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Possible John Cena hiatus soon?

The D

Dark Match Jobber
At the teen-choice awards, John Cena announced he was filming another movie and could be taking time off from Wrestling:


This is extremely interesting, Cena is currently involved in arguably the current biggest angle in the WWE, so what does this mean for Nexus? Will we see the end of them come October? Or will they continue to wreak havoc while Cena's away?

And secondly, could this be Cena's opportunity to go to SmackDown! with a lighter schedule? IMO it would be a perfect fit if he went to SD, he would get the lighter schedule and SD would get a bigger name for its move to SyFy
lol when exactly did he say that he's taking time off? He just said he's filming a movie... he's gonna do it on his spare time dude... Cena ain't goin nowhere...
He did not say exactly he was leaving. He just said he is doing a movie, and he LOVES his job, so obviously if he had to choose, WWE comes first for Mr. Cena, and you got to respect that.

But if he DID end up having to take time off, I would like to know how they plan on writing him off.
Major report this douchebag needs a life.Dude nowhere did he say he was taking time off to film the move. U can get back to getting yer cena boner he aint goin anywhere. He aint gonna make nowhere as much money takin time off for a movie as he would wrestling. Seriously guy get a life and drop this thread its ******ed. And I commented on it lol what does that make me?? Hmmmm
Had to take the time to comment on this lame ass thread. As much as I would like to go without Cena, it aint gonna happen. Cena, Dibiase Jr, Jericho, Rey, Batista have all had parts in movies and never took time off to do them. The only time off he will be taking is that he probably wont be doing any house shows...whoop dee doo. Can a Mod delete this thread for it being just....stupid.
This is some serious major news. The teen choice awards is a huge event. It's well known that 90% of Cena fans gather there. I believe this could mean a switch to Smackdown. Also a lighter pay. He may no longer be considered the Face of WWE after this controversial speech. But he did mention he loves the WWE so that may make management happy....but about the part where he's going to make a film....not so great. Vince can't be happy about that. The Nexus angle is completely screwed. Cena may be risking his job. What's going to happen to the Cenanation????!!!?

You are a tool.....you are the Santino equivalent in the forum world, A HUGE JOKE. Leaving alone the fact that your lame ass was watching the Teen Choice Awards this video pretty much said the Complete Opposite he talked about how he is at every show and how he loves his job, not to mention he said he had Legendary coming out in September meaning the filming is already done and he did it while still working almost all shows.....do us a favor don’t post ever again.
Major report this douchebag needs a life.Dude nowhere did he say he was taking time off to film the move. U can get back to getting yer cena boner he aint goin anywhere. He aint gonna make nowhere as much money takin time off for a movie as he would wrestling. Seriously guy get a life and drop this thread its ******ed. And I commented on it lol what does that make me?? Hmmmm

WOW. It appears that you are very angry. You really need to chill it.

John Cena last movie, the Marine, he was on RAW each and every week. He did not wrestle, but he was involved. Either it was an interview or guess announcing, he was there.
I doubt that Cena is gonna be taking a break because he loves the business and that's the last thing that he wants to do. He'll probably miss a few house shows at most but not RAW. And even if they did write him off, I'd suspect that they just have Nexus give him a concussion or break his leg or something that can give him some time off to film for the movie. Again, I don't think he will take a break, but if he did that seems like the most logical way to do it.
This isn't the first movie that Cena has filmed. Even most recently, he has filmed that horrible Fred movie and Legendary. He knows how to work around his wrestling schedule, he might be gone a little but he knows how it works.
A whole bunch of angry teens posting about this today. It's lame to watch Teen Choice awards, it's lame to think Cena might take time off. It's lame to like Cena. Grow up you little bitches.

As for Cena, chances are he won't miss any Television or PPV events while filming another movie. He didn't miss much of anything with his latest movies that are coming out, I can't see him taking time off for another one.
Wow. Never ceases to amaze me how much trash talking goes on through a computer screen. I don't think Cena would take any time off if he doesn't have to. I think the vid says as much. I would personally have Nexus give him another huge beatdown with maybe one big spot to really push it over the edge and make it believable to write him off TV. I really think he'll be hanging around though. I hope he does, cause I think the Nexus angle would lose some steam if he's taken out of the equation totally, unless Trips comes back to fight them instead of as the brains behind it all as alot of people are speculating.
A whole bunch of angry teens posting about this today. It's lame to watch Teen Choice awards, it's lame to think Cena might take time off. It's lame to like Cena. Grow up you little bitches.

As for Cena, chances are he won't miss any Television or PPV events while filming another movie. He didn't m'diss much of anything with his latest movies that are coming out, I can't see him taking time off for another one.

Whoa, pump the brakes holmes. He ain't my fav, but I like and respect Cena. I'd personnally appreciate just a little more candor before generalizing anyone who likes Cena as "lame" or a bitch. Of which I'm neither. Or at least so i've been told. Joke could be on me though.:icon_biggrin:
Actually, I do like this idea even if it’s based upon half truths or just plain theory.
You have arguably WWE's 2 biggest faces in Cena and Orton on Raw; they can't both be in the main event all the time. HHH will be coming back with no HBK to team with.

Cena moving to Smackdown for a while (even if it's in a back and forth like Batista) could create new fresh feuds-

Cena vs CM Punk
Vs. Swagger
Vs. Heel or face Kane
Vs. Heel or face Undertaker (think WM)

Or Cena could be used to give the rub to guys like Cody Rhodes & Drew McIntyre.

In TV main events he could team up with Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston or Big Show.

And as the OP says it would be great for Smackdown's move to syfy, and good for WWE to test how much of Raw's ratings are actually because of Cena (you never know they might stay the same).

It would leave the faces lacking on Raw though, but then you never know some of the Nexus may split and turn face at some point and Morrison needs room for a push.
Major Report and this comes straight from the wrestling move book from Cena himself. STFU!!! I hate the people that make these fancy titles to make it seem like he's going to leave. Cena is not going anywhere!!! He is in the best feud of the past 5 years right now and in the video he even said he loved his job so I really don't think he would take off. So I suppose to avoid spam I should say something about your topic. If Cena left for awhile Nexus would be FUCKED the end.....
Wow. Dumbass thread this is. Cena will not take time off of WWE. He loves it too much. The only way he would is if he injuried or something tradic happened to his family.
i would love to see cena just go away..i hate cena..i hate seeing his stupid gorilla face every week i hate seeing him headline every ppv and when a guy like him is like a what? 20 30 time world champion? it's BORING all you little kids and girls can just take a hike cuz i'm tired of this loser.....lets see new guys stand up...lets see something new...and not shamus...i hate that albino freak too...all these guys are just boring bloated muscle headed roid freaks that lumber around the ring and hit thier own "5 MOVES OF DOOOOM" i hope he goes away...i hope he's gone for a good long time...CENA BLOWS...

specifically blows vince macmahon
i don't think he's taking time off, but if he does it'll probably be because Nexus/WWE (depending on the story line) injures him, or Sheamus injures him.
Had to take the time to comment on this lame ass thread. As much as I would like to go without Cena, it aint gonna happen. Cena, Dibiase Jr, Jericho, Rey, Batista have all had parts in movies and never took time off to do them. The only time off he will be taking is that he probably wont be doing any house shows...whoop dee doo. Can a Mod delete this thread for it being just....stupid.

First off, Cena filmed his last movie and remained of TV, and this thread is pretty pointless.

However, your post is inaccurate. Cena was written off TV(knifed in a club by Carilto's right hand man) to film The Marine. Dibiase was written off TV with a punt kick(before coming back and forming Legacy) to film Marine 2.
He's not gonna take any time off, but if he does they could explain it by saying the whole nexus, or maybe one member like wade barrett took him out. Which would boost their credibility.
I think Nexus might take him out so he will be *injured*, and maybe HHH will be abck and he can take Cena's palce against the Nexus..I sure hope the nexus storyline doesn't end in October though!!
I'm sure John will find a way to work the schedule on RAW alongside the movie if anything. He won't be moved to Smackdown, because he's the rating drawer for RAW, why would you want to move that away?

Also I don't believe that it will have any impact on The Nexus storyline in any manner. They have plenty of people to feud with, besides if he is going away in October, there's plenty of time to get them over to a point where they can handle themselves with the other main event talent. There's no need to feud with John as the only guy to get over through RAW, there's plenty of others that you could get over through, Randy for one, Triple H as well. Even some of the mid-card guys could make it work, if they split the faction up a little bit. Which I however don't see happening, either way it won't hurt the storyline.
Wow. This thread just goes to show how many Cena haters there are...

I don't hate Cena. I think he's alright. He dedicates himself to the business. He's very active. He does many "extra curicular activities" that I don't have time to mention right now but the point being, he's very active outside the WWE. John Cena is a good man. Reminds me of a good ol' fashion mormon. It does not matter to him if you hate him; he still tries to do the right thing. Sure, people get tired of him always being in the main event or always acting like Superman, but he's a nice fellow....so thats why I kinda like him.

Anyways, there is like only a 5% chance that Cena will miss anytime to film this new movie. Actually, I myself completely doubt that he will miss anytime at all. Worst case scenario, He will cut pre-taped promos on the titantron.

As for him going to Smackdown, No way buddy. Cena is the "Poster boy" of the company right now....and because of that he will stay in RAW for a long time to come...or at least until he is n o longer the poster boy.
Do we really need all this name calling and insults? Just a simple "there is no way Cena is going anywhere" will do.

Moderator note - No it wont...

I personally say that I won't believe anything until I see it. What you think will happen won't. What you think should happen won't.

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