Predict the Title Changes


So I thought I'd try a new, different thread.

As of right now we have in the WWE our champions
CM Punk, Sheamus, Cody Rhodes, Santino Marella, Primo & Epico, and Beth Pheonix.

So as some may be champion for a while, some may not.

Why not? Predict when and to who each of these champions will lose their title.

CM Punk-WWE Championship- I think Punk will keep the title for a while. There is a possibility that he loses at Mania but I doubt it. It may be wishful thinking but I'm gonna go with SummerSlam and a returning Wade Barrett wins the MITB and cashes it in on Punk. Read this as a report and hope it happens.

Daniel Bryan-World Heavy Weight Championship- WrestleMania to Sheamus, I think Sheamus will and should win at Mania and end the losing streak of RR winners.

Cody Rhodes-Intercontinental Championship- This one is a real tough one. Im gonna go with Ted Dibiase and at Summerslam or Night of Champions. I think Cody will have the title for a while and if done right, Ted Dibiase can come back better than ever and win the title.

Santino Marella-United States Championship- David Otunga at RAW the night after Mania. I have a feeling that after Johnny Ace wuns at Mania, he will put Santino in some crazy match and Otunga will walk out as champion. Which will be good for Otunga.

Primo & EpicoUso's at Over The Limit this one is tough cause no one really cares/ Doesnt look like dolph & swagger or Kofi & Truth will be a real tag team.

Beth Pheonix-Divas Title- Kharma at Hell in a Cell. Beth SHOULD NOT lose the title to anyone but Kharma. Although I do not know when she will be back.

What about you guys???
CM Punk (WWE championship): I think he will retain at mania, hold the belt till summer and then probably lose it to Ziggler (depending on how well he's doing) or Miz.

Bryan (WHC): I think he will lose it at mania to Sheamus.

Rhodes: (IC): He will defeat Big Show at mania and eventually lose the title during the summer to either a returning Ted Dibiase or Kingston enabling him to climb to the main event.

Saninto (US): I agree he will lose the title to Otunga on a Raw not long after mania or failing that the next PPV.

Primo/Epico (Tag): They will lose their titles to Truth/Kofi in either a WM dark match or on Raw tv not long after.

Beth (Divas): Agree she will lose to Kharma at HIAC.
cm punk wins cause if he lost he would have to get a new t shirt and catchphrase

sheamus wins cause he has momentum even though i hate the guy
WWE title - While I don't see Punk losing the title at mania and probably holding onto it atleast through Extreme Rules in Chicago, I do see Jericho winning it at some point maybe at the new No Way Out ppv. Giving Barrett someone a little more of legendary status to beat for his first world title, and then Punk and Barret wil feud and Punk will win it back.

WHC - Sheamus at Mania. Everyone can see it. Honestly idk why Bryan has held onto the title this long.

I.C. - I agree, probably the hardest to answer. I say he hold onto for over a year(not exactly sure when that will be, i know he hit 200) and I think will lose it to a returning Sin Cara around Hell in a Cell. Gives Cara a big return and push and allows Cody to move up the ladder.

U.S. - I think the eventual plan is to throw the title on Ryder again, so ill agree and say Otunga with help from Johnny Ace screws Santino probably at Extreme Rules and after a month or so of Otunga, Ryder will win it back.

Tag Titles - Swagger and Ziggler are too good for the tag titles now and with Evan returning idk what the plan with him and Kofi and R-Truth is, so once again ill agree and say the Usos, around Over the Limit.

Divas title - With Kharma still a question mark, Im gonna have to say Beth will lose it to a heel Eve at either Over the limit or MitB. But I think Beth vs. Kharma is in the cards for next years mania.
CM Punk the WWE Title
- I am in the minority but I see Jericho winning it at WM. So far Jericho's return has been meaningless due to any lack of wins. If he won the Rumble or the Chamber it would be a different story but as it stands, this whole Jericho would be waste if they don't give Jericho the title. I predict he wins only to drop it in an "I Quit" Match ... a match with both guys have a mic ... talk about double awesomeness.

Daniel Bryan the World Heavyweight Title - The last time the Royal Rumble winner won the title at WM was 2006. Yikes that was 6 years ago. Sheamus is bound to break that jinx.

Cody Rhodes the IC Title - Rhodes will retain it vs. The Big Show. As I said before, the only one that should take the IC Title from Rhodes is someone who is ready to step up to the next level. Hard to predict but I say Ryder moves to Smackdown! and takes it from Rhodes.

Santino Marella US TItle - Alberto Del Rio takes it eventually. I actually see think can have good chemistry plus with Del Rio out of the title picture for awhile maybe making him a long term US Champion could help him stay relevant.

Epico and Primo Tag Team Titles - Almost forgot about this title. I say Mysterio and Cara will take it as short term tag champs.

Beth Phoenix Diva's Title - Easily Kharma and hopefully a long title reign.
WWE Title - I don't know if it'll happen at Wrestlemania or not, but I do think Jericho will take it at some point, only to lose it to John Cena... after he and Rock have their match, I have a feeling he's getting another unneeded title run.

World Heavyweight Championship - I'm going to agree and say Sheamus at Mania.

United States Title - Also going to agree with the majority and say David Otunga, they really seem like they're starting to invest in him, and with RAW's midcard as weak as it is, there aren't a whole lot of heel options.

Intercontinental Championship - This really is the hardest one to predict as Smackdown has a pretty healthy main event and a morbidly obese amount of curtain jerkers. My primary prediction is Sin Cara, with a secondary of Justin Gabriel... I will predict though, Cody loses it by June.

Tag Team Titles - Some thrown together tag team we haven't even seen yet... You really can guess anything with this one... so I'll say CM Punk changes his name to CM Funk and tags with Brodus Clay.

Divas Championship - The obvious answer is Kharma, but I'm going to say Natalya. The two could put on some decent matches, and they owe that girl big time with this whole farting gimmick.
WWE Title i say chris jericho takes the title at wrestlemania and drops it 2 or 3 ppv's later.

World Heavy Weight Title without a doubt sheamus is your next world heavy weight champion come wrestlemania.

IC Title tough one i wanna say justin gabriel i really do but something tells me sin cara is gonna beat cody down the road.

US Title i know everybody is saying david otunga but i disagree i think its gonna be somebody from smackdown moving to raw possibly daniel bryan? :shrug:

Tag Titles depends on what they do with evan if hes going back to kofi or if kofi and truth stay together...maybe the usos tough to call this one.

Divas Title i dont think it will be khrama then the fued is ruined for next year at wrestlemania...unless beth shockingly holds the title that long which i highley doubt so ill say natayla,eve or tamina takes it but beth wins it back around hell in a cell
Hmm...fantasy booking time.

CM Punk: I'd say he'll lose the title to Jericho at Extreme Rules,or to Cena or Jericho at Over The Limit (God,I hate that PPV)

Daniel Bryan: He'll lose the title to Sheamus at WrestleMania. I think that's a given.

Cody Rhodes: Big Show to break his WrestleMania duck and win the IC title.

Santino: *sigh* Ryder to win it at Extreme Rules. Can I be honest? I just wrote the first thing I thought of. Could not care about Santino and the US Title at all.

Epico and Primo: Kofi and R-Truth will win the title in May or June? Again,don't care for the tag titles.

Beth Phoenix: Umm...Kharma. When? Whenever she's mentally prepared to return to the ring.
CM Punk- will lose it at Wrestle Mania. I'm sorry but he had it the entire time sice MITB(besides the couple of days Ziggler had it)

Daniel Bryan- He will retain it. He to is on a roll. And his character is really getting over right now. If Sheamus wins I will not be surprised the though

Santino-Will have it for awhile. Maybe bring back the meter again. I will say he'll have it till the next PPV atleast.

Cody Rhodes- He is going to lose at Wrestle Mania.

Epico n Primo- I mean who cares. really?
CM Punk- will lose it at Wrestle Mania. I'm sorry but he had it the entire time sice MITB(besides the couple of days Ziggler had it)

Daniel Bryan- He will retain it. He to is on a roll. And his character is really getting over right now. If Sheamus wins I will not be surprised the though

Santino-Will have it for awhile. Maybe bring back the meter again. I will say he'll have it till the next PPV atleast.

Cody Rhodes- He is going to lose at Wrestle Mania.

Epico n Primo- I mean who cares. really?

Actually punk hasn't had it since MITB. Remember he beat Cena to "reclaim," it and then Del Rio cashed in on it? Punk then won it back at Survivor Series.

My picks are:

CM Punk: I think it'd be pointless to have Jericho win it and then lose it a month or two after.

Sheamus: He's been pretty over and he seems like the person Bryan will finally lose his useless title reign to.

I think Santino will keep it until Ryder finally comes back. I'm thinking Santino and Otunga will feud and it will eventually be some sort of triple threat.

Cody Rhodes: will unfortunately beat the Big Show at WM. I feel like I'm the only person who can't stand his reign as IC champ. I think since I started re-watching wrestling, he defended it twice maybe?

Epico and Primo: I don't even watch when these two wrestle. The tag team division is pretty much dead unless Ziggler and Swagger win them, or if Kofi and R-Truth win it.
Interesting little thread, something we haven't really seen much of in a while.

WWE Championship - I think Punk will retain the title at WrestleMania, though it's certainly possible that someone could change my mind on this. I can see Punk holding the title for a while longer, possibly even through the summer. The latest story is that WWE is hoping Wade Barrett can recover by July and be featured at Summerslam a month later. There's also talk of doing an MITB match at SummerSlam with Barrett getting the win and going on to feud with Punk in the fall.

World Heavyweight Championship - I honestly don't know about this one. On the surface, it seems like Sheamus has so much momentum going for him and seems a lock. At the same time, I think that's what WWE wants fans to think due to their build of Daniel Bryan as an underdog champion. Right now, I'm tentatively leaning towards Bryan retaining at WM and then entering into a three way feud for the title with Sheamus & Randy Orton.

WWE Intercontinental Championship - I think Cody Rhodes will retain at WrestleMania against Big Show. The way the story is going with Rhodes harping and reminding everyone of Big Show's poor win/loss record at WM, it's easy to think that Show will break that cycle and come out with a victory and an IC title reign. I think WWE will pull a swerve, however, and keep the title on Rhodes. I could see them turning Show heel soon, it's just a feeling I have, over the combined frustration of not being able to beat Bryan for the WHC and suffering another big loss at WM.

WWE United States Championship - I don't see Santino Marella holding the title for very long. Last I read, there was talk of having Santino drop the title back to Swagger shortly after WM and then for Swagger to feud with the returning Evan Bourne. If Bourne winds up with a spot on Team Long at WM, that might be a possible indicator that they're going through with this. After all, Bourne has screwed up royally so if he's given a spot at WM, then I think the chances of him feuding with Swagger over the title shortly thereafter are decent.

WWE Tag Team Championship - I don't see Epico & Primo dropping the titles just now. They're a fun team to watch inside the ring and they've racked up some good solid wins for themselves while they've been champs. At this point in time, the only team that's really in a spot to take the titles would be R-Truth & Kofi Kingston. If any team does take it, it'll be them but I don't see it happening for a while.

WWE Divas Championship - As of right now, there's nobody in the Divas Division that's a real threat to Beth Phoenix. She's literally beaten just about every Diva on the roster at one time or another during her current run. The only one that I think will take it will be Kharma upon her return to the WWE, whenever that is.
CM Punk- will lose it at Wrestle Mania. I'm sorry but he had it the entire time sice MITB(besides the couple of days Ziggler had it)

I'm upset that I missed out on being the first to bang his head at who horrifically wrong this is. Ziggler never held the title, and Albert Del Rio held it for a month, then Cena held it for 2 weeks, then Del Rio held it again for a month and a half before Punk finally got it back.

As for my predictions:

WWE Title: I'm really torn on this one. On the one hand, Punk could use the legitimacy of a longer run. On the other, Jericho needs something major to add meaning to his return. I'm going to go with Punk retaining passed Mania so both titles don't change in the same night, but in some manner that keeps Jericho in the hunt, and a Jericho win within the next 3 months.

WHC: Please, dear lord, let Sheamus win it at Mania. And send DB back to the midcard where he belongs.

IC: Cody is ready for the main event. Let him keep the IC title till they decide to pull the trigger on a WHC feud. Maybe even let him become the duel champ he's bragged about. Either way, keeps the belt passed Mania, loses sometime in 2012

US: This one is difficult. With a hugely over comedy act, they could hotshot the title off of him quickly, or they could give him a long run. I agree with the general concensus that David Otunga is the likely man to take it. How soon may depend on how freely Laurinaitis feels abusing his power after acquiring both shows.

Tag: I would not be surprised to see these titles won on any given night by the team of a celebrity guest host and a rubber chicken.

Diva: With any luck Kharma will be ready to return sooner rather than later and we can get a meaningful feud and title change.
WWE Championship: I don't see Punk losing at 'Mania, but if Jericho will be sticking around, Punk will lose it to Y2J sometime around Extreme Rules or Over The Limit.

World Heavyweight Championship: Everyone complaining about Bryan's title reign is an idiot. If it's because of his gimmick, it's a heel gimmick. Get over it. Mic skills? They're better than Benoit's and no one complained about him. In-ring skills? If you think he's anything but one of the best, you should get your eyesight checked. He'll retain it at WrestleMania. Sheamus has too much momentum and Bryan is an underdog. He will lose it to Sheamus though. But I see it being around Extreme Rules or Over The Limit.

Intercontinental Championship: Cody Rhodes will probably be built up more as a longggg reigning IC Champ. There's no way he'll lose it to Big Show. It would be a disgrace if he did. I see him losing it to Gabriel, or a returning Sin Cara in June at...well it's supposed to be Money In The Bank, but I see that changing.

United States Championship: Santino will lose it back to Swagger on one or two Raws after WrestleMania. This is based on reports I've read so it might not happen, but hopefully it does. Then Swagger will probably drop the title to Bourne around No Way Out or Summerslam.

WWE Tag Team Championships: The Colons are great champs. But if the house show previews come true, I see them losing the titles to another makeshift team. Although this one does have a true friendship to it. John Cena and Zack Ryder.

Diva's Championship: Kharma still has a couple months to get back. I'm sure she will hold onto it to lose it to Kharma around Over The Limit, but there's always the chance that'll she'll lose it to Nattie or a returning Layla shortly after WrestleMania.
In your opening statement you said Sheamus was a champion as of now. Wrong.

WWE Championship- He will lose the title to Chris Jericho at Extreme Rules. This will set up for one last match between the two before Jericho departs from the WWE once again.

World Heavy Weight Championship- He will lose to Sheamus at WM.

Intercontinental Championship
- He should hold it for a little longer. Maybe a guy like Gabriel or Dibiase will be ready to win the title from him for soon. But what i see is waiting till after the draft and The Miz winning it. Big chance that this wont happen, but it would be a good thing IMO.

United States Championship- Soon. Yeah, he is over. But if he isn't taken seriously, then he needs to let loose. I think Ryder would benefit winning it back before too long.

Tag Titles- The Uso's deserve the titles. A feud between the two teams would be nice. I say the Usos get the win as early as Extreme Rules.

Divas Title- Hold the title until Karma is ready.
WWE Championship- Punk's walking out the champ. there's no way Jericho will get the belt as he's a short timer.

World Heavy Weight Championship- Bryant retains. Everyone in the world is expecting Sheamus to win and I think he will get another cheap win. Sorry I think DB is a great champ. Much better than they have had in a while.

Intercontinental Championship- Honestly who really cares? It's not even a real belt anymore anyway. Like the US Champ it's almost NEVER defended. But I see Cody holding it and breaking Honky's record which is complete BS.

United States Championship- I bet Santino loses and it sets up a feud with whoever and Ryder.

Tag Titles- Who the heck knows. I don't see the belts changing hands as the Tag division is weak.

Divas Title- IS it even going to be defended yet? If so Beth keeps it UNLESS Kong/Kharma comes back.
CM Punk WWE Champion-- i think he will lose the title either at WM to Jericho then regain it from Jericho a month later and hold it until SummerSlam or he will retain and lose it in 2-3 months to either Miz, or Ziggler or Barrett

Daniel Bryan World Heavyweight Champion-- i see him losing to Sheamus real soon, likely at WM, Bryan will get a re-match likely a month later and lose again, but i see Sheamus winning it shortly and if it's not WM, then it's a month later.

Cody Rhodes Intercontinental Champion-- i think he beats the Big Show which would give him a huge win, likely hold it until SummerSlam, i see him losing it to a young guy, my hope is it's Ted Dibiase to start his mid-card push, then have Cody pushed into the Main Event, in fact, i hope that Cody Rhodes is the next Rumble winner.

Santino Marella United States Champion-- i see him losing this title sometime after WM, to who, i dont know. i also wont rule out Otunga winning it before WM or maybe Otunga wins it after WM as a favor from Johnny Ace.

Beth Phoenix Diva's Champion-- i think she loses her title either to a returning Kharma (only if she returns in 4 months) or losing it to Natyala in 2 months.

Epico and Primo WWE Tag Team Champions-- i see them either losing before or after WM likely to either the team of 1) Truth and Kingston or 2) Swagger and Ziggler.
WWE Championship-CM Punk will win against Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania 28,I just can't see Jericho walking out champion when he's only advertised for like 10 dates after WM. If you paid any attention to Kane's Resurrection promos it shown 3 wrestlers when he punched the glass; John Cena, Randy Orton,& CM Punk. Since Kane ended his feud with Cena & is currently in one with Orton,he'll just disappear after WM28 & then return,chokeslam Punk after his title defense at Extreme Rules & maybe take the title from him the Raw after(probably not) or Over The Limit.

World Heavyweight Championship-Sheamus wins,I just can't see Daniel Bryan holding the WHC past Wrestlemania,as much as i'd like to see his heel run progress.

Intercontinental Championship-I see Cody keeping this title all the way to Summerslam & he should lose it to Sin Cara or Ted Dibiase,depending if they're still on Smackdown after the WWE Draft.

United States Championship-Santino is way over & I see him holding it until,Over The Limit or Money In The Bank. I think David Otunga will take it from him,it just seems that way.

Unified Tag Team Championship-Epico & Primo are not getting over as champions,they're good in the ring,they're just not getting over. The Usos aren't either & I don't see them getting over anytime soon. I think WWE will just throw some Mid-Carders together after WM or maybe Main-Eventers(maybe),kinda like Jeri-Show,& have that team take the titles of Epico & Primo. The tag division is the most irrelevant thing in WWE right now.
World Heavyweight Championship: Everyone complaining about Bryan's title reign is an idiot. If it's because of his gimmick, it's a heel gimmick. Get over it. Mic skills? They're better than Benoit's and no one complained about him. In-ring skills? If you think he's anything but one of the best, you should get your eyesight checked.

You should probably learn that someone can have a radically different opinion than you and not be an idiot, and thatyour opinions are not facts. I am a fairly intelligent, well educated individual with a long history of wrestling fandom, and I can't stand DB. You love him. That doesn't make either of us idiots, that makes us different.

My issues with DB have nothing to do with his gimmick, I think his current gimmick is a definite improvement, but that is far from sufficient to make me get behind him.

Mic skills better than Benoit's? You may enjoy DB on the mic more so than you enjoyed Benoit, but I do not. In fact, I do see Benoit as an excellent comparison to DB, in that DB is a modern day Benoit but worse in every way.

In ring skills? They surely are quite good. But one of the best? You're entitled to think so, but I absolutely do not, and my eyesight is just fine.

Your opinions are not absolutes. Learn to differentiate between quantitative and qualitative measurements, and learn to argue with someone without insulting him.
CM Punk-WWE Championship- only way he loses it if he gets cheated out of it which could happen at mania

Daniel Bryan-World Heavy Weight Championship- WrestleMania to Sheamus, I think Sheamus will and should win at Mania and end the losing streak of RR winners.

Cody Rhodes-Intercontinental Championship- big show they have been plugging his win loss mania record saying he can't win at mania etc also big show only needs to win the IC title to be a grand slam champion he could win it and lose it right back to cody at the next ppv why should he win because it would be a awesome wrestlemania moment with show finally getting a big win

Santino Marella-United States Championship- David Otunga who will then lose it to ryder who should of never lost it anyway

Primo & Epico who cares aint no tag teams to care about

Beth Pheonix-Divas Title- Kharma whenever
Cool thread, let me have a say so:

WWE Championship: I say CM Punk loses it sometime in July, but no later than Summerslam. I may be wrong, but has a heel ever beat a face for a world championship at Mania? I know heels have retained their world championship at Mania. Who will he lose it to? I think the CM Punk/Jericho feud goes on months after WM, with Jericho finally winning the championship in July. Something tells me Cena will be out of the WWE title picture for a while.

World Championship: Sheamus is a lock to beat D-Bryan at Mania. No reason to keep it on D-Bryan.

IC Championship: I think it's pointless to put it on Big Show. Cody Rhodes is a legit world champion someday and I think he should keep it for a while. I say let him come close to Honky Tonk's record but not actually beat it. As far as who he will lose it to, probably someone who needs to go into the mid-card while Cody hits big time.

U.S. Championship: Agreed on David Otunga. Santino should stay a comedy character and not be pushed as champion. Night after WM or at WM possibly.

Tag Team Championship: Agreed that it's dead. You can slap it on any combination of superstars and call them tag champs.

Divas Championship: I, for one, am uninterested in the Divas division. And that's saying something because I'm a guy. I think the WOMEN'S division during the Attitude Era was the best there. But as far as Beth's eventual successor, Kharma would be the obvious choice, but Natalya could be a nice choice if she turns face. Eve would be another choice if she was still face. I agree - the flatulence gimmick on Natalya sucks.
WWEC. C.M. Punk, I think, will lose the Title to Jericho sometime between Over the Limit and Summer Slam.

WHC. Daniel Bryan, I think, will lose at Mania to Sheamus.

USC. Santino, I think, will lose to Otunga in the in the month after Mania.

INC. Cody Rhodes, I think, will give up the title after he captures the WHC. Sometime in late 2012 possibly.

WWETTC. Epico and Primo, I think, will lose the titles to Kofi and R-truth at Extreme Rulz.

and DC. Beth Phoenix will lose the belt to Kharma, when ever she comes back, for good.
If CM Punk does lose the title, I doubt it'l be to Jericho. From the sound of it, it doesn't sound like Jericho is going to be around very long after Wrestlemania because his band is touring.
okay so heres what I think.
WWE CHAMPION-Cm Punk:I think it's a 50\50 chance punk keeps it a Mania but he probably will win and lose it in some kind of stipulation match against Jericho at Extreme Rules.
WHC CHAMPION-Daniel Bryan: I definitely see Sheamus winning at Mania and Sheamus dropping the belt to Barrett or Rhodes in the summer mabye Mitb or Summerslam.
I-C CHAMPION-Cody Rhodes:I think he will keep it until about Over the Limit so he can focus on the whc for the summer and he will probably give it to either dibiase or mabye possibly Justin Gabriel.
U.S CHAMPION-Santino Marella:I can see him losing to otunga 1 or 2 weeks after mania on Raw or Smackdown cause laurinitis will win at mania and control both brands and Zack Ryder will take it back around Mitb or Summerslam.
TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS-Epico and Primo:These two are pretty good I can see them losing it to either Kof and Truth or mabye the Uso'saround Over The Limit.
DIVAS CHAMPION-Beth Phoenix:I think she will feud with Eve after Mania and drop it to mabye around Summerslam and Eve and Zack Ryder are the champs together as a heel couple would be cool to see like Santino and Beth in 2008.
WWE Championship- Punk will probably get cashed in on by a MITB winner, who will lose it to Cena or Orton. I don't think the WWE will let Cena or Orton go after Punk but they will want the belt on one of those 2 sometime this year.

World Heavyweight Championship- Daniel Bryan is a great champion and i hope he doesn't lose to Sheamus at Mania. If Sheamus wins i hope that means they are gonna let Cody take the title off of him. Personally i'd love for Daniel to Hold it long enough for them to build up Kofi and let him take it off of him, a bit of a stretch i know but they do give us a shock champ every once in a while.

Intercontinental Championship- Zack Ryder moves to Smackdown and takes the title off of Cody.

United States Title- David Otunga's ass kissing will pay off eventually.

Tag Team-If Tamina can't beat Beth noone will outside of Kharma. They pretty much have ruined Natalia, unless Layla comes back juiced up like Chyna its a wrap.
If anyone deserves a WWE Championship run,it's Kane. He's been a loyal employee to WWE for 15 long years & has been given crap storylines,mid-card feuds,& shit title reigns for the most of his career(except his recent WHC reign). He was only given a one day WWF Championship reign,that really sucked.

I do believe this is Kane's last run in WWE & if he's going out,he should go out with a bang.

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