Possibility of a physical Hall of Fame being built

Dr. Mantis Toboggan, M.D.

Dog The Bounty Hunter
I was reading some news on the WZ homepage and came across an interview from Animal on his thoughts on going into the HoF. And He mentioned the possibility of a physical HoF.
"WWE is looking at a big building in Tampa. I'm gonna donate some of my gear there - maybe some of my spiked-shoulder pads will go in the Hall. They're getting stuff from everybody. And it's gonna be an attraction - some place where fans can go. It's gonna be like the pro-football hall of fame"

If this is true then I am all for it. What are your thoughts on this?
Interesting. Here's hoping it lasts longer than WWF New York did!

Would be a great attraction to see if/when it does get erected. All the memorabilia of the wrestlers, maybe even have certain HoF'ers do singings on the odd day.

See what happens.... :)
well that be awesome but not in Tampa FL , it needs to be in the middle of the state , like say it was in Tenn well u could get to from a whole bunchs of ways , but Tampa is off to its self and u cant get to soo easy ,, but yea having a physical hof would be cool
I think it would be great if they do open a physical hall of fame. There is so many legends in the hall of fame now. There can be tons of memorabilia from many legends over the years. It would be pretty exciting to go there see everything. I like that it may be in Tampa because I live in Tampa. However I can see why people would want it to be somewhere in the middle of the country. So it would be easier for people to go to it.
I read previously that Orlando was a possibility. But Tampa also sounds feasible. I think having it a place that already attracts tourists was the goal. And Orlando (Disney/Universal) was the best option as NY has too much going on, it can easily be lost in the shuffle.

It sounds better with that mentality because Cooperstown, NY for baseball; Canton, OH for football all seem isolated and out of the way. If you make the trip all you have is the Hall and thats it.
If they add it to Tampa, they should include a wall of fame featuring all the pro wrestler lineup photos from all of the dui's down there. Tampa is the wrestling capital of the country. More wrestlers live there than in any other town in the USA. You would have so many chances of the Boys making guest, and surprise visits. I fully support it being built in Tampa. Gives me a reason to visit Florida...
im glad FINALLY theres gonna be a real hall of fame! i would love to go see it i always thought they had a small display in the wwe headquaters but i guess i was wrong but i really hope WWE does build a hall of fame it would be good seeing all the cool stuff in there!
I recall someone (I believe Jack-Hammer) posting a thread months back about rumors going around about a possible Hall of Fame being built in Orlando. I love the idea personally of an actually building being built to show off the WWE's biggest honor. I for one actually am in favor of a place like Florida getting the building. Florida is a pretty big tourist attraction itself as it has Disney and Universal Studios, plus the weather is usually nice. It is a great vacation spot and I think the E could make some good money from a Hall of Fame building.
I agree it would be awesome. I went to Axxess last year and my favorite part was seeing thing like HBK's WrestleMania outfits, Andre the Giant's tuxedo, the casket Taker made for Goldust, the blown up limo, just to name a few. If they can take all that stuff on the road just imagine what they could do with a huge building. Somewhere in the tri-state area would be good since that's where they started out.
They should definitely build one. They probably have enough sitting in storage from past shows and PPVs that could fill a building.
I originally thought by Madison Square Garden, Stamford or somewhere in the original territories. But Florida makes sense. Its a large vacation spot yet there are a lot of available places it could be. Compared to NYC.

It would be really smart to build a ring for live events. They could even use it for FCW since the shows would draw vacationers. Or save money by filming nxt there and future episodes of Tough Enough.
Not a bad idea, a physical place to go. They could even put an amphitheater in it so they can have shows there Occasionally, have a studio for shows in there when they start the WWE network. Plus it would be awesome to see some of the old school props used in the WWE such as old belts, robes, and what not.
I think a physical HOF is a great idea. I love museums displaying important memorabilia from the past, I think its a great tribute and I think WWE should definitely look at doing something like this.

WWE has been such a big part of American culture for so long, with so many household names and great memories that a physical HOF will certainly appeal to the fanbase. They already show certain important WWE memorabilia at WM Axxess shows each year and all this stuff could be contained in the HOF.

I know I would LOVE to go to something like this, and see the Nature Boy's ring robes, the LOD spikes, the Austin quadbike, The Rock's $500 shirts, and many other items.

Definitely a good thing for the WWE to be looking into, I think it would be a great success if done right and maintained properly, with occasional special events and appearances from HOF legends.
Why would they build a WWE HOF centre and not place it in the heart of WWE's home territory, Stanford Connecticut or New York, those 2 locations are WWE thru and thru

If they wanted to be really cunty they should put in the Orlando Arena, Orlando, Florida, home of WCW shows for many a year.

Does seem off though that all this time and they've never had a purpose built History museum/HOF museum for WWF/E history
With all the wrestlers living in Tampa this would be a great way to always have a superstar or two on hand. Hopefully open the door for Hogan and Vince to make amends again. If Hogan were to be a regular staple here it would attract even more fans in my opinion. This is when he is done fooling around in TNA
Why not have the HOF in Vince's back yard. That make the most sense, since it's just him putting people in anyway.

The WWE HOF in a joke. All it is are a group of people Vince likes, with no basis or merit for nomination or induction.

Like every HOF there should be a guideline for getting in. People should be nominated a set time frame after their retirement. Then it should be voted on my a comity. Most HOF's use the sports writers for voting, the WWE could use the WWE universe, or Wrestling journalists, or even the superstars them selves. Then nominees would need to get a certain percentage of the vote to get in, and a certain percentage to stay on the ballet.

I'm not saying an actual HOF wouldn't be cool. See old memorabilia would be awesome. If they're going to try and make this a legit HOF by building a building they need to also change the criteria for being selected into the HOF, other wise this whole thing is still just a joke.
I agree it would be awesome. I went to Axxess last year and my favorite part was seeing thing like HBK's WrestleMania outfits, Andre the Giant's tuxedo, the casket Taker made for Goldust, the blown up limo, just to name a few. If they can take all that stuff on the road just imagine what they could do with a huge building. Somewhere in the tri-state area would be good since that's where they started out.

Yeah im another that had alot of fun at the Axxess soley becuse of being able to see things of the past, kind of reliving it when seeing all of the diffrent things it had to offer, so in my opinion it would be awesome to see a HOF building, becuse most of the things the WWE holds dear to it, so do its fans, as it holds nastalgic emotions behind seeing such things as Andres vest, Bob Ortons cast, Austins 4-wheeler, the blown up limo, and etc, becuse it brings me back to the time it happened, both in wrestling, and in the real world, and is just awesome to see close and first hand
Tampa makes sense. A lot of retired wrestlers live there, or not to far away. Having them come to do tours, speaches, signings or whatever wouldn't entail a bunch of travel. Plus the weather in Tampa is nicer throughout the entire year than most other places in the US. Except for maybe San Diego.
I like this idea of having a place we fans can one day go visit. It's my OP that WWE better make this part of the FCW training facility as I don't see the HOF being able to keep it's doors open all on it's own past maybe the first year.

BTW....would there be an actual celebrity wing as they've said? lol
I think it would be a great thing to have. Especially in Florida. No income tax, and retirees will have something to check out. It's a great idea. Hell, you can go a few more steps up. The NFL has Hall of Fame games, we can have a Hall of Fame matches.

The WWE is a big name brand, and have a ton of memorabilia. People would love to check it out. Especially if you can hire a wrestler of the week, where a person will have the whole week dedicated for them. They can do interviews, tell fans about matches.

It's a good idea! Florida is a good touristy state. So, I think it's a win-win.
Why not have the HOF in Vince's back yard. That make the most sense, since it's just him putting people in anyway.

The WWE HOF in a joke. All it is are a group of people Vince likes, with no basis or merit for nomination or induction.

Like every HOF there should be a guideline for getting in. People should be nominated a set time frame after their retirement. Then it should be voted on my a comity. Most HOF's use the sports writers for voting, the WWE could use the WWE universe, or Wrestling journalists, or even the superstars them selves. Then nominees would need to get a certain percentage of the vote to get in, and a certain percentage to stay on the ballet.

I'm not saying an actual HOF wouldn't be cool. See old memorabilia would be awesome. If they're going to try and make this a legit HOF by building a building they need to also change the criteria for being selected into the HOF, other wise this whole thing is still just a joke.

Keep your HoF bashing out of here. I love the Hall because it's a great honor to be in it. Respect the wrestlers who are in it. If the people you think deserve to be inducted aren't currently in, then maybe one day they will. So show some appreciation for the thing.
On topic, I am 101% for this. I love wrestling and would enjoy visiting a physical HoF to see the things that I've watched on television and witnessed in real life.
As a Florida resident I can tell you this is a win-win for the WWE. In my personal opinion it would be smart if they decided to put the Hall of Fame in Miami. More people visit Miami than in Tampa.

Or what they can do is make an agreement with the owners of the American Airlines stadium and build a section off for the sole purpose of the WWE hall of Fame. If American Airlines can get a fair share of the ticket sales to see the Hall of Fame that would let the 'E do some house shows on the court, everyone wins in that case.

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