POlls: THE best manager of all time..who is it?

Poll Who is your best Manager of all time?

  • Jimmy Hart

  • Armando Alejandro Estrada

  • Bobby the Brain

  • Jim Cornety

  • Paul Bear

  • Daivari

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Occasional Pre-Show
Boby the Brain
Jim cornety
Paul Bear
Jimmy Hart
Armando Alejandro Estrada

Who is your best Manger of all these..and why? if not these then who else? I would have to go with Boby the Brain. Hes like the first ever Manger to come to the wrestling bussiness..he knows how to manage his wrestler and has been manager to several superstars
Best manager of all time is definitely Bobby Heenan.

Could create heat just by reacting to the crowd. Didn't have to say anything, just turn his head, scowl, and the crowd would go nuts. Even Arn Anderson said the same thing at his HOF induction. The guy took some crazy bumps too. Guy was gold on the mic.
jimmy hart all the way, THE MOUTH OF THE SOUTH for his presence around the ring with the megaphone. plus he managed greg 'the hammer' valentine, the hart foundation, the honky tonk man, the natural disasters and hogan to name a few.
I might have known you'd leave Mr. Fuji off the list I mean he deserves honorable mention.

Also I believe Harley Race should get a nod as well but then again where the hell is Paul E Dangerously?!!!

And no Ralphus?!?! THIS IS A CONSPIRACY! :)
what about the current ones? come on, we got ashley, melina, michelle mccool. although legends in their own rights..... these ladies are fine. so no competetion.
Paul Bearer.
Oh by the way it is spelled Paul Bearer
I'm going to vote for Jimmy Hart. When I watch old videos of him managing, and coming out to the ring I'm always interested and entertained. He was what a great mangaer should be like. He's also managed some very talented wrestlers.

For females, it'd be Sherri Martel, hands down. She got the heel-bitch-valet thing down to a T. Honorable mentions also go to Lita and Francine.

Flames Out
Bobby "The Brain" Heenan was the man in his prime. A great heel manager that always was very helpful to the people he backed up, and as far as I'm concerned, the best color commentator in professional wrestling history. His performance one year at Survivor Series (which included The Hart Family vs. Shawn Michaels and The Knights) was hilarious. It's a shame he was unable to keep his form when he was in WCW - it just seemed like his heart wasn't in it anymore. But no one could touch him when he was on top of his game.

Also, why isn't Mr. Fuji up here? I always looked forward to his interviews and enjoyed his unorthodox methods of helping his allies win their matches.
Sinister Minister/James Mitchell of ECW/TNA fame is my personal favourite. He just had that wierdness and charisma that makes him a great manager.
my favorite past manager is paul bearer and my favorite is estrada....esschucheme everybody listen..haha..to me! in case you havent herd haha
dese r good mic skills
You can't beat Heenan, I remember when he had a match with The Warrior and he made that match. He could get anybody heat. I wish they had a manager today like he was. I would love it if they had a manager with load's of client's similar to The Heenan Family.
Heenan was great and still is good to listen to. He made the hall of fame cerimony for me when he was inducted. I would like to give an honourable mention to captain Lou Albano. Tag team manager extrodinaire
For me it has to be Jimmy Hart as he has shown he can work with anyone: Heels, faces and tweeners - but still get an amazing result with his unorthodox style, he and his megaphone had something special about them, an aura which is missing in today's managers.

I saw the managers DVD in the WWE Christmas Magazine and was taken aback at how great managers used to be.
What about Classic Freddie Blassie? He was one of the greatest managers of all time.

For female managers, don't forget Miss Elizabeth. She was pure and innocent during her time.
Paul Bearer.

He just had so much skill at conducting an interview in my eyes and was made for the business.

He knows it so well and the fact that he wrestled himself back in the day proves he's made for the business.

He had a lot of charisma.:wwf: :wwf:
I heard that a guy named The Grand Wizard was really good, although I haven't ever seen him...as for my favorite, Sinister Minister/James Mitchell takes the cake. As for current favorites, Estrada gets the vote. He needs to work on his act a bit, but I think he has talent.
I'm pretty sure a thread like this has been done before. Can you look through the forum before you make posts.

I personally think Lita was an awesome manger. She helped Edge win alot of matches.
Mr. Fuji has always been my favorite very entertaining also i like Sherri one of the best female managers of all time
Heenan he wasn't afraid to take some wicke bumps and knew how to get heat from the crowd by barely doin nothing.

For the women I will go with Luna vachone crazy valet/manager and very entertaining..

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