on a RKO, but Del Rio pushes him off. Del Rio runs at Orton with a clothesline, but Orton ducks and nails Del Rio with his Inverted headlock Backbreaker. Orton again falls to the mat signaling for the RKO. Del Rio starts to pull himself up using the ropes. Orton however is side tracked as Rodriguez is up on the apron. Orton nails Rodriguez with a dropkick, sending him flying into the announce table. Orton gets up, but is greeted with a running Enzuigiri. Orton falls to the mat and Del Rio is quick to cover.


Del Rio can’t believe that Orton kicked out. Orton is slow to his feet, but Del Rio is waiting to hit Orton with his Cross Arm Breaker. Del Rio goes for the Arm Breaker, but Orton manages to turn it into a Olympic Slam. Both men pull themselves up and Del Rio uses a burst of energy and charges Randy Orton. Orton sees it coming and nails Del Rio with a snapping scoop slam into a cover.


Orton is quick off the cover and locks Del Rio in a Wrenching Chinlock. Del Rio manages to pull himself to his feet and gets Orton to break the hold. Del Rio runs off the ropes, but Orton nails a beautiful dropkick, which sends Del Rio onto the apron. Orton is right on top of things and drags Del Rio through the middle rope and plants him with the DDT. Orton again is back on the mat pounding away. Del Rio is up and Orton plants him with a RKO, as the crowd erupts. Orton goes for the cover.

And Rodriguez pulls Del Rio out of the cover to the outside.

Orton is furious as Rodriguez fans Del Rio to awaken him. Orton goes right outside and grabs Rodriguez. Rodriguez is begging for his life as Orton throws him into the ring. Rodriguez is up and still begging and Orton drops him with a RKO. The crowd is in a frenzy as Orton goes back outside to deal with Del Rio. Orton sees that Del Rio is in the perfect position for a trademark punt to the skull. Orton is in position and charges Del Rio. Del Rio quickly dodges out of the way and avoids the punt. Del Rio jumps on the opportunity and he shoves Orton into the steel post. Orton’s right shoulder bounces off the post and Orton is immediately on the ground in serious pain. Del Rio has a huge smirk on his face and he runs over and grabs a steel chair. Referee Charles Robinson tries to stop Del Rio from using the chair, but Del Rio shoves Robinson out of the way. Robinson signals for the bell, but Del Rio drives the top of the chair into Orton’s shoulder. Del Rio lifts Orton up and wraps the chair around Orton’s arm. Del Rio follows this up by throwing Orton’s arm into the steel post. You can hear Orton scream as he falls to the ground. Del Rio smiles and mocks the Viper as he walks to Orton. Del Rio takes the chair off of Orton’s arm, but he isn’t done with his assault. Del Rio now nails the Cross Arm Breaker on Orton. Orton immediately taps out as Del Rio keeps pulling back for added pressure. Charles Robinson tries to pull Del Rio off, but he won’t release the hold. Justin King and Jack Doan quickly run down to assist Robinson in breaking the hold. Del Rio finally breaks and the referees signal for medical attention for Randy Orton. Del Rio smiles and does his trademark pose as the medical staff tends to Orton’s injured shoulder.

Josh Mathews-What a cowardly act from Del Rio. Unfortunately we are out of time and we will do our best to keep you updated on Randy Orton’s status throughout the week. Join us here next week on PWA Showcase Wrestling. For Mick Foley, I’m Josh Mathews thanks and good night.
Hi Theo. Have reviewed Da Prophet’s PWA first show so I’ll review yours as well! Writing it ‘live’ as I read it ...


Using yourself as the GM is a good choice, you can take your character whichever way you like. I’ve done that in my BT but I haven’t decided what to do with him yet. See if yours gets up to anything ... Del Rio is here. Like your portrayal of ADR – you’ve got him spot on!

Kaval – Amazing Red: not heard of Red but am used to Kaval. Good writing of your match mate, clear and detailed enough without going overboard. Good first outing for both men and a win for Kaval. Cool.

Miz and Morrison segment: Miz’ cockiness was done well but I couldn’t get to grips with Morrison. A match between those two later should be good.

Jackson and Hawkins: only one winner, surely you are going to build Jackson up as a monster. And you did. But then you have Sheamus coming after Big Zeke. Hmmm, like that possible match. Two younger stars with potential to work at the top of your card. Will be interesting to see who gets the upper hand in that feud over the coming shows.

Vickie, Dolph and Theo: short promo, did the job. Maybe some reaction at the end from Vickie needed? She’d no doubt have to have the last word!

Miz vs. Morrison: after Miz’ comments earlier, I think Jo Mo will win this one. Another great match, well written. Morrison with the win makes sense. I don’t expect Miz to lay down and accept it though.

Orton – your roster is very good. I was thinking that you needed a bona fida star and there is Orton. With several promising potential talents behind him like SHeamus, Del Rio, Miz, Morrison and Jackson, I think you’ve done well from the PWA draft. Orton straight after the title, makes complete sense.

PPVannouncement: a one night tournament. I think this is the best way to go with the first title on a new show. I’m not a fan of Battle Royales to determine the top title. Looking forward to it and seeing who is in the tournament.

Orton vs. Del Rio: immense heat now on Del Rio, great call with the ending there. Will Orton be able to get back in time for Gold Rush? I think that you added the major feud start that your first show needed. At the same time, you legitimised Del Rio as a main event draw. Good work.

Overall, a good first show IMO. Like your roster, good start with the Orton and Del Rio feud and looking forward to seeing Del Rio develop as a top heel. The layout is fine with the spoilers and the colours, very easy to read. Great job.
Da Prophet's Review

And here we go, the first ever show of PWA. Really looking forward to this, and this will be a "live" review. So we have Theo Mays start the show, that is what I would have thought you would do. Seeing as he is the GM, and basically unknown. Something has to happen here, oh, Del Rio is here. Of course the major heel is going to introduce himself to start the show. And nice interaction between both of you. Setting up Orton major face, very Del Rio major heel. I think we have our PPV bout ready.

First match is a battle of smaller guys. Good choice, get the crowd fired up. Gotta think Kaval to win here. And the two battle, using their skills. Nice little match here, no. Great match, loved it. Really thought you did well with this match. Got me excited for the rest of the show.

Miz and Morrison, I see these two being the mid card guys. By that I mean, too heel vs top face. Like Del Rio and Orton, but of the mid card. I liked the segment, good job.

Back from the break, I have a drink. So it's Zeke vs Hawkins. Only one way this could go. And look at that, Zeke won, nice. I see the monster being built, cool way to start.

Nice little segment with Dolph and Vickie, setting up something special. I see Dolph being a player in this. Being a guy who can get cheap wins, over big guys.

Now here comes a match up. Miz vs Morrison, you did do well in the draft. Really liked this match, the multiple pinfalls, and what not. The match itself was well written, I could see it happening in my head. Morrison gets the win, I think they will meet again.

Now here comes the Main Event. Orton vs Del Rio, and I smell a heel win. Plus, maybe an attack after the match. Good start to the match, oh and Gold Rush is coming. Cool name for a PPV, looking forward to it. And back to the match. They attack, great work in making me see it. As you have done all night. Del Rio with the arm breaker, Orton begins to tap. But wait, he isn't letting go. Call the police! Here come the ref, good luck in stopping him. And finally he is off, I knew something had to happen. So Orton appears to be hurt, I guess he will not be able to compete at Gold Rush. Nice match, and great work in setting up a rematch.

Overall, it was a fine show. The first episode is always the hardest, and I think you did great. Can't wait for the next episode.​
I said I'd give a review and so here it is. Right here, right now. No more waiting around. No further ado. No more painful anticipation. No more sweat-inducing anxiety. Coming right up.

So, yeah, between Miz, Morrison, Sheamus, Del Rio, Orton, etc. etc., you definitely have a good talent pool to draw from, but I'm sure you thought of that while you were picking them.

Kaval and Red are deceptively good picks, even if Red is busy being overshadowed by some guy called Crimson or something in TNA right now. Smart choice for the opener and the correct winner. If anything, I'd say I'm disappointed not to see more TNA talent included but I'm yet to check out your full roster so, you know, I could just be talking out of my arse.

I was going to get all sarcastic about having Jackson go over Hawkins but then I remember he's not even the mildly entertaining one out of the two Edge impersonators. Then Sheamus comes out and, well, they say ebony and ivory live in perfect harmony. I think a better choice for Sheamus is someone that's less physically imposing than him but we'll see how this pans out.

Miz vs. Morrison, well, what can I say? It was the right choice to have Morrison go over.

It was also the right choice for Del Rio to win in a, uh, heel fashion with the added bonus of nerfing Orton's superface powers at the same time. Nobody likes a face that's too dominant, I don't think.

Of the show as a whole, it was rather good. Pretty well written, aside from the fact that I feel that the dialogue can be a little stilted or cliché at times. It'd be my personal preference for the matches to be even more concise but I know some people like to read every detail. And, though you obviously want to get off to a strong start, I think you might have given away too much too soon. I'm also unsure about using yourself as GM, though - as GCB pointed out - it does allow you to stamp your own character, literally, on things.
Also this is a NON-SPAM section, so post wisely.

Air Date: February 1st, 2011


“Now Generation” by the Black Eyed Peas blares throughout the US Bank Arena in Cincinnati, OH. Pyro scatters and the crowd screams in anticipation of Showcase Wrestling.


Theo Mays-Ladies and Gentlemen of Cincinnati, Ohio, welcome to PWA Showcase Wrestling. I of course am Theo Mays, your general manager. But lets cut to the chase. I’m out here to give everyone an update of one of our top superstars, Randy Orton. In case you missed last week, take a look.

*A video airs on the titantron and recaps the attack on Randy Orton from Alberto Del Rio*

Now what Alberto Del Rio did was wrong and uncalled for. Randy Orton will be out indefinitely with a major shoulder injury. We wish Randy the best with a quick and speedy recovery. Alberto Del Rio will receive the most severe punishment of them all. As of today I have terminated Alberto Del Rio’s contract and he is no longer an employee of Showcase Wrestling.


Josh Mathews-Again we welcome you to Showcase Wrestling. I’m Josh Mathews and as always I’ll be joined here each week with Mick Foley.

Mick Foley-While I don’t condone what Del Rio did to Orton, I think Mr. Mays may be taking it too far Josh and you know Del Rio is out here to plead his case.

Alberto Del Rio-MY NAME!!!! My name is Alberto Del Rio, but you already know that. What do you think you are doing Theo? Terminating my contract? I think that would be a bad idea. You see I have the greatest lawyers the world can buy and they warned me you may do this Theo. But they had good news for me when I arrived at the building here in this filth hole they call a city. You can’t fire Theo or else.

Theo Mays-Or else what Del Rio?

Alberto Del Rio-Or else you will lose this precious brand of yours. I will sue you for everything you have built Theo. You have no proof that I caused this damage to Randy Orton’s shoulder. With the injury history surrounding Randy’s shoulder you can’t prove that what I did was what caused the damage. How do you know that Randy didn’t injury that shoulder when he acts like a child and throws a tantrum on the mat? Theo, just admit it, you are fighting a lost cause.

Theo Mays-Well Del Rio if I can’t fire you I’ll be sure to make your life a living hell here on Showcase Wrestling. In fact I think I like that idea a hell of a lot more than just getting rid of you. That way I don’t have to see you succeed elsewhere and I can watch you suffer right in front of me. So with that said Alberto, you will be facing the Samoan Submission Machine, Samoa Joe! Good luck.

Josh Mathews-WOW! You see the look on Del Rio’s face, he can’t believe it Mick. And we get the Showcase Wrestling debut of Samoa Joe!

Mick Foley-If you think Orton is a tough one to handle, just wait until you get into the ring with Samoa Joe. Joe doesn’t like a soul and as his fan’s love to chant, Joe’s gonna kill you. And the scary part is he probably could Josh. Should be another epic main event.

Josh Mathews-And lets not forget Mick we are gonna crown our first champion tonight. As we are going to crown our Intercontinental Champion in a one night tournament featuring Dolph Ziggler, MVP, D’Angelo Dinero, and AJ Styles! Speaking of, lets send it to Justin Roberts for the first match.

Justin Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall and it is a semi-final match in the Intercontinental Championship Tournament!


Justin Roberts-Introducing first, from Gainesville, Georgia…”The Phenomenal” AJ STYLES!

Josh Mathews-Here comes AJ Styles. Many claim that Styles is the best overall wrestler in the business today. And just who will the Phenomenal One face off against here? We will find out after the break.

---------*COMMERCIAL BREAK*---------

Josh Mathews-Welcome back to a hectic Showcase Wrestling here at the US Bank Arena in lovely Cincinnati, Ohio. AJ Styles is in the ring for his semi-final matchup and lets find out who Styles will be going up against.


Justin Roberts-And his opponent from Brooklyn, New York…”The Pope” D’ANGELO DINERO!

Mick Foley-Pope is Pimpin’. Or at least that is what the kids are saying these days.

Josh Mathews-A battle of two former stars of TNA Mick and you know this will be a good one. The speed and athleticism of AJ Styles against the quick striking offense of D’Angelo Dinero.

Mick Foley-These two can go, that’s for sure Josh. Styles and Dinero both have the ability to keep you on the edge of your seat and on a good night they could most certainly keep the action going for an hour plus. We could have a classic on our hands.

(Click Spoiler for Match)
Match Description:
Referee Justin King rings the bell and we are underway. You know who side the crowd is on as chants of “AJ Styles” rains throughout the arena. Pope looks around, stunned that the crowd is behind AJ and not himself. Pope shakes his head and ducks through the ropes and grabs a microphone.

D’Angelo Dinero-Hold the phone, hold the phone. A couple of months ago you were booing this fool in the ring and now you decide you want to chant his name? Where is my congregation at?!? Where are the Pope’s people? The Pope promises you nothing but good things and you know that Pope is there for you. It is the Pope’s time and by joining the Pope’s congregation it is your time too! So stand up, look at your neighbor, take their hand and give the Pope an amen! Now sway back and forth and chant the Pope’s name. Dinero! Dinero! Dinero! Dinero!

Pope meantime has made his way back into the ring still chanting his own name and mic still in hand.

D’Angelo Dinero-The Pope asks that my beautiful congregation remain strong behind Pope as I take care of business tonight. I need my congregation to stay strong and stay behind me as I become Showcase Wrestling’s Intercontinental Champion. Can I get an amen? Tonight, my congregation, Pope will be pim…

Styles has heard enough and he clocks Pope with a right hand. The mic crashes to the mat and the crowd pops as they’ve heard enough from their “pope”. Styles lifts Dinero off the mat and greets him with a series of chops, as the crowd pays tribute to Ric Flair with a “wooooo” following each of the vicious chops from AJ Styles. Dinero falls out of the corner, holding his chest, as you can see it starting to welt up. Styles stays quick on the offensive with a series of forearms to Dinero’s temple. Styles grabs Dinero by the wrist and spins his arm around. Dinero grimaces in pain, as Styles continues to twist the arm. Styles gives Dinero’s arm one more twist, which sends him to the mat, but Dinero pops right back up and takes Styles down to the mat with an arm drag. Styles hops right up as Dinero tries to loosen up his arm. The two men meet in a collar and elbow tie up. After struggling to get advantage, Dinero takes the upper hand with a knee to AJ’s sternum. Styles is bent over and Dinero falls to his back and nails Styles with a lethal right hand, or as Dinero likes to call it “5-up”. Styles flies back and crashes onto the mat. Dinero quickly jumps onto Styles for a cover.


Dinero doesn’t let the Styles kick out slow him down, as he levels Styles with a series of forearms and fists. Styles is still down on the mat as Dinero stands up and poses for his congregation. He is responded to with a round of jeers and boos. Dinero slowly approaches Styles, who is pulling himself up. Dinero helps Styles up the rest of the way, but smashes him with an elbow across the bridge of the nose. AJ holds his nose as he falls through the middle ropes to the outside. Dinero eggs Justin King to get to counting Styles out.

7… (Styles begins to stir as he grasps at the ring skirt.)

Styles is whobbly on his feet. The referee is about to hit ten, but Styles desperately lunges into the ring before the ten count. Dinero hops right back into things and begins to stomp a mudhole into the back and neck of AJ Styles. Dinero just keeps the boots coming until the referee has to move him back. Dinero nudges King out of the way and goes back to laying the boots into Styles. King grabs Pope by the waist to separate him Styles. Dinero yells at King, who reminds Dinero that he is the ref and will disqualify him if he keeps it up. Pope innocently puts his hands up like he did nothing wrong. King backs away and Dinero drives his elbow into the neck of Styles. Dinero rolls Styles over and covers him.


Pope thought he had the match in the bag, but Styles, the ring veteran that he is, knew his whereabouts and got his foot on the rope. Dinero yells for Styles to stay down. Styles rolls over and grabs the ropes to pull himself up. Dinero shakes his head as AJ is on his feet, but needs the ropes to keep himself up. Pope charges the wounded Styles, but AJ ducks and back body drops Pope over the top rope and crashing to the outside. The crowd begins to make some noise, hoping to get AJ some energy to get back into the contest. Styles is still woozy, as Pope starts to stand up. Styles gets a burst of energy and bounces off the ropes. AJ gets to the ropes nearest Dinero and flips over them, landing on Dinero below. Both men fall and land onto the barricade behind them. The crowd is going nuts and is once again chanting the name of AJ Styles. Both men are out cold on the outside and Justin King begins his ten count.

6… (AJ begins to crawl towards the ring, as Pope tries to pull himself up using the security wall)

8…(AJ goes to get in, but Dinero stops him and pushes him to the ground. However AJ pulls Dinero’s tights and he goes with him)
9… (Both men are quick to their feet and dive in before the ten count)

Both men are now on their knees throwing lefts and rights at each other. Each punch AJ connects the crowd reacts with “YEAH!” and every Pope punch the crowd responds with “BOO!”. The two still are throwing haymakers and start to get to their feet, with the punches at a standstill. Dinero gains the upper hand and pushes AJ into the ropes and nails him in the midsection with a knee which sends Styles flipping onto the canvas below. Pope goes for a quick cover.


Dinero is furious as he slams down on the mat. Dinero lifts AJ up off the canvas and whips him into the nearby turnbuckle. Dinero follows suit, but Styles counters with both of his boots nailing Dinero in the kisser. AJ leaps up to the middle rope and awaits a turning Pope. Pope staggers in his turn and Styles connects with a huge dropkick, which nearly knocked Pope to the outside. AJ quickly crawls to Dinero and pulls him from under the ring ropes and makes a cover.


The crowd groans as they thought AJ had the match won. Styles hops right off the cover and stalks a stirring Pope. Dinero sits up, but is immediately knocked back down as Styles nails a falling clothesline, nailing Dinero right in the jugular. Like dust in the wind Styles goes to the apron and the crowd knows what is coming next. Styles springboards onto the ropes and goes for the 450 splash, but Dinero is right there and Styles crashes down to the mat. Pope pulls himself up with a smirk on his face and pointing to his brain to show off his smarts. Styles crawls towards the corner as Dinero slowly makes his way to the opposite corner. Pope rolls down his knee pads and starts slapping his thighs, as he awaits the DDE (D’Angelo Dinero Express). AJ is propped up in the corner, back towards Pope and he charges. Pope dives knee first towards Styles, but AJ rolls out of the way and Dinero crashes in the turnbuckle. The crowd erupts as AJ still has a chance. Dinero rolls around on the mat holding his knees and AJ is slow to his feet. AJ is exhausted as he leans up against the ropes to maintain balance. In the meantime Dinero is back to his feet. AJ pushes himself off the ropes and Dinero charges with a right hand. AJ ducks it and Pope flies past him. AJ has him set up perfectly and Dinero turns and is nailed with the Pele kick! The crowd senses that the end is near for Pope. Styles throws his arms across his chest signaling the end. AJ picks Pope up off the mat and tucks Dinero’s head between his legs. AJ throws his arms out to the crowd’s delight and he lifts Pope up and drops him down face first with a Styles Clash. Styles rolls Pope over into a pinning predicament.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall and advancing to the finals of the Intercontinental Championship tournament…AJ STYLES!

Josh Mathews-Mick the only word coming to mind right now is phenomenal. Simply put AJ Styles proved tonight that he belongs here on Showcase Wrestling.

Mick Foley-Couldn’t have said better myself Josh. Styles is widely considered to be the best wrestler in the business and tonight he was just that, the best!

Josh Mathews-Now the question remains, who will Styles being facing in the final later on tonight. Will it be MVP or Vicki Guerrero’s love interest Dolph Ziggler?

---------*COMMERCIAL BREAK*---------
Scott Stanford-Welcome back to Showcase Wrestling. It gives me great pleasure to bring to you at this time…..

The Miz-THEO!!! THEO MAYS!!!!

Scott Stanford-Miz, what a surprise. What can I do for ya?

The Miz-Where is that no good so called general manager of ours? Huh? Who does he think he is telling The Miz what to do? What gives him the right to buy stock in the biggest wrestling promotion this world has to offer? Tell me Scott, tell me!

Scott Stanford-Well, uhh…

The Miz-Exactly. Theo Mays is a nobody. And if he was a somebody he certainly is nowhere near my level. You see Scott I’m going to introduce the world into the fraud that is Theo Mays. He wants to go around favoring his favorite superstars, he is gonna drive this company into the ground. You’ll see Scott Stanford, the world will see how much of a fraud he really is.

Josh Mathews-Some harsh words from Miz there Mick, sounds like someone is still not over losing. Coming up next however we find out who AJ Styles will take on in our main event this evening in the finals of the Intercontinental Tournament. Take it away Justin!

Justin Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall and it is a semi-final match in the Intercontinental Championship Tournament and the winner will face AJ Styles in the finals for the championship!


Justin Roberts-Introducing first, from Miami, Florida...Montel Vontavious Porter, MVP!

Josh Mathews-Here comes Showcase Wrestling’s very own Ballin’ superstar, MVP!

Mick Foley-At one point MVP was the hottest free agent in wrestling and tabbed as one of wrestling’s rising stars. MVP hasn’t lived up to those standards quite yet, but he has the chance right now to become a top player here tonight.


Justin Roberts-And his opponent accompanied by Vicki Guerrero, from Hollywood, Florida…DOLPH ZIGGLER!

Josh Mathews-Vicki Guerrero tells me that Dolph Ziggler is the epitome of perfection Mick. Can Dolph become champ here tonight?

Mick Foley-Who gave Vicki Guerrero the permission to claim anything as perfect. ZING! Ziggler certainly has the talent to succeed, a former IC champ in his own right. Many think Vicki is the reason for his success and you can’t argue that Josh. It certainly gives Ziggler the edge having her in his corner.

(Click Spoiler for Match)
Match Description:
Head official, Charles Robinson has been assigned the match and rings the bell. Ziggler and MVP circle around the ring before locking up in a collar and elbow tie up. Ziggler gains the edge quickly, locking MVP in a traditional headlock. Ziggler screams at the crowd as MVP shoves him into the ropes. Ziggler bounces off the ropes and MVP drills Ziggler with an elbow connecting with the bridge of his nose. Ziggler falls to the mat and immediately rolls out of the ring. Vicki screams on the outside and Ziggler has her check on the condition of his nose. MVP tries to get himself to the outside, but Charles Robinson holds him back. Ziggler yells at MVP to get back so he can get back into the ring. MVP backs off and Ziggler hops onto the apron and gets back into the ring. The two men again lock in a collar and elbow tie up. This time MVP wins the lockup and he flips Ziggler over onto the mat. MVP is right to his feet and drops an elbow across the chest of Ziggler and immediately goes into a cover.


MVP lifts Ziggler off the mat and throws him into the corner and is quick to nail Ziggler with a clothesline. Ziggler falls out of the corner and MVP climbs up and waits on the middle rope. Robinson checks on Ziggler, meanwhile Vicki grabs onto MVP’s leg. P tries to shake her off but Ziggler is up to his feet and pushes MVP over the ropes to the outside. Referee Charles Robinson begins his count.

4… (Ziggler tries to get outside the ring, but Robinson holds him back. During this altercation Vicki drills the heels of her boots into MVP. Vicki lifts P up and rolls him into the ring)

Ziggler is quick to jump on the cover.


Ziggler slams on the mat and yells “COME ON!” as Robinson tells him it was just a two count. Ziggler jumps to laying the boots into MVP. Ziggler pulls MVP off the mat and smacks him in the face. MVP falls to one knee and Ziggler charges the rope and nails P in the head with a boot. Ziggler stands over MVP and does his trademark hair fling. Dolph jumps high into the air and drops a huge elbow upon MVP’s chest. Ziggler gets up and taunts the crowd as Vicki cheers him on. Ziggler heads over to MVP and makes a cover.


Ziggler can’t believe that MVP kicked out again. Dolph grabs MVP and picks him up off the mat. Ziggler kicks MVP in the gut and heads towards the ropes. Ziggler charges the ropes and goes for the FameAsser, but MVP dodges out of the way and Dolph crashes to the mat. He holds the backside of his thigh as Vicki looks on with concern. P waits for Ziggler to get up and he drops him with a clothesline. Ziggler is quick to his feet and again P drops him with a clothesline. Ziggler is again quick to his feet, but P drops him with a back body drop. MVP is feeling it and he has the crowd on their feet. MVP signals for his trademark Ballin’ elbow. P runs across the ropes, does his trademark dance, crowd chants BALLIN’ as MVP signals it, and drops an elbow across Ziggler’s chest. MVP gets ready to hit Ziggler with the 305 but Vicki hops on the apron and starts yelling at Charles Robinson and MVP. P puts his attention on Vicki as Robinson tries to get her off the apron. MVP has his back turned and Dolph is up. Ziggler runs across the ring and drops MVP with a Zig Zag. Vicki hops off the apron as Ziggler rolls MVP up.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall and advancing to the finals of the Intercontinental Championship tournament…DOLPH ZIGGLER!

Josh Mathews-Oh come on now! MVP was robbed here tonight Mick. Dolph Ziggler once again benefits from Vicki Guerrero.

Mick Foley-Well Josh, what the ref don’t see don’t hurt. Ziggler looked to be beat, but that quick distraction from Vicki gave Dolph enough time to capitalize.

---------*COMMERCIAL BREAK*---------

Josh Mathews-Welcome back to Showcase Wrestling. Earlier tonight we saw AJ Styles defeat The Pope and Dolph Ziggler defeated MVP to move onto the finals of the Intercontinental Championship tournament. So in our main event tonight it will be Dolph Ziggler against AJ Styles. Coming up next howev…


Mick Foley-Looks like Sheamus doesn’t care about our main event tonight. Lets see what the king of Showcase wrestling has in store for us shall we.

Sheamus-Once again Theo Mays overlooks the King. What gives him the right to leave King Sheamus off the cards? I don’t know what is wrong with the fella, but he seems to rub some people around here the wrong way. He saw what I did to Ezekiel Jackson last week. I’m the true most dominant force here on Showcase Wrestling, not Ezekiel Jackson. So tonight I’m going to make sure Theo Mays recognizes what talent I truly possess. I will wait in this ring until someone answer my challenge for a match tonight!


Kaval-Sheamus if it is a challenge you are looking for then it is a challenge I will give you. I’m the World Warrior and I know that I can defeat any superstar on any given day.

Sheamus-You want to challenge the King? I hate to break it to you pipsqueak but you don’t stand a chance against me. And if you think you can defeat me fella well then you must be delusional. If you step in this ring little fella it’ll be the worse decision of your life.

(Click Spoiler for Match)
Match Description:
Kaval runs to the ring like his house is on fire and Sheamus pounces on him with clubs to the back as Jack Doan rings the bell. Sheamus lifts Kaval up and drops him with a vicious clothesline. Sheamus panders to the crowd as they boo him heavily. Sheamus grabs Kaval and lifts him up off the mat. Sheamus pushes Kaval into the ropes and goes for the Irish Hammer, but Kaval rolls out of the way. Sheamus is stunned and Kaval greets the turning Sheamus with a series of kicks to his thighs. Kaval has Sheamus thrown off his game and charges the ropes and goes into a cartwheel and nails Sheamus in the head with a spinning kick. Sheamus falls to a knee and Kaval nails Sheamus in the chest with two kicks followed by another kick to Sheamus’ cranium. Sheamus falls to the mat and the crowd pops in anticipation of the upset. Kaval climbs to the top rope and has Sheamus set up for the Warrior’s Way. Kaval jumps from the ropes, but Sheamus dodges the move. Kaval lands awkwardly and limps after the landing. Sheamus is up to his feet and charges Kaval and goes for the Brogue Kick, but Kaval ducks. Kaval goes for another series of kicks to Sheamus, but Sheamus counters the attack by grabbing one of Kaval’s legs. Sheamus flips Kaval over and Kaval smashes into the mat face first. The crowd groans as if they are feeling Kaval’s pain. Sheamus stalks Kaval as he is slow to his feet. Kaval staggers up and turns around and Sheamus nearly takes his head off with a Brogue Kick. A smirk emerges onto Sheamus’ face as he lifts Kaval’s motionless body off the mat and puts his head between his legs. Sheamus lifts Kaval up and throws Kaval halfway across the ring with a High Cross. Sheamus covers Kaval and throws a forearm in for good measures.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…SHEAMUS!

Josh Mathews-A dominant performance from the Celtic King Sheamus. Kaval just seemed out of his element here tonight and once Sheamus got going it was all over from there.

Mick Foley-Don’t let his performance fool you here. We know what Kaval capable of, just watch last week’s match against Red. Kaval just stepped into the ring with a man who had the fire in his eyes to destroy whoever stepped in his path. I guess there is nothing left to do but hail the king!

Theo Mays-Cowboy James Storm!

James Storm-Teddy Bear Theo Mays!

Theo Mays-Hey I notice the Money half is missing, what’s up?

James Storm-Eh you know Bobby, out doing some business thing earning some more money so I can buy me some more beer haha. He’ll be back next week boss, don’t you worry. Speaking of next week, how bout a favor for your favorite cowboy? You know, toss me and Bobby a match.

Theo Mays-Well ya know what James…

Heath Slater-Hold your applause please, hold your applause!

James Storm-Pshhhh! And I thought I was the hick around these parts. Who's this silly ginger?

Heath Slater-You think you’re a real wise guy don’t cha? Do you know who you are talking to?

James Storm-Actually I don’t.

Heath Slater-I am the One Man Rock Band. And I’m here to blow…your…mind.

James Storm-Hey now partner, I don't roll that way.

Theo Mays-Guys that’s enough. James Storm meet Heath Slater. What can I do for you Heath?

Heath Slater-I’m here wondering why my talents haven’t been used here on Showcase Wrestling. Look at me. I have everything you need to be a superstar. I’m the One Man Rock Band baby.

James Storm-Wait that is seriously your nickname? You ain’t goin’ nowhere kid.

Heath Slater-I’m goin’ places cowboy. I’ll do more than you could ever imagine and I do…

From behind Justin Gabriel jumps James Storm, knocking him to the ground. Theo tries to break up the fight, but Slater and Gabriel lay into Storm. Slater lifts Storm’s beer bottle up off the ground as Gabriel pulls Storm up. Slater winds back and smashes the beer bottle across the head of James Storm, who crashes to the floor unconscious. Slater bends down and whispers in Storm’s ear.

Heath Slater-How’s that for an impact cowboy? How about you bring your partner next week and we settle this in the ring.

Slater and Gabriel leave Theo’s office. Theo immediately checks on the status of James Storm and calls out for help, as a pool of bleed surfaces under Storm’s motionless head.

---------*COMMERCIAL BREAK*---------​

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