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I. Serious Discrimination against someone for their Race, Sexual Orientation etc...

This is our Rule on this sort of behavior. Do you honestly believe that if we (Jake and myself) felt that X's comment was his true feelings and he used those feeling in a way that insults someone else (for example using the n word) that he would not be punished? That comment was made in the context that you were in fact calling everyone racist when they had not been racist at all, it is not in the context of discrimination. We do not Ban people for the colour of their skin we do not insult people for the colour of their skin.

You however have repeatedly broken the rules, registered alot of new accounts, flamed other users on countless occasions. Your actions were of a serious nature and not in jest as X's were. You believe the Mod Team are biased because they put a troublesome user in the Prison... well of course your going to think that, for some reason every member that has broken a rule has thought that. You have done nothing to try and get released, considering you were given the opportunity to. You even went as far to racially abuse someone (Jew Fro anyone?) and yet you try to take a comment made entirely in jest and turn it around. I'm sorry but the Staff have been completely fair with you (probably more so) you should have been perminantly banned and reported to your ISP by now, but you haven't, so how exactly are our staff Bias?
dude I'm fucking 19. I was always wondering why you kept asking me if I was too little. Damn I know it's not posted anywhere but my birthday is JUne 15th 1988
Your about 13-14 arent you? do your parents know your on WZ

Weren't you the one spouting off about not discriminating based on age you fucking idiot?

You know, I actually have a life and wasn't going to bother wasting any more time with you, but when you're this much of a douchebag I can't help myself.

Especially if he's 13-14, doesn't that make it wrong for you to be picking on him, especially as a registered sex offender? You make me sick to my stomach you sick fuck. Stop getting off on little kids and go get some help. Seriously.
heh I love correcting you cause I'm that pathetic, but you used the incorrect form of right. I belive you meant write a book.
Prax your making no sense, its a name remember like "jake jr" (how sweet of you btw)

Jake Jr. was never my name, moron, it was in my user title underneath. I'm Prax and I'll always be prax. the one and only.

My post makes more sense than anything you've ever posted. I know that's really not saying much at all, regardless. It's probably that you can't understand a vocabulary as developed as mine. I'm not going to speak like I speak to ******ed kids just for your sake.

It's not my fault you're a Sex Offender, you're the one who chose that path in life.
who said anything about trying to make friends. I was just pointing out that I was 19 by supplying my birthday
So how was my comment any different to Jake's or Xfears, is it because they are moderators you know ,excused from the law.

You obviously dont understand the context in which their comments were made... basically it was a joke. There is a very big difference between saying stupid things like that and actually meaning them and I am able to make those distinctions. You made a comment about them being racist without either of them making any racist remarks they decided to actually make those remarks as a way to take the piss out of you, not as to actually offend people of a different race. You however did make serious racial slurs against Jake and X... so therefore the context in which they were said is the difference not the fact that they are Mods. If any of the Mods made any serious racial slurs on this board they would lose their spot immediately.
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