Possible Face Turn For Del Rio

He's boring as bat shit.

Not a single ounce of character development since his debut match on Smackdown. He's not done a single thing to advance his character. Del Rio constantly speaks about the same old shit and people have been sick of it since last year. He gets no reaction because he sucks at his job. If Health Slater can get heat then why can't a former 2 time WWE Champion? It's because he sucks.

This face turn will not do anything for Del Rio. He sucks and when someone sucks at something it's best that they just move on. The fans don't care about him because he is dull and simply changing his words so that he comes off as a good guy isn't enough. People have been blasted with some much boring shit from Del Rio that a face turn is worthless.

Boring as bat shit? You took bat shit insane, or being crazy as bat shit, and just kind of worked a fucking stupid metaphor without putting very much thought into it. Not a good start.

You throw the word "sucks" around like it has some form of axiomatic interpretation that anyone could just follow and see where you're coming from. I'm sure that a rabid internet forum jockey with the attention span of a fucking gnat and the vocabulary of a fucking eight year old can be convinced enough by what you say, the rest of us need slightly more insightful explanation.

I agree that he's not very interesting in the gimmick that he's been forced to portray to satisfy the petty whims of his fucking stupid boss, he broke into the business during a time when his full time job was to make other people look better whether they beat him or not. He had to portray himself as the redundant form of snarling "bad guy" because that's only as far as a member of the WWE creative team is capable of going with an idea.

The face turn will work for Del Rio if bitter malcontent runts of their generation (like you) take a step back and offer a fucking teaspoon of faith toward his potential. I'm sure there are plenty of other things in this world to satisfy your "everything sucks" fetish.
Boring as bat shit? You took bat shit insane, or being crazy as bat shit, and just kind of worked a fucking stupid metaphor without putting very much thought into it. Not a good start.

It's really common actually. You'll see it written all over these forums and I've heard it countless times in real life. Not a good start on your end bud.

You throw the word "sucks" around like it has some form of axiomatic interpretation that anyone could just follow and see where you're coming from. I'm sure that a rabid internet forum jockey with the attention span of a fucking gnat and the vocabulary of a fucking eight year old can be convinced enough by what you say, the rest of us need slightly more insightful explanation.

You want more? Well Del Rio is a former MITB winner, a two time WWE Champion and he's a winner of the Royal Rumble. Yet with all that success he still gets little reaction from the fans. I would think that someone who those achievements would be able to gain some type of main event heat. Of course Del Rio can't which ends up with me saying he sucks.

I agree that he's not very interesting in the gimmick that he's been forced to portray to satisfy the petty whims of his fucking stupid boss, he broke into the business during a time when his full time job was to make other people look better whether they beat him or not. He had to portray himself as the redundant form of snarling "bad guy" because that's only as far as a member of the WWE creative team is capable of going with an idea.

In 2002 John Cena made his debut and he was boring. He had no personality and was at the same level of dull as Del Rio. You know what changed that? John Cena did. He showed his talents backstage and was given a chance. He made the most of the shot he got.

Del Rio was given months of build and when he turned up he had something. Then Del Rio didn't do anything with the character the WWE gave him. Do it yourself. Why must the creative team do everything for grown bloody men? If Del Rio had any personality surely it would have shown by this point.

The face turn will work for Del Rio if bitter malcontent runts of their generation (like you) take a step back and offer a fucking teaspoon of faith toward his potential. I'm sure there are plenty of other things in this world to satisfy your "everything sucks" fetish.

People don't care about Del Rio. They don't boo him because they aren't interested. How in the world is he going to get people to cheer him when he can't accomplish the simple task of getting heat? It will not work because Del Rio has no zing to his character. It's boring and he's not interesting. His program with Sheamus sucked because it was always the same old thing. He beats Zack Ryder up but still can't get heat.

Alberto Del Rio truly sucks buddy.

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