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Possible storyline idea for the Miz


Dark Match Jobber
I've been thinking of different ways to get the Miz to Main Event level and turn him into a face at the same time. I think I came up with an interesting idea that will do both. First of all, have Miz and Show tag for a few months longer. Have them narrowly escape defeat, as they have been in recent weeks. Then, have the Hart Foundation win a tag tournament on Smackdown to see who faces ShowMiz at the upcoming ppv, let's say Night of Champions in September. During the course of the match, Big Show will get knocked off the apron by Smith. The ref will be distracted or knocked down and Nattie will start hitting the Big Show. That sounds pretty entertaining to me. While Show is getting beat on the outside, finishers galore on the inside on Miz. Pinfall. 1, 2, 3, new tag champs, The Hart Foundation! After the match, Miz is slowly rising, and Big Show is pissed. Finally Big Show grabs the Miz and gives him the chokeslam/Showstopper/whatever they're calling it these days. The following night on Raw, Show costs Miz the US title. Now Miz finally has had enough. Miz challenges Show to a match. Show says "You got me, at Hell in a Cell, so I can finally put you in your place. Are you really willing to be locked in a cell with the largest athlete in the world?" Miz responds "yes, because I'm the Miz, and I'm *raises microphone in the air to let the crowd scream "AWESOME!"*

At HIAC, Miz is brutalized by the Big Show. Both men are on the outside and Show picks Miz up and throws him into the Cell. Then Show picks him back up and throws him inside the ring. Show stops to stare at the crowd and while his back is turned Miz baseball slides into his back, bouncing his forehead off the side of the cell. Miz is exhausted in the ring but Show is hurt on the outside. Finally Show gets back in the ring and Miz is rested enough he starts hitting him with lets and rights. Finish comes when Miz is hoisted up for a chokeslam and Miz counters, landing beside Show and then hits the Skull Crushing Finale for the win.

The next night on Raw, Miz is in the ring and says "I was locked in a cage with the largest athlete in the world and came out victorious. I can do anything I can want. Everyone wants to be my tag team partner, everyone wants a piece of my action. But I've been there and done that. I can challenge for the US title, but I've been there and done that. No, I want a real challenge. Feast your eyes upon the next WWE Champion. Why? Because I'm the Miz, and I'm *raises mic once again so the crowd can scream "AWESOME!"*

I think beating Show in a cage will give Miz a ton of momentum. Plus, this will lead to the Hart Foundation getting more credibility as a tag team, and if Bret Hart's contract is extended, he could potentially become GM of Raw and with the Hart Foundation being able to wrestle on Raw and Smackdown, they could become his hired guns, or he could call them disgraces to the Hart legacy. Also, the Miz will drop the US title to someone, preferably someone who hasn't had it before, like Swagger, also giving him credibility as champ.

What are your thoughts on my idea?
I like the idea of miz in the main event but I dont see how beating the big show will put him there? Big show has a hard enough time staying relevant himself. Also I hate the idea of miz as a face. I gt hes popular Im a big miz fan myself but I like him because of his cocky arrogant attitude turn him face and your risking him becoming another boring bland character just like mvp. if you want miz to get over and become a main eventer he needs to stay a heel. If your looking for someone that miz could feud with to become a main eventer the man your looking for is hhh. I know the iwc is against all things hhh for one reason or another but the fact remains when hes involved people pay attention. It worked for orton and batista it will work for sheamus and it could work for the miz. I like your idea I just think theres a better more effective way of going about it.
I see miz's mic skills being the big thing that gets him over. He's good in the ring, but excels when it comes to working the mic, kinda like chris jericho 10 years ago. that being said, i dont think that its time to put miz in the main event picture. I agree that miz does a much better job as a heel, big show would be a better face. as for feuds for miz...possibly christian if he doesnt get a world title push. That would also be a great tag feud, ShowMiz vs. Edge & Christian. I know it will probably never happen, but hey, doesnt hurt to dream.
I havent got a bad storyline this is what hapens there is a tournament for the tag title between the straight edge society and the hart foundation at wrestlemania then make cm punk grab the wwe tag team titles and make tyson kidd later on grab the world tag titles oh and teddy long makes them vacate the title because big show is injured and miz and partner doesnt get to the final anyway the miz is still u.s champ give that to a quite strange but i was playing svr 2010 and i gave goldust the title so give goldust the u.s title and then miz blames big show because he thinks because he was injured he lost both titles and says when big show returns he will beat him because he is the miz and he is AWESOME but before he actually thinks of facing big show at later date he goes wwe championship level but loses all but one of the wwe championship matches by DQ so next week he has a rematch which he loses


big shows first match back wins wwe title miz is so annoyed at this minute so next week when he faces randy orton in singles competition and miz comes out and distracts him then next week he comes from behind and hits him in the head with the wwe championship making a match at a big ppv and the closest one will be summerslam make miz steal a win and then make them fued until big show wins then they both find different compettitors and miz will find wwe championship or whc worthy wow that is a lot of writing
I don't get it. The guy makes an Excellent heel and you want to turn him face? Why not keep him the way he is, at least for a few more years. As the saying goes, If it ain't broke don't fix it apply's here. He can still make it to main event level by being a heel. and the fued that will happen, Big show vs the Miz should help him get there. keep him heel, he is good at it.
I'm just not sure why it's so important to get The Miz to the main event level so quickly. He's got a lot of years left. What will happen if he is elevated too quickly is all the smarks out there will love it...for awhile. Then he will become stale. Why give a guy like Miz such a huge push so early in is career?

The WWE is STACKED with main event performers. They have so many main event guys that they need two shows and two major titles just to showcase all of them. And a lot of the guys who currently hold main event spots haven't even feuded with each other.

Wrestling fans are so impatient now-a-days. The Miz is golden on the mic, that is his strength. But his ring skills are still coming along. His in ring ability has improved, no doubt about it. But how about keeping him in the mid card for a few more years. By that time, guys like HBK, Undertaker, Batista, possibly Triple H, and maybe even Jericho will be gone. I don't see a reason to push a mid card guy into the main event while there are plenty of guys, deserving and talented guys, already occupying those spots. Makes no sense to me.
Right now Miz is hot where he is. He is getting lots of attention from the crowd and they all yell awesome when he says it. There is no need to change him at the moment. Right now the Tag Team idea is working and he can run with it a lot more than Jericho did because Jericho did not need the Tag Team titles because he has been over with the fans for such a long time. Right now Miz is slowly developing and if they give it time he can last as a main eventer when the time is right. I believe 2011 will be the right time to make him a top guy because he is on the verge, but no need to rush him yet.

Look what is happening with Sheamus because he got the title and will probably be a jobber in a year because they didn't give him a chance to really develop. Miz is on the right path to have a long career and I can honestly say I didn't think it would happen when he first joined the WWE and now he has my interest.
It doesn't sound bad but there would need to be more of a build-up between show and miz to have show turn on him, not just the fact that he lost the one match.

But I agree with everyone else, he's fine where he is for now, no need to rush, don't want another kozlov.........

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