Vince McMahon covets Brock over Cena?

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On Stone Cold's podcast Vince McMahon defended the idea of big stars making limited appearances. He spoke as if Brock Lesnar's schedule was good for WWE. I think that was disingenuous; VKM would sign Lesnar to a full-time schedule in a heartbeat.

If McMahon truly believes that big stars should be limited to special appearances, wouldn't it make sense to lessen John Cena's dates to PPV's and select Raws? Do Vince McMahon's comments suggest that Brock Lesnar's on-air time is more valuable than John Cena's?
On Stone Cold's podcast Vince McMahon defended the idea of big stars making limited appearances. He spoke as if Brock Lesnar's schedule was good for WWE. I think that was disingenuous; VKM would sign Lesnar to a full-time schedule in a heartbeat.

If McMahon truly believes that big stars should be limited to special appearances, wouldn't it make sense to lessen John Cena's dates to PPV's and select Raws? Do Vince McMahon's comments suggest that Brock Lesnar's on-air time is more valuable than John Cena's?

I think the part time contracts are a money saving move. I am not sure he could afford to sign all the part-timers to full-time contracts.

What did he lose last quarter? Something like $260M?
On Stone Cold's podcast Vince McMahon defended the idea of big stars making limited appearances. He spoke as if Brock Lesnar's schedule was good for WWE. I think that was disingenuous; VKM would sign Lesnar to a full-time schedule in a heartbeat.

If McMahon truly believes that big stars should be limited to special appearances, wouldn't it make sense to lessen John Cena's dates to PPV's and select Raws? Do Vince McMahon's comments suggest that Brock Lesnar's on-air time is more valuable than John Cena's?

He had to defend the fact that they signed a ridiculous contract with Lesnar, or he'd look like a fool. To tell the truth he should think all his wrestlers are big stars, but it's clear he doesn't.

I don't want to see Lesnar all the time, he's not that exciting really. You almost get the impression that he doesn't really want to be in the ring at all, so why should we be excited to see someone who doesn't want to be there. Cena on the other hand loves the WWE and it's obvious.

It's a proven fact now that the WWE can get along find without Lesnar, he hasn't been around in a few months, and they're still chugging along. If Cena left, they'd be in a huge world of hurt though. That's the difference right there.
If McMahon truly believes that big stars should be limited to special appearances, wouldn't it make sense to lessen John Cena's dates to PPV's and select Raws? Do Vince McMahon's comments suggest that Brock Lesnar's on-air time is more valuable than John Cena's?

No, I don't believe so. If I were Vince McMahon, I would see performers like Brock Lesnar and the Rock as one-time jolts to PPV buys.....or, by today's standards, one-shot opportunities to call attention to the WWE product for the purpose of getting people to sign up for the Network.

John Cena, on the other hand, is here to keep the banner for WWE raised on a permanent basis. He's around all the time, his persona is capable of sustaining attention for the organization on a continuing basis.

Do you really think the "I hate Cena!" people are bad for business? Hell, no! Whether the people in the arena love him or hate him, they're paying attention to him, which is exactly what a sports entertainment company needs. Every "Cena sucks!" chant proves he's worth his weight in gold.

The company pays Cena a fortune because of what he brings them on a full-time basis. Do you think he resents guys like Brock and Rock, who come in for a few brief appearances and march out with bucketfuls of money that it takes him 365 days a year to earn?

Only if he's dumb......and I doubt he is.
Vince (and Paul and Paul and co.) have tried to sell this whole part-timer thing as GOOD FOR BUSINESS which is pretty hilarious. Poor attempt really. Fact is this is the future of the WWE because there are no main event draws outside of a fading John Cena.

Imagine the landscape without Lesnar/Sting/Undertaker
You're dead. Even if the Rock comes back yearly which he won't.
No credible faces. I hope they can stir the CM Punk thing for a couple years to where his return could be a true mark out moment and he could put over some youth. We'll see.
Vince (and Paul and Paul and co.) have tried to sell this whole part-timer thing as GOOD FOR BUSINESS which is pretty hilarious. Poor attempt really. Fact is this is the future of the WWE because there are no main event draws outside of a fading John Cena.

Imagine the landscape without Lesnar/Sting/Undertaker
You're dead. Even if the Rock comes back yearly which he won't.
No credible faces. I hope they can stir the CM Punk thing for a couple years to where his return could be a true mark out moment and he could put over some youth. We'll see.

Daniel Bryan. Promising futures for Ambrose, Ziggler, Ryback, Reigns. By the time John Cena "fades," they'll be fine. And they're fine now.
I don't know if it's disingenuous because something tells me that Vince himself believes it. And because Vince McMahon believes it, in his mind, I think that he believes it's the right decision and that everyone should agree. Vince is a control freak who wants everything to go exactly as he feels it should or at least as close to it as it's possible to get considering the circumstances.

The problem with Brock Lesnar isn't that he only pops up every so often, it's that he's now popping up every so often and he's the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Lesnar's a big name in WWE and wrestling, but he's not so big that such prolonged periods of absence isn't somewhat detrimental to the title. Brock Lesnar hasn't been seen since September and I do believe that he's been afforded special treatment that he's not entirely worth because while he does generate money, he doesn't generate THAT much money to only pop up every 3 or 4 months while he's champion.

I don't think Vince values Lesnar more than Cena in the long run because, let's face it, when it comes to dedication and work ethic, there's pretty much nobody in WWE history that's done as much as John Cena. Lesnar wouldn't care if WWE went belly up tomorrow. However, because of Lesnar's past success with WWE, the money he drew in UFC and the notoriety Lesnar brings, he does get some preferential treatment. I know that it sucks for a lot of people who just don't care much for Lesnar or that he does get treated special but that's often how things work in the real world.
I think he was merely defending the fact that Brock is the promotion's champion yet rarely appears on TV/PPV...thus he was trying to pass it off as being the "right" way to go...

On the flip side, his comment about only Cena being the last to grab the brass ring, shows how highly he values Cena over all the others that are currently on the roster.

Thus, I wouldn't say he is putting one over the other at all. He just needed to defend Brock's title reigns and thus said what he said...
I mean do you really think Ziggler vs. Ryback could headline a PPV tomorrow?
No. But you weren't talking about tomorrow. You were talking about when Cena has faded and we don't have a Lesnar, Sting, or Undertaker. Just give it a couple years. There's plenty of guys who you don't see as headliners, until they are headliners. People exaggerate the impending doom of WWE when Cena is done, but the WWE will be fine. There always will be someone to pick up the mantle.
Brock makes way more money as a part timer than most WWE wrestlers. So why would he sign a contract? You think Brock is there because of his "love of the game" ? It's cause it's a very easy way for him to make money, it's good business.

Cena is brand that has been built for over 10 years and you think Vince is going to have him appear only on a limited amount of dates? He has to be there constantly and passively market his ridiculously looking shirts and overal "swag".

Brock's the guy you call for a RAW rating bump and a PPV buy bump. Not to mention, Brock is an actual atraction ( at least that's how I view him ). Cena? Cena's just Vince's pet project who he keeps shoving down everybody's throat as the greatest ever. I mean he is the only one in recent years to try and grab the brass ring, acording to Vince, right?

Also, people consider Vince to have been honest in that podcast, but it was just a huge publicity stunt. Either that or he really is senile. Apologizin to Punk on camera instead of in person OFF camera. Criticizing Cesaro when they didnt even give him a chance and when they did he actually got over but then go the rug pulled from underneath him. Saying, like always, that Cena is the best. That people dont take risks. Yeah, tell Zack Ryder that. IF you take risks you get burried. He's either blatantly lying or he believes what he is saying and that is sad as hell.

All he did was defend the champion. Nothing there was legit. You think they didnt talk about questions and stuff beforehand? You think the CM Punk question came out of nowhere and that SCSA was this badass interviewers who was gonna cut the bullshit?
He had to defend the fact that they signed a ridiculous contract with Lesnar, or he'd look like a fool. To tell the truth he should think all his wrestlers are big stars, but it's clear he doesn't.

I don't want to see Lesnar all the time, he's not that exciting really. You almost get the impression that he doesn't really want to be in the ring at all, so why should we be excited to see someone who doesn't want to be there. Cena on the other hand loves the WWE and it's obvious.

It's a proven fact now that the WWE can get along find without Lesnar, he hasn't been around in a few months, and they're still chugging along. If Cena left, they'd be in a huge world of hurt though. That's the difference right there.

LOL many of his stars he don t recognize are BENCHWARMERS!!! or PART TIMERS like The Crock Dwayne JOhnson, Y2JObber Chris Jerkiko, many others that are underutilized and left on the bench john semen doesn t love the wwe he loves giving mc Moron sponge baths and other favors!
I think, what the difference is between John Cena and Brock Lesnar, is that Vince thinks that Brock can be his key to wide-stream appeal; whilst John Cena is more like a big fish in a small pond at the time being. It doesn't matter how many times they push John Cena as the new Florence Nightingale for Make A Wish, or they try to put him in second class B-Movies, John Cena is never going to be a world-wide talent and have the same appeal as Brock Lesnar. Lesnar has made a career of going somewhere new and making a name for himself. John Cena is a one-trick pony.

And it may sound like I am hating on Cena but it could not be further from the truth. I like Cena and I like what he has done for the WWE. However, Lesnar represents something that Vince and the WWE wants. I mean, people were talking about how Lesnar won the Championship and then left. And it wasn't limited to Wrestling websites either. This is what Vince seems to want but I have no idea why.

I think, more than anything, Vince realises that he made a mistake with Lesnar, that he should never have allowed Lesnar to leave with the Championship for so long. And now, he is having to put a company spin on such a blistering mistake. And maybe now Vince has come around to this way of thinking by telling the lie so many times. If I were Vince, I would have stripped Lesnar of the title at the earliest opportunity because this just isn't working any more.

That said, John Cena is still the big guy in the WWE. If it comes down to letting one of these guys go, Brock Lesnar would be kissing the kerb so fast it would make your head spin. Cena is still the golden boy of the WWE, Championship or not.
Personally, I think Vince is trying to justify it without revealing the true answer: Brock costs a shit-ton of money. If it was merely because Brock has more main stream appeal, then I think more people would be drawn to the WWE. Having limited appearances means little as it's unlikely anyone- even Brock fans- will tune in just for a single episode a month.

So Vince instead opts for a part time schedule, because some Brock is better than no Brock. Especially if he's interested.
In an ideal situation Cena wouldn't be on TV every single week. He has become overexposed and, people reject him. Indeed, years of shitty opponents (and probably poor direction) led to the notion he can't wrestle. Which is, of course, not true.

Brock is a special attraction, sure. He has a completely different contract, of course but I think the WWE would like Brock to work more and Cena to work less. Even if both schedules change ever so slightly. Cena still works house shows but maybe misses a Raw once a month. The issue is, however, that the WWE don't have the confidence to put on a show without him which is ridiculous. They have a huge roster (injuries aren't helping) and filling three hours could be done.

Indeed, getting Brock to appear more is obvious. Maybe one or two more PPV's, obviously but TV too. Brock should definitely have a light schedule (no house shows) but this is ridiculous. Both are huge stars and should be treated as such. It's just finding a happy place in between which is the key.
In an ideal situation Cena wouldn't be on TV every single week. He has become overexposed and, people reject him. Indeed, years of shitty opponents (and probably poor direction) led to the notion he can't wrestle. Which is, of course, not true.

Brock is a special attraction, sure. He has a completely different contract, of course but I think the WWE would like Brock to work more and Cena to work less. Even if both schedules change ever so slightly. Cena still works house shows but maybe misses a Raw once a month. The issue is, however, that the WWE don't have the confidence to put on a show without him which is ridiculous. They have a huge roster (injuries aren't helping) and filling three hours could be done.

Indeed, getting Brock to appear more is obvious. Maybe one or two more PPV's, obviously but TV too. Brock should definitely have a light schedule (no house shows) but this is ridiculous. Both are huge stars and should be treated as such. It's just finding a happy place in between which is the key.

Exactly. Being overexposed is just as bad as being MIA and neither do anyone any good. Not sure were the all or nothing type of thinking in Titan Towers comes from but it's damaging their product. Ideally someone like Cena or Brock that you're using as the face of the company would wrestle on TV or PPV just a couple of times a month to keep them from being overexposed and on the rest of the shows in a month just have them do a one minute promo to keep them from being an absentee superstar. Similar to what they did with Hogan in the '80s.
I don't want to see Lesnar all the time, he's not that exciting really. You almost get the impression that he doesn't really want to be in the ring at all, so why should we be excited to see someone who doesn't want to be there.

I don't see that. The impression that he doesn't really want to be in the ring at all comes from the fact that he is hardly ever in the ring at all. But when he IS in the ring, I've never seen anything that gave the impression that he was not taking his job seriously.
Vince (and Paul and Paul and co.) have tried to sell this whole part-timer thing as GOOD FOR BUSINESS which is pretty hilarious. Poor attempt really. Fact is this is the future of the WWE because there are no main event draws outside of a fading John Cena.

Imagine the landscape without Lesnar/Sting/Undertaker
You're dead. Even if the Rock comes back yearly which he won't.
No credible faces. I hope they can stir the CM Punk thing for a couple years to where his return could be a true mark out moment and he could put over some youth. We'll see.

I disagree. I think part-timers are not only the future of the business and it's only when you have MORE part-timers will you be able to get the business healthy.

The WWE schedule is unrealistic. They've got a monopoly and they are inhumane to the talent. John Cena needs time to rest and recharge his character. As does Orton. As does Ziggler and everyone else. All the back and forth booking is because you have too many hours of show a week. You end up with someone like Punk: hurt, burned out, stale.

We need more Rocks, more Lesnars, more Batistas, more Punks keeping McMahon in check and leveraging their talent.

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