Punks Wins! Punk Wins!


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That is no doubt what JR will be shouting win CM Punk wins his next world title (king already said it). But when will he do it? Will he do it Sunday in his home town? Or how about in his home town for the Raw Roulette? Or will he be the first person to cash in the money and lose? Will it even be him to cash it in?

There is no question that Punk is a phenomal wrestler, creative has just been putting him in the wrong place. Imagine how a feud with Edge would go. With him cashing in on Sunday and having to defend it at Extreme Rules.

However he could pull an RVD and not do a surprise cash in and actually win it on his own, which would be an even more special event. It could be an Eddie Guerrero/Chris Benoit/Jeff Hardy "Finally winning it" moment.

So what do you think?
Well he's already been champ, and hasn't really been around for that long, so I don't think it would be a "finally winning it moment." If he did cash it in I don't really think it would be extreme rules, nothing about Punk or a potential feud has implied that.

Also, I really think that he's going to cash in the briefcase and LOSE (though I don't know when). He's won MITB twice and every winner has gone on to win the title. That just cannot happen every single year. Seeing as how he's gotten it twice I see him losing. If he does it'll likely be a setup for a championship feud and he'll win it later on.
Well, being a big fan of CM punk, I would not mind him winning the belt again.
But for the good of his character in the long run, I think he should cash in and lose. If he cashes in and wins cheaply as he did before (even though it was the best moment in wrestling all of last year) The fans will once again, not fully be sold on his character. If he were a heel of course, this would garner major heat, even though it would just be a retread on what Edge has already done. I feel he should either lose the match he cashes in on or get screwed out of the briefcase, If he does this could plant the seed for him to fight his way back up the mountain and garner a much bigger match for his character some months down the road.

I think his feud with Umaga could be a start in the right direction as he needs to have some feuds that stand out. Maybe even have him hang on to the briefcase for some time and let this feud with Umaga play out over a couple PPVS (punk/Umaga would look great on the extreme rulez card, it surely helped jeff hardy out last year didnt it?) then say in the build towards summerslam, put him into a program with Jericho, a guy he has history and a score to settle with already. Jericho/punk in a ladder match for the briefcase could be damn good to watch.

maybe Punk gets screwed out of his briefcase by a worried Edge, only to be beaten by the man he helped, Jericho, the man who once again stole the belt out fom under Punk. Now thats a decent storyline IMO.
it would secure punks status as a determined face with the deck stacked against him in classic fashion.

I love punk, he is one of my favorites, but I want to see his character grow into one that will last. I don't think throwing the belt on him again so quickly will help that. Orton held the belt once in 03, then didnt hold it again until four years later and it seems to have helped him out just a tad.
all that said. i'll still cheer if punk wins the belt again, lol.
CM Punk has been putting in quite a few man hours attempting to screw over Edge here and there lately, and then you have good ol' Umaga to f*ck him over every which way. I was actually surprised that when Punk tried to get Edge the first time by trying cashing in the case, the officials didn't take it.

I really don't want any title put on Punk... yet. Like it was mentioned above, an Umaga/Punk rivalry will give some more credit and attention towards Punk (if he so happens to win significantly and where it counts), and maybe build something for later on. I do agree that Punk took me by complete surprise that he cashed in on Edge last year, but I don't want to see that happen again.

I also want to see Punk lose the chance and build a feud with the current champ that way. Say, for instance, Edge beats Hardy this Sunday, and Punk tries to cash in right there after Edge's win, loses to a lightning quick Edgecution (payback for last year, obviously), and it makes for a legit storyline between Edge/Punk, having Punk possibly win the belt later on.
For the past 2 weeks CM Punk has attempted to cash in money in the bank. So there is no doubt in my mind he will attempt to cash it in again, but will he actually be able to cash it is the question. Hopefully, Jericho will lose his IC title match against Mysterio and then go after Punk. Which hopefully will culminate to a triple threat match between edge jericho and cm
This whole ascension to the title thing has to be way more thought out than it was last year. We do not want a repeat of last year. Those of us who want what's best for WWE want Punk to succeed and become a proper, legit main eventer.

First off, he CANNOT, under any circumstances cash in at Judgement Day or the night after Judgement Day, no matter how much he may or may not kick Umaga's ass. He's simply not ready.
He needs to work the feud with Umaga, then he needs an experienced wrestler to take him to the next level and give him a classic match. Like Foley did for Edge and Orton.
I think the man to elevate Punk has to be Jericho. We've seen what they can do with 7 minutes on Raw, they could tear the house down with 15 minutes on a PPV. And Jericho would help Punk improve his mic skills, not that he needs it that much.

Then he needs to come out during a champions promo, tell the champ he's cashing in at the next PPV, be built up as a huge threat but still the underdog and finally take the title in a fashion all Punk fans have been waiting to see. And he needs a good title reign too, one to completely erase the last one.
I don't think Punk will be ready till at least Summerslam. But if it were up to me, I would wait till Survivor Series and let him win it there. It would be great to watch. Or even if they did all that for Punk to make him look like a main eventer and then he lost the title match I wouldn't mind so much. Just as long as he's had a chance to prove critics wrong and gained enough skill to be in the title picture for years to come.
I personally would prefer to see Umaga flatten him and then steal the briefcase.

That won't happen however, but he still shouldn't do it for months imo. It would just make the moment so much better. Remember when Edge won the first MITB. He held the briefcase for so long that people forgot he even had it. That's what i feel they should do with Punk. Get him in a couple of mid-card fueds like this Umaga one, but add a few more opportunities to speak on the mic, and then cash it in around Armageddon time......... AND LOSE!!!!!!!
I firmly believe that Punk is going to be the first person to cash in and not win. If they had given the case to another rising star, failing to win would have buried them. That's not a problem for Punk as he's already won it.
It's interesting that Umaga has interfered so consistently. I'm starting to wonder if Edge has hired him as a bodyguard.
I think the WWE should go in the direction of having a Triple Threat Championship match at Night Of Champions like they would usually do. Then have Punk use his MITB to enter himself into that match. Its definitely an original idea. It would also add to the realism of him losing legitimately, as well as if he won, it would boost his credibility tremendously.
I see it going one of two ways:

1) Punk has his match early in the night with Umaga on Sunday. Edge and Jeff will come out for their match later in the night. Punk will then come out before the match starts and announce he's cashing in now that Umaga is taken care of. It will officially be a triple threat when the bells rings. Punk wins. That way he won't look heelish like he did last year since he sort of announced it ahead of time and he will have already gone through one match.

2) As soon as Judgment Day is over everyone moves on and Punk doesn't try to cash in again for a looooong time.

Punk has to either cash in tomorrow night or just shut up. If he keeps half-trying it's going to look ridiculous.
Mark my words, if Punk cashes in at Judgement Day(in his hometown), he's gonna first to cash in and LOSE! Doing so in front of his hometown crowd will leave him distraught & then we will see Punk turn hill! I GUARANTEE it! I'll give away rep points to ANYBODY who doubts this(if it doesn't happen)!
Yes,I would rather have Punk built up in a fued against Umaga,rather than them shoving him into the title picture.Have his fued be 2 months and have him turn heel.Faces winning the title are like a kleenex,you use one and throw it away.
IMO i think Punk may hold onto the briefcase until Wrestlemania if he stays face since yet again all signs point to Jeff Hardy leaving thus putting Punk as the top face on Smackdown or at least until Taker' comes back.Theres some great fueds he can have with the mid card like Jericho,Umaga,Shelton(which would be over the case if they got in a feud) to polish him up,if he cashes it in on Edge before Survivor Series in my mind theres a 95% chance he looses,but what if they throw a curve ball and he cashes in on the WWE Champ,oh well just a thought
I just had a crazy idea for how Punk could cash in, lose, and still look great.

He should keep going the way he's going now, have feuds with midcard and veteran guys, picking up big wins, maybe a King of the Ring or IC title reign thrown in there for greater effect.

Then the Royal Rumble comes. Punk comes out before the actual Rumble match starts after beating whoever he's feuding with at that time. He says something like "At Wrestlemania, I'm planning to cash in for the World Title. So I suggest whoever wins the rumble tonight challenges the WWE champion, cause trust me, you won't wanna get in my way."
So the winner of the Rumble goes after the WWE champion and Punk starts feuding with the World heavyweight champion. Let's say the WHC is Edge.

Wrestlemania 25 comes around. 3rd last match on the card, before whatever divas match is on and the WWE championship match it's Edge vs CM Punk. They put on a great match, possibly match of the night. Punk nails the GTS, the crowd lets out a huge pop as the crowd counts 1-2-3 along with the ref. Punk's theme music goes off and Punk is handed the title, with a huge smile on Punk's face. He starts celebrating, standing on the second rope showing his newly won title to the adoring crowd.
Suddenly he hear's "excuse me! Excuse me!" It's Vickie Guerrero. She says something like "Punk, the MitB contract says you are allowed get a title shot anywhere, any time for up to a year. But this is Aprilright now it's a year and one hour since you won your money in the bank contract. It expired one hour ago. This title win is null an void."
You see the anger in CM Punk face and hear the deafening boos from the crowd. Punk turns around suddenly gets speared by Edge, who grabs the title and gets the hell out of there.

That would make Punk look great, make the fans love him even more, and make Edge's heel heat the strongest it's ever been. It makes the Punk/Edge feud go on longer and get more personal. And Punk technically would lose the MitB cash-in, which was what everyone apparently wants to see.

You just have to ignore that Wrestlemania 26 is actually a week before the year was actually up....
so, CM Punk is 'Mr. Money in the Bank', its not a title as such but how about this...

Night Of Champions is not too far away, what if CM Punk gets into a feud with one of the others (Umaga, Jericho or someone else) and they hype it to fuck, culminating in Punk putting his MITB case on the line, either at NoC or sometime else and loses it. Seem to remember the MITB case being put on the line in a singles matchup a few years back... Punk loses the case and we have a new Mr. MITB?

What do you think of that?!
Unless goes down with injury or somebody miraculously gets over with the fans so much that it overshadows Punk, I doubt they will have the case change hands. Bear in mind the only reason Mr. Kennedy lost the case was because they thought he would be sidelined for a considerable amount of time, not because they wanted to swerve the audience. The only reason for a case to change hands would be to put the title on somebody else and other than Punk right now, at least in the SmackDown title picture, there is no other mid-carder more over with the fans than Punk.
What if Jeff wins and then after his moment of glory CM Punk challenges him to a fair mach? I mean, Punk will be better rested but still would be nice. if not he better waits until Summerslam, I mean the crap of cashing when the champ is down is getting old.
I think the best MITB holder so far has been RVD: reason being that he challenged Cena at a PPV in advance, allowed it to build, and had an incredible match. It didn't make RVD look like a mid-carder who snuck in there (like Punk's first title win) but elevated him and created some excitement for his next time in the ring. I hope that Punk doesn't sneak up on Edge again, making his second title reign just like his first. I would love to see him cash it in at Summerslam vs. Edge and let them really build it up to elevate Punk.
it would be good to see the MITB case seem to mean something again... MITB is always a good match, and with WWEs new PG rating its not that often we get to see no DQ style matches anymore. wos a slight disappointment that Punk won it again, they better do something worthwhile with it. either a good solid Punk singles victory or add something else to the mix. Just hope he doesnt cash it in at the end of JD tonight, got an exam tomorrow so cant watch it (damn UK being so far behind the US!) i'll see if i can catch a rerun stream tomorrow... this card should live up to the expectations!
Punk should cash in and win the belt towards the end of this year or early 2010. What is the point in him winning and then not getting the belt? It's predictable but I don't see anything wrong with that. Having him lose his title match undermines the concept.

They also need to have a properly booked match. They're teasing it almost every week, if he was to come and cash it there and then it wouldn't get much of a reaction. Same could be said for a match, that's why WWE should start to book him strongly now.
i don't think that if punk cashes in the MITB briefcase he should lose. i think he should win. if you lose it tarnishes the value of the MITB briefcase and it is'nt that golden ticket to the main event anymore it's just another ladder match. but i think punk should use the next few months to turn heel in some way or actually turn heel while cashing it in. say jeff wins at judgment day and is world heavyweight champion. then on the net friday night smackdown he has a title defense against a heel (edge or jericho) he wins off of punks interference. and the fans are happy that he retained. they're both celebrating in the ring when punk bahses his brains in with the briefcase. hits the GTS and wins the world title in a backstabbing heel way
I think he should cash it in on Edge tonight, hit a GTS and have Edge kick out. Then Punk goes for it again and Edge reverses it for a spear. Even though this might ruin Punk's rep, it will make Edge a bigger star than he is right now. Give him that warrior credit. Punk could either start a feud with Edge or just go down for the IC title.
I think he should cash it in on Edge tonight, hit a GTS and have Edge kick out. Then Punk goes for it again and Edge reverses it for a spear. Even though this might ruin Punk's rep, it will make Edge a bigger star than he is right now. Give him that warrior credit. Punk could either start a feud with Edge or just go down for the IC title.

So basically, take what the MitB is supposed to do and completely ignore it?

Money in the Bank is what the WWE use to give title shots to guys who aren't quite ready yet. Winning MitB means the midcard guy gets a title shot without going over already established talent and he has time to be built up so he's ready for the title by the time he cashes it in.

Are you a vicious Punk hater? Cause Edge kicking out of the GTS, followed by Edge spearing Punk through a reversal of the GTS makes Punk look bad. Doing it all after Edge has been through a tough match with Jeff Hardy makes Punk look even worse. And that's the last thing Punk needs right now as he's getting his credibility back on track.
And it makes the whole MitB thing and the whole midcard look like shit. If this happened with Punk, it's basically saying "this was the best guy in the MitB match, and essentially the best guy in the midcard, and he couldn't pin the champion who was beaten up with his finishing move. If this guy is the best our midcard has to offer, our midcard must be terrible."
WWE can't afford to have Punk look like shit. And they can't afford to have the midcard or MitB look like shit.

And Edge doesn't need to made into a bigger star. Anyone who's big enough to be a 9 time champion does not need to be made bigger. And since Edge is coming out of his prime now, he should be doing what he can to make younger stars bigger.

There's 3 reasons why your suggestion is stupid, pick your fave.
Hows this for originality... CM Punk DOES wait til Wrestlemania next year... wins the main event of the evening for the gold... but wait! The money in the bank winner from earlier in the night comes out and cashes in to take the gold... CM Punk wins at wrestlemania... but now youve got a midcarder with the title and an immediate rivalry coming out of the biggest event of the year!

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