PUNKAMANIA #2: Are you with or against "CM Punk" Chants?

What are your thoughts on "CM Punk" chants?

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Ever since Cm Punk left, there have been loud Cm Punk chants.

What do you think of the Cm Punk chants?

Do you enjoy hearing Cm Punk chants on RAW/ PPVs or does these chants annoy you??

Personally, I'm against those chants. It's ok if they were chanted at comedy acts and lame gimmicks but chanting them in a 20 man battle royal for the US title or a Reigns vs Wyatt match or a Daniel Bryan promo / match is disrespectful to all these guys and as a fan, it's annoying to hear them, it means that the fans just aren't interested to that certain wrestler.

Also, Punk is not in his home begging WWE to bring him back, he doesn't even want to come back. He left on his own and I doubt he wants to come back anytime soon.

Just let him live his life and stop that chant (My opinion).

What are your thoughts??
This gets to a larger picture, in my opinion. WWE fans are too cool for their own good at this point. When you start chanting something obnoxious instead of just going along with the match, cheering for the good guys, booing the bad guys, it detracts from everyone else's experience.

If I'm watching Cena v. Wyatt, and all I hear is CM PUNK CM PUNK, that annoys me and takes away from my experience.

When it's Batista v. Bryan, and we hear "JBL JBL" "JERRY LAWLER!" etc. It ruins the matches for me.

The audience in recent years has come to believe that they are more important than the actual show, especially in smark havens like Chicago, Philly, or London. Stop chanting stupid shit, and either be bored with a match and get a beer refill or cheer for the match in the ring, like a fan is supposed to do.

So, to answer the question, yes, I hate the CM Punk chants, and they have no place in the WWE.
I for one hate them. I think way too much attention is being paid to a guy who quit on everybody. Imagine LeBron or Kobe or any other top athlete in the final year of their contract decides in January (a few months before the playoffs starts) he doesn't like the direction the team is going and they probably won't make the playoffs, so he quits without any explanation leaving teammates and ownership to answer questions about his whereabout. He would be the most vilified athlete in sports history not only in the fans eyes but also with the players and the players union. I highly doubt they would even want him back because quitting on your team is the ultimate sign of disrespect.

Look at Manny Ramirez having to eat humble pie going back to Boston for the 04 championship reunion. He quit on them (at one point said he injured his knee and forgot which knee he told the coaches he injured) in 08 to force a trade because of his contract situation and this past week he had to do A LOT of apologizing. So I don't get why everyone is clamoring for CM Punk. He quit and basically said "screw you, I don't need to explain my life to you. Have fun cheering for whomever they try to replace me with."

All in all, no I don't like the chants of his name and it's complete disrespect to the performers in the ring to chant someone else's name especially that of someone who screwed the fans.
I'm a punk fan but the chants are problematic. What the fans don't realize is that if the chants continue, WWE has to edit the crowd reactions on pre-taped shows and eventually when the shows are on the Network, they will be edited and fans will complain. If Punk has made no effort, the fans shouldn't either. When Austin left, When the Rock left, when a bunch of guys left in the past, no one chanted their names more than a week. The WHAT chants still continue today but you never heard AUSTIN AUSTIN AUSTIN. The fans need to move on.
I don't object to them. People should be allowed to chant what they want. That doesn't mean, however, I like them. I find the CM Punk chants pretty irritating.

If the crowd isn't being entertained then I get they need to find something to entertain them. That is definitely a problem the WWE need to solve because they can be distracting. Moreover, it is a disservice to the wrestlers in the ring.

Chanting for Punk is an odd one. HE walked out. HE quit on the WWE and shouldn't be treated as a hero. I think Punk was a superb wrestler (one of the best from this generation) but he is gone and left in awful terms. I don't understand the temptation of chanting his name other than feeling like a rebel which is kind off pathetic.

The Punk chants are stupid but they won't be going away soon. I'd prefer them to stop sooner rather than later but I reckon they will slowly fade away.
I love them. I actually have never cared what the fans chant as it is their right to chant whatever and I know the people are just trying to have fun but as a CM Punk mark they make me really happy lol I actually chant along when I hear them on the tv. I think I like it so much just because I know it definitely irritates the people in the ring and it also shows that I'm not the only one who misses him. It's just fans showing support of a man and letting the company know who they want to see whether it's their fault he left or not. It's like chanting "macho man". Obviously he can't come back but people show that they would love to see him and still support him till this day and chant his name pretty much in his memory.
I think its fine, we as consumers purchase the tickets to experience the WWE the way we want to, the WWE says it all the time. We buy the tickets so we have the right to chant whatever it is we want. Just because it bothers other wrestlers or fans isnt a reason to stop. Im sure the EHAT chants bother people but I dont see anyone complaining there. So relax and enjoy the WWE. I love the chants, I chant too lol
So, if you purchase a ticket, you have the right the ruin the experience for someone else sitting right beside you, and they purchased a ticket, and have no right to enjoy the show without stupid idiotic asshole shit chants like CM PUNK! during a John Cena match?
I agree with you at some points. In general, I love the Punk chants. They show how much people need Punk back and it basically makes the crowd get involved at some segments that would otherwise be dead. I have no problem with Punk chants at stupid segments. I do have a problem with those chants though in high tier segments that don't even revolve around Punk, EXCEPT if there is some indirect shot at him.

Bray vs Cena. There is no meaning in a Punk chant right there. The WWE knows we miss Punk, but chanting his name during that segment will ruin the segment itself for the other people.

Bryan-Stephanie promo. The fans have every reason to chant for Punk here, because technically, they are kinda in a search of a new champ and Punk is one of the crowds' favorite. Also, implying that Bryan is leaving, chanting Punk's name might also be an indirect shot to the WWE about the lack of main event talent, that we essentially have to rely on Pun now that Bryan is injured.

There are obviously a lot of situations with different weights here and there, but for the most part, I enjoy the chants. Like it or not, they give life to many dead/uninteresting segments, but they can also ruin others.


It amazes Me that ANYBODY respects this guy. He is known behind the scenes to be a DYCK and he is openly a QUITTER!!!!

noTORRIEus brought up the scenario using sports figures and I loved it but I will continue to use SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT figures. Imagine that DB won the RR and Orton was supposed to drop the belt to Bryan at WM30 but a few weeks out he decided I should close the night by dropping the belt to Batista. Triple H says NO so Orton says I don't like the direction the WWE is going with vanilla midgets and just WALKS away. No explaination.... Nothing.... Just leaves and NEVER RESPONDS TO THE COMPANY OR THE FANS....

How many of U Dickriders would be saying "Man I respect Orton for THAT! He is a real Man who stands up for what he believes in!"


But U same Dumb Asses chant for PUNK all throughout the program.... SO STUPID!!!'

Oh and then all of U guys who scream for Change chant over segments involving The Shield, Bray Wyatt, Dolph Ziggler, Bray Wyatt, and Daniel Bryan. THE SAME GUYS U WANT PUSHED U SHOW NO INTEREST IN BY CHANTING OVER THEIR SEGMENTS!!!!

That is soooooo beyond Stupid I don't know what to say:banghead:

The worst part is it's not like Punk was fired.... HE QUIT!!!!

The WWE wanted him to stay and HE QUIT.... Basically after getting EVERYTHING HE ASKED FOR.....


REPEATEDLY!!!! :confused: :banghead: :confused: :banghead:
Let's be honest, the guy will be remembered as a whiner, cryer and complainer turned heel while he was champ. Every bit he did was complaining. Glad he's gone. Unfortunately, the remaining product is just as bad.
The CM Punk chants are probably the most annoying, gut-wrenching part of the WWE today... And that's saying something... I literally want to change the channel when the chants start up because I'm SO SICK of the fans burying wrestlers who WANT to be there for some upper-midcarder who quit on them. The chants really show how impatient and ignorant this new generation of wrestling fans (or new generation period) are. When there is a 10 second lull in a match, we get BORING chants, when 2 guys who the fans don't care for are in the ring we get CM PUNK or JBL chants. I honestly feel for these wrestlers because it's like no matter what you do, the fans just don't care about you and they show it every week. The fans think they are being rebellious or cool, when in reality they come off as arrogant marks.
....because I'm SO SICK of the fans burying wrestlers who WANT to be there for some upper-midcarder who quit on them.

That's so. I've always believed that at least some of the chants in the audience are often planted by WWE employees (or people hired for the evening) to get the crowd yelling what the company wants them to yell. On this forum, I've been challenged on that notion, but I'm always reminded of Hulk Hogan's WWE Hall of Fame ceremony some years ago. Do you really think the "One more match!" chant that rang through the crowd that night was spontaneous? I don't. Someone with a loud voice (or maybe several people strategically placed in the audience) started it on a cue arranged by WWE. (By the way, in Vaudeville, these people were known as "claques").

Still, even while it's hard to believe the company would want to initiate any chant involving CM Punk, I'm not 100% convinced it's being started by die-hard Punk fans who are pining for him to come back.

In Chicago? Okay, I'll accept that the crowd is initiating the chant.....but elsewhere, I'm starting to wonder. Presumably, if WWE has people leading the crowd, it would be an indication he's coming back at some point, since it would be insane to give free publicity to a guy who's permanently retired or.....heaven forbid.....eventually returning to pro wrestling with a different organization.

No, I'm not saying WWE is arranging the Punk chant, but in sports entertainment, we never really know, do we? It's one of the factors that keeps us following a "sport" in which the results are scripted.
When there's a solid old school 30-40 minute WRESTLING match, I get super into it. I'm trying to count rest holds, I'm trying to watch and catch all of the spots...and then all I can pay attention to are the idiot fans. I know there's a name for it, it has Wave in the name, I'm sure. But it just makes your city look bad.

The problem isn't WWE planted chants. It's basement dwelling IWC smarks that start them.
I say all of this as a huge CM Punk fan...

They chant CM Punk like the WWE is the one that sent him home. Like they don't want him there. The WWE, Vince, Triple H, or Stephanie are not to blame for his absence.

And though we know very little, we do know that Punk himself decided he needed to take time off. He left them. So why chant his name like the WWE is to blame?

Back when Bryan was fired and the crowd cheered for him, it made sense. When they cheered for Matt Hardy it made sense. When they wanted Ryder on TV it made sense. To cheer for Punk constantly while WWE is putting on a show, does NOT make sense IMO.

How bout this? You want Punk back? Go to a Blackhawk's games or Cubs games when Punk is there and cheer for WWE. No matter how much the other fans want you to stop keep cheering. Louder & louder. Nation Anthem? Cheer for Stephanie! Game winning shot? Cheer louder than you've ever cheered for Triple H! Getting ready to pitch a shut out? Chant Vince McMahon's name!

That may all sound so stupid, but at least it'll be directed at the right person for a change.
100% against CM Punk chants. It is disrespectful to the performers that are there to give them a show. When two guys are busting their asses, literally, and the crowd chooses to chant for a wrestler that isn't there and won't be there it is beyond comprehensive.
It like going to a funeral for someone who died and start chanting the murders name it stupid and a noting it was cool at first now it just stupid. I don't hear people chanting Benoit and nobody really know what happened regardless of what a person may think.
Honestly, I don't really care about the chants. Fans pay their money, they can chant whatever the hell they want. I agree with what one poster said: If people are so sick of the CM Punk chants and voicing their displeasure, why aren't they voicing that same displeasure for the "What?" chants which is probably just as, if not, more annoying than the CM Punk chants. If WWE wants the chants to stop, I dare them to tell the fans to stop or edit them out of RAW broadcast.
I agree with you at some points. In general, I love the Punk chants. They show how much people need Punk back and it basically makes the crowd get involved at some segments that would otherwise be dead. I have no problem with Punk chants at stupid segments. I do have a problem with those chants though in high tier segments that don't even revolve around Punk, EXCEPT if there is some indirect shot at him.

Bray vs Cena. There is no meaning in a Punk chant right there. The WWE knows we miss Punk, but chanting his name during that segment will ruin the segment itself for the other people.

Bryan-Stephanie promo. The fans have every reason to chant for Punk here, because technically, they are kinda in a search of a new champ and Punk is one of the crowds' favorite. Also, implying that Bryan is leaving, chanting Punk's name might also be an indirect shot to the WWE about the lack of main event talent, that we essentially have to rely on Pun now that Bryan is injured.

There are obviously a lot of situations with different weights here and there, but for the most part, I enjoy the chants. Like it or not, they give life to many dead/uninteresting segments, but they can also ruin others.

Oh spare me, they don't need him back. If they truly needed him, the quitter would be back by now. Honestly, the fans who chant for that guy are a bunch of fucking morons. And for that matter so are the people on this forum who constantly trying to find some kind of way to work him back into the mix.......fuck that guy.

If they gotta chant something, chant "Bullshit" or "Fuck you Stephanie." Don't chant the name of some guy who walked out because he didn't get his way and doesn't give two shits about you.

Personally if it was me, when it was obvious he wasn't coming back I would have just fired his ass and told him to have a nice life.
I think initially it was fans just letting the company know they missed CM Punk and wanted to see him back, but now I think people join in with it because it's the "in" thing to do at a WWE show, sadly.

I can see why it was done, at least in the short term but it's gone on too long now and it's obvious that Punk isn't coming back in the near future. He's getting married and seems pretty content with his break from wrestling. The chants aren't bringing him back.

I do think it must be very frustrating for the wrestlers performing at the time when they are busting their ass and all they hear is the fans concentrating on singing songs about a guy who isn't even there, and isn't going to be there. It spoils the show a little I think, and takes away from the action in the ring. We all know that the reactions/involvement of the fans can turn an average match into a good match or a good match into a great match, but what chance do we have of that happening when they are just singing for CM Punk, a man who wasn't fired and CHOSE to walk out of the company?

WWE could really do with Punk coming back, he was one of their biggest stars and having him back would definitely benefit the product, but the fans need to remember that it wasn't Vince who fired him, CM Punk made the choice to leave the company. If he requested to come back, he'd be rehired in an instant.
When they first started, it was understandable that so many fans were vocally expressing their displeasure and support for Punk. As time went on and it was revealed that CM Punk "walked out", some fans immediately took the position of "it's all WWE's fault" without knowing, or even caring in some people's minds, why he quit in the first place. I don't believe we still have 100% of the story, understandable since neither side has released any sort of statement, but I don't believe that there's any "good guy" or "bad guy" in this particular situation; at least based on what we THINK we know due to various reports. I don't believe that WWE management is comprised of these sadistic jerk offs who's primary goal is to screw over talent and pissing off fans, nor do I believe that Punk is wrong for taking a look things, putting them into perspective with where he is at this point in his life and making a choice to do what he feels is best for his own future.

As time has passed, however, and said reports haven't been able to paint CM Punk is quite the saintly light as some fans expected, remember that it's all supposed to be WWE's fault in the minds of some fans, the chants have just gotten annoying. They're right up there with the "What?" chants that go on during some promos. Personally, I curse the day Stone Cold Steve Austin started doing that because it's so friggin' annoying and the CM Punk chants are moving along the same path.
You're "against" a chant? Are you serious? It's just a fucking chant. Let people chant what they want without making a forum post analyzing it. Jesus.

(--- While that response may make you think I'm "for" the chant, the reality is that I really couldn't care less. You know, cuz it's a CHANT, and I don't waste my energy on deciding whether a chant tickles my fancy.)
I'll be the first to admit that if Punk suddenly came back you won't hear me complaining.

But since there is currently no indication as to when this will happen (or if it will happen at all), it's best if we just forget about the guy. He walked out and didn't bother to give an explanation. All that public talk about "busting [his] ass off every week for the fans while Dwayne's in Hollywood" and ten months later he's out the door. Classic Scumbag Steve moment...
Oh spare me, they don't need him back. If they truly needed him, the quitter would be back by now. Honestly, the fans who chant for that guy are a bunch of fucking morons. And for that matter so are the people on this forum who constantly trying to find some kind of way to work him back into the mix.......fuck that guy.

If they gotta chant something, chant "Bullshit" or "Fuck you Stephanie." Don't chant the name of some guy who walked out because he didn't get his way and doesn't give two shits about you.

Personally if it was me, when it was obvious he wasn't coming back I would have just fired his ass and told him to have a nice life.

Oh look, an Internet tough guy. Can't you have a conversation without insulting others? My opinion was stated above on what I believe of that and you can believe whatever you want, but don't act all tough.
I'll be the first to admit that if Punk suddenly came back you won't hear me complaining.

But since there is currently no indication as to when this will happen (or if it will happen at all), it's best if we just forget about the guy. He walked out and didn't bother to give an explanation. All that public talk about "busting [his] ass off every week for the fans while Dwayne's in Hollywood" and ten months later he's out the door. Classic Scumbag Steve moment...

Apparently WM30 was his last WM and therefore his last chance to main even the big event, since it seems like he wouldn't be renewing. He didn't get his way even after busting his ass off for so long, while he saw Batista being handed that spot for doing absolutely nothing. I support Punk 100% for this. He fought for everyone for 3 years ever since his pipebomb, he tried to show that hard work will get you to the top. Obviously, backstage politics do that for you, he figured it isn't worth fighting against and it would just be better to look out for himself. He is rich, he doesn't care if he doesn't get paid by WWE, he minds his own business and now he is his boss. Blame Punk all you want, but he actually tried, didn't get to achieve what he wanted because of Vince and Co and now he left, richer than ever, doing whatever makes him happy. Suck on that, haters.

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