Polley's Two Weeks Notice

NoFate007 said:
Shockysaurus Rex said:
NoFate007 said:
Shockysaurus Rex said:
Well it appears that a moderator position will be opening up soon, and pretty much the G-Mods and Admins all believe that you should be the first person asked for the position.

If you don't want to, none of us will feel any differently about ya. If you want it, simply respond yes and we'll get things straightened away for you.

Hm...what section? I don't think I'd be of much value in say, WZCW.

As it stands right now, Irish and I were talking about the wrestling sections.

Well, I know I wouldn't be able to go on patrol as much as a KB or Sly, so if you have someone in mind that could really sink their teeth like NorCal does, then they may be better suited. If its more of a position of a little bit of backup, I'd love to help as much as possible, but if a powerhouse like Will would be leaving the wrestling section, I'm not sure I could fill in the hole lol. I'm probably making it out to be more than it is, but hey, its more about what's best for the forum. If it's more of a part-timer, sign me up :)

So what do you think???
Jesus, that puts a spanner in the works.

I'm still saying yes though, I think he's overestimating the job, when he gets here he'll see that the job isn't as time-consuming as everybody says.
It's not a 'part-timer' we need really though. I'm not saying don't give him it, but this does make me think maybe someone else could do more? Maybe ask him to take it up temporarily for a couple of weeks and see how he feels?
He sounds like KB when I first offered him a mod spot. And he's not replacing Will or NorCal, he's replacing Polley.
He sounds like KB when I first offered him a mod spot. And he's not replacing Sly, Will or NorCal, he's replacing Polley.
Thanks, IC. It's about time someone recognizes the work I do in the wrestling sections.

It's because KB and Sly aren't on.
Fuck you. :) (That was so I didn't disappoint ;))

Nah, I'm not sure he'll make the best mod necessarily, but I don't have a problem with him as a mod either.
Oddly enough you won't get an argument from me here.

Sly and I need our own section to fight in. it would pass OCW in about a week.
Which is exactly my point. You being disappointed means you're not happy. You not being happy means victory for me.

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