Primo / Carlito..... What was the point???


Dark Match Winner
Well its simple. Just wanted to find what do u guys think was the point of splitting up carlito and primo???
As a tag team they seemed to be over with the crowds and they were a viable team in the tag division.
But then all of a sudden wwe decided to break that team apart. What the hell???
Carlito and primo have done nothing of any importance since their break up and are at the point where they are seldomly shown on TV.

So what u guys think was it a mistake on wwes part to break the two??? Would they have been better off as tag team competitors.
in my opinon the split was hate 2 say this but it was a good one cause Primo is more a face than a heel and Carlito is a better heel than face it's been proven on that point a few times. If your comparin them to another great family as in the Guerrero's Carlito is like Eddie and Primo reminds me of Mondo just watch ol' AWA on ESPN Classic or utube. So in conclusion it was a good idea.
I don't think it was a bad thing breaking them up. Even though the struggling tag team division could use a brother tag team, Carlito is a talented and charasmatic individual who had a great start to his wwe career. But they constantly placed him in teams with guys like Chris Masters, Ric Flair, Santino, and his brother that did nothing for him. When I first started watching Carlito in the beginning of his wwe career in 2004 I saw a lot of potential and saw great things for this guy in the future, he won the intercontinental and united states championships early on in his career and had a few good fueds, but then they put him with Masters, they broke up, had a fued that Carlito won, then he never got the intercontinental title and then began to team with Flair, turned on him, won that fued, did nothing for half a year except job to Triple H and Jeff Hardy and then joined Santino and that resulted in a good waste of six months, and then he left for a while and returned in a team with his brother. And wouldn't you know it he turned on him and won their fued! I think this team did a good job of laying down a solid foundation for Primo but it was just a waste of time for Carlito. He needs to go out on his own and needs to be booked properly. Same for Primo. These two have what it takes to make an impact. Carlito can be a semi-main eventer on Raw if they actually used him right while Primo can rival Miz for his united states title. They don't need eachother to go far, they got the tools, WWE just has to use them and give each of the single's competitors a chance.
They shouldn't have split those two. They could have been great for the tag team division. Cryme Tyme, The Hart Dynasty, and Jerishow are pretty much it for the tag division. The Colons were great. It added to the division and I for one thought that tag team wrestling may have been on a come back. However, its just another example of bad decisions on the part of WWE. They are killing one of my favorite parts of wrestling and it sickens me. I love tag team wrestling, always have and always will.
They were a good team but I agree with Primo being a bad heel and Carlito being a bad face. They would have to be a tweener team and that wouldn't have worked out very well. I think in the long run it will be good. Carlito doesn't seem to care, so creative have seemed to given up on him. Primo though is passionate and they are trying to find something for him. Just hard to tell right now.
Simply put, for some reason WWE hates the tag-team division with almost as much passion as they hate the cruiserweights. Any time there's a team that has good chemistry, a decent pop as either faces or heels, and/or makes sense as a team (both membes share similar looks, interests or backgrounds), they break them up.
Yeah and now look.

They are both just wasting away.

As a tag team they could have continued to help the division.

Now they are gathering dust.
I've said this time and time again. Carlito screwed Carlito. That dude has the most wasted use of talent since Shelton Benjamin.. Carlito isn't half the athlete that Benjamin is, but Carlito has one thing on Shelton, though, and that's his mic skills. Dude can talk in his silly accent, and he knows how to piss people off. His main problem is just that, it's been said many times before that he pisses off his bosses with his laziness and holier than thou attitude. I'm surprised he keeps getting chances, and not surprised he keeps blowing them. Creative kept shoving him into pointless angles, forming tag teams that didn't go anywhere.. Like they're desperate for him to succeed. I hate to say this, but it might be time to just let him go. I think the only reason why they haven't is because maybe Vince feels some sort of obligation to Carlito's father, Carlos. I think Primo is either suffering because of Carlito's attitude, or because he still hasn't earned his mid card stripes yet. I'm hoping it's the latter. Both of these brothers are extremely talented and could go a long way if they work hard and are used properly.
Given that creative has nothing on Raw for Carlito, there's a possibility Smackdown can find something fresh for him. Perhaps he becomes the new #1 contender to Morrison's IC title? Bottom line is I think we can all agree Carlito needs a fresh start and if not that the only other possibility I can think of is having him jump to ECW to feud over the ECW title with Christian. Yes, ECW is the "development" show, but it's also the show for guys such as Shelton, Regal, and Goldust who were all getting lost in the shuffle on their shows. Given the fact that Christian has defeated just about everyone else on the roster with the exception of Sheamus and Shelton, a surprising jump by Carlito to feud with Christian could work. Both can speak as well as put on a good match, there's a potential for great chemistry with their styles and abilities. I think Carlito would make for a great ECW champ and the top heel on ECW if given the mic time and the run. He just needs to show he is determined to get better and come back with a better work ethic.
Primo tagged with Eric Escobar in FCW as "The Puerto Rican Nightmares"
I wouldn't mind seeing that make a comeback. Turn Primo heel, reunite him with Escobar, and Carlito, and you've got yourself a pretty decent stable w/ Escobar as the mid-carder and the Colons as the tag team. They'd be best on either SD! or ECW. They could be a real force if booked right, and it would certainly give all three some direction, or at least something to do.
It was pretty much to elevate Primo and build his career up a little, and to keep Carlito relevant. I'm not too sure why it broke up, they weren't incredibly over but they were over nonetheless, they brought the tag team division back to life and helped unify the tag belts. It was a cool deal while it lasted, wouldn't mind seeing it again.
Carlito was in a sense making things too dificult for Primo being that they are infact complete oppisites, one heel, and one face. They are both extremely talented and without a doubt they can both succeed, they just now need to be pushed as singles competitors. I saw in a post where someone said he should be transfered to ECW and I strongly agree, it could him the fresh start that he so needs.
I definitely think it was too early to break up the Colon's when they did. I mean honestly as singles competitors not a damn one of them is seeing any kind of success or relevance in their career. When Carlito got hooked up a couple of months ago with Rosa Mendez I actually thought they were going to try to do something with him. But no he just continued jobbing and Rosa got shipped to ECW. Sad happenings considering I thought they made a good pair and can feed off each other well.

I understand the contrast in their characters but people still really took to the tag team and stood behind them. I think the Colon's should have stuck together at least until one or two more tag teams were able to develop an identity.

But yeah as of now I would put Carlito in ECW hoping that it would give him that kick in the ass that he needs. Hopefully they would re-unite him with Rosa and we'll see where it goes from there. I think Primo would be good in the U.S. title hunt fueding with the likes of Chavo, Masters, Swagger, Bourne, Sheamus etc. While Primo will have to wait a while before he is considered a top threat to the U.S. title his hard work will pay off until they finally put him into a program with a heel champion. Right now with Swagger and Miz looking like their about to fued and there's always a chance for Kofi to get another shot and Mark Henry and MVP always seem to be lurking around just as well. But if Kofi continues to do well in the Main Event, MVP and Mark Henry either stay a consistently strong team or move up as well, then I think eventually they'll be some space freed up in the U.S. division for Primo to get a crack.

But as of right now the decision to split them was a bit premature.
It was a strange one, to be honest. My interpretation of it is that they wanted to keep them seperate, hence why Primo debuted on Raw. Then they realised that Curt Hawkins was shit and they needed to get the belts off him and Ryder. Then they realised thatMiz and Morrison were more on Raw these days and that all of the teams on Smackdown were arse. Carlito wasn't doing anything so they paired them up haphazardly to get new champs. As soon as they lost the titles, they split so the original plan to keep them seperate was restored.

However, they obviously should have stayed together as Primo "Superstars Opener" Colon and Carlito are basically never on TV anymore, not to mention the fact that they had about 1% of fan interest before and 0% now.

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