Protesting Against Alts

Should we enforce the use of alts in the Wrestlezolympics or not?

  • Yes. Allow Team Wrestler Substitutions

  • No. Keep the Teams with their original members

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Gone but never forgotten.
IC25 recently announced that he is going to enforce his rule in regards to alts being used for the next round of the tournament.

I am completely against this. The way I see it, it completely defeats the purpose of the time that we wasted in choosing specified members for our teams. You all argued like your life depended on it for your favorite wrestlers to be a part of these teams. These decisions were long-winded, the threads were full, the arguments got heated, and we all showed our passion. By using alts, all of that has now become a waste of time for everyone that spet the time to read those threads and vote.

If the decisions were regrettable, you all should've thought of that before you made your choices. Not to mention this is going to postpone the tournament further and waste more unnecessary time. We've just begun to get this thing rolling... why slow it down now?

I implore everyone to heed my words and I plea to the IPWC to reconsider the repricussions of this decision. Please vote AGAINST the use of alts in this tournament for the sake of keeping the current flow, eliminating the waste of more of our time, and in the interest of keeping things fair.
Not to mention this is going to postpone the tournament further and waste more unnecessary time. We've just begun to get this thing rolling... why slow it down now?

It only postpones the tournament if you decide to do anything about it any wasted time can't be blamed on the people making alternative accounts, it's to blame on the people who feel the need to eliminate their votes. It's the discussion that's important and not the outcome. And eliminating any posts relating to alts will eliminate half the arguments and most of the passion surrounding the WZOlympics.
It only postpones the tournament if you decide to do anything about it any wasted time can't be blamed on the people making alternative accounts, it's to blame on the people who feel the need to eliminate their votes. It's the discussion that's important and not the outcome. And eliminating any posts relating to alts will eliminate half the arguments and most of the passion surrounding the WZOlympics.

I'm not getting you here. Are we talking about the same thing?

IC25's rule states that now we can swap members in and out of a team for the sake of an upcoming event. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this the MAIN reason for all of the bickering that occurred in the voting threads before this tourney began? People were having trouble making the best matchups for the events being called out. Now, we're going to start that all over again, thus delaying new events from beginning? It's a waste of time and its terribly redundant.
I think D-Man's petition requires clarification.

This is a petition to not have wrestler substitutions for the 2nd half of the tournament. This has NOTHING to do with the accused use of "alt accounts" during the Edge / Misawa or Michaels / Kobashi matches.
I'm not getting you here. Are we talking about the same thing?

Almost certainly not.

IC25's rule states that now we can swap members in and out of a team for the sake of an upcoming event. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this the MAIN reason for all of the bickering that occurred in the voting threads before this tourney began? People were having trouble making the best matchups for the events being called out. Now, we're going to start that all over again, thus delaying new events from beginning? It's a waste of time and its terribly redundant.

So it's not about people voting for Edge over Misawa? That was last week, right? I apologize, but when you don't have a real job last week always seems like this week.

Errm, yeah, I wouldn't bother. Keep it as it is, or change it. Whatever, I'm easy.
I think bringing in alternates makes things more interesting. With new events, it may be advantageous to sub out certain wrestlers. I don't feel like initial arguments were "wasted." They were for the first round and these new guys are for this round.

As for disrupting the tourney, I don't think it should be a big problem. There have been delays at times in bascially every tourney on here, and they've all survived.
As long as before the tournament started it was mentioned that subs would be allowed at the half way stage then I fail to see any issue with using them.
However if it were a spur of the moment decision to change a couple of wrestlers then I can understand the issue some people may have.
I'd like to thank D-Man for registering his opinion and going about it in the way he did. The IPWC is always willing to listen to the ideas of its contituents. However, as the voting window has closed, the alternates will be permitted.
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