PPV Main Events


Getting Noticed By Management
I was looking at PPV cards for the last year, and unless I'm wrong, the last time a Smackdown match main evented a pay per view was Hell in the Cell in October 2010. Before that it was Elimination Chamber in February 2010.

I know Raw is the flagship brand, but only two Smackdown main events in a year and a half? That seems way too low.

Raw even gets the main event in non title matches. Elimination Chamber 2011's main event was a chamber match for the right to a title match at Wrestlemania. The world heavyweight championship was defended that night in the second match.

Should Smackdown matches close the show more often? If so, why?

If not, why not?

Raw has John Cena. Cena is the top guy in the company regardless of brand. Therefore he gets the last match on the show most of the time.

Smackdown the last year hasn't had the top story going. The show is just very simple booking with nothing spectacular going in terms of story.
Smackdown just doesn't have that drawing power at this moment I mean it does with Orton now, but he can't face himself so until they get a good program going we won't see them featured in the Main Event.
It's not so much that a Smackdown match should main event more often but rather that Smackdown needs superstars who can draw significantly besides Randy Orton. Christian isn't a draw because Vince clearly doesn't have faith in him carrying the gold or carrying the company. What's funny is that the two main events with Smackdown in the last year and half had the same guy: Undertaker. Taker is the biggest draw in my mind but since he makes rare appearances over the last 2 years (and he'll most likely retire next year), Smackdown can't draw. Hopefully the next draft will balance the brands better.
The brands are so out of balance right now its not even funny!! I wish smackdown could main event a PPV but they just dont have the horses right now!! Orton thats about it!! The draft has to make it alot better but when will the draft happen i hope sooner than later!! No more shit like Cena getting drafted to SMackdown then back to raw wtf was the point of that long dragged out scenrio?? Either hes drafted or not!! Balance the rosters no more bitching about the wrestlers saying i dont wanna go!! Shit i have no respect for people like that... Eli Manning is a perfect example bitching about not wanting to go to san diego same goes for the wrestlers your there for the fans not yourselfs
WWE tries to promote the titles as equals but let's not kid anyone.

Here's how it goes:
WWE title picture
World title picture
Raw upper card
SD upper card
Raw mid card
SD mid card

think about it. or even just think about "overness". Or even just be logical for a second. Which do you promote more? The charaters on a show that's available in more homes in a better timelsot that has a better opportunity to make more money or the other show that's bounced around networks and is on at a bad time?
I think the Pay Per View main event should depend on the credibility of the match. So let's just you have Orton vs Henry from Smackdown. And Del Rio vs Punk vs Cena. Who closes the show? Of course the triple threat because it's a more credible main event.

And about the Elimination Chamber. Raw just had more star power to put on a more credible main event. Plus it was for the right to face The Miz in the main event of Wrestlemania. Though the outcome was predictable as fuck.. If you looked at Raw's Elimination Chamber it had more star power.. So it was a much more suitable main event. And that's the way it should go.

If Smackdown has a more credible main event then Raw then it should close the show. And if Raw had a more credible main event then it should close the show. It's just the way it is.
i don't like how they had the SmackDown! main event at wrestlemania the 1st match...and i think they did that at another ppv, could be mistaken, but i thought that was lame
i don't like how they had the SmackDown! main event at wrestlemania the 1st match...and i think they did that at another ppv, could be mistaken, but i thought that was lame

I absolutely agree. However, Raw still had the marquee storyline going with Miz/Cena/Dwayne. But it's true (it's damn true!!) that Raw almost always has the better main event storyline, not to mention far more exposure. People everywhere know who John Cena, The Rock, The Miz, and more recently, CM Punk are. The average American can't pick Christian out of a lineup, which is a shame. Smackdawn may have the reputation as the "wrestling" show, but that doesn't seem to work in their favor when it comes to booking PPV's
Well having the brand's main event as the opener isn't something exclusive to Smackdown! If I can recall its been done on RAW on PPV's such as last year's Hell in a Cell and Elimination Chamber. Though I guess its true it's been done on Smackdown! more often.

It would be nice to have Smackdown! close a PPV I mean its not like they couldn't have been done recently TLC, Extreme Rules and Capitol Punishment are ones where thee was more justification for the Smackdown! title match to close the show.
I do agree that Smackdown matches should close the show more often. They could at least let the World Heavyweight Championship's match close some of the lesser shows in between more important ones because if Raw matches close every show then it devalues Smackdown. Sure it is the less prestigious brand, but it deserves to close some shows and it has not for many months. The booking is part of the problem. Have some huge angles on Smackdown. Orton and Christian jus had the feud of the year in terms of in ring action, but the promos were not as good as they might have been had it been a Raw angle.
My solution- Get the Miz on SmackDown, him and Orton could have brilliant matches, just turn Miz face and get the Viper back in psycho heel mode. I believe that the fued between these guys could last a few months and if booked correctly could have a few stipulation matches which could bring Miz up to a constant main event level.

Wrestlemania 28 Card?

Singles Match - Cena Vs Rock
WWE Championship - John Morrison Vs Rey Mysterio
WHC Match - Orton Vs Miz Vs Bryan
Casket career vs career - Triple H Vs Undertaker

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