
It seems like every presidential debate is between two incompetent idiots. Look at this election Barack Obama and Mitt Romney it seems like we are voting for who is going to screw up this country less. Say what ever you want about Obama I'll say he sucks too but Mitt Romney will ruin the country. Every time he talks it just seems like he is lieing and up to no good. The only people who will benefit from Mitt is the rich, this is also the same guy that told a critically ill man who weighed less than 80lbs and is confined to a wheel chair that he will lock him and his doctors in prison for smoking medical marijuana. Mitt seems like your typical Bush or Regan two dummies who had no control of the country and was only a voice. People say that we are in trouble if Obama wins but if Romney we are in such deep shit I feel bad for myself and the people who elected him into office.

Yeah Obama sucked but just imagine how much wore things would has been if we had McCain and Palin in office I'm at least thankful that those two nut jobs didn't win. Nothing is more true than that one episode of South Park where they compare the candidates to a Giant Douche and Turd Sandwitch. It really does seem like that every 4 years when it comes time to vote you don't now who to choose from so your left to just pick the less of the two evils.

When it comes to the election more people shouldn't vote for either of them because of them arn't going to achieve anything. Or why does the media just ignores Ron Paul? Yeah I don't agree with some of the things he says but a lot of the time he is the only candidate the seems to make sense the most. I just don't know why he runs as a republican he doesn't fit the typical republican look or believes. I'm not even bother wasting any time watching the debates all your watching is a Turd Sandwitch and a Giant Douche bickering at each other.
Even though I'm against religion I don't put down people who believe in it but mormon isn't a religion it's a cult just like scientology and people are going to say Mitt cult follower Romney is going to be president what does he know about struggle he grew up rich and bought his spot in election this debate is just as real as the debate between Sheamus and Big Show

If you want to run for president it is not about the ideas you have it's bout how much money you have and who can pull off the best act
Yeah but she still bought her way into the election she has already spent 50 million dollars just to get into the race why is it in politics it's not about your ideas just how much money you have and in order to be president you have to believe in religion and talk you have to tlk about religion some nut jobs took it a little too far like Rick Santorum at least that women hateing freak won't be President
Yeah but she still bought her way into the election she has already spent 50 million dollars just to get into the race why is it in politics it's not about your ideas just how much money you have and in order to be president

That's the way politics works in America. Libertarians need a lot of moolah to make an impact in the party system. I think they need 5% of votes in the election to qualify for some type of money for the next election, but something tells me that goes against their mantra. I dunno, I can't be bothered to look up the facts.

you have to believe in religion and talk you have to tlk about religion some nut jobs took it a little too far like Rick Santorum at least that women hateing freak won't be President

How far into the future do you think America will elect a non-Abrahamic or an atheist president?

And do you believe said president will lead us to a new age of prosperity for not just Americans, but for humankind?
It's all about giving the Police more power to raid peoples homes and take drugs they shouldn't have in the first place if you ask me.
It's all about giving the Police more power to raid peoples homes and take drugs they shouldn't have in the first place if you ask me.

Yeah I do too for drugs that are bad for you like meth,cocaine,heroine not marijuana. We need to focus on getting rid of the drugs that are bad for you. Pot isn't a drug it's a natural plant that does great things for many people in many different ways. We should raid more pharmacies that give out pills to thousands of people that don't need them. I smoke pot for someone with ADHD it helps calm me down and be able to concentrate.I don't have a medical liscence but it works for me, I tried the adderall but that had I had terrible effects from it. I don't get any bad effects from pot maybe a little bit a cotton mouth but that's it. I would never touch a cigarette or take any other type of drug I don't even drink, because I know all the negative effects it could have on someone.

The DEA raids countless of marijuana dispeneries that provide medicine for people who helps them live and for a lot of those people it's the only thing that's works for them. When they get raided all those people are left with out their medicine they are the ones who suffer. Not far from where I live the police raided a home of a man in his 70's for having marijuana plants in his house when he never sold in his life and only used it for his medical benefits so what do they do lock a sick person in prison. I'm ashamed that my tax dollars are being spent so that innocent old man can sit in a cell

I brought that Mitt Romney ignoring the sick patient just to show how sick of a person that he is. To show you that if he is President those are the people that he is going to lock away I'll even post the video and you guys can tell me that if looks like a criminal.
The three best Presidents ever...

Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and JFK.

The next great President...

Michelle Obama

Once again Mitt is changeing his mind and this is the guy who some people say who should be President. He is a fake liar if you thought Obama was bad just see what happens if Mitt wins

Look another billionaire prick sitting on a golden throne telling people not to vote for Obama. Off coarse he is going to vote for Mitt Romney he is rich that's the only class of people who Mitt will benefit. Mitt knows nothing about hard work he grew up rich and now only caters to the rich.
We should look for a president who is going to cut the military budget and start spending less

look at the how much america spend on military compared to every other country

Look how much our america spends on military and look how much they spend on everything else and we wonder why our economy sucks.

Over 600 billion dollars goes to the military while so much of that money could be used to fix up our economy help out the poor help the middle class. Why don't we focus more money on health care since you get treated better at Guantanamo Bay? Instead of bombing other countries we should be feeding other countries. Look what America has been doing since we went to war. Money being spent on a pointless war where innocent people have been killed. Look at all the civilians that have been killed in this war. Innocent people with children who did nothing but we say how about another 600 billion dollars. On 9/11 when they say all the people who die why don't they name anyone who was bombed in Afghanistan, every day is like 9/11

This is what that 600 billion dollars is being spent on. Do you think that kid is a terrorist?

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